Chapter 966 What a shame! Fatty, I almost became a cannibal!

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The thunder plasma that enveloped the giant ship finally dissipated, and everyone finally saw the situation clearly. There were many pieces of wood floating on the sea. Under the overwhelming power of heaven and earth, the giant ship collapsed on the spot.

Let alone a giant ship, the terrifying lightning and iron juice will be cooked, and the giant steel ship will also melt.

The dragon girl Yu Xian, who was still aloof before, disappeared, and only Jin An was left standing on the driftwood on the sea, like a rock in the ocean, isolated in the world.

The driftwood was steady and motionless under his feet, using human power to suppress the swells in a sea area. Three bloody suns rose above his head with an unparalleled momentum. Coupled with the scorching yang energy in the air that had not yet dissipated and the countless people in the sea.

The fragments of the ship are like immortals holding down the world, and they are invincible.

At this time, Jin'an resembled both a mighty immortal and an arrogant God of War. His eyes were as bright as lightning and his spirit was radiant. Even the forces of heaven and earth could not suppress his unyielding will. Later, everyone was shocked to find that they did not dare to look directly at him.

Jin An's eyes.

"What happened? Why was he the only one who survived?"

"Why didn't the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Punishment kill him, but the Dragon Girl Yuxian disappeared instead?"

"You shouldn't have died on the spot, right?"

As soon as this conclusion came out, everyone was stunned.

This reversal came too suddenly. Just when they all thought that Jin An was in a desperate situation, being thrown into hell, and destined to die, they found out that Jin An was fine, and the dragon girl Yu Xian was killed instead?

The first thought is ridiculous!

The second thought was my surprise! I was shocked to realize that Jin An was too strong. This was more than just strength. He was simply powerful and could win every battle!

"It's difficult! Difficult! Difficult!"

They were originally curious about the outcome of the battle between the martial arts immortals and the masters of Shinto, so they stood by and watched Jin An fight with others. However, they found that the more they watched, the more frightened they became. Not even the millions of people in the Incense Faith could defeat the martial arts immortals.

With his undefeated fighting spirit, what other Shinto methods can suppress the martial arts immortals?

As soon as the martial arts immortals emerge, they can compete with the world and become invincible in their own realm.

The only way they can think of to win is to suppress them across borders.

But even millions of people can't suppress Jin'an. How many realms does this cross-realm suppression have to cross? Is it the third realm that is invincible, or is it the mysterious fourth realm that only exists in legends that can suppress Jin'an?

The more they thought about it, the more surprised they became. In the end, they discovered that Jin An had not been suppressed and was still as powerful as a dragon and a tiger. On the contrary, they, the outside bystanders, were discouraged first and began to doubt who was the orthodox one between Shinto and martial arts.

Only then can one lift up the sky and become an immortal? Is it true that the Shinto has no power to fight against the martial arts and immortals?

This kind of doubt has a great impact on the Taoist heart, which makes people depressed and lacks the courage and enterprising spirit to move forward bravely.

Just when everyone was involved in the ideological struggle over who was orthodox between Shinto and martial arts, Jin An looked around at the giant ships and exhaled like mist. It was the long breath of the martial arts immortals and the hot white breath exhaled by the vast blood:

"Who else?"

The white mist carries the masculine and hot energy and blood of martial arts immortals. The physical body only feels the hot wind blowing on the face, but the person whose soul has left the body feels uncomfortable. This is the restriction of the Yang Qi on the Yin soul. There are only three short words, but it suppresses it.

All the Shinto masters present fell silent.

At this time, Jin'an was so popular that no one dared to challenge Jin'an. Perhaps there was also the reason why Jin'an came from Yujing Golden Tower and Zhenguo Temple to protect Jin'an...

But no matter what, at this moment, Jin'an became famous in one battle. He fought all over the world for Kangding, promoted Kangding's national prestige, and frightened the world's heroes with the power of just one person.

Looking at the motionless figure on the isolated driftwood in Jin'an, many people showed reverence in their eyes. Kunpeng soared ninety thousand miles. This is so domineering and arrogant.

Seeing that the battle situation in Jin'an had been settled, Uncle Lin, Zhenlei Xuanlei, the giant coffin ship, and the giant ship pulled by the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast Tuo, who had stopped fighting, did not continue the fight. The latter two were unanimously silent, as if

They acted like nothing happened.

In fact, only Jin An and a few people with high cultivation level knew that the Dragon Girl Yuxian was not dead, so the people from the Bulao Mountain did not fight for him.

The dragon girl Yuxian, who is loved by millions of people, has luck to protect her body and will not die so easily. Even if the power of the Five Thunder Evil Killing Talisman eleven times is comparable to sixty

Even the red gourd, the magic weapon of all evil deeds, could not kill the dragon girl Yuxian, but she escaped the disaster.

However, even if the dragon girl Yu Xian does not die, she will have to find a place to re-refining her faith by refining incense to ensure the purity of her faith. The human heart is as heavy as the Shinto. Not everyone can bear it, even

Jin An can only use the red gourd to fight for a short period of time and cannot maintain it for a long time.

Seeing that no one was attacking the Immortal Flower and Divine Lotus behind him, Jin An turned around and glanced at the Immortal Flower and Divine Lotus that was still brewing with great vitality. His cold eyes softened, and he nodded unobtrusively, as if to look towards the end of the New Year.

They greeted old friends they met, more silently than loudly at this moment, and then flew back to Shenzhou.

Upon returning to Shenzhou, Jin An first thanked Uncle Lin, Master Xuanlei, Master Chanjing, and Master Juehai with fists in his hands, and then turned his attention back to the dying ancient auspicious beast, the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast, on the deck.

Jin An borrowed a knife from Fatty Li. Fatty Li took a strange look at the Kunwu knife on Jin An's waist. He thought to himself that Taoist priest Jin An had a knife himself, so why did he ask me to borrow it, but he still took the initiative to hand it over.

My own sword.

Seeing Jin An approaching the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast with a knife in his hand, Fatty Li's eyes suddenly lit up: "Taoist Master Jin An, are you going to treat us to meat today?"

Jin An, Uncle Lin, and Master Xuan Lei all looked at Fatty Li strangely, making Fatty Li uncomfortable: "What's wrong? Am I wrong about what I said?"

Jin An: "I didn't expect you, Fatty Li, to eat human flesh."

Fatty Li was dumbfounded: "?"

Jin An came to the side of the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast with a knife. He pointed the steel knife in his hand at the beast's belly and struck each of its necks with a knife. He cut open the animal's skin like a butcher cutting a cow, and out of it fell a man walking on all fours.


He was an old man with white beard and hair and age spots on his face.

Fatty Li exclaimed: "Build an animal cult!"

He finally understood what Jin An meant by eating human flesh, and his stomach began to churn, and he twitched and looked ugly: "It's so unreasonable! Fatty, I almost became a cannibal!"

No one on the Shenzhou made fun of Fatty Li, because everyone was shocked by the trick of peeling out a big living person from the belly of the mythical beast. Even the third prince and the others, escorted by a group of eunuchs, hurried down to the deck to watch the scene up close.

Waiting for something new.

It is strange to say that after this man recovered, instead of crying with gratitude to Jin An for regaining his free body, he showed an expression of fear and despair, stared at Jin An with hatred, and shouted with hatred, "Ten years of hard work is over".


"This old guy from Hutu must be seriously ill. He is addicted to being used as a mount for others. He has forgotten that he is a person walking on two legs! We are here to save you, not to harm you. The person you want to hate should be the one who took you

It’s better to become the immortal mountain of orcs.” The old Taoist priest scolded the other party for not distinguishing between right and wrong.

Bite the fire

This chapter has been completed!
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