Chapter 924 Shenzhou moves, prepares to go to sea to attack

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In the past few days when the royal fleet returned to Hong Kong to rest and recuperate, several princes took turns privately inviting Jin An to attend the banquet, but Jin An rejected them all.

He didn't want to offend several other princes because of one prince, causing people to mistakenly think that he was forming a faction.

If several princes jointly invited him, he might consider attending the banquet.

It is strange to say that even the seventh prince has privately invited Jin An more than once. According to the words of the old Taoist priest, "Either this seventh prince is pretending to be generous, or else he has a special hobby for green."

Because the city was facing a lot of waste and construction projects, and the princes were busy traveling among the people to constantly brush up their image of being close to the people and loving the people, Jin An easily excused the past few invitations.

On the other hand, Uncle Lin from Yujing Golden Palace and Master Xuanlei often visit Wu Zang Taoist Temple in the past few days to discuss their practice experiences with each other. During this period, Master Xuanlei, who has itchy hands, will also come to the Five Lei Emperor Hall to make a friendly guest appearance in fortune telling.

Jin'an naturally wanted this.

As Jin'an sacrificed his life to save the people of the city, the Wu Zang Taoist Temple has become the number one Taoist temple in the city. Incense is soaring like smoke, and even the threshold of the Taoist temple is almost trampled by the throng of pilgrims every day. It is the time when manpower is most scarce.

The old Taoist priest was familiar with everyone, and even became close friends with Xuan Lei. The relationship between the two warmed up quickly. If it weren't for the fact that he had to go back to the fleet to escort several princes and princesses at night, Xuan Lei would

The real person wished he could stay overnight in the free and easy Five Zang Taoist Temple, eat and sleep together with the old Taoist priests, talk by candlelight at night, and confide in each other until dawn.

That evening, after seeing off the reluctant Master Xuanlei and retreating in Taoist temple, Master Yuyangzi came to Jin'an and told him something.

"Headmaster, I want to discuss something with you." Uncle Yuyangzi stopped talking and looked at Jin An.

Jin An: "Uncle, tell me what you have to say."

Master Yuyangzi hesitated for a moment, as if he was organizing words in his mind and preparing how to speak. After a while, he said, "Headmaster, I feel that the Taoist temple is gradually running out of manpower these days. I wonder if the headmaster has any plans to recruit more disciples?


Jin An slapped his forehead and said in a sudden state: "These days, I have been focusing on dealing with several princes, but I have neglected my own affairs."

Jin An said happily: "Our Wu Zang Taoist Temple is indeed recruiting new disciples. Uncle Master mentioned this matter today, but there are already candidates?"

Seeing that Jin'an was not opposed to this matter, Uncle Yuyangzi struck while the iron was hot and said: "This time Yuxian flooded Jiangzhou Prefecture, many families were destroyed, leaving some poor homeless children. Master, I want to take them in."

Giving these orphans a place to shelter from the wind and rain is just a small contribution."

Jin An laughed loudly: "Good."

Taking care of the silly sheep in the sheep shed, Ye Fei, Ziyue and brother and sister were eavesdropping. They ran out happily: "Great, we are going to have a junior brother and a junior sister."

The Taoist temple, old and young, laughed happily.

Now that Uncle Yuyangzi has been selected, Wu Zang Taoist Temple went to Fucheng to register the enrollment of new disciples the next day, and then announced the recruitment of new disciples that day.

When they heard that Wu Zang Taoist Temple was recruiting disciples, Yongle Square was crowded with enthusiastic people. However, when they heard that Wu Zang Taoist Temple only recruited orphans with good natures, the crowd was first disappointed, and then admired in awe.

The auspicious day of the zodiac for opening the door to recruit new disciples is set on the sixth day of August. This day is suitable for offering sacrifices, consecrating people, and entering the population.

Just when everyone was looking forward to the grand event on the sixth day of August, on this day, a fishing boat came outside Jiangzhou Prefecture. A fisherman hurriedly got off the fishing boat and inquired about the Five Zang Taoist Temple along the way.

After finding the Wuzang Taoist Temple, the fisherman directly reported his name to Taoist Jin'an, saying that he had rescued a man from the sea, and the man asked him to come to the Wuzang Taoist Temple to find Taoist Jin'an.

When Jin An received the fisherman in the backyard, the fisherman handed over an envelope and said that he rescued a man who fell into the water when his boat was sunk by a storm while fishing at sea. The man who fell into the water gave him a letter and an iron order.

The card told him to hand it over to Taoist Jin'an of Wuzang Taoist Temple in person when he arrived in Fucheng.

Jin An recognized at a glance that the Mutie token was the Criminal Inspector's token, and Fatty Li also had one on his body. He did not rush to open the letter, but first asked about the situation of the man who fell into the water.

The fisherman shook his head and regretted: "When I fished him out, he had been drifting at sea without food and water for several days, and he was holding on with just one breath. He died after handing me the envelope and this iron plate.

"Supreme Taiyi Duhe Tianzun." The old Taoist sighed.

Jin An held the envelope tightly, signed the Criminal Investigation Commander's card, and asked nervously: "Where is the body?"

The fisherman pointed in the direction of the port and said he was still on his fishing boat.

Jin'an asked the fisherman to lead the way.

On the way to the port, the fisherman looked back at Jin'an several times, and finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked what was in his heart: "When I first arrived in Fucheng, I was also shocked by the scene in Fucheng. When I asked passers-by about the Wu Zang Taoist Temple,

Only then did I realize that the people living in the Five Zang Taoist Temple are living gods, and even the Rain Immortal can kill them! Everyone along the way was full of praise for the Five Zang Taoist Temple and Jin'an Taoist Priest, saying that it is the Five Zang Taoist Temple, and Jin'an Taoist Temple will sacrifice your life for you.

Save the whole city!"

"At first I was still curious why the man who fell into the water had to ask me to find you, Taoist Jin'an, before he died. Now I finally understand the reason! Taoist Jin'an, you are a living god who saves people in distress!"

Jin An's mind was entirely focused on the corpse of the fishing boat, and he could deal with it casually.

The two arrived at the port and as soon as they boarded the fishing boat, the strong smell of fish mixed with the smell of rotting corpses hit their nostrils.

The body was covered and hidden by a heavy fishing net. The body was not that of Fatty Li, but a subordinate of Fatty Li who had met him once and was also from the Criminal Investigation Department.

The fisherman looked at the corpse with a swollen and rotten face, and looked at Jin An in surprise: "Taoist Jin An can identify the deceased in this way!"

Then the honest-looking fisherman put his hands together and bowed to the corpse: "Brother, I have already done the things you asked me to do. I hope you can rest in peace and be reincarnated as soon as possible."

"Boatman, I came out in a hurry this time and didn't bring much silver. Please accept this purse and treat it as your hard work. The boatman has worked hard on this trip. The dead people are very important. I hope the boatman can stay in Jiangzhou Prefecture for a few more days."

Someone from the yamen may come to you later for more details." Jin An left a money bag, picked up the body, and headed straight to the giant Yujing Golden Tower ship parked in the port.

Watching Jin An boarding the huge ship at the port, the fisherman was stunned, and then quietly opened his money bag. When he saw a few shining white silver coins in the money bag, his heart was beating wildly: "This is a good move by Taoist Jin An.


The reason why Jin An went to Uncle Lin from Yujing Jinque and Xuan Lei instead of going to the government office to find Mr. Fu Yin was because Fatty Li had always avoided local officials when investigating the Nan Qian and Bei Qian cases. Even Mr. Fu Yin

I don’t know what the purpose of the Criminal Investigation Division’s secret visit to Jiangnan this time.

That's why the Criminal Investigation Department asked the fishermen to find Jin'an when they fell into the water. Apart from the royal fleet out to sea, only the Five Zang Taoist Temple is worthy of the Criminal Investigation Department's trust.

When Jin An brought the letter, the criminal police commander's card, and the body to Uncle Lin and Xuan Lei, soon after, the two took Jin An on board the Shenzhou to report the matter to several princes.

Not long after, people who were busy at the port were surprised to see the Shenzhou, which had just docked in the port, raising its mast and canvas. There was a busy scene on the Shenzhou, as if it was about to go to sea again.

As soon as Jin An returned to Wu Zang Taoist Temple, the old Taoist priest and Master Yuyangzi came around and asked how the situation was.

Jin An frowned slightly, as if he was worried: "Old Taoist priest, pack your things and go to sea with me."

"Fat Li seems to have found the den of the rebels and traitors in the Nanqian case, and ordered someone to send back a navigation chart engraved on a parchment. Several princes have already ordered to set sail, preparing to go to sea to exterminate the rebels. Several princes hope that Wu Zang Taoist Temple

Help us and go to sea with the ship to encircle and suppress the rebel party."

The sea is vast and you will lose your way if you are not careful, so Jin An wants to take the Luo Geng Jade Plate and go to sea with the old Taoist priest as a backup.


This chapter has been completed!
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