Chapter 923 Why is Boss Lin so bitchy?

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On the carriage, Uncle Lin, Jin An, and the old Taoist priest remained silent all the way.

After arriving at the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, Uncle Lin asked the coachman to go back first. He would stay at the Wu Zang Taoist Temple tonight to catch up with his friends, so there was no need to wait for him.

As soon as the listless old Taoist priest returned to the Wu Zang Taoist Temple, he immediately became lively and energetic, feeling that it was best to go home.

Hearing the commotion, the energetic Ye Fei and Ziyue brother and sister were the fastest runners and jumped into the arms of the old Taoist priest who was walking in the front, making the old Taoist laugh with joy.

After entering the backyard of the Taoist temple, the old Taoist priest put the food box in his hand on the stone table in the courtyard and said to the brothers and sisters: "Xiao Fei, Ziyue, this food box contains a lot of delicious food, all of which are palace delicacies. What are you doing today?"

It's a treat. Boss Lin packed this for you. Thank him quickly, and then you take it and share it with Greedy Sheep."

"Thank you, Boss Lin." The brother and sister's title made everyone laugh again, and then they jumped to the sheep house with the food box.

Seeing that several people in Jin'an had something to say, Yu Youzi came over carrying sour plum soup, the holy summer remedy. After giving everyone a bowl of sour plum soup, he asked if something happened on the Shenzhou?

The old Taoist priest, who has ADHD and can't stop talking for a moment, recounted what happened on the Shenzhou.

At this time, Uncle Lin looked at Jin An: "You have been a little impulsive today and have attracted the attention of the Tianshi Mansion."

Jin An smiled freely: "From the moment my identity as a martial artist and immortal is revealed, I am destined to no longer be the light of a firefly that can be hidden in the darkness. It is better to show a youthful and energetic edge to avoid outsiders from making random guesses."

"And I can also take the opportunity to give outsiders the illusion of being young, energetic and impulsive, and reduce some people's wariness towards my Five Zang Taoist Temple."

Seeing Jin An's clear eyes, clear thinking, and calm and confident conversation, Uncle Lin showed an approving look: "It's good that you know what's going on."

It was only a short time since the two reunited, and so many things had happened in these days that I didn't have time to talk about it in detail. Next, Jin An briefly talked about how he was ambushed in the underworld.

When he heard that Jin'an was besieged by many masters from the Tianshi Mansion, Uncle Lin's face was covered with frost, and his eyes gradually became cold. Hearing that Jin'an was besieged by masters from the third realm of Shinto, he not only saved the day, but also killed several people in a row, and finally even got the martial arts immortal

When he came to help, Uncle Lin was surprised one after another.

"The Tianshi Mansion lost a large number of masters this time. They claimed that they were besieged and ambushed by mysterious forces when they were preparing birthday gifts for the national master in the corpse cave in the underworld. It turns out that the villain they were talking about was themselves." Uncle Lin said with a cold expression.

Come out with more details.

Then he asked about the martial arts and immortals in the underworld.

In fact, Jin An knew very little about that senior, because there were too many ways to conceal his identity in the Corpse Painting Cave.

Faced with this answer, Uncle Lin nodded calmly, as if he had already expected that the other party would hide his identity.

Uncle Lin turned to ask: "Besides the underworld, how many people in the upper world know about your breakthrough to the third realm of Shinto?"

Jin An's eyes were stern: "I have never shown my Shinto skills in the world, but everyone who has seen my Shinto skills has become a dead man. Even the fight with the immortal mountain was suppressed by martial arts, human and immortal methods."

The look of approval for Jin An deepened in Uncle Lin's eyes.

Jin An is mentally mature and steady in his work, which makes him feel at ease.

And for such a person, coupled with the dual cultivation of Taoism and martial arts, he is both a divine being and a martial arts immortal. Jin'an has endless potential, and people are looking forward to how far he can go in the future.

The old Taoist priest also answered: "Don't worry, Boss Lin. It's not that I, Mrs. Chen, am selling melons and boasting about myself. Although this little brother is young, he actually has as many thoughts as seven orifices, and he hides them deeper than an old fox."

What a good Mrs. Chen who sells her melons and boasts about herself!

Jin An rolled his eyes at the old Taoist priest, not knowing whether the old Taoist priest was praising him or himself.

Next, Jin An inquired about many details about Mr. Mo, Luo Tian, ​​and the Tianshi Mansion in detail. Uncle Lin answered them one by one in detail, allowing Jin An to gradually understand them.

Since the Tianshi Mansion has been offended today, it is natural to know one's enemies and ourselves and make preparations in advance. Although several princes have the intention to recruit him, he does not think that those princes will offend Tianshi just because of him.

The complex forces behind the master's office.

The Tianshi Mansion has been operating in the capital for a long time and has long been deeply rooted. It involves various forces and is the target of the princes' efforts to win over.

Having said this, Jin An asked another question: "Uncle Lin, how much do you know about the previous generation of martial arts immortals?"

"The previous generation of martial arts immortals came from which sect and sect. Why did they fall under collective siege by Shinto masters?"

Uncle Lin looked at Jin An, his eyes were solemn and complicated, mixed with many emotions, and finally said a surprising news: "He protected a woman who shouldn't have been protected, violated human ethics, and was condemned by the world."

He couldn't tolerate it, and the world's Shinto masters joined forces to eliminate the demon. In the end, not only did he fail to save the woman he shouldn't have saved, but he also couldn't save himself."

Everyone showed horrified expressions when they heard this, and the old Taoist priest asked curiously: "What kind of woman can bear such a heavy infamy for her body?"

Uncle Lin didn't say anything, only leaving a solemn reminder: "For the good of Wu Zang Taoist temple, and for your own good, don't ask anyone to inquire about anything about the previous generation of martial arts immortals. The incident that happened more than ten years ago was too implicated.

A taboo is a taboo that is not allowed to be talked about. Anyone who talks about this matter in the past ten years will eventually encounter something unexpected. There are powerful hands behind the scenes who want the events of that year to be forever forgotten in history."

"Even Yujing Jinque is afraid of the other party?" Jin An frowned, but still wanted to continue to inquire.

Uncle Lin suddenly made a gesture of intimacy and raised his hand to knock Jin An on the head: "Yujing Golden Tower is the holy land of Taoism in the world. Who in the world dares to run wild at Yujing Golden Tower? I don't want you to have full wings.

You just make too many enemies."

"Back then, the Shinto masters besieged the martial arts immortals, and now you have become the martial arts immortals. Your existence has already made the world's Shinto masters suspicious. If you insist on tracing the truth of the incident, I am afraid that someone will use your identity as a martial arts immortal to instigate

The world's Shinto masters will besiege you and re-enact the tragic scenes that have lasted more than ten years."

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about the people in Wu Zang Taoist Temple. Unless you can join Yujing Golden Tower, but if you really wanted to join Yujing Golden Tower, you would have joined already."

Jin An was stunned by Uncle Lin's sudden intimacy, then covered his head and smiled bitterly: "Uncle Lin said he wouldn't ask, so he wouldn't ask."

Perhaps Uncle Lin realized that he had lost his composure just now, so he coughed dryly, bypassed the topic, and talked about the details of the Everlasting Mountain in detail.

Taking this opportunity, Jin An also asked Uncle Lin for all the information about Bulao Mountain.

This Burao Mountain has always been a hidden existence, rarely moving around in the outside world. The world has never known where the gate of Burao Mountain is. They only know that Burao Mountain relies on picture scrolls to communicate with the outside world. This time Burao Mountain suddenly appeared in the world with a high profile.

Because it was involved in the era of great strife, the Shaoyang Bureau of the Four Symbols Bureau of Jue Tian Jue Di happened to be in the south of the Yangtze River, and happened to encounter Jin'an going south, and the princes were inspecting the south and north money cases on behalf of the emperor.

So many things appeared in the Jiangnan area at the same time, such as Bulao Mountain, the Emperor's House, Jade Capital Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion, giving people a sense of oppression as the world is changing and turbulent.

And amidst the turbulent undercurrent, I don't know how many forces are also quietly eyeing Jiangnan.

The same conversation appeared on the giant ship accompanying Tianshi Mansion this time.

Although the giant ship of Tianshifu is not as good as the Shenzhou, it is still a huge existence when put together with those sea ships that ride the wind and waves and cross the oceans.

"I didn't expect that so many things would happen this time when I returned from the sea. I haven't heard Bulaoshan act in such a high-profile manner for a long time. Bulaoshan's style of behavior has not changed. Usually, the dragon never sees the beginning, but once it takes action, it is earth-shattering. He actually thought of sacrificing Jiangzhou.

One hundred thousand people in the government broke through the Four Symbols Bureau of Heaven and Earth. At first, I was still a little unsure whether the Shaoyang Bureau was really in Jiangnan. Since Bulao Mountain appeared in the Jiangnan area, this matter is almost certain. When it comes to who is the most powerful person in the world

If you want to break the shackles of the world and break the Four Symbols of the End of Heaven and Earth, Bulao Mountain must be among the top."

Luo Tianmu's eyes were filled with evil spirits, and there was a cold light flashing, as if a poisonous plot was flashing in his eyes.

Since Jin An left Shenzhou, the remaining people also left one after another. As soon as Luo Tian and Mr. Mo returned to the giant ship of Tianshi Mansion, they went straight to the secret room and lit a barrier incense to prevent people from eavesdropping.

This barrier incense is a plate of sandalwood with curls of green smoke from the purple furnace, coiling around the entire secret room, like clouds and fog, giving people a sense of uncertainty between reality and reality.

"Bu Lao Mountain, Jade Capital Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, Tianshi Mansion... Now there is another martial arts immortal, so many people gathered in a small Jiangzhou Mansion, and the South Money and North Money Case that shook the dragon's veins also happened

In the Jiangnan area, this is really a stormy situation, and the general trend of the world is rolling like a roaring tide."

Luo Tian looked at Mr. Mo: "That little Taoist priest is a martial arts immortal after all. Are you really confident that you can deal with him in December?"

In the mist, Mr. Mo, who was closing his eyes to adjust his breath, suddenly opened his eyes, a cold light burst out, and sneered: "I am confident that I will break through the third extreme stage in December."

A few short words, but full of endless confidence, made Luo Tian nod with satisfaction: "In the age of great strife, the mulberry fields have turned into the sea, and the depleted mountains and rivers have regained the vast vitality of ancient times. This is not a chance for you and me."

"Using the late stage of the Three Ultimates to suppress a newly promoted martial artist is more than enough."

Mr. Mo said harshly: "If we hadn't failed in the hunting in the underworld this time, or even a martial arts immortal appeared out of nowhere in the end, you and I wouldn't have been ridden on our heads by a little Taoist priest whose hair hadn't even grown yet!

What's wrong with this world? It used to be extremely difficult to meet a martial arts immortal, but now it feels like there are so many martial arts immortals everywhere, like carrots and cabbages!"

Luo Tian: "You don't have to worry too much about a young and energetic boy who can't hide his sharpness. What we should be more careful about is the high-profile entry of Bulaoshan into the world this time. I have sent people to go to the underworld and quickly use the special channels in the underworld.

Contact the capital side, hoping that the capital side will dispatch more experts to Jiangnan as soon as possible to help us contain the Bulao Mountain. More importantly, our Tianshi Mansion cannot miss the great opportunity opened by the Shaoyang Bureau."

Mr. Mo looked at Luo Tian.

The next morning.


Taoist temple of the five internal organs.

Standing at the door and watching Uncle Lin walk away, Yu Yangzi frowned and fell into deep thought, then looked at Jin An: "Headmaster, something is wrong with Boss Lin."

The old Taoist priest nodded sympathetically: "Indeed, Boss Lin was a bit girly last night."

Yuyangzi looked at the old Taoist priest in surprise: "Taoist Master Chen also noticed it. I thought that since I have been neighbors with Boss Lin of the coffin shop for so many years, I was the one who knew Boss Lin best."

This chapter has been completed!
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