Chapter 507: The Planner

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Xiao Jiang did not intend to leave immediately, because he also wanted to go to Zhuluo Village to get some torreya to eat and play with. Xiao Jiang has become addicted to that stuff this year. There are also a group of goats, and A Qing is carrying one on his back.

The little baggage left and he had to deal with it himself.

Having decided to leave, Xiao Jiang was in a good mood. He was whistling and waving bamboo sticks along the way, looking very happy. He was walking along the winding path. Suddenly, the leading old goat stopped, and all the sheep behind it also stopped.

When Xiao Jiang came down, he was stunned for a moment while holding a little lamb. Suddenly, the old goat lowered his head slightly and pointed a pair of goat horns at a big blue stone by the roadside and began to bleat.

"Hmph, you were actually discovered by a goat. I'll send you to be stewed in a cauldron."

A faint voice appeared behind the blue stone. As soon as the voice finished, a flash of blue light flashed out from behind the boulder. The old goat jumped forward with its hind hooves, but the blue light was an extremely sharp bronze sword.

As soon as the cold sword energy passed by, the old goat was cut into two pieces by the sword in mid-air.

The sword light stopped and the blood scattered everywhere. A long golden sword exuding a faint light was pointing motionlessly at Xiao Jiang. The hand holding the sword hilt was a hand as white as jade, but this was the hand of a man. The man was twenty-five or six.

He looked as handsome as a beautiful woman, but his eyes looked extremely cold.

Xiao Jiang frowned, put down the lamb, looked at the young man and asked:

"Why kill my sheep?"

The tip of the man's sword slowly rotated with his footsteps, his eyes locked on Xiao Jiang's hand like an eagle and said:

"Nonsense, I came here just to kill you. Fan Li is too kind to a woman. Ah Qing said that you have learned her swordsmanship, but he thinks that you will not be used by Wu State. Do you think I will be relieved?"

Xiao Jiang glanced around and said:

"Oh...Fan Li thought I was not in danger, but you came to kill me. Who are you?"

The man smiled sinisterly and said:

"Miao Yu, this is the sword I just made. I'll let you sacrifice it."

While speaking, the man named Mie Yu made a mistake in his steps. He moved forward quickly like a rabbit running away, and the sword in his hand stabbed Xiao Jiang's throat with lightning. This move was swift and fierce, without any hesitation and killing intent.

Condensed on the blade of the sword, it shows the man's decisive murderous aura that has been battle-hardened against the enemy for many years.

A year ago, Xiao Jiang would never have been able to avoid it. After studying swordsmanship with Ah Qing for a year, Xiao Jiang's reaction was no longer that of Wu Xia Amon, even if this Amon would have to appear hundreds of years later. With a swing of the bamboo pole, a piece of

The shadow of the bamboo stick appeared with a whirring sound. Amidst the crackling sound, Miao Yu screamed and retreated. The Yu Hao sword in his hand fell to the ground with a clang. Without even a pause, the guy bolted towards the woods and fled quickly.


"Fuck... He's actually wearing a breast goggle. This guy escaped. I can't stay here anymore."

Xiao Jiang did not chase him. He knew that he could not catch up. After one year of practice, he had gained some internal energy, and his speed and strength had also improved a lot. However, this Miao Yu's escape skills were very good, and Xiao Jiang did not dare to

He didn't dare to take the risk of tracking her into the woods.

Just now, he used the swordsmanship taught by Ah Qing to cut through the opponent's wrist, and then stabbed the opponent's heart with the tip of the bamboo stick. However, the lethality of the bamboo stick was too low, and he did not have the powerful inner energy of A Qing to activate it.

The bamboo stick is as powerful as steel. Even if it pierces the opponent's vitals, it will only make a dent in the opponent's goggles.

When Mn Yu was defeated, he knew he was no match for him, so he dropped the newly made sword and ran away. Xiao Jiang did not despise but admired his choice. This kind of person dares to make choices without fear of embarrassment. That is the way to live a long life.

A string of blood stains on the bluestones and grass beside the road extended into the woods. Xiao Jiang lowered his head and looked at the bamboo pole in his hand. His sharpened head was already bald. He did not have A Qing's ability. A Qing's bamboo pole had a flat head.

But once she attacks, even hard granite will be punctured with holes half a foot deep, let alone a breast shield made of bronze.

"Without her cultivation level, it would be too stupid to use bamboo poles as weapons, otherwise this Miao Yu would have become a corpse. Fortunately, Qi practitioners rarely appear in this world. Although this Miao Yu's cultivation level is not bad, it is not too powerful, otherwise

If I can't kill him, he will have a chance to kill me, but this Yuhui sword is pretty good."

Xiao Jiang was thinking about picking up the sword and the long sword that had been knocked off. He took a closer look and saw that the four characters "Yue Wang" were cast on the front of the sword, and the four characters "Zhe Zhi" and "Yue Wang" were cast on the back. The sword's edge looked very sharp.

It is sharp, and the sword body is golden and exudes a faint light.

Xiao Jiang pulled a piece of hair and put it down. He turned the sword blade with his hand and pointed it upward. When the hair fell onto the sword blade, he saw that the hair broke into two pieces and fell to the ground without any warning.

Blowing hair and breaking hair is the basis of a sword, but this is just a bronze sword with such a sharp edge, which shows that their skills in forging bronze swords are very high.


Xiao Jiang held the bronze sword, which was less than two feet long, and slashed at a small tree at the edge of the bowl nearby. The tree broke with a loud sound in the air. Xiao Jiang was surprised to see the blade without any wear and clicked his tongue.

Xiao Jiang put the sword into the bracelet space and whispered:

"Yu Haijian is indeed domineering, but Jian Yu has already attacked me, will he attack A Qing?"

Standing on the mountain road, Xiao Jiang fell into deep thought. It was still too early to wait until three thousand Yue Jia could devour Wu. As the main person who trained Yue soldiers, A Qing should not be in any danger for the time being, but Mi and this person

He and Fan Li are not ordinary people, not to mention the extremely scheming King Gou Jian of Yue. Xiao Jiang is really worried that Ah Qing will suffer a loss.

But Xiao Jiang is just a person who traveled here to pursue his own interests. Although he has a close relationship with Ah Qing, he cannot stay here for ten or eight years, not to mention that his current ability cannot protect others.

"Locked in time and space, I want to look for better opportunities. I will come back when I have the ability. I hope Ah Qing will not follow the same old path as in the plot."

Xiao Jiang did not stop this time, nor did he plan to go to Zhuluo Village to buy torreya trees again. He could not even care about the sheep running away around him. As his eyes slowly condensed, a wave of waves formed around his body.

The white light dispersed, and when Xiao Jiang waited for the white light to dissipate, he had already appeared in his home.

After calming down for a while, Xiao Jiang used an electric hair pusher to push his long hair, which he had kept for a year, into a short crew cut. Looking at himself in the mirror, Xiao Jiang touched the two scars on his left arm, revealing a trace of


It has been more than a year since he went to Ah Qing's world. The fat that Xiao Jiang originally gained from studying has already turned into strong muscles. Although there are no lumps, he looks well-proportioned and strong. When he clenches his fists, his muscles are tight and he can show a hint of strength.


This chapter has been completed!
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