Chapter 181 Promotion! Break through the Wall of Sighs!

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To be more precise, it should be safe for the time being.

The fourth chief, Yan Yuan, and the fifth chief, Cang Lan, saw Mo Zhi sitting on the ground and also sat cross-legged, not daring to make any sound.

Mo Zhi secretly laughed in his heart and didn't know if these two guys believed that they were elf bishops.

Don't worry about them.

Grand Duke Mo looked up and looked outside the tunnel. The giant tree blocking out the sky and the sun seemed to be looking straight out of the camera, which looked particularly clear.

The huge cocoon is still beating, and every time it beats, the unpredictable headache will increase a little bit.

It is necessary to sort out the current situation.

The Moon Demon is not dead, this is already a fact, and it has not directly returned to human form and killed everyone. It should be because of the effect of the original Talisman Tide - the Talisman Tide will be almost destroyed, so this place is just left

Although the remaining symbol sources of the Moon Demon, namely the black chimney, have the ability to resurrect the Moon Demon, it will take time.

This should be no problem, there is no flaw in logic at all, otherwise the Moon Demon would just return to its previous peak state. There is no one in this world who can rival it.

So, this means there is still time.

Well, maybe it's not just time, but more conditions are needed, but I just didn't discover it at this time.

Yes, that should be the case. The appearance of the giant black tree should be the resurrection of the moon demon, giving birth to a new moon demon in the "cocoon", and the nourishment is the source of symbols?

No, it doesn’t seem to be a symbol source. The symbol sources absorbed by the black giant tree in the field seem to be given to those white monsters, so that those white monsters can increase their levels and expand their numbers. What exactly are white monsters?

Is it just an "army" created by the Moon Demon to protect the Moon Demon's realm? Or will the white monster army sweep across the continent after the Moon Demon is reborn?

There seems to be some problem. The Moon Demon doesn't need an army at all. As long as the Moon Demon is reborn, who else can stop him?

In addition, if the nutrients needed by the "cocoon" are talisman sources, the blow with the Ax of Punishment just now contributed a large amount of talisman sources. For the moon demon, absorbing these talisman sources and promoting the growth of the "cocoon"

Pregnancy is the top priority, why give it to those monsters? Is it just to eliminate me?

Thinking of this, Duke Mo shook his head, how could his face be so big!

Unless the Moon Demon believes in the prophecy he said before - he may threaten it in the future, so he will create monsters at all costs and destroy himself. Therefore, after finally trapping himself here, he must increase the strength of the monster and destroy him as soon as possible.

Solve it yourself.

He was clearly connected to the remnants of the Moon Demon and still had a connection with the source of symbols. His headache was almost killing him, so how could he be so tit-for-tat?

Unpredictable shook his head again, saying that he couldn't figure it out.

The moon demon was reborn through the Black Tree Domain. I don’t know if it was because the moon demon of the previous generation, that is, the one who “died” with him, Duke Mo, was resurrected from the body of future scholar Yan Luo.

Yes, so the form of resurrection is close to Yan Luo's natal spiritual weapon - the Tree of Destiny.

I wonder if we can destroy the "cocoon" and prevent the Moon Demon from resurrecting?

At this time, within the black vortex, there are not many unpredictable symbols left. If you go out, although it is possible to launch an attack on the "cocoon", it will definitely be at the cost of his unpredictable death. Now is not the time to fight, don't

Be anxious, be patient and don't be impatient

Maybe there is another way.

Can the barrier of this black giant tree be broken through outside?

The clone in Ouyang Ao's body, well, he immediately created a clone here and teleported outside to take a look.

It seems you can come in from the outside!

But I can’t get out from inside!

What kind of operation is this? Unpredictable can’t help but feel troubled by the strange ability of this black giant tree field again.

I can obviously share my consciousness with the consciousness outside, but I can't get out of here through teleportation! It seems that this black giant tree also has the ability of space in the field, which can isolate the teleportation ability of "space", and it is outward.

Maybe Cang Lan and Yan Yuan were right about the teleportation ability. The moon demon is naturally of a higher status, and it is not a problem to limit the "space" to only the green level, so it is isolated in space, but he has a series of internal nightmares.

The ability - clone, the connection between various consciousness bodies can still exist.

No, it's not that simple. There are still some restrictions. You are the main body now, and the clone outside is just a clone. The ability to transfer the main body seems to be limited.

In other words, the only way out is for me to leave here now.

Since you can enter the Black Tree Domain from the outside, you should still have some expectations for the "reinforcements".

For example, stars

That kid should be about to be promoted to the purple level. He still has the source of the contract of the spiritual language series in his hand. If everything goes well, he can be directly promoted to the gold level, and then seize the leadership of Pandora and launch an attack on the Moon Demon's black tree domain.

Maybe it will work.

Why is it also gold level?

So, there is no need to risk destroying that "cocoon" now. From the looks of it, the Moon Demon's resurrection is not a short-term matter. It should be fine to wait for a few days. Well, a gold-level star should be better than a mere blue-level star like mine.

The certainty of reaching the peak is greater.

We need to find that bastard from Shadowfang!

Well, this matter must be put on the agenda


There is no more "more", the headache continues to be severe, and time is almost running out!

Unexpectedly collected his thoughts, stood up from the ground, and patted the dust on his gray windbreaker.

Facing the whistling wind in the black vortex, I can still feel the continuous strengthening of emotional obsession.

Mu Zhi smiled and turned to look at Cang Lan and Yan Yuan:

"You two help me protect the law, and I will show you something good!"

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan raised their heads at the same time, looking at Mu Zhi in confusion.

Mo Zhi chuckled and stopped joking: "Help me protect the law, I want to be promoted!"

“Break through the wall of sighs!”

Cang Lan and Yan Yuan widened their eyes almost at the same time, looked at each other with incredible eyes, and stared straight at Mo Jie again.

"Right here?" Cang Lan asked in a tentative tone.

"Yes, it's right here!" Mo Zhi nodded: "Otherwise, we would have no chance to go out!"

Cang Lan nodded slowly, but she was still full of doubts and couldn't believe that Mu Zhi chose to attack the Wall of Sighs in the black vortex.

Although this place is in a whirlpool, isolated from the Black Tree Domain, which is the remaining talisman source of the Moon Demon, it is not a kind place! Apart from anything else, this black whirlpool is because of being in the Black Tree Domain.

The symbol source cannot be restored.

That is a challenge to the wall of sighs, and there is no room for sloppiness.

Unexpectedly waved his hand easily, looked around, and said calmly:

"I think this is an excellent place for promotion."

Yan Yuan still couldn't believe what he said, and couldn't help but remind him: "Are you sure?"

Unpredictable nodded: "If you are not here, and if you are not sure that you are here, you will be more sure."

Cang Lan opened her mouth, but no words came out. She had no idea what and how Mu Zhi was thinking.

Unpredictable didn't bother to explain and looked directly at Cang Lan:

"Breaking through the power of Sigh, and being promoted to a high-level contractor requires consuming your husband's spirit puppet. You won't suddenly stab me in the back after seeing this scene, right?"

Cang Lan's mouth opened wider, but she remained speechless, and her expression suddenly became complicated.

Slowly, Cang Lan shook his head.

Mo Zhi smiled and said: "Yes, my promotion to the purple level may be the only hope for the three of us to survive."

When Cang Lan heard this, she shook her head: "The inner demon is dead, my worldly fate is over, and I have let go of everything."

"I hope you can be promoted successfully! This is not for me to survive. I have already died once, and many things should be over."

"Yeah!" Mo Zhi nodded: "It's good to have such awareness. I'm more sure of being promoted."

Yan Yuan also nodded towards Mo Ke, and then stretched out a hand, indicating that Mo Ke could start at any time.

Duke Mo Daguo is not afraid that the two people will cause trouble in his promotion. He has enough means to ensure that the two people will not affect his promotion, and he said these words because of the conditions for his promotion.

He exhaled slowly, turned around, looked at the giant black tree outside the "tunnel" and the slowly beating "cocoon", and made a middle finger gesture.

I don’t know if the other party sensed it, but the white monster crowded at the door started to roar restlessly.

After confirming that the white monster did not dare to enter, Mu Zhi took a deep breath this time and slowly closed his eyes.

The "space" in the body opened, and the blue-level spirit puppet, the former first chief Chang Xin Mo, appeared. At the same time, two blue source stones emitted light and began to rotate around the unpredictable.

And unpredictable is to adjust his own state to the best.

Dive into the mind and come once again to the wall of sighs in consciousness

The wall made of boundless mist still looked extremely majestic at this moment, exuding a heart-stopping pressure from the source of symbols.

At this time, after experiencing the exploration of many experimental subjects, Mu Zhi has understood the principle of this white wall of sighs.

It can absorb the emotions of the contractor.

To put it more bluntly, absorbing the human emotions of the contractor is the foundation of the symbol, and human nature is the carrier of the symbol. Therefore, after entering the white mist, as the emotions dissipate, the human nature will gradually be absorbed.

If you don't make preparations in advance and make all kinds of sacrifices, then as the emotions dissipate, your own talisman will also be dissipated, leading to failure in promotion and death.

The reason why I chose to advance here is, on the one hand, because the headache is unstoppable, and on the other hand, entering this white mist, as the emotions dissipate, I should be able to completely get rid of the headache.

Because, the headache is the price of the unpredictable, which is caused by the moon demon's symbol. Having just thought about the root cause of the headache, I feel more and more that it is an "emotional obsession weapon".

Just like the situation with Firefox Rossetti Darcy!

The power of their talisman seems to be able to directly access the root of the talisman - emotions, so it can cause emotional fluctuations in the opponent during battle, and ultimately cause the onset of emotional obsession.

[Updated tomorrow morning]

This chapter has been completed!
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