Chapter 965 The Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman of 345,000 Yin De

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“If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster!”

"Let's see how long you can hold up your banner of millions of people!"

Jin An, who owns a red gourd, knows that the more incense, the heavier the power, and even he can't bear a single breath. Therefore, even when faced with the Dragon Girl Yuxian offering an incense copper stove, he still remained calm and did not flinch.


And he is a martial artist.

It's not the Shinto soul leaving the body.

The physical body is pure Yang like a furnace, the Qi and blood burn like the scorching sun, and the three Yang fires of flesh and blood protect the soul. Therefore, even if the Yin soul of the Dragon Girl Yuxian gradually gives birth to Yang thoughts and touches the artistic conception of the Yang god, her influence on him will be limited.

He did not retreat but advanced, like a dragon and a carp against the current, decisively killing the dragon girl Yuxian.

The colorful halo behind the head of Dragon Girl Yuxian swayed, becoming more blazing, and her aura became more ethereal. She lifted off the ground and flew into the sky, like a Bodhisattva with an ethereal temperament and ethereal voice. She looked at all the living beings at her feet with calm eyes, and said from above: "

The sin is unpardonable!"


The giant ship sank violently again, and the invisible force of heaven and earth weighed heavily on Jin An. Jin An's legs crushed the thick deck, as if he was carrying a heavy crime, a heinous crime, and a mountain of sin.

This is what you say!

When you gather enough people, you can use public opinion to suppress a person, label a deer as a horse, confuse right and wrong, and even if he is not guilty, he will become a guilty person!

Therefore, there is an old saying among the people that "a crowd of mouths makes gold". One person spreads the truth and thousands of people spread the truth. When everyone says that you have sinned deeply, even a hundred people will not be able to argue.

"What a 'one person spreads the truth and thousands of people spread the truth', thinking that he can suppress my will with just a few words without proof! What crime am I guilty of? The real crime is unforgivable, and the crime that deserves to be punished is to break the seal.

Yang Bureau, you should only try to sacrifice the immortal mountain of Jiangzhou Prefecture's hundreds of thousands of people!" Jin An, with a heavy heart on his back, jumped on the spot, leaving two caves on the deck, and still walked towards the dragon girl Yuxian with his head held high, his forehead bright, his two

His eyes were bright and his energy and spirit were not affected.

"I apologize for bearing the thorns!"

"Get off the car and cry!"

"A heinous crime!"

The dragon girl Yuxian has cold eyes, relying on herself to have millions of hearts, and she always speaks the law. Jin'an is suppressed by mountains of crimes time and time again, and he steps on the deck one after another. At first, it sinks to the ankles, and then the silence reaches the calves.

, sinking more and more each time.

When outsiders saw this scene, they were surprised at first, and then fell silent.

Public opinion is terrible.

Even if you are a martial arts immortal, you will still be swallowed up by the flood of people's hearts.

Are you angry?

You can kill one person to vent your anger and stop rumors, but can you kill a million people to stop rumors?

On the contrary, because you slaughtered a rumour-monger, it further fueled the flood of people's hearts, and it became clear that you were guilty.

The human heart is formidable, like a tiger. In the hands of a righteous person, the human heart can save others, but in the hands of those with ulterior motives, the human heart can become a murderous tool.

They silently looked at Jin An who was walking forward guiltily. Previously, Jin An was strong in their eyes, but now in their eyes, Jin An is getting shorter every time he takes a step, and his arrogance is gradually suppressed. This makes them think of taking a step forward.

The atonement worshipers will kneel down and worship once.

And the person Jin'an wants to pay homage to for his sins is the aloof dragon girl Yuxian.

The Dragon Girl Yuxian is like the Dragon Girl Bodhisattva who tests people's hearts. She reads out Jin'an's "crime" over and over again, making Jin An take the blame and move forward to atone for his sins and karma.

The human heart is like a sword, it can kill invisible people, it can hurt people on both sides.

An ordinary person would have been crushed by millions of hearts. If the soul left the body, under the incense and Yang thoughts, the spirit and will would collapse even faster.

But Jin'an's back is still as straight as a bamboo stone, and he is determined not to let go of the green mountains. His roots are still in the broken rocks, and he has been strong despite countless blows, regardless of the east, west, north, and south winds.

He moved forward resolutely with a tall and straight body, and the look in his eyes was still radiant. Even if he was tortured by people's hearts, he still walked forward with his head held high. He was a gentleman and upright, and he stood in the world with an open mind.

"Nurture the righteousness and establish the majesty of a gentleman, so that he can stand between heaven and earth for a long time!" Jin'an is full of righteousness and has a voice like thunder. Not only is he not afraid of the oppression of millions of people, his body is tall and straight, but he can also have a loud voice to match the words of the Dragon Girl Yuxian.

I am approaching the Dragon Girl Yuxian as I follow the path of struggle.

Seeing Jin An's appearance, everyone else was moved.

The scene in front of me clearly explains what it means to be upright and not afraid of slanted shadows, and to be upright and not afraid of evil.

If Jin An gave them the impression that he was a worshiper of sins before, then Jin An, who could withstand the oppression of millions of people and walk the world upright, in their eyes, his momentum was sublimated and he became a wise man who dared to question Bodhisattvas and killed immortals and Buddhas.


Most people in this world are ignorant and can only follow the trend. Only wise people can become the clear stream in troubled times and make themselves invincible in the world.

"Is his Taoist heart made of iron and stone? Even if someone holds the banner of millions of people's hearts, he can't break his Taoist heart!" More people were moved by Jin An's back.

The fellow shipmate explained in a solemn tone: "What do you know? He is originally a martial arts immortal. The martial arts immortal's Yang Nian is like fire. Not only can he suppress Shinto masters, but even many Shinto methods will be greatly reduced by him!"

He didn't say anything in his heart, so the martial arts immortals in this world have long since perished.

Another fellow shipmate looked at Jin An's back, as if recalling a certain memory in the past, and sighed: "A gentleman is magnanimous, a villain has a long history, martial arts, immortals are just one of them, the most important thing is his character.

The young man is passionate, I hope he will not forget his original intention in the future, and will not follow the same old path of the previous generation, forgetting his original intention, abandoning morality and human relations, and not being tolerated by heaven and earth."

Jin An finally came to the altar. Seeing that one of his feet was about to land on the wooden steps in front of the altar, his ethereal temperament was like the dragon girl Yu Xian who descended from the sky. The emotions in his eyes fluctuated and he was no longer indifferent.

She followed her words and sentenced Jin An to death on the spot: "The crime deserves death!"


The sky was thundering, and it seemed that even God sensed the popular sentiments of the people here, and responded with countless sinful accusations, and the thunder echoed over the sea.


Jin'an felt like he was falling into hell, his body plummeted, directly smashing through the deck and several levels of cabins, and fell into the deepest part of the dark cabin.

"It's over, this time it's the final word, and there will never be a chance to make a comeback!" This was the unanimous view of everyone. The martial arts immortals were finally defeated by Zeng Shen's killing skills.

The dragon girl Yuxian still maintained her aloof and ethereal temperament. She lowered her head and looked at the huge hole in the cabin, wanting to confirm for the last time whether Jin An was suppressed by her and could not move, and was thrown into hell and never recovered. Who knew that she

Just as he looked towards the dark "hell", he happened to meet Jin An's eyes.

Jin An's eyes were like lightning, sparkling, bright and dazzling. For a moment, she actually had a shocking illusion, as if she saw a vast and boundless thunder light, endless and terrifying. She subconsciously avoided her eyes and did not dare to look directly.

Just when she looked away, a powerful shout came from the dark "hell": "Anyone who dare not look directly at me is an evil heretic who violates the righteous law of heaven and earth! Kill! Everyone who is afraid of my five thunders

Those who are pure yang are all those with evil intentions! Kill! The five thunders of pure yang, the righteous law of heaven and earth, watch me pierce your human heart and hell, kill! kill! kill!"

When it comes to the end, every word is louder than the last word, the sound is loud, and the heaven, earth and universe are filled with a vast Yang thought, vowing to purify the heaven and earth.

This is the first time Jin An has used the Five Thunder Evil-Slaying Talisman that has been sealed eleven times!


The thunder and lightning summoned by millions of people's hearts have not dissipated. This time, the Five Thunder Evil Slaying Talisman stirred up the thunder and fire. The two merged into one, and struck out earth-shattering lightning. The lightning was thicker than the giant ship, and it directly hit the giant ship, and the thunderbolt hit the giant ship.

Plasma enveloped the giant ship, and white lightning erupted, which did not dissipate for a long time.

The thunder from the divine sky was so astonishing. The huge thunder swept across the vast wilderness in all directions. The wind was fierce, the waves crashed into the sky, and the sea water vaporized. People were shocked to the point where their energy and blood were floating, and their ears and eyes were deafened.

Especially those whose souls are out of body during the day, without the physical body of Yang Fire to protect the strong people in the third realm, it is like looking directly at the sun in broad daylight, their eyes and ears are full of thunder and thunder, their souls almost fall from the sky, and they eat

Mengqi. It took a while for the soul to find its direction, return to the physical body, and get out of the influence of the Yang thoughts of heaven and earth.

"What happened just now?"

"Who was struck by lightning?"

"It goes without saying that Jin'an must have been struck by the thunder punishment inspired by millions of people's hearts! The Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Method can only strike those who have committed the most heinous crimes!"

More and more people gradually recovered and immediately looked at the ocean-blue giant ship. Even the owner of the coffin giant ship and Uncle Lin paused their fight and looked at the ocean-blue giant ship solemnly.

Xuan Lei Zhenren, the giant ship behind the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast, the eminent monk of Jade Capital Golden Palace, the Immortal of the Tianshi Mansion... Everyone was shocked by the huge thunder just now, and all focused on the direction of the sea blue giant ship, with eyes on it

Some were worried, some had cold eyes, and some had curious eyes... They all wanted to confirm immediately who was struck by the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder!

This chapter has been completed!
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