Chapter 175 The monster reappears! Qing level’s unpredictable attack!

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Ouyang Ao frowned: "Moon Demon reborn again? Again"

Seeing that the important point had been reached, Wen Zhao and Mu Qinghua no longer verbally provoked "Li Xiaoyan" at this time, but frowned at the same time and waited for the speech.

"Li Xiaoyan" said calmly: "The Moon Demon is actually not a rebirth in a strict sense, but a new life."

"The moon demon that the Immortal God destroyed thousands of years ago was the first one, and the one that Mo Guogong killed at the cost of sacrifice was the second one, and the one in front of me is the third one."

"They are not one body, but new moon demons that are constantly forming."

This feeling was already recognized when the unpredictable "fell", but the unpredictable in front of me was locked in a bottle at that time, and his memory was interrupted. Fortunately, based on what he saw and logical reasoning, he still understood

The same conclusion as before was reached.

"It's not one body." Ouyang Ao smacked this sentence and seemed to understand what "Brother Li" meant.

"That's right! This is a new moon demon!" Li Xiaoyan said calmly:

"My feeling is that the appearance of the moon demon is not a biological form, but seems to be formed from the origin of the contract. Well, it may be a product formed by the rules of heaven and earth. It becomes tangible first and then becomes conscious."

"Of course, this insight is somewhat profound and you may not be able to understand it."

For the three people in front of me, it was indeed a bit too profound. I thought this was true.

It's just that these words sounded fine to Ouyang Ao, but to the two masters, they sounded quite mocking.

Wen Zhao once again looked at "Li Xiaoyan" with unkind eyes.

Mu Qinghua frowned: "Mr. Li's views are really incredible."

Only then did Wen Zhao follow up: "It's simply nonsense."

Mu Ke was too lazy to argue with them, but looked at Ouyang Ao again: "In that light cocoon, a new moon demon should be gestating."

"Fortunately, this seems to take a long time. In other words, there are still some days before the Moon Demon is reborn."

Ouyang Ao nodded and stared at the light cocoon: "Is the moon demon gestating in it? A new moon demon?"

"Not bad!" "Li Xiaoyan" maintained his speaking speed: "These things we are looking at are the original black talisman sources, and the giant tree they formed, and this almost covers the entire secret site and continues to expand.

The things should be formed by the remnants of the moon demon."

"Well, what I mean is that Mo Zhi failed to completely kill the Moon Demon before. After all, he is only a blue-level peak existence. Even if he borrows the power of Fuyuan Tide, he cannot completely eliminate the Moon Demon. Can he be like the one thousands of years ago?

The Immortal God completely wiped out the moon demon like that."

"The Moon Demon indeed suffered a devastating blow from the tide of rune sources. It can even be said that it lost consciousness and vitality as a result. However, it has runes that remain in the ruins of the Iron Mountain Secret Realm, just like a dead animal.

The non-rigid centipede insect, well, this example is not very appropriate. A more appropriate metaphor is that the moon demon is more like a forest. Although this forest was completely destroyed by the volcanic eruption, the remaining branches still have the possibility of returning to life -

- Among those broken branches, there may be lucky ones who just avoided being burned by the magma, but survived and were inserted into the soil. As long as there is enough time, it will grow into a tree again, and given time,

There will still be a forest here again."

"That's probably what it means!"

Ouyang Ao thought for a long time before nodding: "I understand."

"Li Xiaoyan" chuckled: "What we are seeing now is the process of the rebirth of this 'forest'. In this process, I believe everyone feels that their emotional obsessions are being constantly provoked, right?

The source of this feeling may be the influence of the Moon Demon's rebirth."

"The reason why Li is sure that the cocoon is the reborn moon demon is also very simple, because the talisman there is the strongest, and the type of talisman is exactly the same as the monster we just saw. No, it should be said that the entire giant tree

There are Moon Demon's talisman sources within the range, and the talisman sources in the cocoon are the purest."

As soon as these words came out, the other two masters also looked at "Cocoon".

The reason why Unpredictable was sure that there was a reborn Moon Demon inside was naturally not because of the reason he had just "fooled", but because his headache came from that cocoon, and the vibration frequency of the headache was consistent with the beating of the cocoon, which was like a heart.

The rhythm is the same.

The headache comes from the remnants of the Moon Demon's contract skills, and naturally points to the Moon Demon's new body.

It is almost 100% certain that a new moon demon will form in the cocoon again.

"So, the monster we encountered just now"

Ouyang Ao said while thinking: "It should be something controlled by the moon demon, similar to a 'clone'. It is indeed as described by Brother Li. It is the guardian of the moon demon. In order to protect the safety of the 'cocoon'

, was created by the moon demon and eliminated us intruders in his body."

"Li Xiaoyan" praised: "Not bad!"

"That creature has the attributes of the moon demon! The moon demon is the ultimate source of the contract, and the monsters it creates also have various contract abilities, rather than being the existence of a single series, huh"

"The monster has used arcane, undead, spiritual language and other abilities. The most troublesome thing is that it has the attribute of devouring contract skills, which makes it almost immune to all contract skills and can also be hit by it.

And swallow the symbol source and use it for your own use to improve your own level."

"Not long after the fight, that thing has already broken through from the yellow level to the green level. This is the scary part. If the fight continues, it is really possible to break through the green level or higher."

This was exactly the previous analysis of the monster. Ouyang Ao knew it very well and nodded immediately:

"That thing can swallow the source of symbols, so we have to use non-contractual means to kill it. Otherwise, it will only help it reach a higher level faster."

"Fortunately, the gun is still useful for it"

"Li Xiaoyan" nodded.

Master Wen Zhao also had to nod his head.

The description of this monster is very accurate. He was a participant in the battle, so he naturally felt it.

After thinking for a while, Wen Zhao licked his lips: "Then let's destroy the light cocoon!"

"In this case, the Moon Demon will not be able to resurrect!"

Ouyang Ao looked like he was looking at an idiot.

"Li Xiaoyan" chuckled: "You can't even deal with the Moon Demon's servants, and you still want to destroy the Moon Demon's body?"

Wen Zhao's brows suddenly stood up: "We have eliminated that thing!"

"Li Xiaoyan" pointed at Ouyang Ao: "You just said that Master Ouyang killed him."

"Young Master Ouyang is capable, but you two are too poor."

"You" were "ridiculed" again, and Wen Zhao became angry.

Mu Qinghua on the side grabbed her partner

She knew that her partner was a clumsy-talker and was no match for the sharp-tongued young man in front of her, so she chuckled and said, "But in the battle just now, Brother Li didn't even dare to take action."

"Li Xiaoyan" shrugged nonchalantly: "I've said it all, it's enough for you to take action."

"What a shameless statement!" Wen Zhao's heart rate accelerated because of this guy's constant ridicule: "You really pretend to be a master!"

"You obviously don't have any skills, but do you really think you are a young boss?"

Qing level? Unpredictable was speechless for a moment.

Seemingly thinking for a moment, "Li Xiaoyan" looked at the two of them seriously, then looked at Ouyang Ao: "Master Ouyang, I'd rather trouble you to take these two out."

"Previously, Li wanted to form a team with a few people and go to the center to have a look, but now it seems that it is still a bit dangerous."

"It's best for you to leave immediately. If you stay here, you will only be held back."

This time, even Ouyang Ao had a weird expression

Wen Zhao almost burst out at Fu Yuan: "Who do you think you are?"

"Li Xiaoyan" sighed: "Stop arguing with me, look at the top."

The three people looked up at the same time.

Above their heads, they saw five "eggs" forming on the tree crown again

That's right, five.

Ouyang Ao's eyes suddenly widened.

The two masters looked horrified.

They knew how difficult that monster was to deal with just now, and now five of them came at once!

"Li Xiaoyan" murmured: "It seems that the Moon Demon can create this kind of 'guardian' almost at any time."

Five eggs were broken directly!

The five "creatures" appeared again, even their shapes were the same, as if they had been cloned.

Without any hesitation, after the five monsters appeared, they immediately rushed towards the four people on the ground.

The symbol fluctuations on their bodies are exactly five yellow levels, and their intensity is exactly the same.


"Li Xiaoyan" reminded: "Master Ouyang, please take those two guys away first."

Just this sentence caused all three people, including Ouyang Ao, to respond to the enemy.

Unexpectedly, he was stunned and felt a headache again.

That's right, my headache seemed to be affected by the Moon Demon Talisman. My headache became more and more severe, making me unable to think deeply.

He is a blue-level contractor of the Nightmare category, and his strength is in manipulating consciousness and thoughts. Under normal circumstances, he can control the psychology of these people with just a move of his hands, and "cheat" them out easily.

As a result, now there are problems everywhere. Every word I say is to make them leave, but it has the opposite effect.

This is the consequence of not understanding the other person’s mental state when speaking!

I wanted to let them go, but it only aroused the warlike intentions of these three people. On the contrary, no one wanted to run away in despair!

The five monsters were already in front of him in the blink of an eye. Unpredictable sighed in his heart.

The five monsters seemed to have gained experience from the previous battle and had a rough judgment on the four people in front of them. Two monsters immediately rushed towards Ouyang Ao, and the other three rushed towards the unpredictable three.


Obviously, they also have judgments about the strength and weakness of their enemies.

However, this judgment is of course wrong.

Ouyang Ao has a headache this time

It seems like all the bullets have been fired.

Seeing the monsters charging towards him, he had no choice but to hold on to the dagger again and use the teleportation technique to engage in close combat with these two yellow-level monsters.

I don’t even dare to use Fu Yuan.

If you use it, it will be devoured by the other party and become the other party's nourishment.

The situation of the other two masters is more troublesome.

I saw Wen Zhao walking in the air while writing the "blood curse" with a bloody symbol. After the monster got close, he typed out the "blood curse"!

The speed of the blood curse is extremely fast. After the monster is hit, the source of the talisman on the body is suddenly distorted, and then the speed slows down visibly to the naked eye.

That is exactly the effect of this spell, it can reduce the speed of the target!

Although the monster is only yellow level, its speed is not slow. This is the reason why it can fight with the two semi-spiritual masters. Moreover, the monster can swallow the talisman of the contract skill and become stronger, which makes the two masters also

Don't dare to directly launch powerful symbol source skills on it, otherwise it will be equivalent to increasing the monster's strength.

Wen Zhao's "Slowing Spell" can be said to be just right. The level of this skill is probably only red level or orange level. It has a certain impact on yellow level monsters. As long as the opponent's speed is slowed down, it can be manipulated by it.

Even if the blood curse is unsuccessful, the little talisman that the monster swallowed up the skill will not improve it much.

Seeing the monster's speed slowing down, Wen Zhao was immediately overjoyed. He once again distanced himself from the monster and still had time to take a look at his surroundings.

There is no problem with Master Ouyang. He is at the Qing level, and with just a sharp dagger that does not activate the source of symbols, he can fight equally with two monsters without falling behind at all.

But Mu Qinghua is having some trouble.

Mu Qinghua couldn't use the "Thunder Whip" at this time, and he didn't have any powerful weapons in his hands. He could only rely on the ability of the virtual symbol to deal with monsters.

The monster was extremely fast, and Mu Qinghua couldn't get away from it.

Seeing this, Na Wenzhao immediately wrote a "deceleration spell" again. After the spell was formed, he immediately jumped into the air and galloped in the direction of Mu Qinghua:

"Lead it here!"

Mu Qinghua's talisman disappeared, allowing the monster to bite the air, and after re-condensing into a solid body, it rushed towards Wen Zhao.

When the monster saw this, it chased after him closely.

Mu Qinghua passed by Wen Zhao and immediately turned around.

Wen Zhao's blood curse rune was cast immediately!

The "deceleration rune" once again attached itself directly to the monster's head at an extremely fast speed. As the source of the rune stirred, it merged into the monster's body.

Visible to the naked eye, the monster's speed immediately dropped by one level.

Wen Zhao felt happy when he suddenly heard a scream coming from behind him.

It was Mu Qinghua's scream.

With doubts in her heart, she turned around, only to see a monster sneaking up from behind Mu Qinghua and biting Mu Qinghua's shoulder.

Because it was a sneak attack, even Mu Qinghua didn't notice that the monster was behind her.

Wen Zhao was horrified.

That monster was the one that was against him just now. But for some reason, the monster had recovered its speed. When he was helping Mu Qinghua, it attacked the two of them from behind.

The talisman on Mu Qinghua's shoulder immediately disappeared, and the shoulder was separated from the monster's big mouth full of fangs.

This chapter has been completed!
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