Chapter 926 Fog and Uighur Girl

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Goryeo is more than 2,000 miles away from the hinterland of Japan. The sea at night is dark and does not reflect light, and the huge fleet seems to be sailing on the abyss.

The fleet had not yet left Goryeo when they saw a layer of mist floating on the sea.

The fog continues to get thicker.

Jin An, who was resting with his eyes closed in the cabin, suddenly opened his eyes and walked out of the cabin.

Seeing this, the old Taoist priest quickly followed and asked what happened?

As soon as he walked out of the cabin, the old Taoist priest was surprised and said: "When did the thick fog start to rise on the sea?"

At this moment, there were shouts from the ship, and crew members began to run to the side of the ship to check the situation. There was also a splashing sound, as if someone was throwing a rope net into the sea to salvage something.

Both of them also came to the side of the boat to look into the water. Uncle Lin had been standing at the bow of the boat, so the old Taoist asked Uncle Lin: "Boss Lin, do you know what happened ahead?"

Uncle Lin looked into the deep night sky, his eyes seemed to be able to see through every ship on the sea, directly seeing the truth of the world. He replied: "A floating corpse floated on the sea surface. The Jiangzhou Prefecture navy who was at the forefront was salvaging the body from the sea."

In fact, Uncle Lin didn't need to answer. The old Taoist priest had already seen the black waves carrying a floating corpse floating close to the Yujing Golden Que ship they were riding.

Although it was impossible to see clearly the details of the body due to the darkness of the sea and the height of the giant ship, it was still possible to see that the floating body was on its back.

"The man is on top, the woman is on the bottom, face down. This is a female corpse. Could it be that you met some poor people on the beach?" Just after the old Taoist priest finished speaking, some more corpses floated on the sea. At a glance, there were four or five floating corpses, and others nearby.

The ship is recovering the female body.

Uncle Lin picked up the floating corpse from the air and placed it on the deck.

Everyone gathered around curiously, and the old Taoist priest was right. This was indeed a female floating corpse. The identity of the female corpse did not look like that of an ordinary person. She was wearing a beautifully made kimono and her hair was beautifully braided. Although the kimono and makeup had been soaked by sea water, they could still be seen.

The woman came out with exquisite makeup and beautiful facial features.

Exquisite kimono, exquisite makeup, all these seem to tell that this woman comes from a wealthy family on the Japanese island?

Just when everyone was making such speculations, Master Xuan Lei who came after hearing the news also used the method of primordial body control to salvage another floating corpse. It was still a female corpse, still wearing a beautiful kimono, exquisite makeup, and beautiful facial features.

"What's going on?"

"Why are the girls from wealthy families all dying?"

"Could it be that those rebels already knew that their lair was exposed, and they followed the same method of murdering people, destroying corpses and eradicating traces in Goryeo Tucheng? Are they planning to run away?"

Some people on the boat were surprised and discussed.

Even Uncle Lin and Xuan Lei frowned and thought for a while, unable to guess the origin of the two female corpses. At this time, the old Taoist priest said solemnly: "Little brother, have you ever heard of the 'Uighur Girl'?"

"When I traveled to the south of the Yangtze River in my early years, I heard folk stories saying that the Japanese were born short, and every year they selected a large number of beautiful women and risked their lives to cross the ocean to borrow seeds from the Han people. Such women in the Japanese country were called '

Uighur girls'. All clans and tribes in the Japanese country are proud of borrowing seeds. The more "Uighur girls" who come back pregnant, the more respected the clan is and the more power it has in the local area. And the women of the Japanese country also become Uighur girls.

'Be proud of her, her family will be treated favorably because of her."

"Just sailing across the ocean in a small boat is a risk of life. There are a lot of Uighur girls who die in shipwrecks at sea every year, which is high risk. It should be that the Japanese sent 'Uighur girls' out to sea to borrow seeds. Then unfortunately there was a shipwreck and the ship capsized, killing one or several people on the ship."

After listening to the old Taoist priest's explanation, everyone first showed a surprised expression, and then looked at the old Taoist priest with admiration. Master Xuan Lei said: "There are specialties in skills! This is what I admire about Daoist Chen! Daoist Chen seems to know everything in the world, and I only know it." immerse yourself in the art of thunder."

Jin An nodded aside: "I know about borrowing money. This is the first time I have heard of the name 'Uighur Girl'."

Perhaps because she had been soaked in the sea for too long, the bundle on the back of one of the "Uighur girls" loosened up. Some people saw that these "Uighur girls" had poor life experiences and died in a foreign land with no relatives to bury their bodies. They wanted to help re-tie the waist. To carry the burden and help the female corpse tidy up her body.

After spreading it out, I found something was wrong with the bundle: "No, isn't this a bundle? Why is it so wide, fat, and long after spreading it out, and it looks like a bed sheet?"

Jin An said casually: "This is not a girdle, but a pillow. The 'Uighur girl' borrowed seeds from the Han people. Carrying the pillow and bed sheet with her, she can borrow seeds from handsome and tall men anytime and anywhere."


Everyone drawled their voices and showed expressions of enlightenment that all men understand, except Uncle Lin, who was indifferent and even looked at Jin An with unusually calm eyes.

The old men in a circle surrounding the female corpse suddenly hugged their arms and rubbed together: "Did you notice that the temperature on the ship suddenly dropped sharply, and your necks felt inexplicably cold?"

Everyone nodded unanimously.

The old Taoist priest exclaimed: "Could it be that these two Uighur girls drowned in the water and were so resentful that they wanted to defraud the corpse?"

Master Xuan Lei saved two female corpses with a thunderbolt in his palm without saying a word.

But the cold air on the deck of the ship still persisted.

At this time, Uncle Lin suddenly spoke and asked Jin An lightly: "Taoist priest Jin An seems to understand the cultural customs of these 'Uighur girls'. He has been exposed to them before."

At this time, he did not say the word "face", but expressed it implicitly, which was already to save Jin An enough face in front of outsiders.

"How is that possible! I'm not! I didn't!" Jin An said righteously.

"I just usually prefer to read some miscellaneous historical notes, and the ink in my belly is a bit mixed.

The old Taoist priest testified for Jin An: "Boss Lin, I can testify that my little brother is still a pure Yang body. I still have full confidence in this skill of fortune telling."

It's okay that the old Taoist priest didn't explain. With this explanation, everyone in the circle looked at Jin An in shock, and then in awe.

Master Xuan Lei looked at him with admiration: "Taoist Master Jin'an has achieved enlightenment and immortality at a young age, and his future is limitless. He is also strict with himself, abides by pure yang, and will not be disturbed by worldly temptations. He has excellent qualifications, a persevering character, and a good heart. Pure and good, Taoist Master Jin'an's qualifications are rare in his life."

"A body of pure yang is full of vitality. Not a drop of yang is released, so that the qi and blood are as strong as an oven burning, endlessly, so that the blood is strong and masculine. It seems that a pure yang body is the key factor to become a martial artist. "One." Master Xuan Lei sighed with emotion and regret.

Jin An: "..."

Jin An, who was surrounded by everyone with shocked faces, pointed at the old Taoist priest beside him with a dark face: "The old Taoist is also a pure yang body, so how can he still be a Qi Refiner?"

"Huh?" The old Taoist priest looked confused.

Everyone looked at the five internal organs Taoist temple, an old man and a young man, who were trying to make trouble with each other, and they all shook their heads at this pair of living treasures.

On the sea with thick fog, there are still corpses of "Uighur girls" floating out from the depths of the fog, and more female corpses have been salvaged from the boat.

At this time, several small boats were put down from the Shenzhou and paddled to the three huge ships of Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion. The three princes and others sent a young eunuch to pick everyone up and go to the Shenzhou to discuss important matters.

When Uncle Lin and Xuan Lei boarded the ship, the young eunuch specially called Jin An and the old Taoist priest to board the ship together.

Jin An is not surprised at all by this.@精品_书馆…j_h_s_s_d_c_o_mFirst.Posted.Updated.Updated~~

The criminal inspector rescued from Goryeo had already explained that everything was a misunderstanding. The three princes pretended that nothing had happened and continued to warmly invite Jin An and the old Taoist priest.

When Jin An and the old Taoist priest boarded the Shenzhou, before they could speak, the third prince took the initiative to punish himself with a drink, saying that he should not doubt Wu Zang Taoist Temple. Wu Zang Taoist Temple sacrificed himself to save hundreds of thousands of people in the city. How could he follow spies and evil people? There is a connection.

Some people call this kind of moody words and deeds the art of emperors controlling people. If you move it, you will feel the power of God and get angry, while if you stop it, you will feel like a spring breeze and be flattered.

However, Jin An's temperament is not that of a young man in his twenties, and he has no awe of the imperial power in his heart. He is calm, neither humble nor arrogant when it comes to this kind of young dragon playing imperial tricks.

Talking about the human heart, the dangers of the human heart that he experienced in the Buddhist Kingdom and the nightmare of the Ghost Mother had already polished his mind and made him stronger.

In fact, the third prince summoned everyone to discuss nothing major. He just wanted to ask everyone what they thought of the heavy fog and the female corpse in the sea.

Not only the old Taoist priest recognized the ‘Uighur Girl’, but several people in Shenzhou also recognized the origin of the floating corpse.

The expressions on the faces of the several princes were calm. It seemed that the princes who were close to the Tianshi Mansion had already learned about the origin of the floating corpse. The princes just found any reason to repair their relationship with Jin An, a martial artist and immortal. Give up the idea of ​​recruiting martial arts immortals.

During the discussion, everyone agreed that the dense fog in front of them and the sudden appearance of a large number of floating corpses of "Uighur Girls" meant that it was better to be careful. They then changed the fleet formation to a square and circular formation that focused on defense.

And the giant ships of Yujing Golden Tower, Zhenguo Temple, and Tianshi Mansion guarded the left, right, and rear directions to prevent anyone from using evil priests to sneak attack the fleet.

As for the vanguard, they were entrusted to the Wu Zang Taoist Temple.

It is said that the masculine blood of the martial arts immortal frightened away the ghosts and monsters lurking in the thick fog. In fact, everyone knew that no one in the fleet had really seen Jin'an, the martial arts immortal's ability, and wanted to take this opportunity to test it out. Does Jin'an, a martial arts immortal, have any moisture?

Jin An is not the kind of naive and simple person, so he naturally guessed the intention and understood each other tacitly.

To be honest, he couldn't wish for this arrangement from the third prince. The forward position may seem dangerous, but it can gain Yin De.

"Priest Jin'an, wait, you had a good personal relationship with the Criminal Investigation Department when you were in Jiangzhou Fucheng. This Criminal Investigation Department officer heard that you were also in the fleet and said he wanted to find you to report to the Chief Li that you were safe." Jin An Before disembarking from the ship, the three princes handed him one person, who was the member of the Criminal Investigation Department who was rescued in Goryeo.

The third prince handed over the people from the Criminal Investigation Department to Jin An at this time, also with the intention of making good friends.

Tonight, the third prince tried very hard to win over Jin An.

Next, we will see whether Jin An's performance as a forward can meet the psychological expectations of the princes, and whether it makes it worthwhile for the princes to continue to invest their efforts in winning over.

This time the fleet was at the front line of the Jiangzhou Prefecture Navy, which was familiar with the East China Sea. The generals of the Jiangzhou Prefecture Navy got the eunuch to read the Third Prince's oral instructions and learned that Jin'an was going to be in the vanguard, which greatly boosted the morale of the crew.

Only these locals in Jiangzhou Prefecture who have witnessed Jin An's powerful killing of female immortals with their own eyes can deeply understand how powerful Jin An is and how morale cannot be boosted when such a Taoist priest who can kill immortals is at the forefront.

Moreover, Jin'an is well-known in Jiangzhou Prefecture, and these naval brothers also have a high sense of identification with Jin'an.

"Taoist Jin'an, we met again. I wonder if Taoist Jin'an still recognizes Mr. Wang? Last time, Taoist Jin'an wiped out the animal cult and returned to Hong Kong on a pirate ship and was intercepted by a navy patrol vessel. There was almost a misunderstanding during the period. In the end, the government Master Yin found me and found out that Taoist Jin'an was doing harm to the people and annihilated the nest of the Animal Cult all by himself. Taoist Jin'an's popularity among our navy is unmatched by anyone, hahaha." Navy General Wang Lu is a human being. He is a tall, dark and bold man who warmly embraces Jin An when meeting him.

Jin'an was also infected by Wang Lu's generous temperament: "General Wang Lu, commander of the Jiangzhou Navy, a famous bandit-suppressing hero, General Wang has been on duty for many years to protect the safety of the people, how could he forget."

After the two of them reminisced about old times, Jin An pointed to the Criminal Investigation Department personnel who were following him and asked if there were any spare rooms on the ship. My brother was seasick and wanted to borrow a room to rest.

General Wang Lu was a smart man. He called his close associates to lead the way and arranged a private room for Jin An to handle private matters.

Cabin cabin.

When there were only Jin An, the old Taoist priest, and a member of the Criminal Investigation Department named Liu Tai left in the cabin, Jin An looked at Liu Tai and said, "There were several times on the way that you opened your mouth, and on the Shenzhou you even said that you wanted to meet him. I, is it Fatty Li who wants you to bring a message?"

Liu Tai first knelt down on one knee and begged Jin An to save their leader. When Jin An helped him up and said that he would definitely save Fatty Li, Liu Tai carefully checked around and poured some water from the cowhide kettle to wet it. fingers, and then wrote a few words on the ground:

Twelve princes!

As soon as he finished writing, he immediately wiped off the water stains and stood up again: "The boss said that in the whole Jiangzhou Prefecture, he only trusts the Wu Zang Taoist Temple. If something unexpected happens to him and he does not return to Jiangzhou Prefecture with us, he will tell this to Jin Taoist An, Taoist Jin An will know what to do when he sees it."

Jin An frowned slightly and thought, then nodded to Liu Tai: "You are Fatty Li's. From now on, if you follow me, I will protect you for Fatty Li."

Liu Tai thanked him gratefully.

The three of them then returned to the deck, where there were still a large number of floating corpses of "Uighur girls" waiting for him to deal with.

When Jin An brought the old Taoist and Liu Tai to the ship on the third deck to find General Wang, General Wang smiled at Jin An and said hello, without mentioning that Liu Tai was cured of seasickness so quickly.


This chapter has been completed!
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