Chapter 182 The Wall of Sighs!

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That’s right, Unpredictable has “fallen”.

Otherwise, there would not have been such a storm of public opinion on the mainland, but the fact is that he is still alive and well.

Isn't this "fraud"?

Of course it is, and it is undisputed fraud, a "fact" that all Ironborn firmly believe in!

Unpredictably raised his hand slowly, activating his own talisman source to the extreme.

The Changxin Demon Spirit Puppet emits talisman sources at the same time!

The two people's symbols reached their peak almost at the same time!

On the unpredictable forehead, the pitch-black eyes suddenly opened, as if they could see through the void and see everything in the world clearly.

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan were glanced at by the dark "eye of the mind" at the same time. With just one glance, they felt as if they had been completely seen through.

No, not just seeing through in a narrow sense, but being thoroughly penetrated into everything, like every beat of the heart, every breath, the expansion and closing of countless sweat pores on the body, and even the tip of the eyebrows moving slightly in fear.

Everything that shakes is captured by that eye.

There are also the emotions lingering in my mind, all kinds of chaotic thoughts, the memories of every time I played when I was a child, the first time I experienced human affairs as an adult, the joy after becoming the chief, and the subsequent actions to punish the longevity of the council.

He tried his best to assist the first chief, Chang Xinmo, and was even willing to marry him. All the memories flashed past like images and were quickly read by the "mind's eye".

The "mind's eye" can already see through everything in the world.

The boundless source of symbols, centered on Changxin Demon Spirit Puppet and Unpredictable, began to slowly converge, building a bridge between the two, and then the two began to merge.

Cang Lan's mood at this time was complicated.

Seeing her husband's "remains" completely melting and disappearing, the hairs on her brows felt an indescribable coolness, but she did not dare to let herself think too much, because all her emotions had been exposed to the "eyes of the mind"


The Changxin Demon Spirit Puppet was absorbed

Unpredictable felt that there seemed to be an extra layer of barrier separating heaven and earth around him.

Yes, this is the feeling, as if I have been put into a compressed space, without any contact with the outside world.

Using spirit dolls to upgrade is itself a deception of the rules of the world and the law of symbol source promotion - using spirit dolls, a "thunder calamity" that has attracted emotional obsession because of the existence of paying the price of life, so that the contractor does not have to give up the relationship with this world.

Various anchor points.

Unpredictably, there was a glimmer of understanding

Breaking through the wall of sighs, the role of this barrier will undoubtedly be even more critical!

Consuming emotions actually consumes the emotions of the spirit doll, and where can the spirit doll have emotions?

Therefore, merging with a spirit puppet is equivalent to adding a barrier around yourself to prevent the disappearance of humanity!

A protective cover for the source of symbols!

Unexpectedly, my heart becomes increasingly empty

The two blue-level source stones suddenly lit up at this time and began to penetrate into his body.

The language of the source of symbols in the body begins to break!

The originally formed language of the source of symbols was once again transformed into a pile of source stones. After the two blue-level source stones were added, it was recombined again, forming a new and mysterious language with large and small, indescribable rules.

The various source stones of the Language of Symbols began to arrange themselves, like stars in the sky, forming something similar to a constellation, and this thing was unpredictable and very familiar at this time, it was exactly the shape of a pitch-black eye!


With a loud explosion, the body of the unknown emitted a strong light of symbol source, as if a huge "light cocoon" had been woven into it that could wrap it up.

This "cocoon" is actually very similar to the "cocoon" hanging on the giant black tree outside that reborn the moon demon.

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan stretched their bodies tightly, staring intently at the unpredictable thing in the "cocoon" that had turned into a piece of brilliance.

This is the process of becoming a senior contractor!

How many contractors can't reach heights in their lifetime, and don't even have the chance to see the same thing.

The two people realized something almost at the same time, and couldn't help but look at each other, seeing helplessness in each other's eyes.

After working in the Punishment Council for so many years, I still haven’t had the chance to break into the Wall of Sighs!

In the end, the opponent at that time was now a friend, no, maybe not a friend, just an unpredictable subordinate? Well, I saw the process of attacking the Wall of Sighs from the perspective of an unpredictable subordinate.

Direction is the most important thing! The two of them didn't say anything, but these words rang in their hearts at the same time.

Yes, direction is the most important thing. No matter how fast you go in the wrong direction, you are just going further and further down the wrong road.

The former chief of the Punishment Council, and the first chief and the wife of Chang Xin Mo, these things are not actually the fundamentals that make me strong, they are just external forces. Under the absolute hard work and opportunity, these false names seem so small and weak.


It's only right to follow the unpredictable, right?

Just like when Mu Zhi followed Cang Lan.

Unpredictable once again stood in front of the Wall of Sighs.

The rolling mist was rolling in and out, as if it were a huge beast with an infinite size, trying to swallow up the small and unpredictable things in front of it.

Unpredictable smiled, endured the severe headache that continued to attack, and stepped into it without any hesitation.

This time, there is no need to even use experimental subjects to test.

The wisps of white mist immediately squeezed over and stuck to his body.

To be more precise, it adheres to the "protective shield" formed by absorbing the demon spirit puppet.

The unpredictable symbols around him lit up

The "shield" formed by the Changxin Demon Spirit Puppet is like being coated with the brilliance of a layer of talismans, looming around the unpredictable like a veil, pushing out all the white mist that keeps coming.

It’s just that this is a war of attrition!

Referring to the previous experimental subjects sent by Mu Zhi into the Wall of Sighs, the situation at this time was completely different.

The experimental subject was just trying at that time. Apart from its own talisman source, it did not have any props that could block the white mist. As a result, the talisman source was quickly exhausted and was completely dissolved.

This time, on the one hand, the existence of the Changxin Demon Spirit Puppet played a certain role, and on the other hand, the unpredictable body was able to use more talisman sources, and was able to move forward in the white mist with extremely low consumption.

Therefore, this seems to be a war of attrition, and the end point is whether he can get out of this billowing white mist before the unpredictable source of symbols is exhausted.

He walked slowly, quietly feeling the changes in his body

Yes, although the "shield" existing in the Changxin Demon Spirit Puppet has a very good effect, it cannot truly completely isolate the influence of the white mist. There are still traces of white mist that can penetrate the unpredictable body.

Unpredictably, I feel like my memory seems to be a bit disordered.

The previous memory pictures and various impressive scenes in life seemed to be slowly losing their color and turning gray. They were no longer able to carry his emotions, whether it was joy or sadness, those things that were originally cherished.

Emotions are dissolving and disappearing, eventually forming a picture without any emotion.

Yes, memory is the foundation of life, and emotion is the color of memory. If humanity disappears, will memory have any color?

What Mu Yi feels at this moment is that he seems to be turning into a cold machine, into an artificial AI. The original perspective of looking at the world seems to have begun to change, and all the things he originally cherished have changed, as if the world is just outside his body.

The objective world can no longer arouse any emotions or desires - it is like using infrared scanning to scan everything around it from the perspective of a robot, and looking at this originally colorful world from an inanimate perspective.

This white mist is indeed powerful

Although only such a trace entering the body can cause the disappearance of so much humanity and emotions, if it were not for this constant demon spirit puppet, I am afraid that the person who enters will soon become a robot without any purpose of action, or in other words

It's a sentence like "The Walking Dead".

The Wall of Sighs is indeed a wall that makes people sigh! But the reason for "sighing" is not just because it is insurmountable, but the deeper meaning should be that it makes those who enter sigh, and have no more care about this world.

The headache is disappearing little by little.

Sure enough, it disappeared little by little!

It was obvious that the headache no longer got stronger and stronger, but maintained the intensity for a period of time after entering the wall of sighs, and then began to slowly weaken like a thread.

Then walk for a while!

Until the headache completely disappears.

A smile gradually appeared on Mu Zhi's face.

In front of Cang Lan and Yan Yuan's eyes, the unpredictable brilliance seemed to have entered a state of stillness.

But the giant black tree outside, no, it should be the "cocoon", suddenly became restless.

The originally slow and low beating of "Cocoon" became fast and violent, just like a person's breathing after running rapidly, with indescribable impatience.

Countless white monsters roared in unison!

They climbed up quickly, no longer just crowded on the ground of the "tunnel", they blocked the entire tunnel entrance almost instantly, and rushed up and down quickly. If you zoom in on this scene, you can see it from a wider perspective.

, it’s like a sketch of “ants on a hot pot”.

The "cocoon" seemed to feel something and began to beat violently.

The white monsters started to go crazy!

The original boundary of the "tunnel" can no longer trap them!

In other words, they decided to rush in

A green-level being among the monsters seemed to have made up his mind, roared and rushed into the whirlpool, and then let out a shrill roar.

Its body suddenly seemed to be suppressed by some kind of force, causing him to move as if stuck in a quagmire. At the same time, it began to fall apart, and pieces of flesh and blood quickly left the body, eventually turning it into a skeleton and falling to the ground.

Yan Yuan and Cang Lan were stunned.

The death of one monster did not alert the other monsters. Instead, they swarmed forward under the urging of the "cocoon".

None of these monsters could survive in the tunnel and were immediately destroyed by the power of heaven, just like the first monster just now.

This chapter has been completed!
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