Chapter 927 The Tokaido Umibo Lord and the Corpse Amine House

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The flag ship of the Jiangnan Navy is a huge ship with five teeth. It has a main hall, an inner hall, east and west chapels, a bunker, and a parapet. It can accommodate more than 800 soldiers. The highest fifth-story ship building is built like a majestic city gate tower.

It is used to show the invincible glory of Kangding National Navy.

A flag ship is also called a flagship.

It is the command ship of the naval fleet.

On the gatehouse on the fifth floor of the flag ship, Jin An and Navy Commander Wang Lu sat side by side, looking down at the entire sea situation.

Behind them stood the old Taoist priest, Liu Tai, a group of lieutenants, and a circle of elite personal guards.

The fog on the sea continued to linger, and even the floating corpses of Uighur girls in the water kept floating in from the depths. General Wang Lu asked Jin An how to deal with these floating corpses.

Jin An only answered in four words: "Ignore it."

General Wang Lu was thoughtful, and then ordered his adjutant to pass on the message and not to salvage the floating corpses of Uighur girls along the way. Anyone who violated the order would be dealt with according to military law. The adjutant immediately went to the flag bearer to convey the order.

The fleet sailed calmly for a while in the thick sea fog. In addition to the floating corpse of the Uighur girl, there were also some ship debris on the sea.

Soon after, a small sampan floated towards the fleet.

There was a red lantern hanging on the small sampan boat, and there was a boatman rowing an oar at the stern, steering the boat with difficulty as it swayed left and right in the sea. In the simple cabin of the small sampan boat, there were twenty or thirty people sitting in exquisite kimonos and exquisite makeup.

Beautiful young woman with makeup.

Those young and beautiful women were not afraid of the wind and waves, singing exotic songs and laughing, as if crossing the ocean to be a Uighur girl was not a danger in their eyes, but a supreme honor that could bring glory to the family, everyone's

On their faces were sunny smiles with infinite longing for the future.

Some navy soldiers shouted loudly to the small sampans, telling them to avoid the fleet quickly and avoid being crushed and sunk by the warships.

I don’t know whether it was the sound of the waves or the strong wind on the sea, but the twenty-three Uighur girls in the small sampan boat still sang songs with longing for the future, and came straight over without hearing the fleet’s warning.

While the navy soldiers continued to shout,

The second sampan boat,

The third sampan,

fourth ship,

fifth ship,

More sampans appeared.

Each small sampan boat carried twenty or thirty Uighur girls, and the songs of these Uighur girls echoed over the sea.

At first these songs were euphemistic and pleasant, carrying a woman's sweet expectations for her future husband after leaving the boudoir. But after listening to them for a long time, they felt dizzy and drowsy.


A soldier fell into the sea on the outermost warship of the fleet. The soldier who fell into the sea was completely obsessed with the singing of the Uighur girls. His husband felt as if he was returning home and swam hard towards the small sampan boat to help the Uighur girls borrow seeds and go to the Japanese island to be with them.

s husband.

Jin An, who was on the flag ship, saw all this. He shouted like thunder through the sea fog, waking up the soldiers who were addicted to the false illusion of red and pink skulls: "I miss you and your life experience is pitiful.

You have one chance, you must make a mistake and seek death!"

The fleet soldiers were woken up by a wake-up call. When they heard the cries of their comrades calling for help from the sea, they immediately dropped the rope net and rescued their fallen comrades from the water.

"Little brother, you are speaking in Chinese. They are Japanese, so they probably don't understand what you are talking about..." the old Taoist priest reminded.

But the next moment!


The sky turned into burning clouds, which were the masculine blood of martial arts immortals rushing into the sky, like a fire igniting the sky above the fleet, burning the sky red.

However, these majestic qi and blood can only be seen by the spirits and ghosts who have left the body, and cannot be seen by ordinary people's naked eyes.

At this time, the fleet soldiers noticed that the small sampan that had been very lively before and had tambourines singing had turned into a dark black ship. It was dead silent inside and the Uighur girls could no longer be seen.

Small sampans float quietly on the sea, like tombstones on the sea, blocking the progress of the fleet.

It was as if the fleet had invaded a sea graveyard.

At this time, the flag ship issued a flag order, and the fleet continued to move forward, using heavy oil fire tanks to clear the way.

The soldiers on the fleet began to work in an orderly manner. They opened pieces of tarpaulin, rolled out a heavy oil fire cabinet that could only be polished by skilled craftsmen, and launched a fire attack on the small sampans floating on the sea.

These oil fires have an extremely high temperature and are not extinguished when exposed to water. They can float on the sea and continue to burn. Once caught, they will continue to burn until they are naturally burned out. All the small sampans blocking the way were transformed by the oil fire.

The blazing fireball sank to the bottom of the sea in a short time under the high-temperature flames. It was a ferocious posture that killed gods and ghosts.

After the victory in the first battle, the officers and soldiers of the Jiangzhou Prefecture Navy as the vanguard cheered and their morale was greatly boosted.

Generals Jin An and Wang Lu, who were sitting high on the fifth floor of the ship, saw that the morale of the fleet was greatly boosted, and nodded with satisfaction. When people's hearts are not afraid of ghosts and gods, ghosts and gods cannot live in people's hearts, and they lose their ability to confuse people's hearts.

It is important to build morale at this time.

Instead, Jin An's methods became secondary.

The fleet advanced all the way with great momentum. Just when the morale was high, a strange sea of ​​fire appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​fog.

Looking at the strange fire, General Wang Lu explained to Jin'an with a solemn expression: "I heard that strange fires often appear near the coast of Wo Island. These strange fires are like oil fires that can float on the sea and burn without going out. There are

Strange things happen frequently in sea areas with strange fires, and no passing ship can escape. It is also called a ghost fire or a sea of ​​ghosts. These strange fires appear randomly and there is no uniform pattern. If we can encounter these strange fires, it means that we are close to the Japanese.

Island Coast.”

"Strange Fire Legend?"

"Hmph! I want to see what is going on here! General Wang, order the fleet to continue moving forward. There is no need to turn around!"

Jin An, who was sitting side by side with coach Wang Lu, looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of him and said forcefully.

Wang Lu trusted Jin An and ordered the fleet to continue advancing. The flagman immediately conveyed the order to continue advancing to other warships.

Although I don’t know why the flag ship issued such an order, knowing that it was a death sentence, the duty of a soldier is to obey the order resolutely. The other warships followed the flag ship in the lead and continued sailing.

The closer you get to the strange fire, the colder the surrounding temperature becomes. It is so cold that it makes people shiver. These strange fires are not like the Yang fire in the human world.

Seeing that the huge fleet was about to hit the sea of ​​​​fire, at this moment, a vision of heaven and earth appeared above the flag ship at the forefront, and the majestic masculine blood ignited the void, like a fire that covered the sky and burned clouds to compete with the sea of ​​​​fire in front of them.

Then, three huge red suns jumped out from the sky above the fleet. They were the three yang fire tools of the martial arts immortals, which could even be seen by ordinary people with naked eyes.

The red sun boils the sea, and the heat wave rolls in the void, violently colliding with the cold sea of ​​fire in front of us. It is like a battle between the Yin and Yang worlds. Three rounds of red suns cut through the thorns in the demon world, leading the fleet to advance at an unabated speed.

At this time, everyone on the fleet felt as if they were standing under a sunny day, with their bodies warm, their hands and feet warm, and the biting coldness and gloom in their hearts all gone.

The panic was calmed, and everyone looked in the direction of the flag ship in surprise.

The Shinto masters on several giant ships in the rear, as well as the princes, were also alarmed by the strange phenomena of heaven and earth above their heads. They walked out of the cabin, stood on the deck and looked up at the sky. They were surprised by the huge movement of the martial arts immortals.

"Is this the vision of the heaven and earth of martial arts immortals? The qi and blood are so huge that they turn into three ovens of heaven and earth, warming and nourishing the heaven and earth, and dispelling evil and filthy air!"

The martial artist's majestic energy and blood cut through the thorns to clear the way, and the fleet continued to penetrate into the sea of ​​​​fire. Suddenly, one after another shouts broke the peace of the fleet: "Water, something in the water is coming up quickly!"

Hearing this, the crew members ran to the side of the ship and looked into the water. At this moment, they saw an unforgettable scene.

Over the centuries, countless Uighur girls have drowned in shipwrecks. They have risen from the deep sea in large numbers. There are so many drowned corpses accumulated over the past hundreds of years. Thousands of them are attacking the fleet.

Those Uighur girls were all exquisitely dressed and made up. But their delicate and beautiful facial features were swollen and gray-white due to the sea water. They were like ferocious ghosts with disheveled hair, rushing toward the fleet in dense numbers.

Winter! Winter! Winter!

The warships suddenly stopped suddenly and violently collided with each other. The huge inertia threw the people on the ship upside down and made them unable to stand still.

The old Taoist priest staggered to the side of the boat and leaned out to look into the water. Only once did he take a look, and immediately retracted his body and exclaimed: "Mom! Little brother, we encountered a corpse carrying a boat! There are still corpses in the depths of the sea.

More Uighur women are coming towards the fleet!"

As soon as the old Taoist priest finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he stared straight ahead at the sea of ​​fire.

A huge shadow reaching into the sky, like a forbidden legend, broke through the barrier of fog between the living and the dead, and appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

That giant shadow was too majestic and huge. While still deep in the sea of ​​fire, it had already cast a large shadow, like the shadow of death covering the fleet, bringing an atmosphere of ominousness, coldness, resentment, and decay.

Tiny whispers came from my ears, all of which were female voices. Some were cursing, some were crying, some were roaring, some were resentful, some were in pain, some were struggling, some were asking for help... The noise made people feel dizzy and confused, and every time

When you listen carefully to what these voices are saying, the voices will drift away. The more you try to hear clearly, the farther away the voices will be, unknowingly polluting people's spirits and making people addicted to these dark and negative emotions.

wide awake.

The old Taoist priest's eyes widened!

Finally saw what it was!

It was a giant Uighur female corpse twisted around countless corpses of Uighur women that had been soaked pale by the sea water! This corpse monster was also too big for his grandmother, and could easily bring up strong winds and huge waves!

"This is the demon god that the Japanese believe in! Master of Tokaido Kaibo!" An adjutant next to General Wang Lu grabbed the railing tightly and shouted.

For the navy who is stationed in Jiangzhou Prefecture all year round, it is natural to be exposed to some strange stories about the sea. After being asked by the old Taoist priest, the adjutant explained what the Haifang Lord of Tokaido is.

Tokaido Kaibozhu is a sea god and sea monster believed by the Japanese.

After the initial shock and shock, the adjutant quickly calmed down and analyzed calmly: "Think carefully, this is probably not the Tokaido Kaibozu. I heard that the Tokaido Kaibozu is a male demon believed by the Japanese, and the Uighur corpse monster in front of me is a female.

The devil, is he the wife of the Lord Umibo of Tokaido?"

Everyone wanted to ask carefully about the origins of the Haenyeo Room. The adjutant looked at the terrifying and tall Uighur female corpse monster and swallowed hard: "General, I only heard about some Japanese demon legends. If you ask me, I can't tell you the details.

.Why not wait until we land on the island and capture a few more Japanese people to lead the way, so that those Japanese people will know more about their local ghosts and legends!"

"If the one in front of me is really Amabo, I'm afraid that if I kill Amabo today, I'll provoke the even more powerful Tokaido Kaishin Umibo master later!" The adjutant said this while looking at Jin An.

No matter how the battleship swayed with the big waves, Jin An still stood firm and stared calmly at the female Uighur corpse monster in the sea of ​​fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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