Chapter 506 Yue Nus Sword Skills

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Xiao Jiang spent a year to understand the method of seeing through. Seeing is to see through every move of the opponent. Breaking is to break all the opponent's attacks. In the end, it is the last move that comes first and kills the opponent instantly. Therefore, the tricks are only to improve the cultivation and physical fitness.

In this way, fighting depends entirely on one's own reaction in the moment of battle.

Xiao Jiang can understand that this set of swordsmanship is based on moves, swordsmanship without moves, and sword intention is his own state of mind. He has been practicing hard for a year. Although he does not have much internal energy, his swordsmanship is still very sharp.

, but against Ah Qing, who also mastered this set of sword techniques, he was the target of being tortured dozens of times every day.

This was the seventeenth time Xiao Jiang had his bamboo stick knocked off and stabbed in the arm today. He was not depressed at all but said with joy:

"It's not bad. I can beat you ten moves today, which is a huge improvement. You must know that any one of your moves is difficult for others to resist. As long as I continue to improve, I will catch up with you sooner or later."

Ah Qing said with a smile:

"Hehe, brother Xiao Jiang, you practice slowly. I will go to Zhuluo Village to buy some torreya and grain, and sell a few sheep on the way. Remember you said you would make me some delicious food tonight."

Over the past year or so, the relationship between Xiao Jiang and Ah Qing has become better and better, but the relationship between the two is like that of brother and sister. Xiao Jiang takes care of this lonely girl since childhood, but Ah Qing is very obedient to him like a sister.

, even though the two of them still lived together on the same bed every day, only covered by bamboo curtains, Xiao Jiang and her still had no idea of ​​overcoming each other.

Xiao Jiang picked up the bamboo stick and said with a smile:

"Well, remember to buy something delicious. Let's have a drink tonight."


Ah Qing waved his bamboo stick and shouted at the leading sheep. As the sheep were driven out of the mountain, Xiao Jiang looked at the valley ahead and whispered:

"It's been more than a year. Although I have learned swordsmanship, I still need to practice if I want to really achieve it. But I'm leaving like this. What should Ah Qing do? Although the Shenwu bracelet can take her away, but the stone tablet

It is recorded that if you take someone away, you will have to endure the backlash of your will from the real plane. If you fail to bear it, not only will the person you take away be wiped out, but you will also be annihilated. If you don't have power beyond Ah Qing, you can't take her away.

Yes, should this lovely girl continue to endure the lonely life here?"

Xiao Jiang knows his identity, but the intimacy he and Ah Qing have accumulated over the past year, and although they have not turned into so-called love, they have a good family relationship. He knows that in the plot, Ah Qing will still be alone in the end, and he really doesn't want Ah Qing to

Qing takes the original path.

However, due to the restrictions between the planes, if he cannot surpass Ah Qing, then he will not be able to resist the backlash that Ah Qing will receive when he is brought to reality. At that time, Ah Qing will not be the only one who is unlucky.

Xiao Jiang thought about this matter. He had already planned to leave this world. The purpose of coming here was to learn A Qing's sword skills. He has learned it now. Although he is not a master yet, as long as he has time to practice, he will know how to do it.

More powerful than Ah Qing.

"Oh, let's talk about sword practice."

Helpless, Xiao Jiang held the bamboo stick and shook his body. The bamboo stick in his hand was pointed out everywhere like a continuous rainstorm with his strange movements. The sword was silent and the figure flickered back and forth. If anyone could stare at Xiao Jiang's face,

, you can find that his eyes are constantly flashing, but his breathing is many times slower than ordinary people.

Holding your breath while moving the sword, your footsteps drive your body, and your limbs control the bamboo stick. The person and the bamboo stick seem to be one, and the movement and stillness are all natural. From the heart to the body to the eyes to the hand to the stick, this is the essence of this unknown sword technique. Xiao Jiangxiu

Although it is not enough, there are no flaws in his technique, which shows that he has indeed worked hard in practice over the past year.


"Brother Xiao Jiang, I'm leaving."

During dinner time, Xiao Jiang, who was drinking a small drink, couldn't help but paused. He looked at Ah Qing, whose eyes were full of expectation, frowned and said:

"Are you leaving here? Why?"

Ah Qing's face turned red and she lowered her head and said:

"Someone asked me to go out and help, and I wanted to help him."

Xiao Jiang put down the wine bowl and looked at the green bamboo pole that A Qing placed beside the table and said:

"Does anyone want you to teach swordsmanship?"

Ah Qing blushed and nodded, then shook his head and said:

"You said that my swordsmanship is difficult for others to learn. Apart from me teaching you, I don't have the spirit to teach others. I just want to help him. He needs help."

" have decided, right?" Xiao Jiang looked at Ah Qing and asked.

There is no need for A Qing to explain in detail, Xiao Jiang already knows what is going on. He came across the plane and is well aware of the development of this world. A Qing has the legendary sword skill, so she will definitely be in this world.

With a trace, he doesn't want Ah Qing to be disappointed, but he will definitely disappoint Ah Qing in the future, but he has no ability to change anything for her.

Ah Qing said shyly like a normal pregnant girl:

"Well, he is very nice. I will go find him tomorrow morning. Brother Xiao Jiang, what are you planning to do in the future?"

Xiao Jiang secretly sighed. Ah Qing was still too young. Although she had unparalleled swordsmanship, the only man she had been in contact with for a long time was Xiao Jiang. Although Xiao Jiang told her a lot about the darkness of society and the despicability of human nature, how much could she understand?

God knows.

Ah Qing must have encountered something in the plot when she went out today, so the person she wanted to help must be Fan Li, a Yue doctor whom he had already met twice.

The person Fan Li likes is Xi Shi, Shi Yiguang, the Huansha girl from Zhuluo Village, while Ah Qing is considered a pretty girl but far less beautiful. Fan Li wants her help because he is interested in her peerless swordsmanship.

Xiao Jiang understands one thing very well, that is, you cannot tell the truth to someone who is emotionally involved, because the other person will never listen to the truth, even if it is his biological parents and brothers, let alone his relationship with A Qing.

, he looked at Ah Qing and said:

"Me...if you leave, I have to leave too. As for when we will meet again, I don't know. But if you choose your own path, then don't hesitate or regret, and don't care about what others do."

, you are you, does Ah Qing, who has unparalleled swordsmanship, know? No one is as strong as you, even an unparalleled beauty, in front of you is just a childish and weak skin, no matter how beautiful it is, it can be destroyed in an instant. "

Ah Qing said:

"Oh...I remember, brother Xiao Jiang, I will never care about these things in the future."


Xiao Jiang couldn't make it too clear. The reason why Fan Li invited Ah Qing to help was actually for her unparalleled swordsmanship. What he liked was Xi Shi who was sent to Wu State. Ah Qing was just a tool. Now remind Ah Qing

, Xiao Jiang just hopes that Ah Qing won’t be so sad in the future.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jiang gave Ah Qing a hundred gold coins. After the two briefly said goodbye, after Ah Qing disappeared into the distance along the ridge, Xiao Jiang closed the door and drove a group of goats down the mountain.

This chapter has been completed!
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