Chapter 237 I like little fairies

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 Yan Xing naturally understood that Xiang Yang's wink told him to stay in Xiao Loli's dormitory no matter what, and he was determined not to leave, lest he would not be able to get lunch at noon. Although it felt a bit shameful to be shameless, he still strongly agreed with Xiao Loli's decision.

, not to mention the master is here, even if the little loli throws him out, he will shamelessly crawl back.

He could vaguely guess the reason why Master would look for Little Lolita instead of him first, and he would stick to Little Lolita’s territory more firmly, and he would leave whenever Master leaves.

Having made up his mind, Yan Xing had the mentality of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, with a gentle smile on his face.

Handsome Liu and Handsome Yan made it clear that they could be beaten or scolded. Even if Le Yun saw that Yan Ren was extremely angry, it was not easy to deal with them in front of three foreign guests, just to make them look embarrassed and wash rice.

Connect the rice cooker to power, and the indoor temperature is high enough. Turn off the heating temporarily to prevent the electric appliance from burning out the circuit if it is turned on at full power.

There were two new people, so I was afraid that the dishes prepared were not enough, so I went to see the new items brought by the handsome guy, picked up the chicken, washed it, threw it into the medicinal soup for soaking the ribs, and then kneaded the noodles.

Mr. Xuan's eyes were bright when he saw the little girl carrying out another chicken.

Xiao Lele was busy adding food, Chao Yubo had a beautiful smile, Xiao Lele was a sharp-tongued person, fierce on the surface, but actually soft-hearted. Because Young Master Yan was a soldier and because of the He family, even if she occasionally disliked Young Master Yan, she was just superficial.

Roar and roar, as long as Young Master Yan and Young Master Liu are thick-skinned and can withstand the cold faces, she will calm down as soon as she softens her heart.

A gentleman has the beauty of adulthood. He gently and calmly changed places with Young Master Yan, allowing Young Master Yan to be his master, providing the master and apprentice with an opportunity to get close.

Yan Xing saw that little Loli had added a new small oven, and his eyes were as bright as torches. Because Brother Chao changed places with him, he was very grateful and moved to the master's side, like a docile and obedient child.

Le Yun repeated the steps of making roasted chicken with lotus leaves, kneading the noodles, stuffing herbs into the belly of the chicken, wrapping the dough with lotus leaves, and putting it in the oven to bake. At the same time, she turned over the roasted chicken that was put in for the first time and removed the plate.

, let it bake on the grid.

Whether it is Old Shan Weng or Young Master Xuan, everyone is smart enough not to ask the little girl where she got the lotus leaves. Anyway, with the advanced technology now, fresh vegetables preserved with vacuum packers can be stored for several months. It is not impossible to preserve fresh lotus leaves.


The beautiful boy will never ask where the lotus leaves come from. Little Lele is like a treasure chest, moving everything to her residence. She is meticulous and always prepares everything that may be used, so as not to end up missing something when using it.

I was in a hurry.

After throwing the second roasted chicken into the pot, Le Yun took out some ribs and soaked them in the medicinal soup, added some medicinal materials to the electric casserole, washed the apples bought by the two handsome guys and served them to the guests.

The little girl borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha without any pressure, and the guests happily accepted the host's warm hospitality.

Wang Ziyan has been busy since the morning, making fillings and dumpling wrappers according to the combination method she has been thinking about for many days, and carefully making a batch of dumplings. She was busy until half past ten before finishing them all.

Pack up tools, open windows for ventilation, take a shower, and put on makeup.

Pack yourself neatly and beautifully, use a white food bag to pack two flavors of dumplings, then use a red food bag to pack one layer, put it in a paper bag, take a small handbag, and hug the dumplings.

Dormitory building.

The weather was extremely cold, and the wind blowing between the buildings whistled and scraped against my face, like ice particles scraping my face, which was so cold and painful.

The place she wanted to go was a bit far away, and she might freeze if she walked there. Wang Ziyan pulled up her scarf to cover her face, ran to the shared bicycle parking area, rented a small yellow bicycle, and set off on her bicycle.

When she arrived at Xueba Building, she parked her bicycle and looked around. She saw several cars. She quietly took a detour and looked at the license plates. President Chao's car and Senior Wang's car were both there, indicating that

Didn't even go home.

People were still in the dormitory, which means they didn't rush out. Wang Ziyan walked under the eaves, loosened her scarf, rubbed her face, and climbed the east stairs. Floor after floor, there were noises and music from many dormitories, and some howling, but it was rare.

See people walking around.

When we arrived on the fourth floor, we couldn't hear any noise from the two dormitories. It was very quiet, and we could only vaguely smell the fragrant smell of medicine.

Based on the smell, I guess the girls' dormitory is making something again.

Wang Ziyan took a deep breath, put on her best smile, raised her jade arm, knocked lightly on the door of the boys' dormitory, and waited for a response after three rings.

The sound of knocking on the door came into the girls' dormitory, which was opposite the boys' door. The guest of honor who was whispering in the living room of the dormitory stopped talking. As the host, the little girl, with a smile on her face, whispered softly: "It's from the dormitory opposite.


Mr. Xuan, the old man has a very good ear, and he has already heard that he is not knocking on the little girl’s door.

"Only Senior Wang in the dormitory opposite has not returned home today. He went to my dormitory to play in the morning. He may not have come back yet." Chao Yubo's jade-like face showed a smile: "I'll go see who it is. If it's Senior Wang, I'll call him."

Call Mr. Wang to inform him."

Le Yun had no objection, but Yan Xing looked sideways, seeing the little Loli's deep smile, and an idea flashed in his mind. Could it be that Wang Xihua from the Medical Department looking for a certain boy?

He clearly remembered the last Christmas day, when a certain flower from the Department of Medicine dressed up and knocked on the door of the boys' dormitory opposite, and came to the boys' dormitory as a guest. He didn't know how it turned out in the end.

Thinking that it might be Wang Xihua, Yan Xing couldn't help but raise his lips, waiting for Comrade Xiaochao's feedback.

After knocking on the door, Wang Ziyan waited quietly. However, the dormitory was quiet and there was no sound. She knocked on the door again, with a little force of her finger, and the sound was louder than the first time.

Rhythmic knocking on the door broke the silence in the corridor, but there was only echo, no response.

Isn’t he here?

After knocking on the door for the second time, there was still no sound inside. Wang Ziyan's dignified smile faded a little, and she knocked on the door of the boys' dormitory for the third time.

The long click of the glottis became the only sound in the corridor.

Chao Yubo got up to see what was going on. He heard the second knock on the door when he was halfway there. Just as he walked to the door, he heard the third knock on the door. He didn't open the door immediately. He slowly stood at the door with his cell phone and waited, listening to who

I knocked on the door several times to find someone, but after only waiting for a short while, there was a fourth knock on the door.

Perseveringly knocking on the door for the fourth time, the boys' dormitory was silent. Wang Ziyan knocked twice more in succession, turned sideways, looked at the girls' dormitory opposite, gritted her teeth, turned and went straight to the girls' dormitory.

The soft sound of high heels tapping the ground can be heard both inside and outside the door.

Stepping to the door of the girls' dormitory, Wang Ziyan took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

The sound of knocking on the door came. The old man, Mr. Xuan, and Xuan Yi moved their eyebrows, and they automatically thought about it. Whose visitor just knocked on the opposite door, and now he knocked on the little girl's door. Did he want to

Find a little girl to ask about the situation of the person opposite?

With Yan Xing's imperceptible flat mouth, he was 50% sure that the person knocking on the door was probably the flower from the Department of Medicine. With that flower's shamelessness, there must be an excuse to explain the reason for knocking on the door and use it to pester the little Lolita.
Chao Yubo, who was standing at the door, remained calm when he heard the footsteps approaching. When the person stopped at the door and turned to knock on Xiao Lele's dormitory door, he frowned several times and waited for the knocking on the door to stop.

Turn the doorknob.

The door opened with a clang.

Wang Ziyan, who had already prepared her words, was about to speak when she heard the door knock. She suddenly realized that the person who opened the door was not a girl, but President Chao, who had a face as beautiful as a crown jewel and was as gentle as a snow lotus. Her brain had not turned around at that time, and she couldn't help but froze.


Opening the door, Chao Yubo saw a girl standing at the door. She had a purple windbreaker, shawl-haired hair, delicate appearance, and a dignified face, but...

The smile between his eyebrows was tainted with indifference and alienation, and his tone was also cold: "Classmate Wang, what do you want to do with my sister?"

Hearing what Brother Chao said, Yan Xing knew that he had guessed correctly. The person coming was really that flower from the Department of Medicine.

"Chao...President Chao," Wang Ziyan, who was a little slow to react, felt her heart skip a beat. She tried to stay calm and showed her most beautiful and gentle smile: "President Chao, this is how it is. Senior Wang from the opposite door promised to help me taste my cooking.

I have created a new flavor of herbal food, and I want to ask Senior Wang to try it out. He doesn’t seem to be in the dormitory, so I just want to...ask Classmate Le if he knows Senior Wang’s phone number."

Chao Yubo stared at Wang Xihua with a half-smile, and the corners of his lips revealed a meaning that only he could understand: "Classmate Wang is saying that Senior Wang promised to help you taste the medicinal food, right?"

"Yes," Wang Ziyan nodded gently, her voice even gentler: "President Chao, you often eat the medicated diet made by classmate Le, can you also help me try the medicated diet I made and give me some opinions."<


"Would you like me to try it?" Chao Yubo looked at the girl with a strange look.

"It's fine if I embarrass President Chao. I know that the medicinal diet I make is not as good as Classmate Le's." Wang Ziyan lowered her head and sounded frustrated.

"Classmate Wang is really forcing things on others. Haven't you asked others about my situation? I have been in bad health since I was a child. I have never eaten anything randomly, especially things of unknown origin and things not prescribed by doctors. I don't trust them 100%."

I never touch the things given by my friends.”

The beautiful boy's voice is extremely moving, but his words are extremely straightforward.

"I...I didn't know that President Chao still had taboos." Wang Ziyan was so embarrassed that she only knew that President Chao of the Student Union was weak and in poor health, but she didn't know that there were so many taboos.

"My poor health is my own fault. I don't blame those who don't know, and I can't blame you." Chao Yubo smiled and then returned to the topic: "Classmate Wang, you said that Senior Wang promised to help you try medicated diet.

According to you, you have a very good relationship with Senior Wang, and you were Senior Wang’s temporary dance partner at the last Christmas dance. You should have Senior Wang’s phone number. Why did you come to ask my sister for Senior Wang’s phone number?”<


"...I forgot to ask Senior Wang for his phone number." President Chao changed the subject so quickly that Wang Ziyan almost couldn't change her mind. She was so panicked that she made up a lie in her panic and found a way out.<


"Oh, then remember to ask Senior Wang for his phone number in the future so that you don't have to knock on my sister's door every time you can't find him." Chao Yubo pretended not to notice the girl's panic and nervousness, and said slowly,

Just as he was about to turn around, he heard a male voice that sounded as sweet as the D key of a cello: "Xiao Chao, if you and the beauty want to chat for a while, please close the door first. There is a cold wind coming in."

As soon as the ding-ding-dong-dong voice sounded like spring water, another elegant and clear male voice sounded: "The cold wind is indeed a bit strong, and the originally hot Dendrobium officinale tea has turned into herbal tea."

"It's not too big of a deal for you to watch the fun." Le Yun was originally listening to the good show, but handsome guy Yan interrupted without hesitation, and someone from the Xuanyuan family also joined in the fun. The two handsome young men looked innocent.

"I didn't say anything. I just listened."

Another great assist!

Le Yun looked at the smile of Master Xuanyuan's followers, and guessed based on hearing and feeling that Master Xuanyuan's personal followers were much better in martial arts than the ones in the restaurant last time.

When Young Master Yan's voice came from the room, Wang Ziyan couldn't help but feel frightened, and her limbs suddenly stiffened. Young Master Yan was actually in the girls' dormitory?

In addition to Young Master Yan, there are others. Is Senior Wang actually also in the girls' dormitory? Knowing that it is her, he is hiding and not showing up?

In an instant, Wang Ziyan's heartbeat quickened, her shoulders couldn't help but tremble slightly, and she couldn't help but have the courage to stay any longer. She gave a smile that was uglier than crying: "Classmate Le has a guest, I won't disturb you anymore."

She didn't dare to look at Chairman Akira's face. She hugged the bag and turned around in a hurry and ran straight to the stairs. She hurriedly ran down, running half-step without stopping as if chasing a ghost. The sound of high heels stamping on the stairs was intensive, as if there were several times.

It’s like I’m running.

Wang Ziyan's limbs were stiff and her heart felt like it was being pulled. She was so flustered that she kept running quickly. She ran to the first floor in one breath. She was hit by the cold wind and felt a chill in her back. Unconsciously, she felt a cold sensation on her back.

It's cold, straight to the bone.

She shivered, and regardless of the cold wind, she ran to the little yellow car she was riding on, put the bag in the basket, got on the car and ran away.

I rushed back to the dormitory building non-stop, returned the car, ran back to the dormitory with my bag, opened the door, entered the dormitory, and slammed the door shut. Hot and cold sweat kept flowing, and my legs were a little weak. While wiping the cold sweat on my face, I

Hold the bag and return to your bed.

The dormitory for four people has bunks and desks, which is very comfortable.

Throwing the crumpled bag on the table, Wang Ziyan climbed onto the bed and collapsed into a big character, her heart still beating wildly and her lips turned white.

She really didn't expect that there were other people in Leyun dormitory. If Senior Wang was also there, she heard behind her back that he promised to help her taste the medicinal food and that she forgot to ask for his phone number. In contrast, she actually asked him for his phone number and made no promise.

What would Mr. Wang think if he helped her try medicinal food? He must think that she is a two-faced and scheming woman.

Falling short of success.

It was not easy to find a good-tempered Mr. Wang who could help him get close to the powerful circles in Beijing. Unexpectedly, he became a mess again. Leyun was a scourge, but it was always special when people or things related to Leyun were involved.

Not going well.

Thinking of wasting another effort, Wang Ziyan felt unwilling and gritted her teeth bitterly. Senior Wang's path was dead, so where could she find a shortcut?

This chapter has been completed!
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