Chapter 967 Warning from Mount Bulao

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Luo Tian and Mr. Mo from the Tianshi Mansion accompanied several princes down to the deck. When they saw the old man who had his limbs broken by Jin An and was lying on the ground like a rotten insect, Mr. Mo exclaimed, "Isn't this Qingling Sanren?"

When the old man on the ground heard that someone recognized him, he denied it with a gloomy expression. But anyone with a discerning eye could see that his expression was unnatural.

"Old Mo, do you know this person?" Even if you are used to seeing rare and exotic animals in the world, there are many exotic species for people to watch in Shenzhou's Sky Garden, but such a rare thing as this, even the princes are not interested in it.

It was the first time in his life. The third prince came and asked with great interest.

Mr. Mo recalled, "The Qingling San practitioner who created the "Blue Water Thunderbolt Kung Fu" was also a man of great influence decades ago. He had an extraordinary opportunity. As a non-sect cultivator, he reached the second level of Yuan Dynasty at the age of thirty.

God came out of his body. He realized the "Blue Water Thunderbolt Technique" on a thunderstorm night, and broke through the shackles in one fell swoop. From then on, he jumped to the third realm, able to travel in the sky and control objects. At that time, he had just

By the time he reached the age of forty, he was the most popular among the casual cultivators, and was known as the number one cultivator of that era. He was recruited by a powerful family and numerous sects."

"Since he reached the third realm, there are not many rumors about him in the spiritual world. Some people speculate that he is extremely talented and dedicated to seeking the truth, and he is preparing to break through to the fourth realm. Probably twenty years later, someone will

I saw Qingling Sanren in the corpse cave of Yuanci Holy Mountain in the underworld, and he was already in his sixties."

"The last time I heard about the whereabouts of Sanren Qingling was when Sanren Qingling was in his late twenties. I heard that he was finally fully prepared, ready to turn to the cult of Doujie Immortal, change his fate against the will of heaven, and live another life..."

"Almost ten years have passed, and I didn't expect to see Qing Ling Sanren here again today. Qing Ling Sanren, didn't you turn to Cultivator Jie Xian?"

Old Mo looked at the old man lying on all fours with a thoughtful look.

The old man became angry and said that it was not him. He repeatedly said that Mr. Mo had recognized the wrong person and his expression was ferocious and vicious.

If we say that the person who knows the art of making animals best in the world is Jin An, all the magical powers in the Seventy-two Transformations teach people how to avoid the three disasters and nine tribulations, and deceive the secrets of heaven.

So after hearing the life story of Qingling Sanren, he already had seven or eight guesses in his mind.

"Little brother, do you know something?" How about talking about the two of you all the time? The old Taoist priest could tell Jin An's thoughts at a glance.

Jin An did not hide anything, he nodded and said, "The "Seventy-two Transformations of Taoist Magic" is a magical power to avoid disasters. One of the seventy-two transformations is the art of animal creation. I guess Qingling Sanren is about to run out of oil.

When he was withered, in order to avoid the calamity of life and death, he found the Immortal Mountain, first obtained the art of immortality, and then he became like this, inferior to humans and animals, willing to be used as a mount for others, to help others do evil."

"If I'm not wrong, when you first broke through to the third realm in your forties, there were many forces recruiting you, including the Blessed Mountains who came to you and promised you many benefits and asked you to join the Blessed Mountains, but they were

The reason why you refused is also very simple. The path to seek the Tao from immortals is to constantly cut through thorns and break through the thorns of oneself. It is inevitable that you will be arrogant and reject the invitation from the Old Mountain. But as long as you are a human being,

Everyone is afraid of death. When people are afraid of death, they will let go of the self-esteem that they thought was the most important when they were young and found it to be the most useless in the end. They will become easy to compromise, give in step by step, lower their self-esteem towards the Mount of Eternity, in order to live a meager life for a few more years.

Taking the initiative to act as a mount for others, and being a subordinate to a tiger, you are worse than an animal, so what kind of morality do you need? The biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans understand morality, what can be done, and what cannot be done."

After listening to Jin An's explanation, everyone around him showed a look of astonishment. If this was the case, it would make sense. Not only did no one sympathize with Qing Ling Sanren, but they scolded him for being greedy for life and afraid of death, which he deserved.

"How do you know?" Qingling Sanren, who was lying on the ground, stared at Jin An with eyes that were filled with hatred.

It's like being angry.

There is another difference between humans and beasts, that is, humans know how to live with a clear face. Listening to the curses of the people around them, Qingling Sanren's face turned blue and white.

"Because Bulaoshan has also looked for me." With such an understatement, Jin An became the focus of everyone's attention. Their eyes flickered, and they didn't know what the people's hearts were planning across the belly.

"What I'm more curious about is that you found the Immortal Mountain in your later years.

"Why did they refuse you to join the Immortal Mountain, but instead used you as a mount and belittled you like this?" Jin An expressed his doubts.

Qingling Sanren still glared at Jin An with hatred and kept silent.

"It's easy to guess even if you don't tell me. There are just a few explanations. First, your qualifications are mediocre and not as magical as the rumors say. It's just that you were lucky enough to have some adventures in your early years, but your temporary luck will not stay with you for life.

Second, you have not broken through the realm in the second half of your life for seventy or eighty years, which further proves that your qualifications are mediocre. So when you are late

When Nian took the initiative to seek out the Old Mountain, not only was he not treated with courtesy, but he was ignored. Being greedy for life and afraid of death, you must have begged the Old Mountain to take you in. Even if the Old Mountain made a request that would be humiliating to ordinary people, you would not

I agreed, just to survive."

Qingling Sanren smiled desperately, "I don't want to die, I just want to live. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Jin An's eyes were cold and he didn't sympathize with the other party at all. "An ant can live in vain, let alone a human being. The desire to survive is human instinct, and no one is wrong. But you abandoned your human nature and fully adhered to your animal nature. You helped the tyrants and harmed the tigers all the way. This is the law of nature."

It’s hard to tolerate. As the old proverb goes, “It’s not that you don’t repay your time.” The calamity you have today is entirely your own fault. No one can save you today.”

If he hadn't been superior in skills, he would have died today.

Therefore, Jin'an had no sympathy for Qingling Sanren's miserable experience in his later years. At this moment, a man came from the Burao Mountain. He was wearing a golden battle armor and holding a bright oil lamp. The magic lamp protected him safely in the storm.

Shuttle back and forth to avoid the water-gold-eyed beast.

What a coincidence. Just when Jin An said he wanted to kill the Qingling San people, Bulao Mountain came to ask for people. The meaning behind it is thought-provoking.

"What a water-avoiding golden-eyed beast? We don't have ancient auspicious beasts here, only a man who is worse than a beast." Jin An snorted coldly.

The other party did not speak or leave, but turned to look at Qingling Sanren, whose limbs had been destroyed by Jin An, like a puddle of mud that could not be held up to the wall.

Without the ability to create animals to deceive the secrets of heaven, Qingling Sanren, as the disaster approaches, the body functions are rapidly withering away at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, it becomes...

It was a mummy made of skin and bones, with sunken eye sockets, fallen teeth, thinning hair, and almost all the life essence. In just a few breaths, the oil and lamp dried up, and the life was quickly burned out.

Before he died, Qingling Sanren sent a vicious curse to Jin An, "Do you know why the people of Bulao Mountain chose this time to find you?"

"You are just like me when I first broke through to the third realm. You were arrogant and thought you were arrogant. But in your old age, you will find that those things are just passing clouds. Only immortality can be the same age as heaven and earth, and watch generations pass through the ages.

The fall of the emperor is the only eternity. Even those emperors throughout the ages could not see through the situation of life and death. They devoted their whole country to find the elixir of immortality. I am not an exception, and you will not be an exception. The Old Mountain is reminding you that young people should not be too conceited. No

What kind of genius? Genius is eternal. No matter how good you are, it’s of no use. Only “being alive” in this world is the eternal truth!


"Hahaha, sooner or later you will end up like me in heaven and reincarnation. Sooner or later it will be your turn."

A generation of influential figures ended their ups and downs in their miserable old age, and their lifespan burned out.

The visitor from the Immortal Mountain holding lamp oil watched Qingling Sanren die with his own eyes before turning around and leaving.

This chapter has been completed!
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