Chapter 238 Another strange poison

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Chao Yubo didn't know that his home was frequently visited by visitors. Wang Xihua was so frightened that he ran away. He was also happy to be quiet and closed the door happily.

When he saw Xiao Lele looking at him with a bright smile, he explained nonchalantly: "Xiao Lele, don't worry about me, I won't be deceived by Wang Xihua."

"Yeah, yeah, I know that Brother Chao is determined and has a pair of piercing eyes. He will not be deceived by the white lotus. Brother Chao, I don't have time to invite Brother Li and your dormitory friends to dinner at noon. Please help bring them some food."


Brother Chao was too gentle and good-tempered, so he would usually not make people look down on him. What's more, he was the president of the student union, and it was even more impossible for him to speak harshly to the students of the same school. Le Yun also understood the constraints imposed by his status as president of the student union, and ran towards him with a smile.


Xiao Lele asked him to deliver something, and Chao Yubo simply waited at the door.

Sliding back to the bedroom, Le Yun took out some dumplings and flower rolls from the space, divided some into a bag, and carried them out to the beautiful young brother.

Seeing the little Loli carrying out two big bags of cooked food, Yan Xing's heart ached. He asked the little Loli to make a medicinal meal for him to take home with his kind words. The little Loli was actually willing to give so much.

Brother Chao’s roommates are treated differently again!

His eyes were red with jealousy, but he dared not say anything about it. She could give the little Loli's things to whomever she liked, and no one had the right to point fingers. The little Loli was so good to Brother Chao, and Xiao Chao might have saved him in his previous life.

Galaxy, there will be good rewards in this life.

If the little Loli was so nice to him, Yan Xing thinks he would wake up laughing in his dreams.

Chao Yubo felt distressed after receiving the two large bags of delicious food. How long would it take Xiao Lele to finish the food? Xiao Lele was so generous, so he didn't want to be stingy, so he took the things to his dormitory.

Mr. Xuan really wanted to ask the little girl if it was a medicinal diet, but he was afraid of being too abrupt. He resisted his curiosity and saw the little girl turning back to her private bedroom and waiting secretly. Sure enough, he saw her holding out a big bag again.

Making dumplings, eyes shining with excitement, are those for them to taste?

While Mr. Xuan watched eagerly, Le Yun put the medicinal food in the kitchen and took the large rice cooker pot filled with medicinal juice to the balcony to cool down. There was a heater in the small living room, but the heat dissipated very slowly.

Chao Yubo carried the food outside his dormitory. He heard faint laughter coming from inside and opened the door quietly. As soon as he opened the door, he was discovered. The boy who was chatting animatedly interrupted the conversation and looked at the door. When he saw the beautiful boy, he would

Chang came back with two bags of things, and everyone jumped up.

"Xiao Chao, what are you holding?"

"Xiao Chao, didn't you go a little long?"

"The visitor is a friend of Colonel Yan. He came to visit my sister. I received him. Xiao Lele originally wanted to treat everyone to some medicinal dumplings at noon, but now that there are visitors, he can't come. He asked me to send the food back."

"Wow, was it made by a little lolita?"

The handsome guys swarmed up and helped Chao share the items. The things in the hands of the handsome boy changed hands in an instant. Li and Deng who grabbed the bag laughed so much that they couldn't stop laughing. It's so heavy and the portion is so full!<


"Xiao Chao, go about your business, we will heat up the food ourselves."

"Xiao Chao, just help your sister greet the guests and don't worry about us."

After the delicious food was received, the handsome guys immediately started to impress me. Classmate Xiao Chao and his sister had a visitor, so there must be something delicious for lunch, so I won’t leave him to share with them.

"Isn't it nice of you to burn bridges by crossing the river?" It's heartbreaking to have roommates who don't want roommates just for food.

"Of course, you have such a good sister, so don't rob her from us."

"That's right, if the little loli were my sister, I would definitely not be greedy for this portion."

The young people all have the same idea: You have such a good sister, but you still covet everyone’s influence. How do you feel about it?

"Okay, I won't steal it. Next time Xiao Lele cooks all the delicious food, it's all mine."

"Xiao Chao, beautiful and kind Xiao Chao, look at how cute your sister is, how beautiful you are..."

The boys swarmed over and praised the beautiful classmate decisively, praising him as the most good person in the world and a good boy who is friendly to his classmates. In short, the purpose is one - to prevent such beautiful people from being petty and stealing their share.

Being besieged as if there were thousands of bees flying around his ears, Chao Yubo was also drunk and silently surrendered. After he had tidied up his clothes and hair that were wrinkled by the foodies, he smiled narrowly at Senior Wang: "Senior Wang, from the Department of Medicine

Wang Xihua has sent you her own medicinal diet again."

"What, Wang Xihua is sending medicinal food to Mr. Wang?"

"Young Master Wang, are you really going to play with Wang Xihua?"

"Young Master Wang, you are so blessed."

"Young Master Wang, when did the friction between you and Wang Xihua cause sparks?"

Da Li, classmates Deng, and classmates were astonished as if they had discovered a new world, and they all besieged Minister Wang.

Wang Xihua from the Department of Medicine is a gentle Jiangnan beauty and is loved by her seniors. I heard that people who want to have dinner with Wang Xihua can queue up to seven or eight meters in line.

"Don't make random guesses. Wang Xihua and I don't even have a close relationship." Wang Yuzhe said angrily to the guys who were afraid of the world being in chaos. He said with a handsome face and a bitter look on his face: "Xiao Chao,

Mr. Chao, please let me go, this kind of joke is not allowed."

"I'm not kidding, Wang Xihua really brought you medicinal food. Just wait a moment, I have proof." The beautiful young man Fengmu smiled, slowly touched the phone and swiped the screen: "Wang Xihua knocked on the door too often.

I knocked again and again, disturbing my sister and the guests so that they couldn't chat. I went to help find out who it was. I asked the person in the opposite dormitory who had something to do. I wanted to record a voice for the owner to listen to when he came back. Who knew?

Wang Xihua couldn't knock on the boy's door, so she knocked on my sister's dormitory door, so she recorded it all."

Da Li and others: "..." It felt like Xiao Chao had known for a long time that Wang Xihua was knocking on the door, so he kept it secret.

Wang Yuzhe: "..."

The beautiful boy opened the screen with his finger and clicked on the video recording. Because it was an abnormal evidence collection, the phone did not capture the person, only the recording.

The recording starts with the sound of knocking on the door, followed by footsteps many times, then the sound of opening the door, and then the conversation.

After hearing what Wang Xihua said, Mr. Li and Deng looked at Mr. Wang with strange eyes. Ang, Mr. Wang is so caring and has the sacrificial spirit to sacrifice his life for righteousness. He is willing to sacrifice himself for others and help Wang Xihua try the medicinal diet. His moral character is very good.

Noble and worthy of erecting a monument.

Wang Yuzhe's face was stinking worse than the stones in the pit: "When did I agree to help her taste the medicinal food? What do you mean by forgetting to ask me for my phone number? It was obvious that I didn't want to give her my phone number. She pretended to be stupid on purpose. She lied more than

It’s true, how could such a person exist?”

The beautiful boy cut off the recording: "You didn't agree to help her taste the medicinal food, then why does she come to you again and again."

"It was the last time she went to see your sister. The knock on the door made me upset and I couldn't write a report in peace, so I took her in to wait for your sister in the dormitory. After that, she gave her dumplings as a thank you gift. On Christmas Day, she asked me to help her taste the medicinal food. She said

The others were afraid of hurting her self-esteem and would only say good things, not bad things. I tried two of them out of the spirit of not discouraging the students and juniors who were motivated to make progress. I happened to have no dance partners and thought that there would be more men than women at the Christmas dance, so I took her to the Christmas dance.

Increase the party atmosphere."

The more Wang Yuzhe talked, the more depressed he became: "I thought it was a girl from the same school, and it was the senior's duty to give her some support, but I didn't expect this person to really stick to me. On the evening of the 29th, he came to me again with medicinal food. I was busy

I refused to go to Xiao Chao's house, but I came here again today. I'm so annoyed, why am I so unlucky, and I just wanted to do a favor, but I got myself into trouble like brown sugar."

"I won't tell you that Wang Xihua wanted to get close to Xiao Lele like a sharp head. I heard that she also wanted to ask instructor Wanqi to help introduce her to be Xiao Lele's friend, but she was severely rejected by the professor who cares about students.


Also, Wang Xihua also used encirclement and interception methods to meet Xiao Chao, forcing him to fight guerrillas even if he just wanted to eat. However, it has calmed down recently. She must be busy clinging to you.

, I am too busy to do all the work."

Mr. Li's eyes narrowed with laughter. They had seen Wang Xihua's tenacity in encountering each other by chance. They were really persevering and showing strength despite repeated defeats.

Mentioning the encounter, Wang Yuzhe rubbed his forehead with a headache: "I think Wang Xihua was waiting for me outside the auditorium last night. On such a cold day, she was still wearing a skirt and blowing the cold wind. She was so brave. Fortunately.

You guys were there at the time, otherwise she might have taken a ride."

"Young Master Wang, if there is a flower, it needs to be cut off." Chao Yubo patted Senior Wang on the shoulder: "Young Master Wang, please take care of that flower. If you succeed in getting rid of the harm to the people, I will convince my sister to treat you to dinner to express my gratitude.


Wang Yuzhe's face almost turned him into a scapegoat. Are you kidding? He has a fiancée, right? He is determined not to cheat on her.

"Xiao Chao, can you please let me prepare more portions for the treat? I won't eat more, just two bowls of rice."

"Xiao Chao, let little Loli make some more portions for me to eat, and I promise to only eat two bowls."

Mr. Li, Classmate He and others had tasted the food cooked by Little Loli. When they heard about the treat, they weakly requested to share. They were not very demanding, just eat two bowls. Really, they promised not to eat more, although they could actually

You can eat five bowls without being stuffed to death.

"Then we have to see how little Lele is. Little Lele will treat guests when she's in a good mood, but she'll beat people up when she's in a bad mood. This time it's all medicinal food. The six of you can warm it up and eat it yourself. I'm going to help my sister accompany the visitors."
"Yeah, go ahead."

All the handsome young people waved their hands, "Let's go, let's go, let's go, they can happily eat the hot medicinal food.

A bunch of foodies were so heartless, and Chao Yubo was not as poor as them. Shi Shiran went downstairs. When he reached the east staircase and wanted to climb up, Mr. Liu drove the cheetah and flew back. He was waiting to see if there was anyone who needed help.
Liu Dashao rushed to Life Street for a lap and bought back two boxes of Nutrition Express, one box of Coke, and one box of Sprite. Then he hurried back. When he saw the Chao family brother, he politely asked for help.


What he bought were large bottles of drinks, which were quite heavy. He moved the boxes from the car. Mr. Liu moved three boxes by himself and asked the beautiful boy to carry one box. He didn't dare to make the boy work too hard, otherwise the beautiful boy might feel sorry for her beautiful boy.

The elder brother thus punished him.

The two of them carried their things up to the fourth floor and opened the door to enter the dormitory. The little beauty Liu Shaoxian looked over and gave her most beautiful sunny smile: "Little beauty, I bought a bottle. You can see which one is suitable. If not, I will buy another one."

Handsome Liu came back. Le Yun got up and walked over to take a look. When she saw clearly what he had bought, her expression could no longer be calm: "It's good to use the drink to clean the toilet. Nutrition Express can be used as nutrient solution to grow lotus. It's not a waste."


She was very calm. The other people curled their lips in silence and looked at the air. The rich were willful, the ones who knew medicine were even more willful, the handsome guy Liu was willful, and the little girl was even more willful. People who often drink Coke and Sprite probably heard her.

The comment will make me cry in the toilet.

Mr. Liu: "..." What can he do if he meets someone who is more willful than him?

He touched his nose and gave up: "I don't know which bottle is suitable. Last time you filled the medicine with a Coke bottle, so I bought this one."

Le Yun stopped pouring cold water on them, opened the Coke box, took four bottles into the small bathroom, poured the drinks into the laundry bucket, rinsed the bottles so that there was no trace of the drink smell, shook off the water stains, and walked out from the balcony

Go back up to the rice cooker and get a bottle to fill with the concoction.

Fill three bottles of concoction, wash the pot with water, fill up the water again, and then give the three bottles of concoction to the two young men: "Drink once in the morning and evening, 20 ml each time. In the morning, drink a cup of warm boiled water for three to five minutes before drinking the medicine."

Drink the medicine. Eat breakfast half an hour after taking the medicine. Drink it before going to bed at night. Drink for seven days and stop for three days. During the period of taking the medicine, it is strictly forbidden to drink carbonated drinks, eat spicy food, and drink alcohol. If you don’t follow the doctor’s advice and there are sequelae, don’t blame me for turning your back and killing him directly.

"Remember, remember."


Liu Xiangyang and Yan Xing were more docile than the children in the kindergarten. They were afraid that the little loli would drive them away after giving them the medicine, so they ran to sit down with the medicine bottle in hand, determined not to leave even if they were hit with a broom.


Hum hum hum...

Seeing the two handsome guys acting like they were cheating, Le Yun was particularly dissatisfied with their behavior of guarding against her being a gentleman. Is she that arrogant and unreasonable? Master Yanren is a guest, and it’s because of the gift given by the senior.

For her sake, she wouldn't chase the Yan people. If she didn't drive the Yan people away, she wouldn't drive handsome Liu out alone.

She was not happy to be judged as a villain. With a stinky face, she took the pot and rinsed it, washed it thoroughly, put the water back into the pot shell, turned on the electricity to boil the water, and then tossed the roast chicken in the oven.

Go to the small kitchen and start cooking.

The little Lolita didn't chase her away, and Yan Xingliu Xiangyang finally felt relieved. He put the medicine bottle in the corner next to the wall, moved the dining table with Brother Chao, and arranged the chairs to make it more spacious.

The little girl started cooking, and Mr. Xuan sneaked away to steal the cooking. He was afraid of being kicked out of the kitchen, so he kept his mouth shut and did not speak.

The little girl got into the kitchen and kept turning like a clockwork gear, coating the ribs with pasta sauce and then frying them, stir-fried pork belly, stir-fried pork liver...

She was busy in an unhurried manner, and the dishes on the kitchen table were added one by one. In the middle of the day, the water in the big rice cooker was boiling, the steamer was put in, the dumplings were heated, and then the vegetables were stir-fried.

The aroma lingered in the small living room, and the old man finally understood why his little disciple refused to fight back and scolded the little girl for her medicinal diet. The aroma was too tempting, and it must taste more delicious.

The little girl was busy in the kitchen for about forty minutes. When it was almost twelve o'clock, the meal was served. Seven dishes and one soup were put on the table.

When you crack open the dough, the chicken inside the lotus leaf is also golden and especially tender.

Cut two roast chickens into pieces and fill a large bowl with medicinal herbs. The aroma is rich.

A group of people secretly swallowed their saliva, their eyes shining like gems.

Because he was afraid that there would not be enough rice, each person had a bowl of dumplings as rice and Nutrition Express as wine. Lest the foodies were too aggressive in grabbing the food, the beautiful boy first helped little Lele pick up a chicken leg, a chicken head, chicken liver, and a pig.

Then eat.

It was time to start eating. Mr. Xuan, who had already seen a green light in his eyes, stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the chicken wings and took a bite. Even breathing seemed to waste time, and he started eating hungrily.

Xuan Yi wanted to cover his eyes, but he didn't know who it was! He only felt miserable for half a minute. When he had a piece of chicken to eat, he immediately turned into a wolf, with lasagna flowing in his heart. This is called medicinal diet, and this is called cooking.

Those dark dishes prepared by the young master don’t even eat pigs, bah bah, he is not a pig!

After so many years, Xuanyi finally felt the benefit of being ranked first. The young master prepared dark dishes for them to eat. It was natural for him to be the first to eat crabs. For a long time, he wished that he was not Xuanyi, but Xuanwu.

It would be great to have Xuan six, seven and eight. Now he is extremely lucky that it is Xuan Yi.

Zhong Liyu picked up the vegetables and ate them elegantly. His hand speed was no slower than that of Mr. Xuan and his young disciple. With the ancient martial arts monk, his appearance of grabbing the food was upgraded to a higher level. What he competed for was speed and feel.

If you collide with others hand to hand, you can strike first and gain the upper hand.

Young Master Liu has no time to look at others, he only has time to eat, eat, eat...

The beautiful young man sighed silently. Where was the promised noble demeanor, the promised appearance of a worldly figure, the promised immortal demeanor, and the promised elegant gentleman? He struck so quickly, a thousand times more brutal than the foodies in their dormitory.

,Is this really good?

Le Yun was dumbfounded, foodies, another group of foodies! A group of foodies were so unkind, she started robbing them rudely, snatching the herbs and mushrooms from the belly of the roasted chicken and giving them to Brother Chao. Those herbs had more medicinal and nutritional value than the chicken itself.

, foodies cannot be cheap.

Xiao Lele looked after herself, while Chao Yubo felt soft-hearted and smiled as he ate a love meal.

When it was time for dinner in the little girl's dormitory, Mr. Li, classmate Deng and others bought takeout and ate hot dumplings and flower rolls. Everyone shared it equally, so there was no need to fight. After finishing their own portions, they didn't have enough to eat takeout.

Comparing people with others is irritating, and you have to throw away goods when comparing goods. That is indeed true. After Wang Yuzhe ate the flower rolls made by Xiao Loli, he finally understood what medicated food was. The medicated food made by Wang Xihua was clearly a fake and shoddy product.

He cried silently for himself. How could he think Wang Xihua's dumplings tasted good in the first place? He must have gone insane.

Little Le Xiao’s classmate didn’t know Senior Wang’s sadness. She watched a group of big and small foodies competing in a competition. After half an hour, the eight dishes and one soup were completely wiped out, including the soup.

None of them were left behind, and the foodies who enjoyed their appetite were so satisfied that they couldn't even see their eyes.

Brothers Yan Shao and Liu Shao quickly cleared the table, served tea to the host and guests, and happily worked as dishwashers and odd jobs.

After the little disciple helped the little girl wash the dishes, the old man Shanweng and Mr. Xuan said goodbye happily. The purpose of their coming was to visit the little girl. Now that they have seen each other and eaten the good medicine and delicious food, they hurriedly left in a sensible manner. Waiting

The host said it’s not possible to serve tea to the guests?

This chapter has been completed!
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