Chapter 180 The Ax of Punishment is ineffective! Failed to escape and go to the black whirlpool

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The reason is very simple. The branches of the black tree trunk block the sky. If the Punishment Ax is effective, how can it open up a little space and let the light in?

However, there was no light at all, it could even be said that there was no change in the light, which proved a painful fact - the Ax of Punishment had no effect at all.

Is this giant tree domain so strong?

What the hell is this existence?

The Ax of Punishment is a contracted sacred object of one of the eight bishops, and it can't even break through the realm derived from the remnants of the moon demon.

How incredible this is!

What is even more frightening is that the countless talisman threads began to emerge and began to absorb the remaining talisman sources after the blow of the Ax of Punishment.

The giant black tree is still absorbing the talisman source. No, to be more precise, it should be those white monsters who are still absorbing the talisman source and turning it into their own use!

Not only are the talismans of the Ax of Punishment remaining, below, the talisman that Cang Lan and Yan Yuan just launched, and the talisman they just used to resist the storm with the hills are also entangled by the thin lines of the talisman that appear around them.

Then absorb.

The countless monsters that had been blown away gathered together again, and this time, their numbers almost covered the entire ground, crawling crazily towards the hills like a swarm of ants, which gave people a creepy feeling just looking at them.

This should be because they absorbed more symbol sources, and the number increased again.

That was a powerful blow from the Ax of Punishment. Unexpectedly, he had used up more than half of his own rune source stock. Even if some of these rune sources were only absorbed by monsters, it would be enough for him to cross the threshold of the green level and be promoted.

Blue level.

That's right, it's the blue level. This monster is in the state of a clone at this time, or merged into one body. It must reach the blue level.

what to do?

Unexpectedly, I felt that my headache became more severe.

Even the onset of emotional obsession is close to the limit.

He couldn't escape, he couldn't escape, he couldn't be beaten, and his headache became more and more intense. He frowned tightly, turned his head, and looked at the "cocoon" that also lit up at the fork above the black giant tree.

At this time, something like a heart is still beating in the "cocoon", maintaining the same frequency as my own pulse. Moreover, because of the brilliance, I can see it more clearly.

A human figure seemed to emerge from the huge cocoon.

It was a young girl wearing gorgeous clothes, with a voluptuous figure but a cold expression.

Moon Demon

It's the Moon Demon!

At this time, the Moon Demon seemed to be able to understand the situation outside the "cocoon". His eyes were looking at Duke Mo Da on the top of the hill, and he seemed to tilt his head slightly.

That's like saying, "What else can you do?"

Unexpectedly licked his lips

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan quickly climbed up behind Mu Zhi, with despair on their faces.

The storm has stopped, and they can naturally find that the Punishment Ax has not worked, and the white monsters have rushed up like a wave.

"What should we do?" Yan Yuan's hand holding the long knife was trembling.

Cang Lan frowned and was speechless.

I had just been saved by Mo Zhi, and now I was about to go back to hell. I don't know if I was thinking about the meaning of begging Mo Zhi for help just now.

The water-like monster is already in front of you

Mo Zhi murmured: "Can't give up hope."

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan turned to look at Mo Zhi.

I saw a solemn expression on the unpredictable face, and looked at the two of them at the same time:

"Don't give up hope. If you give up, you are admitting defeat."

"The game is over!"

Cang Lan: ""

Yan Yuan: ""

Mozhi suddenly smiled at the two of them: "I still want to play basketball."

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan didn't know why, and their eyes were full of doubts.

"It's almost over." Although he didn't want to admit it, Yan Yuan still said in a deep voice.

Cang Lan also sighed, seemed to have made some decision, pursed her lips and said:


"Ah?" Mo Zhi sighed and asked.

"Unpredictable!" Cang Lan said softly: "Thank you for saving me."

"Even if it only allows me to live for ten more minutes."

"Feel sorry"

After saying that, Cang Lan also smiled sadly, but there was some tangle in her eyes, and everything seemed to be relieved.

The monster had climbed to the top of the hill and surrounded the three people.

Countless open mouths are filled with extremely sharp fangs.

As the "cocoon" beat like a heart, countless monsters maintained the same rhythm and let out low roars.

"Don't give up hope." Unpredictable chuckled:

"Try again."

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan were about to speak, but they saw that Mo Zhi had already put his hand on their shoulders, and then turned their heads sharply.

in that direction

An oval space tunnel appeared around the three people.

Just when the monster started to charge forward, preparing to tear the three people into pieces, Mobi and the three disappeared in the oval space tunnel.

When they appeared again, the three of them were still in darkness.

It shows that it is within the scope of the black tree domain.

The first feeling of Yan Yuan and Cang Lan was that this was just delaying time.

As long as you are still in the "Black Tree Domain", those white monsters will follow you soon.

The situation will still be the same as before, but by changing positions, the results that will eventually come will be delayed.

Then, the two of them realized something was wrong.

The place was still pitch black, but in front of him, there was a source of symbols hovering that was almost solid.

The rolling symbols flowed slowly like a wheel, constantly overflowing and converging towards the center, eventually forming a huge passage in the middle. The three people at this time were at the door of this passage.

"This is" Yan Yuan exclaimed.

Cang Lan also looked shocked and turned to look at Mo Zhi.

Mo Zhi sighed: "If we want to survive, this should be our only hope."

It's the black vortex!

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan didn't know what this black vortex was, but they could feel the powerful talisman contained in it, and they could tell that this talisman was different from other places in the "Giant Tree Domain".

"What is this?" Cang Lan couldn't help asking after all.

Mo Zhi smiled: "This is the passage to the Western Continent."

The four, five and twenty chiefs immediately looked at each other and saw indescribable horror in each other's eyes.

Western Continent

Pandora's classics record that this is where the elves were after their defeat, and it is a restricted area that even the God of Immortality cannot cross.

Is there still a passage in this world that connects to the Western Continent?

Mo Zhi thought for a while, stepped into it, and then shouted: "Follow me."

Although Cang Lan and Yan Yuan found it strange, they had no other choice at this time and could only bite the bullet and keep up with the unpredictable pace.

Unpredictable suddenly smiled:

"Actually, the elves have already arrived on the mainland."

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan were almost breathing, listening calmly to Duke Mo Daguo's story.

Mo Zhi chuckled and turned to look at the two people:

"You should know, well, maybe it's recorded in Pandora's classics that elves have perfect faces, well, they are very beautiful."

"That's why I'm so handsome!"

The half-joking statement immediately made Cang Lan and Yan Yuan look strange.

"What do you mean?" Cang Lan stroked her forehead.

"That's right!" Mo Zhi looked at her and said, "Actually, I am an elf. To be more precise, I am the bishop of the Heart Nightmare Tribe, one of the twelve elven tribes."

"We have opened this passage, which is in the secret realm of Iron Mountain"

"You mean you are an elf?!" Yan Yuan exclaimed as if he had just come to his senses.

It seems that your reflex arc is a bit unpredictable, but you keep smiling: "Yes, I am an elf bishop."

"You should know that the Moon Demon's contract power originated from the elves, so the elves are more compatible with the source of symbols and will upgrade faster. This is why I was promoted to the peak blue level in just three years."

Cang Lan couldn't help but not believe this.

After all, what he said makes sense.

The two of them stared at Mo Zhi with horrified expressions.

Mo Zhi then looked at Cang Lan again: "So, there is no point in scheming against me. I am from the Elf clan, and your little thoughts are not worth mentioning in front of me."

"I even understand the rules of becoming a god and the root of the source of symbols."

Cang Lan hesitated and nodded reluctantly.

It seems to make sense.

Otherwise, can you believe that a person can go from white level to the current peak blue level in just three years and just through hard work?

It would be more believable if he were unpredictable. He is different from others.

He is the elf bishop!

Yan Yuan only felt countless information impacting his brain. His thoughts were flying for a while, and his brain almost shut down.

Unpredictable means continuing to lie:

"By the way, Saul Underwood is a traitor. Haha, he is actually a puppet of our elves."

Yan Yuan and Cang Lan opened their mouths at the same time.

Unexpectedly, he laughed in his heart when he saw the shocked expressions on the two people's faces and their minds thinking rapidly. Then he looked around and then stopped:

“It’s almost done here!”

The headache was so severe that I had no choice but to rub my temples for simple relief.

Only then did Cang Lan and Yan Yuan come back to their senses from the outburst of thoughts. They turned their heads along with the unpredictable and looked outside the black passage.

Several people have penetrated several hundred meters deep.

At this time, countless white monsters appeared on the other side of the passage.

Finally caught up.

However, what surprised Cang Lan and Yan Yuan was that when these white monsters came to the entrance of the passage, they actually refused to take an inch further, and they all crowded in at the entrance of the passage.

They roared lowly, seemingly unwilling to give up on the three prey that were already among them.

Seeing this scene, Mo Zhi took a deep breath:

"Looks like I'm saved."

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan were pleasantly surprised:

"The monsters dare not come."

"What is the principle of this?"

Unpredictable chuckled: "What's the principle? This is knowledge. It's terrible to be uneducated."

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan: ""

Grand Duke Mo said seriously: "The elves are the people of the moon demon. Well, it should be said that they are the people of the previous generation of moon demons. Only the passages they built can compete with the moon demons of this generation."

Yan Yuan seemed to understand and clapped his hands: "That's it."

"The Black Domain cannot be broken with the Ax of Punishment. This can only be attributed to the difference in personality. The Ax of Punishment is already gold-level, and it is indeed unable to cause any damage to the Moon Demon Domain. This means that the Moon Demon's personality is higher than that of Punishment.

The gold level where the ax is, she is a god!"

"Even if the Black Tree Domain of the Moon Demon is just the remnant of the Moon Demon, the remnant of God is also the person of God."

This chapter has been completed!
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