Chapter 2158 Price increase

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 The boss of Times Materials High-Tech Company was furious when he learned that Bu Wenbin had undergone surgery. Isn’t it okay to perform the surgery when? He chose to perform the surgery at a critical moment!

He was so angry that he vomited blood at home.

He had to rush back to the factory from home to stabilize people's hearts and study plans on how to complete this batch of orders.

This batch went directly to Germany, worth more than 30 million euros, where it was processed into various equipment through their precision machine tools, which will be used in precision instruments such as nuclear magnetic resonance.

Competing with it is another material from Japan. It is said that that material is also good.

Now the Germans have strict requirements when choosing materials from Times Technology. The hardness and toughness must meet their requirements.

This material was mainly researched by Bu Wenbin, and the processing conditions and process requirements are very strict. Bu Wenbin must carefully control the command from the side.

If the Germans' requirements are met, the company can earn 3,000 euros from this business. In one year, 6.7 billion euros will not be a problem.

If Times Material Technology Co., Ltd. earns 6.7 billion euros from just this one material, then its annual output value will reach more than 2 billion euros, which is almost 10 billion yuan.

This will be a turning point for Times Material Technology Co., Ltd., which will be a veritable high-tech enterprise.

However, now that it is about to be successful, damn Bu Wenbin has to do the surgery at this time. How can it be so unreasonable, silent and secretive?

If Director Zou of the workshop hadn't accidentally gotten the news, the boss would still have been kept in the dark.

He was very angry.

I had surgery on the 30th night and it was impossible to go to work on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. I heard it was liver cancer and it would take at least half a year before I could go to work!

Half a month of hospitalization for surgery, half a year of chemotherapy, and 3 months of recuperation - in this way, half a year is not enough, and it will take 9 months to come back to work.

The problem is that cancer, especially liver cancer, is difficult to cure. It seems that Bu Wenbin is unreliable.

What to do?

The boss's surname is Luo. He founded a materials company. He first partnered with a man named Yi. He came out of Central South University and brought two technological successes. Now these two materials are being produced. The business has reached the ceiling, and the annual output value is

The profit is about 800 million US dollars, and the profit is very low, only about 1%. If you don’t calculate carefully, there will be no profit.

Boss Luo's business is very difficult, and the shareholder surnamed Yi has also exhausted his talents. After more than 10 years of research, no new products have been released. With the sunset of the two products now, if the company does not have new products, the most it can do is

Lasts for 5 years.

They recruit talents everywhere.

The year before last, Bu Wenbin and three other graduates studying materials science applied for the job. Bu Wenbin's annual salary was 600,000. If results were achieved, shares would be calculated based on the results, or commissions would be 0.5% of sales.<


These doctoral students have been researching for three years, and Bu Wenbin has produced results. His titanium alloy material has reached the international advanced level, and is at the same level as Japan's materials. Various parameters are not inferior to others, and the cost is high.

Obvious advantages.

This is a promising product. Once accepted internationally, the annual output value will reach 6.7 billion euros in the near future and may reach billions of euros in the long term.

Everyone in the company is looking forward to this batch of products.

It has been agreed that Bu Wenbin is going to get a commission. If the output value of his new variety is 700 million euros, he can get a commission of 3.5 million euros.

Now, Bu Wenbin is sick as soon as he says he is sick, and he has to undergo surgery in a hurry.

If you are sick, I, Luo, have nothing to say. Everyone who is sick needs to be treated. However, you also have to choose a time. When you complete the task, it will not be too late to do the surgery!

To be honest, Boss Luo's idea is not wrong. The company is at a crossroads. One way is business prosperity, and the other way is decline and bankruptcy. At this critical time, you have to die at your job!

"Boss, don't be angry. He has cancer, and everyone will be disheartened. It's understandable that he does the surgery regardless of the life and death of the company. You have to calm down. Wait, don't show his face.

Otherwise, if he gets angry and sells his scientific research results to others, we will get nothing."

Director Zou in the company persuaded Boss Luo.

It turns out that there was an agreement that everyone's scientific research results still belong to everyone. In principle, they cannot sell them to others at will, but if they buy them, the company will charge 30% compensation.

These are all policies formulated to attract talents.

"It's so irritating!" Boss Luo was still indignant. "Don't worry, you should choose a time for the operation! How can you be willful at a critical time? Of course, I understand, you have cancer.

My mood is understandable. Well, I try to control my emotions."

Boss Luo is preparing to go to the hospital to visit Bu Wenbin.

Just then, a shareholder named Yi arrived and said, "Don't panic, Lao Luo, let's discuss a countermeasure."

Boss Luo said: "Do you have any good ideas?"

The shareholder surnamed Yi is the vice president. His shares account for 49% of the company, of which his technology stocks account for 19%.

The man surnamed Yi said: "First of all, we must understand Bu Wenbin. If he gets liver cancer at a young age, everyone will be desperate. But we can't despair because he is desperate. It is said that Antai Hospital is very good at treating cancer and liver cancer can be cured."

Okay. We can't give up on Bu Wenbin, he is a talent and the future of our company. So, today we go to see him and bring some gifts."

Boss Luo said: "Gifts, what do you think? I will definitely bring them. Flowers, fruits, red envelopes, I told Xiao Li to prepare them."

Mr. Yi said: "That's not what I mean. I mean, haven't we signed an agreement on his remuneration yet? I think the fact that he performed the surgery quietly this time may be related to our failure to sign an agreement with him in time.

If he doesn't care about the company, it means we have made mistakes in our work."

Boss Luo shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be. I talked with him and asked him whether he wanted shares or commission. He said he wanted commission."

The company is prepared to give Bu Wenbin 3% of the shares or a 0.5% commission, leaving Bu Wenbin to choose.

Mr. Yi said: "I suspect that he is not satisfied with our plan. 3% of the shares is indeed low, a more reasonable one is 5%. The commission is also 0.5%, which is not a great incentive. If we give him

If we improve it a little, maybe his enthusiasm will be higher. Of course, this hospitalization is already a fact. I think, if he stays for about 7 days, we will carry him to the company on a stretcher, and he will be under control while injecting a diaphragm.

Quality is not impossible."

Boss Luo was silent for a moment and said: "Your proposal makes sense. Just increase the shares to 5%. If he doesn't want the shares but wants a commission, we can give him 0.75%. How about that?"

Mr. Yi nodded in agreement.

This chapter has been completed!
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