Chapter 968 Old Taoist Priest: Why does Boss Lin care so much about his younger siblings today?

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The tragic experiences of Qingling Sanren in his later years caused the atmosphere on Shenzhou to fall into a temporary depression.

If even such a character met such a tragic end, how could they fare better?

First, the martial arts immortals suppressed the self-confidence of Shinto, and then the miserable circumstances of Qingling San people in their later years shook their faith in practice. The two-phase attack caused cracks in people's Taoist hearts.

...No wonder there are so many people who want to break the shackles of heaven and earth, remove the heavy cage on their bodies, and break the four phenomena of heaven and earth. No matter how hard they practice, it is useless. The three extremes are their limit! People's eyes are focused on

The Golden Crow's lair in front of you!

This change in mood is very subtle, and many people quickly suppress some new ideas and dare not think about it further.

"Whether it's animal-making skills or sharp knife skills, they all come from "Seventy-two Transformations of Taoist Magic Techniques". Taoist Master Jin'an, do you also know how to avoid the three disasters and nine calamities?" Mr. Mo suddenly asked meaningfully.

Xiang Jinan.

What Mr. Mo said at this time was like murderous words, pushing Jin An to the edge of the abyss.

Before Jin An could answer, Uncle Lin answered for him first: "Taoist Jin'an cured my old wounds and stubborn illnesses in Wuzhou Prefecture. I owe Taoist Jin'an a great favor. I taught Taoist Jin'an the sharp knife technique privately behind Yujing Jinque's back."

To repay a favor is indeed against the rules of Yujing Golden Tower, but that is also Yujing Golden Tower's business, does Tianshi Mansion have any objections?"

Uncle Lin looked at Mr. Mo calmly. Although there was no expression of happiness or anger on his face, the scene where Uncle Lin stood up for Jin An was still vivid in his mind. No one dared to offend Uncle Lin at this time, not even Mr. Mo.

The Immortal Master of the Tianshi Mansion in the middle stage of the Three Realms did not want to quarrel with Uncle Lin and the Yujing Golden Palace behind Uncle Lin.

At least we can't openly quarrel with each other and start a dispute between Yujing Golden Tower and Tianshi Mansion.

"Fellow Taoist Lin is serious. I'm just concerned about Taoist Jin'an. I'm worried that young people are impetuous and don't know what's serious. I want to tell him not to show off his wealth and be careful about carrying a jade. If Taoist Lin taught Taoist Jin'an the sharp knife technique, this

The result couldn't be better, I believe no one will dare to make an idea for Taoist Priest Jin An in the future." Mr. Mo said with a smile, no dissatisfaction visible on his face.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot one thing..."

Mr. Mo said with a meaningful smile: "The "Seventy-two Transformations of Taoist Magic" is a Taoist sacred power. Yujing Golden Tower is the holy land of Taoism today. It can indeed be explained that Yujing Golden Tower possesses the "Seventy-two Transformations of Taoist Magic".

In the past, why have I never heard that Yujing Golden Tower has seventy-two transformations? I wonder if Fellow Daoist Lin and Fellow Daoist Xuan Lei can answer my doubts?"

Master Xuan Lei did not interrupt easily and expressed his attitude with silence. At this time, not saying a word was the greatest support for Jin An. It was still Uncle Lin who answered: "When the Yujing Golden Tower is doing things, when will the Tianshi Mansion be needed to give instructions?

Already? Hmm!"

Uncle Lin's eyes were slightly narrowed, his mask was cold, and he looked sideways at Mr. Mo with an unkind expression.

Mr. Mo, an old fox, was quite thick-skinned. Faced with Uncle Lin's lack of respect, he slapped him a few times, found a few words to expose the matter, and never mentioned it again.

Next, the body of Sanren Qingling was thrown into the waves of the angry sea by the sailors, exposed in the wilderness, and abandoned by heaven and earth.

During this period, Jin An turned his back to the others and clasped his fists in gratitude toward Uncle Lin and Master Xuan Lei. He did not say thank you for the great kindness. Jin An had already written down this favor.

"If Taoist Priest Jin An really wants to repay his kindness, why not talk to me more about his brothers and sisters." Well, Uncle Lin's casual words made Jin An speechless and his expression became unnatural.

"Hahaha, the weather is good today, the wind is gentle and the sun is shining brightly." Jin An turned to look at the virtual image of the Golden Crow's lair seriously, looking around with a wary look on his face, as if he was on guard against someone trying to break Shaoyang's game.

Hahaha, Master Xuan Lei looked at Jin An's appearance and burst into laughter.


There is murderous intent.

Master Xuan Lei turned around and looked around. When he finally met Uncle Lin's gaze, San San stopped laughing. The tall and powerful Master Xuan Lei with a bold personality looked even more guilty than Jin An and was more afraid of Uncle Lin.

But the old Taoist priest couldn't help but ask: "Why is Boss Lin so concerned about his younger siblings today?"

"My brothers and sisters are far away and yet so close."

The old Taoist priest pointed in front of him

The Golden Crow's Nest and the Immortal Flower and Divine Lotus.

Xuan Lei, who was feeling guilty, took the initiative to ask Uncle Lin: "How do you say this?"

So the old Taoist priest talked about the deeds of Zhong Laosan and Mr. Yi in an embellished way, and told his and Jin An's conjecture that the fairy lotus leaf in front of him was probably the big green lotus leaf on Zhong Laosan's head.

"The reincarnation of the Third Prince Nezha?" Hearing that there were such strange things in the world, Master Xuanlei looked at the fairy lotus in front of him in shock.

He finally understood why Jin An had to protect this fairy flower.

The old Taoist priest beamed with joy: "Sure enough, the heroes have similar views. Fellow Taoist Xuan Lei also feels that Zhong Laosan is very similar to the myth and legend of Nezha, the third prince, whose lotus body was reshaped into a golden body. And they all have three characters in their names, two in a lifetime,

Two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things.”

"In ancient times, there was a leader-level immortal, Taiyi Zhenren, who helped Prince Nezha rebuild his golden body. Today, there are younger brothers and sisters who recreated ancient myths and helped Zhong Laosan rebuild his golden body. How about saying that younger siblings are amazing? That would be fair.

Leader level immortal."

Just when the old Taoist priest was talking more and more, he suddenly screamed in pain, jumped up and down, and looked at Jin An complainingly: "Little brother, why are you stepping on my feet, the old Taoist?"

"That's your hallucination, old Taoist priest."

"You are obviously a little brother, but you are stepping on my toes."

"Old Taoist, you are seasick and hallucinating. Fatty Li, please help the old Taoist back to the cabin to rest. The wind is blowing outside and the ship is shaking violently."

Fatty Li was confused: "I don't feel shaken."

Jin An: "It seems that Fatty Li and the old Taoist priest are both seasick and hallucinating. Liu Tai, help them back to the cabin to rest."

The brothers from the Criminal Investigation Department who had been following Fatty Li all said in unison: "We didn't feel shaken either."

Jin An had a black line on his forehead, and his fingers made a clicking sound under his fat cuffs.

Seeing Jin An's embarrassment, Uncle Lin smiled. Faced with Jin An's doubtful gaze, he immediately put away his smile and looked stiffly at the fairy lotus in front of him.

"The essence of heaven and earth is strong again, and there will be new changes in Xianpa." Uncle Lin reminded Jin An.

Ever since they learned about the origin of the Immortal Pagoda Lotus, the people who were close to Jin An all looked intently at the Golden Crow's lair, wondering if the miracles in the ancient myths would really be performed today. Are they lucky enough to see the myths reappear?

At this time, streams of pure vitality gushed out from the lotus pods of the fairy lotus, and there was a vision of heaven and earth of blowing conchs and beating drums, and lotuses blooming in the void. Jin An was surprised. This scene was not unfamiliar. It seemed like everyone had a breakthrough.

The strange phenomena and wonders of heaven and earth that will appear in the third realm.

Could this be the vision of heaven and earth belonging to Senior Zhong?

"The greater the movement when breaking through to the third realm, the greater the accumulation, qualifications, and potential! The vision of the world in front of me looks like someone is using the aura of the divine objects in the Shaoyang Bureau to make a breakthrough through grafting!" Xuan Lei was surprised.

, even he saw it.

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