Chapter 366: One operation is as fierce as a tiger

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"Everyone, please wait from the back door to the backyard. Dinner will be served after two sticks of incense!"

Nothing interests beggars more than being fed.

As soon as Chen Chang said these words, the beggars' clamor suddenly became weaker.

They were shouting and screaming when they were hungry, just to have a full meal and to worship their five internal organs properly.

The other party directly offered to give them food, so what reason was there to continue making a fuss?

For a moment, all the beggars' eyes were focused on a dark and thin beggar.

Chen Chang's eyes lit up, this was their leader, or to be more precise, this was the leader who led them to cause trouble.

If you deal with this person, you will also deal with these beggars.

When Shopkeeper Qiu saw so many people, he secretly complained in his heart. Chen Chang agreed too happily. These beggars have a huge appetite. Even a cow like them can eat everything in an instant.

Where are there so many meals for them?

He quickly grabbed a handful of copper coins from the counter and faced the beggars: "Everyone, I'm really sorry. The shop didn't prepare meals for so many people. I hope you can use the money to buy some food elsewhere.


Chen Changyi frowned. After all, he was a step too late and did not stop Shopkeeper Qiu's mouth in time.

Compared with money and food, food is naturally more tempting to beggars.

What Shopkeeper Qiu said played right into the hands of the thin black beggar: "It's my fault, shopkeeper, the restaurant owner has nothing to eat, wouldn't it be a joke if word spread about it?"

He turned to his other companions: "Brothers, do you think this is true?"

The beggars agreed one after another.

Shopkeeper Qiu's expression changed drastically, a good thing had turned into a bad thing.

Chen Chang pulled him back, and then said to the beggars: "Everyone, please go to the backyard to drink tea and rest. After dinner, I will naturally give you copper coins!"

The beggars nodded one after another upon hearing this. Now they can no longer find fault, right?

The black and thin beggar did not dare to push too hard. After all, most of the tea money given to them by the two shopkeepers Du and Sun went into his own pocket.

At that moment, I decided to wait and see. I'll wait and see if Songhelou can't provide food and drinks for the brothers, and then I'll argue with you.

Chen Chang asked the guys to greet the beggars and take them to the backyard, while he went straight to the kitchen.

"Shopkeeper Qiu, get some ready-made refreshments for these people."

"This..." Shopkeeper Qiu was still calculating the losses.

"Go quickly! It's too late, or they will demolish our restaurant."


Shopkeeper Qiu is very conscientious in his work, but his ability to adapt to situations needs to be improved.

Chen Chang walked into the kitchen, and Cheng De said in surprise: "Chen Langjun, what are you doing in a place like this?"

The kitchen was full of oily smoke, so it was certainly not the place for someone like Chen Chang.

"Do you still have the rice from last night? Where are the eggs that were broken just now? Ma Bao, go find everyone and bring them here!"

Chen Chang looked at the kitchen. It was not a big place, but everything was there. He chose a large pot that was boiling water and scooped out all the water in the pot.

It is said to be a pot, but in fact, people split the cauldron from the middle, leaving only a hemispherical shape, which is called "pot".

The iron smelting technology of this era was very backward, and the output of iron was very small. Things were rare and expensive, so that iron was more expensive than gold, silver, and copper. Even large restaurants like Songhe Tower did not have iron pots.

The kind of "pot" used now is incomparable with the iron pot in terms of rapid heating and high temperature.

But given the current conditions, we can only accept the facts.

"Don't be idle, cook your food!" Chen Chang said to Cheng De.

There is no other way, Chengde still has to cook for the customers in the store, he can't count on it, so he can only rely on himself.

While Chen Chang was giving instructions, he tied an apron around his waist with such skill that Xiao Yuer, who was following him, was stunned.

Chen Chang saw Xiao Yu'er's surprised expression and thought to himself, if this little girl saw the pink shirt that would be standard for men in Sichuan and Chongqing in later generations, would her eyes fall to the ground?

My uncle has already taken advantage of it, so I can't just stand there with my hands down, otherwise what will happen to me?

Xiao Yu'er also took off an apron and tied it on, but the apron was so fat and big that she almost wore it like a floor-length skirt.

The firewood in the stove crackled, and the mixed eggs were thrown into the sizzling oil pan. They were stir-fried over high heat. Chen Chang remained calm, but it was too hot in the kitchen, not to mention the front and back.

My back was soaked.

The frying spoon flew around, but the handsome cook remained calm.

Chengde looked over here from time to time, and something happened to some of the dishes in his hand, which frightened him to concentrate quickly.

Shopkeeper Qiu brought some refreshments to the backyard. The beggars were not too particular and just squatted under the eaves, chatting in twos and threes.

The refreshments were quickly snatched away. Shopkeeper Qiu tried to get close to the black and thin beggar, but was ignored.

Shopkeeper Qiu opened his mouth several times, but finally said something like "eat slowly, use slowly" and went to the hall to greet the guests.

After he left, several beggars gathered around the thin black beggar and started talking to each other.

"Songhelou won't get us some leftovers to eat, right?"

The black-handed beggar looked over with contempt: "Tell me, when did you not eat leftovers?"

"Yes, yes!" The man smiled awkwardly.

If you don't eat leftovers, can you still be called a beggar?

"You guys all listen to me, for a while..."

"Boss, what is this made for? Why does it smell so good!"

The thin black beggar was very annoyed at being interrupted while speaking, but he still sniffed involuntarily.

It smells really good!

He was sure that he had never smelled such a fragrance in his life.

The glutton in my stomach was immediately aroused, and when I looked at the companions next to me, they were all drooling.

By the time shopkeeper Qiu came into the kitchen to order the dishes, Chen Chang's first pot of egg fried rice was already ready.

It would be better if there were some chopped green onions. Looking at the egg fried rice in the pot, Chen Chang always felt that it was missing a bit of soul.

"The time is too tight and there are few condiments, so several processes are missing. But it doesn't matter. As long as they can fill their stomachs, they won't be picky. There is enough for them to eat! Bring it to them.


When Shopkeeper Qiu and Ma Bao walked out with a big pottery basin, they couldn't help but turn around and take a look. This handsome young man was stir-frying eggs. Just by the sound of the stir-frying, he knew he was a good person.

A gentleman is far away from the kitchen.

This young man is different.

Not to mention the drooling of the beggars outside, Xiao Yu'er even felt her stomach growling. She wanted to cover her eyes not to look at the yellow and white egg fried rice.

Chengde took advantage of the break in cooking to take a bite and extended his thumb: "Smells! Delicious!"

The little fish swallowed hard at the sight.

Chen Chang fried another large pot full of egg fried rice, and asked Ma Bao to get some pickles from the jar, cut them into shreds and put them on the plate.

As soon as I went out, I saw a line of beggars waiting. Two of them were picking up their bowls and licking them with relish.

"Don't rush, everyone should line up!"

With delicious food, these beggars looked at Chen Chang less hostilely.

A few of them were even a bit flattering.

It was not easy for everyone, so Chen Chang couldn't help but add some more to them when serving rice.

The thin black beggar also ate a bowl, but his face still looked ugly.

The money is in my pocket, but the matter has not been completed and I can't explain it to others.

Chen Chang walked up to him with a bowl of egg fried rice. It would be easier to communicate if he had a bottle of beer in his hand.

"One bowl is definitely not enough, let's have another bowl!"

This chapter has been completed!
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