Chapter 184 The Promotion Ceremony of the Heart Nightmare System! The Unpredictable Enlightenment of the Tiankeng!

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At this moment, Mo Zhi's heart moved.

He found that his body was slowly and slowly stiffening.

In doubt, he wanted to twist his body, but found that although he was still in nothingness at this time, the self in his "mind's eye" seemed to be solidified.

That's right, there is a little bit of solidification, so little that it can be ignored.

What's going on?

Mu Zhi wanted to widen his eyes, but at this moment he didn't even know what form he was in, so how could he talk about his eyes?

Frozen eyebrows that don’t exist

Could it be that, without doing anything, it will automatically condense into an entity?

Wait a little longer?

That’s right, wait a while to verify it!

Living in the unpredictability of nothingness, it is impossible to measure time, and we can only wait quietly for the passage of time.

It seems that the body has become a little more solid!

This time, the unpredictable mind became active again.

Is it really automatic?

Doesn't it mean that you don't have to do anything and just wait for the entity to be restored?

No, no, not yet. The speed of condensation and rebirth at this time is too slow. According to the speed just calculated, it may not take hundreds of years for Duke Mo Da to return to the world from nothingness.

It’s been too long!

At this rate, after the promotion is successful, I am afraid that all the people I don't know will turn into dust.

Then what's the point of living? There's no chance of revenge against the Moon Demon. No, maybe the Moon Demon won't be reborn in such a long time, and the world will be destroyed when the Moon Demon reappears.

Speed ​​up, speed up unpredictably. I kept repeating this word in my mind.

Wait, what did you just think of?

Mobi felt that he seemed to have vaguely grasped the key point, but it slipped away from his thoughts inadvertently, and he had to calm himself down completely to re-capture the vague key.

If you wait hundreds of years to successfully advance, there will be no point.

The meaning of this sentence is that if you lose your bonds, what is your purpose in life?

Yes, that's probably what it meant. It reminded him of one of his favorite novels in the past. There was a senior named Huang who seemed to have been in seclusion for decades just for revenge. After the Nine Yin Divine Art was completed, all his enemies had been killed.

Dead of old age.

Living longer than your enemy is another form of revenge. Similarly, living longer than you is another form of happiness. This logic has become a must-have for countless health care product sales in modern times - health

It's 1, and wealth is just the zeros after 1. Well, it seems a bit far off.

come back quickly

Yes, it's a bond. If it takes hundreds of years to advance successfully, then all the bonds in this life have been broken. Even if this is immortality in a certain sense, what's the point?

If nothing else, without Luo Sheng, it would be impossible to imagine the future.

Bonds, emotions, love and hate, gratitude and enmity, are exactly the experiences a person has when he is born as a human being. It is these emotions and emotions that make up everything about this person.

Back to the word "emotion" again

I wiped it this time, and my heart suddenly moved.

He seemed to have caught the faint clue and held it firmly, dragging the imagined truth out of the heavy fog.


Unpredictably, his body felt a little more solid again.

It's still emotions, haha. If the key to breaking through the wall of sighs lies in the annihilation of emotions, the loss of humanity, then this process of re-condensing entities can be called "re-gathering of emotions".

Yes, it is the re-gathering of emotions, but it is not your own emotions that are gathered, but

Mobi felt that when he thought of this, his whole body became lighter, and there seemed to be an extremely bright light from the source of symbols above his head, shining directly on his body, making him feel warm all over.

At the same time, several faint and extremely thin threads seemed to penetrate the isolation of time and space, showing a bright light under the illumination of light.

Silk thread, the thread that connects to the outside world, the thread that connects the "anchor point"!

That's right, what is re-condensed is not your own consciousness and thoughts, but the thoughts and consciousness of the anchor point. For a contractor who has become a god, the anchor point is naturally the iron people on this continent who believe in themselves and respect themselves.

Their emotions towards themselves are the basis for Ran Ran to condense himself again!

It is the emotion of "believers", their memory of themselves, their understanding of themselves, and the person they say they are!

The impressions and memories of countless believers on me are the last step for me to re-consolidate my body and advance to the purple level!

Some people are dead, but he is still alive, and some people are alive, but he is already dead. If he can be remembered by everyone and be remembered forever, then he is still alive, and he will advance to become a high-level contractor!

Unexpectedly, I feel like I have figured it out.

If this logic

He just wanted to laugh at this moment. If his body hadn't turned into nothingness, he would have held his stomach and laughed loudly.

If this is the case, then the entire purple level advancement process is a complete fraud.

That's right, it's a fraud, a scam, and a fucking trap!

This may be because he is a contractor of the Heart Nightmare series, which represents the emotional obsession of chaos and deception, so the method of breaking through the Wall of Sighs is itself a fraud.

Because there are two steps to advance to a senior contractor. The first one is to break through the Wall of Sighs. A core key factor in breaking through the Wall of Sighs is to cut off the bonds, so that all connections with the world can be cut off.

Cutting off all kinds of emotions, even cutting off human nature! Therefore, in order to prepare for promotion, Mo Daguoshi had interrupted all kinds of emotions in the mortal world one by one.

He abdicated from the Southern Tribe and said goodbye to the place where he took off; he said goodbye to the Lunar Eclipse Organization and said goodbye to his fellow villagers; he said goodbye to Luo Sheng, and then let Luo Sheng "separate the yin and yang" from him; he also said goodbye to those guys in the Federation.

Goodbye, I have been shutting myself away. After Lena Webster took the position of acting head of state, she said goodbye to the affairs of the Federation.

Everything is to break through the wall of sighs.

For this purpose, Mu Zhi even died together with the Moon Demon!

He has become a fallen "dead man" on the continent of Rodinia. Is there any way to cut off the bonds that can be cut more cleanly than death?


He has "died" and said goodbye to everything!

Of course, this was not intentional, but just a forced choice after facing the Moon Demon!

But I didn't expect that this choice would be a clean farewell to this world, cutting off all separation.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the unpredictable process of breaking through the wall of sighs is astonishingly smooth.

Yes, that's exactly what it is. You can see it just by looking at the stars. This kid started to break through the wall of sighs four days ago, but he still hasn't been able to get out of the fog!

The unpredictable fall helped him easily break through the wall of sighs at this time!

The problem is, the subsequent coagulation process

If you break through the wall of sighs and cut off all emotions, who the hell will remember you? If no one can believe in you, praise you, and remember you in their heart, you will have no "anchor" and cannot pass them.

The understanding of you and the emotion towards you establish your impression in the hearts of the people and condense themselves.

The former step requires letting go of emotions, but the latter step requires relying on emotions to re-condensate the body; the former step requires oneself to interrupt the emotional connection with the anchor point, but the latter step requires the anchor point to reshape oneself emotionally.

, this is completely contradictory!

What is this if not a trap?!


This process of the Heart Nightmare Contractor's Wall of Sighs is really enough.

At this time, the countless threads connected to his body are exactly the emotional channels that converge from the anchor point. If you distinguish them carefully, you can identify them.

This one is Luo Sheng, this one is Ouyang Ao, as well as Lena Webster, Elder Red Bull, Melinda Samantha, Ms. Spirit Whisper, Epic, everyone from Lunar Eclipse, everyone from the Federation, and even

It's the two people at their feet - Cang Lan and Yan Yuan, as well as the public after the Federation made him the Duke of the country.

Well, the public does not know the truth about the Northern Province. Although they believe that they are the heroes who save the continent under the initiative of the Federation, they do not contribute much emotion because they do not have a clear impression of themselves.

To put it bluntly, the heroic deeds of Duke Mo Daguo who died together with the Moon Demon in order to save the world are more like a topic for people to talk about after dinner. They just treat it as a story without enough empathy.

That's right, this is exactly the principle of condensing oneself, and it is also the reason why my body has just become a little bit solid, as if automatically.

The problem now is that there are too few anchor points!

Offers too little emotion!

Therefore, the process of condensing the entity by itself is slow.

Hahahaha, I burst into laughter in my heart.

The reason for laughing is that on the one hand, he saw through the cunning hidden in the promotion ceremony set up by the so-called God of Contract for himself, a person with the ability of the inner nightmare system. On the other hand, he was unpredictable and unintentionally, and was extremely lucky to avoid this.


Yes, it was his own "fall"! To be more precise, it was a suspended animation - "death" interrupted the emotional connection, allowing him to successfully cut off the bonds and get out of the fog of the Wall of Sighs, and it also made him because of his relationship with the Wall of Sighs.

The Moon Demons died together and became the "saviors" of the continent. Instead, they established more and stronger anchors!

Of course, more and stronger anchor points are not just for now. There are very few unpredictable anchor points now, and the transformation is extremely slow, but think about the future.

It can make you laugh out loud with joy!

I became the hero to end the Moon Demon, but at this time I didn't get many emotions from the anchor point. This may be the tragedy of being a "hero" - you obviously saved the world, but the world doesn't remember it.

you, but

The Moon Demon is reborn!

What does this mean? It means that the world will once again fall into disaster! Remind the people once again that the former Duke Mo Da sacrificed his life for you.

As for the Federation, Lena Webster still respects her teacher very much and will continue to praise her deeds.

Lina also said that she would build a statue of herself for people to believe in

These are all the sources of anchor points!

Also, everyone's level in terms of lunar eclipse will be higher and higher, and the unpredictable name will be remembered again with the birth of lunar eclipse.

As for Pandora, after the Hengxing guy is successfully promoted, he should clear his name, right? It should be possible! Before leaving, the Hengxing guy said sincerely that he would become a hero in the contract world.

No matter how you think about it, in the near future, your number of anchor points will be significantly improved!

Condensing the entity, the advancement is successful at that time!

Just around the corner

All we have to do now is just wait.

Mu Zhi concentrated his mind and fell into rapid thinking. However, less than two seconds later, he smiled again.

It seems that there is no need to wait, you can also take the initiative!


He also has the consciousness clone in Ouyang Ao outside the black tree realm.

Although his clone was also stripped of his humanity due to the emergency, in the final analysis it is still his clone, and it is controlled by himself!

Yes, being in control of yourself is the key!

This means that he can change the situation on the mainland and even reshape his impression in the hearts of the people, which means he can take the initiative to fight for an anchor point for himself.

And by this time, the stage of breaking through the Wall of Sighs has ended, and the shocking news that Duke Mo Daguo is still alive seems to be announced to the outside world.

When the Moon Demon reappears and sows disaster in the world, everyone will naturally place their hope on Duke Mo Da when he is reborn.

That will establish countless anchor points!

Yes, you can take the initiative!

Unpredictably, he felt his body become more solid again.

I know what I want to do next.

In fact, I still have a little thought about the promotion process, that is, how the previous senior contractors were promoted.

The Immortal God should undoubtedly be the first contractor to advance to the purple level. The reason why he was able to quickly condense himself is very easy to think of. That is the Immortal God was the leader of the iron people at the time, and led the iron people to break away from Ayerku.

Pull the island's cage and lead the Ironborn back to the mainland.

The people naturally believed in him. With the anchor point of all the Iron People at that time, the process of the Immortal God breaking through the Wall of Sighs and condensing himself would not be difficult.

The same should be true for the Shadow Fang and the Eight Bishops. They have the protection of the Immortal God, which is equivalent to the "following gods" after the Immortal God is promoted to the throne. As long as the Immortal God sends some oracles, it is naturally impossible for the people to support the eight bishops.

Rarely, it is even possible that the names of the Eight Archbishops are also widely circulated among the Ironborn.

It won't be difficult to get promoted to the Eight Archbishops. Even if it takes a little longer than the Immortal God, it won't take too long.

The three contemporary Pandora masters must have spent some time on these three guys.

Fifty years?

a hundred years?

As the leader of Pandora, they can still obtain many anchor points within Pandora and even within the contract world.

This chapter has been completed!
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