Chapter 908 is confusing and full of doubts

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Not only Ju Tianrui, but also the people who had just sawed the tree and carried the body over were equally angry.

After all, they are people who came out of the army. Although they have joined the Da Zhangshu Base, they are still unable to accept this situation.

In the last days, humanity will indeed be destroyed.

But this does not mean that these fraudsters can cross the border and rob these people to do this kind of thing.

With a gloomy face, Ju Tianrui walked to Li Yu's RV and got in.

"Mr. Li, those corpses are all Chinese. You can go down and see for yourself."

When Li Yu heard this, he frowned and got out of the RV without saying a word.

He slowly walked to the corpses, squatted down and took a look, his eyes became colder.

He stood up and looked up at the corpse hanging in the air.

There were some vague guesses in my mind.

In the apocalypse, there will always be various ways to resist zombies.

Using human corpses to lure zombies is also a way.

There are so many corpses hanging on this road, probably to lure zombies here to protect the base.

It's just that this method is too crazy, and Li Yu has never seen it before.

He has seen all kinds of tragic scenes, and this is the first time he has seen such a scene.

After checking the corpses, it was found that these corpses were all hanged alive, that is, they were still alive before being hung on the trees.

"Who is so perverted to do such a thing?!" Li Tie gritted his teeth in hatred, with anger in his eyes.

Li Yu looked at the time and then asked Li Tie: "How far is it from the Yue country fraud group?"

Li Tie looked at the map and said: "It should be less than 40 kilometers. In addition, Uncle San just sent a message saying that they have found the place. Let's go straight along this road and we can get there."

Forty kilometers.

In this case.......

Li Yu's eyes flashed with thoughts, so this matter should most likely be related to the people in the Yueguo fraud park.

Thinking of this, Li Yu said: "Keep going and meet up with Third Uncle and the others."

Ju Tianrui looked at the corpses on the ground and sighed.

Time was tight, so we had to place the corpses on the side of the road and bury them with some soil.

"Wait a minute." Li Yu looked at the corpses on the tree, suddenly stopped and said to Ju Tianrui.

"Sign a fire and burn all these mountains and forests. Go faster, it's a bit late now." Li Yu said.

There wasn't much he could do. Burning it was just to let the deceased rest in peace.

"But will this attract the attention of fraudsters forty kilometers away?" Li Tie asked after hearing Li Yu's order.

Li Yu waved his hand and said: "It will be dark in two hours. They can't do anything if they notice it. They burn it quickly. After burning it, they will meet up with Third Uncle and the others."

"Okay." Li Tie nodded.

In order to make the combustion more complete, they poured a little bit of fuel under the trees.

It took about a few minutes before they were all done.

Then Li Yu got into the car and looked at the densely packed corpses hanging behind him. Li Yu sighed.

He took out a pack of cigarettes and a box of matches from his pocket. The matches were produced at the base.


Li Yu struck a match and the flame was weak.

Light a cigarette.

The match still had fire, so Li Yu flicked it under the tree next to him with his index finger and thumb.


Suddenly, the match touched the gasoline under the tree and ignited immediately.

A gust of wind blew by, and the fire took advantage of the wind and suddenly ignited a raging fire.

Li Yu watched the fire getting bigger and bigger, and then said to everyone: "Let's go!"

It was summer, and after a day of exposure to the sun, the woods were extremely dry. At this time, the flames were burning and the wind was strong, setting the entire forest on fire at once.

Lao Luo followed behind and also set fire to the forest on the other side.

A raging fire burned on both sides, and crackling sounds continued to be heard.

The convoy seemed to rush out of two fire dragons.

Looking at the burning woods getting further and further away, Li Yu took a puff of cigarette, feeling very depressed.



Now he just wants to kill the person who did this.

Thick smoke was billowing, and the smoke filled the evening glow, making it look desolate and desolate.

The white clouds in the sky were dyed red-purple, which looked a bit strange, but also inexplicably beautiful.


Lonely mountain forest, sunset.

Li Yu and the others were driving through dense mountain forests, with thick smoke billowing behind them.

The drive lasted about half an hour.

Suddenly, there was a fork in the road ahead.

This turnoff is a dirt road.

Ju Tianrui quickly asked someone to stop the car. According to what Li Yu just told him, the place the team leader and the others mentioned was to enter through a fork in the road.

After stopping the car, I saw two people coming out of the bushes.

It was Cannon and Ant who followed Uncle San.

"We've finally waited for you. The captain was afraid that you might go too far, so he asked us to wait for you here." Ant walked up and said to Ju Tianrui.

Ju Tianrui was in a bad mood, nodded, and then picked up the walkie-talkie to contact Li Yu to tell him that he had met Cannon and Ant.

Afterwards, Cannon and Ant got on the infantry fighting vehicle and entered the fork in the road.

Although this branch road is a dirt road, it has been dry recently, so vehicles such as missile vehicles will not get stuck if they drive by it.

After Cannon got on the car, he looked at Ju Tianrui and the others with ugly faces, and asked curiously: "What's wrong with you? Why are all of your faces drooping? What happened?"

Ju Tianrui frowned, then thought about what he just saw and told Cannon Ant.

After the two heard this, their expressions became the same as those of Ju Tianrui and others.

"Beasts! It must be the fraudsters from the Yue Kingdom. It is only thirty kilometers away from the Yue Kingdom Park. They must have lured the zombies here for the safety of the park, so that their safety can be guaranteed."

Cannon said angrily, his eyes full of killing intent.

He had already made up his mind to kill the Vietnamese fraudsters who were pointing the way when he went back later.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! And kill them one by one.

Although the combination of heavy artillery and zombie attracting potion is very powerful, they all attack from a distance, and the battlefield will be cleared up by the end of the second day.

There is no pleasure in venting anger at all.

Ant didn't say anything, but his clenched fists proved that his mood at this time was no different from that of a cannon.

After Ju Tianrui heard what Da Pao said, he felt a little better. Those fraudsters will definitely receive the punishment they deserve.

Entering from the fork in the road, making many twists and turns, and driving for about a kilometer, we finally arrived at a relatively wide area.

This seems to be a forest farm, with five or six wooden houses in the central area.

There are trees all around, and the dense forest blocks the light on the side.

But at least the central area can still get some light from the sunset.

The entire open space is about three or four acres, which can accommodate some of them and their vehicles.

Next to the wooden house is Uncle San's helicopter.

At this time, the third uncle was sitting on a tree stump, smoking and watching them drive over.

One car after another drove into this central open space.

Li Yu got off the RV and looked around. There were no walls or cement buildings around. The only buildings were a few wooden houses.

When the third uncle saw Li Yu coming down, he stepped forward and said: "We have looked around the Yueguo Scam Park. Within 40 kilometers of the park, we have circled many times, but we have not found a suitable place.

There are trees everywhere in the wilderness here, so I really can’t find a suitable place. At least this place is on the top of the mountain and has a lot of space.”

Li Yu nodded. They basically didn't see any villages on the way here, so he knew what the third uncle said was right.

So he said: "It's good. There aren't many zombies here in the forest, so this place is good enough."

Glancing at the wood piled next to him, Li Yu continued: "Those wood?"

"Forget it, it's such a waste of time. Let's just use barbed wire and wrap it around these trees a few times to make a simple blocking net.

In addition, ask everyone to bring their cars together to form a circle, which is safer."

The third uncle smiled and said: "Yes, you are thinking the same thing as I am. As long as there are not too many zombies, there is basically no problem."

After saying that, the third uncle stopped smiling.

He continued: "It's just that, as I just said, we walked around the Yueguo Park and basically didn't find any villages or towns. It's too remote here.

Within a radius of dozens of kilometers, there were only people in the fraud park, while the surrounding area was deserted.

I think that when we put out the zombie attracting potion, we used the zombies to kill those scammers.

But there are few people around and there are certainly few zombies, so it may not have a big effect."

There are many places like this in Southeast Asia.

It is located in the tropics, with dense forests and lush vegetation.

Before the end of the world, the economy here was relatively backward, and there were always conflicts between the north and the south of Vietnam, which made the situation here a bit complicated.

After listening to what the third uncle said, Li Yu asked: "During the previous interrogation, Cannon said that the number and strength of the Yue country's park were weaker than those of the Lao country's fraud park. You just went to see it. What is the specific situation?


The third uncle showed Li Yu the pictures he had just taken.

"The one I just took. Judging from the scale, the area is only one-third of the park in the old country. In addition, I looked at the Yue country. Judging from what I saw, it is definitely weaker than the park in the old country.

There are many, and there don’t seem to be many people inside.”

The third uncle said, and then continued: "And I feel that this fraud park in Yueguo always feels weird. I can't tell what is weird specifically."

When Li Yu heard this, he immediately became interested and quickly asked: "Third uncle, where did you see the strangeness?"

Many scenes flashed through Uncle San's mind.

Among them, the strangest thing to him was a hill made of stacked stones in the center of the Yue State Scammers' Park.

When they were high in the sky, the third uncle used the telescope to see that the fraudsters on the ground seemed to be kneeling under the hill, as if they were kneeling for something.

Thinking of this, the third uncle then said: "For safety, we did not fly too low. I only took a general look. It seemed that they believed in something. There was a huge stone mountain in the Yueguo Park, and many people were kneeling on the ground to worship.



Li Yu pondered for a few seconds.

In his mind, he thought of the corpses he had encountered hanging in the forest on the way here.

So I told my third uncle what I had just encountered on the road.

When the third uncle heard this, he said with an ugly face: "I asked why you looked worried when I saw you just now. It turned out that this happened to you."

"I think that what you encountered on the road may have something to do with the Yue country fraud park." The third uncle said.

Li Yu nodded and said, "Yes, I vaguely feel this way too."

"By the way, third uncle, when you left, you didn't ask them to follow you, right?"

"How can that be possible? We have gone around in a few big circles to get here, and they can't catch up with us. Don't worry, the only thing I'm worried about now is that the heavy artillery plus zombie attracting potion we used before won't work.


When Li Yu heard this question, he also frowned and said:

"The base of zombies is too small. I don't know how far this zombie attracting potion can attract zombies, but judging from the past, zombies from a hundred kilometers away can be attracted."

"It's just that it takes time for zombies to move. Even if the zombies are tireless and keep walking at night, it will take more than ten hours to cover 100 kilometers."

"It's been dawn for more than ten hours."


As Li Yu talked, he felt a little troubled.

These are a bit troublesome.

There are indeed some cities a hundred kilometers away, but it takes too long for zombies to come.

This gives fraudsters enough time to repair and block the wall.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It would be okay if you first put in the zombie attracting potion, and then when the zombies come, they bombard it with heavy artillery.

But the safety of Li Yu and the others cannot be guaranteed.

After all, they don't know whether zombies will pass by them when migrating.

There are no walls or concrete buildings here, so it is difficult to resist the huge wave of zombies.

Don't attract zombies when the time comes. It will be troublesome if it affects the fish in the pond.

On the other hand, zombies migrate hundreds of kilometers away. Zombies like to move at night and hide in dark places during the day.

It's summer again now, and from seven o'clock in the evening to about five o'clock the next day, there is less than eleven hours of darkness.

Calculating the distance, zombies from cities hundreds of kilometers away would not be able to reach the fraud park. Maybe during the day, the zombies would even be closer to them.

Thinking of this, Li Yu made a decision.

"Uncle Third, you said that the park is less than 250 acres, right?"

The third uncle nodded and said: "Yes, I think it is about the same size as our inner city, maybe even smaller. After all, there are two mountains in our inner city..."

Li Yu took the photo of his third uncle and saw dozens of scattered buildings in the photo. The one on the right was dark and seemed to be a planting area.

The photo is a bit blurry, after all, it was taken at high altitude.

"Uncle Third, I think the zombie attracting potion is not very effective this time. It is better to just bomb it with heavy artillery.

Along with mortars, we brought more than a dozen mortars on this trip, and the attack range of the mortars is also five or six kilometers."

"I thought there weren't many zombies within a hundred kilometers. Although the zombie-attracting agent wouldn't be able to play its role, thinking about it conversely, it would actually be good for us."

"Benefits?" After hearing this, the third uncle raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Yu.

Li Yu saw the third uncle's doubts, so he explained:

"Yes, the good thing is that at night, when they are most relaxed, we use heavy artillery bombing. What we always want to do is to do it at the critical point between day and night, because we are afraid that the sound of heavy artillery will attract the surrounding zombies.

But now we don’t have to worry about this, let’s just do it!

At twelve o'clock at midnight, we started bombing them and kept bombing. After a while, we bombed them and blew up all their buildings. Anyway, their numbers and buildings were not that many.

Explode for one night, leaving them unable to rest and consuming as much of their strength as possible.

The next morning, we took our mortars a few kilometers away from them and bombed them again.

Then Uncle San and you use a helicopter to coordinate in the air.

After blowing down the wall, we went in with infantry fighting vehicles and killed them head-on.

This time, we don’t need zombie attracting potions, but we will use our heavy weapons to the extreme to annihilate them as much as possible.”

"Don't need zombie attracting potion?" Third Uncle muttered.

Then he said: "Okay, I think it's okay, but there is one thing I just thought of, let me tell you.

Before the heavy artillery bombardment, we should do our best to protect ourselves here. After all, we have no walls here.

Although there are forests around, these primeval forests are damp and dark, and there may be some zombies in them, but we didn't find them.

Therefore, before the bombing, in addition to doing protective works, while it is still dark, send some people to search the surroundings again. If there are no zombies, that's fine. If there are a lot of zombies, we will have to do something else.


When Li Yu heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

The possibility of the situation mentioned by Uncle San is very low, but it still exists.

After all, zombies are mobile and it is possible to migrate from cities to mountains and forests.

Moreover, Li Yu just realized that the corpses he found on the way here were hanging in the air.

According to what the third uncle said at the beginning, there were few people in the area within dozens of kilometers. My usual thought was that the number of zombies was relatively small. After all, this was the experience of Li Yu and the others before.

However, if there are no zombies here, then why do they still hang the corpses in the air?

According to Li Yu's initial guess, hanging in the air should be to attract zombies and protect the safety of the base.

But if there aren't many zombies, why would they hang corpses on it?

Unless there are a lot of zombies, but it is daytime, those zombies have not come out and are hiding in dense forests, valleys and other shady places.

But it does not conform to Li Yu's previous experience of encountering zombies: the more populated a place, the more zombies there are.

In this case, there are only two possibilities:

1. Those corpses were hanging on the trees, not to attract zombies, but to the group of fraudsters for some purpose unknown to Li Yu and others. After all, the third uncle just said that the fraud park was a bit strange.

2. There are many zombies around. They may have migrated from other places, but they are hiding in the woods at this time. However, it is daytime, and those zombies have not come out. Li Yu and Uncle San did not notice them.


(asking for monthly ticket)

This chapter has been completed!
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