Chapter 925 Conquering the Shogunate Daimyo

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When a fleet travels, it must prepare a large amount of marine survival supplies.

However, because the city was destroyed and had not yet been restored, the fleet made a plan to sail along the coastline and find various ports to replenish supplies.

So, on the day when the fisherman reported the news, the huge fleet from the capital combined with the Jiangzhou Prefecture Navy Fleet, a total of 136 sailing ships and nearly 20,000 people, the Kangding Kingdom's invincible navy, sailed away from the port in a mighty manner.

Originally, Jin An was worried that with so many masters being transferred away, Jiangzhou Prefecture would be empty and Bulaoshan would take advantage of it. The answer he got was that the capital had already learned about Bulaoshan's birth and had sent more masters to Jiangzhou.

The state capital stabilizes the situation.

At first, Jin An was suspicious of this matter. Jiangzhou Prefecture is thousands of miles away from the capital, so how could the news be conveyed so quickly. When he learned that the news was conveyed through the channels of the underworld, his expression suddenly became clear.

The Jiuqu Huangquan River leads to the Tianxia Lake, and the water can be reached from all over the world.

In the next few days, the Kangding Kingdom's invincible naval fleet made its way eastward. Along the way, they saw the Shenzhou Fleet flying the dragon flag in the county town. The county magistrates tried their best to cooperate in supplying supplies, and all the needed supplies were successfully supplied in a few turns.

This reflects the characteristics of a vast territory, logistics supplies can be kept up with in time, and there is no fear of expeditions and marches.

Ordinary people have never seen such a majestic Armada scene in their lives. Every time it docks for supplies, it will cause quite a stir, shouting that the emperor's grace is great and that the sage king will rule the world.

There are strong winds and waves on the sea, and the biggest advantage of the giant ship is revealed at this time. It is as stable as a rock, and you can't feel too much shaking and bumps on the road. Even the seasickness of the old Taoist priest was miraculously cured.

On the huge Yujing Jinque ship, which was decorated with five-color imperial flags, the old Taoist priest stood firmly on the bow of the ship, looking at the majestic sea. He wanted to recite a poem and compose a poem, but he didn't realize that he was uneducated until the poem came to his mouth.

After opening his mouth several times, the old Taoist priest finally gave up his struggle and turned to ask Jin An: "Little brother, we are far away from the land now and no one will leak the secret. Can you tell me where the final destination is on the navigation chart sent back by Fatty Li?


Jin An stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his hands, looking at the calm sea on a sunny day and said: "Korea."


The old Taoist priest was stunned.

Goryeo has been a vassal state of the Han people since ancient times. These rebels set up their counterfeit currency dens in Goryeo. This is really a dark place under the lamp - a place that you would not even think of using a lantern.

The fleet traveled day and night, but was delayed for several days due to supplies along the way. It was already ten days later when it arrived in Goryeo. When this huge invincible fleet appeared in the sea of ​​Goryeo, with masts like mountains, blocking out the sky, all the small fishing villages along the coast were frightened.

Close the door and don’t go out.

The target of the fleet was not these small fishing villages. When the fleet arrived at an earthen city marked on the navigation chart, it found that it was a step too late. This place had just experienced a war. The life in the city was devastated and turned into ruins by the fire. The remaining fire of some collapsed buildings had not yet been burned.

Burn out.

This scene made the third prince and the others extremely furious. Could it be that there was a spy who tipped the scales and leaked the news? Why did these rebellious ministers and traitors just happen to leave when they got the news?

When several princes were furious, they couldn't help but look at Jin An on the huge ship of Jade Capital Golden Tower. Not many people had read the contents of the letter, so Jin An, an outsider, was the most suspicious.

The third prince and the others asked several Shinto masters to take action and use the method of leaving the body of the day's soul to find out whether the rebellious ministers and traitors had not escaped yet.

Although the princes did not come to Jin An, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the princes began to be wary of and distrustful of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

Suddenly, there was a man pushing a small canoe in the dense forest of Goryeo and trying his best to draw prizes towards the Kangding fleet. When the man was picked up on the Shenzhou, he saw that the man was in ragged clothes and had unkempt hair and a face like a savage.

The princes were wary of the Five Zang Taoist Temple and were not invited to board the Shenzhou this time. When Uncle Lin and Xuan Lei came back, the old Taoist priest immediately asked with concern who the savage was? Was he the surviving Fatty Li? What happened to this Koryo Island?

what happened?

It turned out that the savage was also one of the subordinates of the Criminal Investigation Department who went to sea with Fatty Li.

The Goryeo Tucheng in front of us is not the real hideout of the rebels, but an outpost for coal mining, used to monitor passing ships and confuse them. The real nest is the hinterland of Fusang Kingdom after passing through the narrow strait.

Based on the clues provided by Jin An and Uncle Yuyangzi, Fatty Li has been looking for qualified targets near the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and finally settled on Goryeo.

They found that a Tucheng in Goryeo met the conditions. It had no contact with the outside world and had coal mines. Every day, the natives were whipped and enslaved into the mountains to mine coal. Moreover, the Tucheng was filled with thick smoke every day, and it was suspected that there was a forging factory hidden there.

Coal happens to be an important ore for smelting copper coins.

All the characteristics indicated that this Tucheng was probably the place they were looking for on this trip. So Fatty Li asked two people to go out separately with the news, while he continued to lead people to stay at the same place.

But as soon as Fatty Li sent the information, they were discovered by the rebel party's hidden line. Fortunately, Fatty Li was smart enough to intercept the hidden line and interrogate the information about the real hideout.

But before they could send out the information, their whereabouts were exposed and they were hunted all the way, including the two people who had left earlier. Fatty Li led most of the people to escape to the hinterland of Fusang, distracting the enemy's attention and allowing them to escape.

A criminal prosecutor went into hiding and tried to find a way to send the information again.

Unexpectedly, the rebels disguised themselves as pirates and plundered, deliberately destroyed Tucheng, and took the opportunity to block the strait, so that the people of the Criminal Investigation Department had no chance to escape. Once, they were almost discovered by the other party during a large-scale search.

It was not just luck, but a storm suddenly fell from the sky. The typhoon brought violent winds and rain from Jiangzhou Prefecture, sweeping across Korea and Fusang. The bad weather forced those people to leave in a hurry to find shelter. This criminal inspector was about to be arrested.


When talking about the typhoon, the old Taoist priest, Uncle Lin, and Master Xuan Lei all looked at Jin An with strange expressions.

Jin An: "!"

Although the rebels did not launch a large-scale manhunt later, they continued to block the strait, and the people of the Criminal Investigation Department never found a chance to pass on the information. They lived in the dense forest like a savage life. When they were hungry, they only dared to eat raw fish.

When it's cold, I only dare to drill holes in trees and cover them with leaves, but don't dare to use open fires.

According to the description of the criminal inspector, someone took control of a down-and-out shogunate, brutally slaughtered villages and towns in Fuso, drove a large number of local people into slavery, refused to communicate with the outside world, and built the main city into an iron wall. Even the shogunate

The base camp didn't dare to mess with that place.

Apart from brutally plundering the population and enslaving a large number of Japanese as slaves, this puppet shogun kept a low profile in other aspects. His only communication with the outside world was a tea merchant fleet.

While several people in Jin'an were talking, the Shenzhou fleet had completed its U-turn, and the mighty sails crossing with thousands of sails were heading towards the hinterland of Fuso, attacking the puppet shogunate overnight.


This chapter has been completed!
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