Chapter 365 You just finish singing and I will appear on stage

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Although the supply of wine and food has been temporarily interrupted, the number of guests in Songhe Tower has not decreased, but has continued to increase.

This business can no longer be described as hot.

Zheng Qi and the other waiters have never been so busy in their lives, and they didn't even have a chance to take a breath.

Logically speaking, this should be a happy thing, but in the face of this situation, Cheng De also has difficulties.

He was the only chef in Songhe Tower. From the time the guests came in until now, he hadn't even had a sip of water, and he didn't even dare to go to the toilet. His hands were trembling with fatigue, as if he was about to lose consciousness.

With the current passenger flow, even if we grow two more hands, it won't be enough.

Fortunately, Cheng De was young and strong, and could barely hold on. He took the time to ask the vendor setting up a stall at the door to call his father, but his home was far away from the restaurant, and it took at least half an hour to go back and forth.

Some customers have already expressed their impatience because there is no food.

Once this kind of emotion is ignited, it will quickly spread and eventually become out of control.

At this time, Shopkeeper Qiu didn't know where he had gone, and he couldn't be found.

When Cheng De was at a loss what to do, Chen Chang walked into the kitchen with Xiao Yu'er.

"Chen Langjun..." Chengde, an eight-foot-tall man, was about to cry. He was a relative.

Chen Chang looked around the kitchen, not even a single vegetable leaf was left.

Lao Qiu, Lao Qiu, his execution ability is so poor that he is compromised in his work.

I need to suggest to my wife in the future that the less money earned today and the extra money paid to other restaurants must be deducted from Lao Qiu's salary.

"Xiao Yu'er, first bring some of our watermelon, no, cold melon juice to everyone."


Cheng De was surprised and said: "Chen Langjun, do you still have cold melon in your hand?"

Watermelon has actually been cultivated in southern China since then, but it is not called "watermelon" but "cold melon"

Due to the different names and the fact that cultivation was not widely carried out, historical records only appeared for the first time in the Five Dynasties.

Cheng De is a cook, so he naturally knows about Hangua, but if it were other people, he might not know about it.

Soon, watermelon juice was served.

In this era, watermelon was still a new thing, but several were planted in Lou's garden and Chen Chang stole them to make watermelon juice.

Since the quantity is really small, each person only has a small wine cup.

Everyone was very surprised when they saw the red juice pouring out of the porcelain pot, and they all asked what it was.

Chen Chang picked up a cup and said loudly to all the guests: "Dear guests, due to lack of preparation at Songhe Tower today, I have neglected you a lot. I apologize to everyone! In order to express my apology, the shop has specially prepared some ice cream.

Cold melon juice.”

It's both ice-cold and cold melon. It feels chilly when you listen to it.

The guests knew about popsicles and had seen iced pickled plum juice. This was the first time they saw iced cold melon juice. It was an eye-opener and they were all eager to try it.

Chen Chang pointed to the watermelon juice and said: "Some guests may not have seen cold melon, so I will introduce it here. The pulp of cold melon can clear away heat and cool blood, diuretic and reduce swelling, purge fire and relieve troubles, relieve summer heat and reduce fever.

The effect of cold melon and green clothes on clearing away heat and relieving heat is stronger than that of the pulp.

This cold melon refers to the bluish-white part between the red pulp and the green hard skin. Drink it as juice together with the pulp. It has a very good effect in preventing heatstroke. It is especially suitable for those with polydip, chest tightness, poor urination and high blood pressure. People with spleen and stomach deficiency,

People with diarrhea should not drink too much, especially watermelon juice that has been chilled and taken out, so drink as little as possible."

As he spoke, the expressions of several guests who took their seats suddenly changed.

Chen Chang explained: "I say drink as little as possible, a small cup is okay, it's okay!"

Those guests immediately breathed a sigh of relief. After waiting for so long, they could no longer drink due to physical reasons. Wouldn't it be an unjust death?

"Come on, thank you all for taking care of Songhe Tower's business, and here's a toast to you all!"

"Drink together!"

"Drink this cup together!"

Some impatient people picked up their glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

I just feel it's very sweet and cool.

But if you haven’t tasted it carefully, it’s gone.

Looking at the empty wine glass, I was very unwilling, so I simply turned the glass over, shook it with my mouth, and was satisfied with a few drops.

And those who didn't receive a drop were scolding themselves for being too greedy just now.

But no matter what, they drank all the juice in their glasses and could only look helplessly at the guests around them who had not tasted it or had tasted a little.

Look at other people and know how to enjoy themselves more. People like you are like cows chewing peonies.

Those guests who still had watermelon juice felt the wolf-like gazes of others, raised their robe sleeves, and protected their wine glasses——


Don’t even think about it!

With Chen Chong's temporary rescue, the situation was much better, and everyone's attention quickly shifted to watermelon juice.

However, new problems soon appeared.

Chen Chang said loudly to everyone: "Everyone, I'm sorry, there is only so much cold melon juice in the shop today. I know there must be some customers who have drunk it, but there is nothing I can do, this cold melon juice is too much."

It’s so expensive, but the small shops only stock a small amount of it. To be honest, I’m not even willing to drink it myself.”

Xiao Yuer looked at Chen Chang with beautiful eyes. When the experiment was successful last night, my uncle drank a big bowl and almost burped. At this time, he didn't blush at all when he spoke.

Xiao Yu'er couldn't help but think that when her uncle drank, she also drank a big bowl, and the two of them were evenly matched. Xiao Yu'er couldn't help but blushed first.

Chen Chang's words immediately caused an uproar.

Now, everyone is done with it.

After waiting for such a long time, he lied to us that there was a cold drink, and just wanted to send us away with some cold melon juice that couldn't even wet our teeth. This was really deceptive.

For a moment, everyone gathered around him, yelling at Chen Chang to continue getting iced watermelon juice, otherwise they would never give up.

Chen Chang felt like he was going to be drowned in everyone's spit. Fortunately, he had a clear prediction of the situation.

"We have been waiting in line for an hour. We haven't eaten the popsicles and haven't drunk the iced plum juice. Now you are giving us the cold melon juice like feeding cats. It's really unreasonable."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "It's not like we won't pay you, so why don't you sell it to us."

"No, if you don't sell us iced cold melon juice, we won't leave today."

"Yes, yes, we want to drink iced cold melon juice. Go get it quickly."

Seeing that everyone is getting more and more excited, some people have already started to steal people. The situation may get out of control at any time. If it is not stopped, the consequences will be disastrous.

When Zheng Qi and the other waiters saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically and they lost their minds for a while.

Why did Chen Langjun always make these guests angry? If he offended the guests, they would pat their butts and walk away without saying anything. When he got outside, he would say bad things about Songhe Tower.

Chen Chang was not worried at all and said to everyone: "You may not know, but this iced cold melon is a treasure. If it is sold in a store, the store plans to sell a wine cup for a hundred coins."

As soon as he finished speaking, the restaurant immediately became quiet.

One hundred articles?

A popsicle costs five cents, and one hundred cents can buy twenty popsicles.

Just a small wine cup?

"Do you think it's expensive? But there is a reason why it's expensive. As the saying goes, things are more valuable when they are rare. Who wants to grow less cold melons! Let alone a hundred cents, just give me a lot of money now.

I can’t make iced melon juice either.”

The guests nodded after hearing this. Many of them had never seen cold melon, let alone tasted it.

One hundred cents is indeed not expensive, and it is considered a reasonable price.

At this time, some shrewd guests began to whisper: "If I had known that such a small cup would cost a hundred coins, I would have stopped drinking."

Someone immediately echoed: "Yes, it is indeed too expensive!"

Their psychology is that the prices are really not expensive, but it hurts to make them pay so much!

"Look what you said, everyone comes to Songhe Tower to support us, it is to give us face! The iced cold melon juice that you just drank was treated by Songhe Tower as a treat for everyone!"

I’m giving you watermelon juice that costs 100 yuan to drink for free. Do you think it’s worth it?

It was the same glass of watermelon juice, but when Chen Chang gave it the value of one hundred copper coins, the guests' sense of gain and happiness index immediately doubled several times.

It's like picking up a hundred coins for nothing, who wouldn't be happy?

Let me ask you, is Songhe Tower big and generous?

There were also some merchants among the guests. After thinking about it for a while, they quickly understood the key.


The second shopkeeper of Songhe Tower is very smart!

Shopkeeper Qiu was not a stickler. Not long after, vegetable farmers came to Songhe Tower one after another carrying vegetables. There were all kinds of vegetables, and Cheng De didn't have to choose. He just made whatever food came.


Two waiters accidentally dropped a whole basket of eggs on the ground during handover, and the yolks and whites spilled all over the floor.

"Oh, what a sin!" Shopkeeper Qiu felt so distressed that he even wanted to die.

Chen Chang quickly stepped forward to help, put the bamboo basket directly into the big pot, and let the thinly crushed egg liquid drip into the pot.

Yes, it was broken a lot, but you can’t throw it away in vain, right?

After finishing his work, Chen Chang watched Cheng De cooking.

The kitchen is the soul of a restaurant.

Although Chengde didn't know as much as the chefs he saw in later generations, his basic skills were very solid. Those messy dishes soon turned into plates of delicacies in his hands.

Chen Chang just feels that there are too few seasonings now, which limits Chef Cheng's performance, so he has to get some fresh seasonings when he has the opportunity.

There is such a chef in Songhelou, but it is about to close down. It is probably because of manager Qiu's business problems.

Chen Chang also saw that Lao Qiu was too striving for stability.

For more than ten years, Songhelou's menu has not been updated much, and even the guests are tired of eating the delicacies.

Lao Qiu, who had no enterprising spirit, and his wife, who knew nothing about business, led the group of people in the restaurant farther and farther downhill.

Fortunately, he met me, otherwise Songhe Tower would have closed down.

Not long after, another waiter came carrying five or six large wooden barrels, and Chen Chang smelled a strong aroma of rice from a distance.

Songhe Tower didn't have that much rice at all, so the rice was naturally borrowed.

After a few sticks of incense, the food and wine that Shopkeeper Qiu borrowed from other restaurants also arrived one after another.

The guests were surprised when they saw waiters from different restaurants bringing in food boxes one by one. Chen Chang explained to everyone: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to the next words..."

The general meaning is that in the future, Songhe Tower will also draw on the strengths of others when doing business, and everything will be based on the preferences of the guests.

This explanation is quite reasonable.

Of course, it wasn't Chen Chang's eloquence that calmed everyone's resentment, but the discount policy on dishes and drinks.

Chen Chang assured that the dishes and drinks everyone ate were 10% cheaper than those in the original restaurants.

Seeing this, shopkeeper Qiu quickly went up to pull Chen Chang's sleeves and whispered: "Chen Langjun, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. Those restaurants are all my old friends and they only helped me when they saw me in trouble."

, if we sell their dishes at reduced prices, isn’t that repaying kindness with enmity? It’s inappropriate, it’s inappropriate!”

Chen Chang glanced at him, "You know how to maintain relationships with colleagues, don't I know that?"

To put it bluntly, helping other restaurants sell vegetables and wine is also taking care of their business.

In a sense, Songhe Tower is their guest.

Once the food and wine are purchased, the price at which they are sold is purely up to Songhelou.

Even if it is given to the guests for free, other restaurants will not be able to gossip about it.

Of course, Chen Chang would not do anything to destroy the Great Wall.

The revolt of Shopkeepers Du and Sun made him realize that it was very difficult to regain a foothold in Jiangling with Songhelou alone and to make a name for himself. He had to be good at taking advantage of the situation.

If you blindly emphasize competition, the road will only become narrower and narrower. You must be good at cooperating with your peers and seek the best interests together.

"Dear guests, although these dishes and drinks are not made in a small shop, they are carefully selected by Shopkeeper Qiu with great pains. Shopkeeper Qiu is an expert in this regard and must be familiar with everyone's taste. You may wish to give it a try. And

, these drinks and dishes are the most cost-effective. What is cost-effectiveness? It means that you spend the least money and eat the most delicious dishes that you want to eat."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! There is nothing wrong with what I say. Shopkeeper Qiu has a sharp eye and selects delicious dishes at reasonable prices, which avoids many customers being disappointed.

Although we can't satisfy all the guests' tastes, we are still 70 to 80 percent sure.

Shopkeeper Qiu was still out of breath at this time, but after hearing Chen Chang's praise of him, he couldn't help but straighten his waist and salute everyone with folded hands to express his gratitude.

He behaved calmly and no longer looked embarrassed by being made things difficult for his two colleagues.

It feels good to be respected!

When he stood up, shopkeeper Qiu cast a grateful look at Chen Chang.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the restaurant.

Zheng Qi ran over in a panic and told Chen Chang and Shopkeeper Qiu that a group of beggars had come outside the restaurant. They kept saying that someone told them that when they come to Songhe Tower, they can have free food and drinks.

Chen Chang stretched his neck and looked toward the door.

Isn't it?

The retribution came so quickly!

As soon as Chen Chang heard this, he knew it was a bad idea from Shopkeepers Du and Sun. These two were quick to learn and sell.

The diners all looked towards the door. Chen Chang told shopkeeper Qiu to be optimistic about the store's business and take good care of the guests, and strode towards the door.

Xiao Yu'er followed behind Chen Chang nervously, holding his two pink fists tightly.

There were at least thirty or forty beggars in ragged clothes blocking the gate. We cannot say how strong the appeal of Shopkeeper Du and Shopkeeper Sun was. It was true that due to years of wars and bad economic times, the people were displaced and had no choice but to become beggars.


This situation was also beyond Chen Chang's expectation.

"Gu——Uncle, what should we do now?" Xiao Yu'er hid behind and trembled.

Blast away?

That is impossible!

It's impossible in this life.

Not to mention that these beggars looked at Chen Chang like a ferocious wolf seeing food, but seeing how pitiful they were, it was impossible for Chen Chang to harden his heart and drive them away.

In his previous life, he was a conscientious entrepreneur who knew how to give back to society.

But the problem is that if there are so many people eating, and they are served according to the standards of guests, then Songhe Tower can’t afford to die?

Even the simple four dishes and one soup can’t satisfy you!

No, we have to find a way to feed them.

Although these beggars have a low status, they all have a mouth and dare to say anything.

Once rejected, Chen Chang will have a reputation as a rich and unkind person, which is no joke.

There are risks, but opportunities and risks coexist.

So many beggars coming to Songhe Tower to eat is undoubtedly the best advertisement.

Lao Du and Lao Sun, two old coffin-skinned men, are giving themselves free advertising.

After today, Songhelou will not only steal the show with its cold drinks and popsicles, but will also be famous in Gangneung for its benevolence and righteousness.

This chapter has been completed!
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