Chapter 961 Conquer the world and create a peaceful and prosperous era

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The water-avoiding golden-eyed beast can be controlled by it, and it can reach everything. It is also an ancient auspicious beast. The water-avoiding golden-eyed beast runs on the waves, as if shrinking to an inch, and flashes on the Shenzhou. Its body is like a mountain peak.

The beast with eyes raised its huge and sharp tiger claws and attacked Jin'an at close range.

The tiger's claws shine with precious light, as if they are not flesh and blood claws, but an indestructible magic weapon that has been refined to the extreme.

Everyone on the Shenzhou was shocked!

Except for a few third-level immortals, no one has seen clearly how the ancient auspicious beast, the Water-Avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast, displays its mysterious magical powers on the sea surface.

If they knew that this ancient auspicious water-avoiding golden-eyed beast was actually a man wearing the skin of a divine beast, a man walking on all fours on the ground, the look on his face would be even more horrified.

Under the skill of making animals, a person can actually be so lifelike and lifelike without revealing any flaws. Even the aura of the auspicious beasts on his body is as lifelike as the five-colored clouds accompanying him wherever he passes, making it dazzling and dazzling.

It's like there is really a saint riding through the long river of time, living from ancient times to the present, and descending into the world of the world.

It's just that what this auspicious beast is doing now is not the work of a saint. Not only does it not have the moral character of a saint, it has compassion, but it is a despicable and shameless sneak attack, bullying the minority with more, and killing Jin An as soon as it strikes, and its virtue is not worthy of its place.

There is human nature among beasts, but they are alienated by humans. There is the heart of beasts among humans, and how many people can truly know it! The ancients looked like beasts, and they all had great saintly virtues. If humans are not as good as beasts, then they are not as good as beasts.

When the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast flashed and attacked Jin'an, the giant thorn corpses on the bow of the coffin ship collided with each other, and there was a harsh sound of bones rubbing together. They turned their heads in pain and stared in the direction of the Shenzhou where Jin'an was.

The moment the horned corpses looked at Jin'an, the thorns and vines that bound them tightened and strangled the corpses. Countless barbs like coffin nails pierced deeply into the flesh, and many bloody death charms shot up.

At the moment when the bloody death talisman rose into the sky, several thunderstorm-like roars broke through the air one after another, and thorns and vines whipped towards Jin'an.

As fast as blood-red thunder, beyond the limits of the naked eye.

At the same time, the bloody death symbols rising from the thorn vines were like millstones of life and death, and like bloody tides, they fell in large numbers over Jin An's head, bringing a terrible curse.

It was a terrible curse filled with death, despair, uncertainty, pain, and all negative human emotions.

Once it gets on the flesh, it will take over the body like a gangrene attached to the bone, and become a puppet controlled by the curse, a walking corpse.

These thorns and vines are like a divine whip, hitting the divine way at the top and flesh and blood at the bottom. Those whose souls have left the body will be directly hit in the soul, and martial arts practitioners and immortals will have to bear the weight of bearing thorns to plead guilty.

"It's an opportunity"

The dragon girl Yuxian grasped the changes in the situation, turned from defense to offense, and used her soul to control the objects. She made the Dragon King of the Four Seas, who was carrying the giant ship, completely leave the bottom of the ship's hull, completely exposing the hundred-foot-long dragon body to the world. The dragon's mighty eyes were angry, and the magic power of Shinto exploded, and he took the initiative to pounce.

Attacking the gluttonous ferocious beast is like the ancient mythical beasts fighting for hegemony in the prehistoric era. One's vitality and blood are like clouds, and the other's divine splendor reaches the sky.

In fact, these shocking changes happened in an instant. Seeing that Jin'an was in danger, Uncle Lin and Xuan Lei took action at the same time, each fighting against the ancient auspicious beast, the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast, and the thorn vines that were like the whip.


Jin An, who has a thousand mind calamities in cultivation and is able to focus on ten functions without affecting the smooth flow of his thoughts. He always pays attention to the changes in the situation, and is the first to counterattack the water-repelling golden-eyed beast and thorn vines that have been killed in front of him. Boom.

There was a loud roar from the sky and the earth, and the sky-burning flames burst out of the shackles, bringing about a world-shattering calamity, filling the world in all directions with the aura of violent sun fire. At this moment, everyone felt that an extreme flash of light erupted in front of their eyes, their eyes were burning and stinging, and they couldn't stop crying.

flow, falling into temporary blindness.

Even those strong men in the third realm whose souls had left their bodies were shocked by the aura of sun fire that filled the sky. The sky and the earth were vast, with thunder and fire clashing everywhere, and their souls were burning and uncomfortable.

This feeling made them feel like they were back to the scene when their souls left their bodies during the day for the first time. They felt that the whole world was a sea of ​​fire, and the blazing masculine aura burned their bodies from all directions. It was like they were exposed to the scorching sun, and their mouths

Dry tongue, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and sluggish thinking.

"What kind of method is this? It's such an amazing power of pure Yang. It's more uncomfortable than being in the sun."

"Many strong people in the three realms present were frightened, and they either sacrificed the pure Yang magic weapon, or sacrificed the soul nourishing magic weapon, or visualized the Yang God in the divine court, or visualized the sun bird, or used the secret magic power... Only then could they regain control of their minds and persevere.

The ghost and six senses gradually recovered.

It's just that they don't recover their six senses that were blinded by the aura of sun fire. As soon as they recover, boom

The sky and the earth exploded, and the eyes and ears were filled with thunder and thunder, just like thunder exploding in the sky and the earth during a thunderstorm. The heaven, earth and universe were filled with the sound of Zhiyang thunder, which shocked the soul and made the head dizzy.

Once again, a group of strong people from the Three Realms who could not see anything were trapped in a vast expanse. They were horrified. What on earth was going on with these successive explosions?

On the contrary, ordinary sailors and practitioners of the first and second realms who cannot leave their bodies during the day have physical bodies to protect their three souls and seven souls. In addition to the temporary invisibility of the burning eyes and the temporary inaudibility of the tinnitus and pain, in terms of vitality and spirit,

The damage is minimal.

This can be regarded as blessings and misfortunes that depend on each other, and there are gains and losses.

The loss of consciousness was as quick as the recovery. Within a few breaths, these people had recovered and looked at Shenzhou with heavy expressions.

But he was horrified to see the ancient auspicious beast, the Water-Avoiding Golden-Eyed Beast, which he had punished before, with his muscles and bones broken, his head bruised and bleeding, and he was seriously injured and lying in a pool of blood, dying.

Even the five-colored clouds that represented auspicious omens disappeared, replaced by a burnt black body, as if it had just been grilled, and the smell of meat was exhaled.

Others roast whole sheep, but Shenzhou roasts auspicious animals.

But the scene on the coffin giant ship is the most shocking and horrifying. The upper bodies of the thorn giant corpses are missing. The wounds on the waist and abdomen are scorched. There is no scene of corpses flowing into rivers of blood. Look at the fractures.

There were traces of broken flesh and bones, as if they had been blown apart by a terrible sea of ​​fire.

Even the collision angle of the coffin giant ship's bow was blown away, tearing open a huge crack.

Compared with the huge movement here, the Dragon King of the Four Seas on the sea disappeared, but it did not attract too many people's attention.

"what happened"

"What happened just now"

After asking around, I was surprised to find that no one could see clearly how Jin An took action. This is the most terrifying part.

Everyone was not optimistic about Jin An, but Jin An resolved the siege crisis with one move, and Jin An, a martial arts immortal, stood there unharmed.

"Martial Arts Immortal"

Today, Jin An's angular and resolute face is branded in everyone's heart. The only remaining martial arts immortal in the world has once again reminded many Shinto masters of the killing power of previous martial arts immortals.

Jin An connected his toes and kicked off the limbs and joints of the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast that was severely injured by the three hundred thousand Yin De magic weapon that shook the altar to prevent him from escaping. Then he jumped up, and the Taoist robe rose up into the sky with a swing, with a fierce and murderous expression.

To the Dragon Girl Yuxian.

Seeing the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast being seriously injured by a single blow, its owner shouted angrily, and the giant ship launched a powerful air machine to "seek death"

At this time, Xuan Lei Zhenren Yu Lei ascended into the sky and stood between the giant ship and Jin'an. Lightning exploded all over the sky. "Let me see who else is bullying me today. I am the one with no one."

Uncle Lin didn't say anything. The sun and the moon rose above his head. The sun and the moon corresponded to each other and interacted with each other, just like the interpretation of the yin and yang fish in the universe. Tao gave birth to one, one life gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things. With the weight of the great road, they roared towards

Coffin giant ship, fight directly with the old monster on the coffin giant ship.

"Amitabha, there is no end to the sea of ​​suffering. The four phenomena of the end of the world are related to the life and death of all living beings. It is better for all donors to leave early, so as not to cause too many unnecessary killings, be burdened with karma, and be burdened with karma." At this time, Master Zenjing of Lian Zhenguo Temple

, Master Juehai also stood up and recited the Buddhist Dharma of compassion, urging people to do good with compassion.

Their trip was not only to prevent the shackles of the Yang Realm from being broken, but also to represent Kangding's imperial court in the four seas, to promote the majesty of Kangding, and to strive for another ten years of peace and prosperity for Kangding in the age of great strife.

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