1023, Firearm critical hit

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"Narisong, have you seen the place in the distance where there are many flags and flags?" Wu Rigeng replied, Taiji narrowed his eyes and said.

"I saw it. He seems to be a very big official. I don't know Chinese characters, but it looks like this official position is not small."

"Moreover, the one riding the white horse in the middle is Uncle Dingyuan of the Ming Dynasty, who is also the coach of their Western Expedition. We will attack him and kill him. This battle will be won without having to fight." Wu Ri

Geng replied in a cold voice.

At this time, the Mongols were already helpless. Killing the enemy's commander was undoubtedly the shortcut to a comeback. The people around them were shouting and excited. The Ordos people were in the sky.

"Blow the trumpet, unfurl the Sulu Ding battle flag, and let all the soldiers and horses along the way know that they should follow me and launch a desperate charge. If we kill that centurion, we can turn defeat into victory."

Woo hoo hoo! The desolate horn trumpet sounded. Five hundred cavalry launched a desperate charge against the centurion on the hill in the distance. The cavalry along the way also joined in after hearing the sound of the horn.

You Shilu and other Ningxia generals saw nervously that a large group of Mongolian cavalry rushed towards the hill.

These Mongols are obviously much stronger than the defeated soldiers running around. There are at least 300 of them wearing iron armor. At a glance, it is clear that these people are the personal soldiers of Taiji and Nayan.

They turned their horses, left the battlefield, and charged towards the hundred-man cavalry standing on the hill.

They suddenly sweated nervously. Uncle Dingyuan was too big-hearted. How could he only have a hundred people around him?

Yang Fan saw the cavalry of more than 500 people rushing toward him, smiled contemptuously, and waved his hand at Zhang Gedao. Zhang Gedao immediately turned his horse's head and shouted loudly: "Bring the camel here, hurry up.


A dozen soldiers brought fifteen brown-red camels from behind. They made the camels kneel on the ground and covered their eyes with blindfolds to prevent the firearms from firing and the light of the fire frightening the camels.

Yang Fan ordered not to use firearms today because he wanted to train his troops. To test the level of hand-to-hand combat of the servants. It’s not like they really have firearms and don’t use them.

These fifteen camels are Yang Fan's trump card. If he dares to lead his family to attack thousands of miles, he must have a trump card. Yang Fan always has a second plan. No matter what situation he encounters, he will be prepared.

What he relies on is not just the fighting ability of the Jia Ding Tuan.

Of these fifteen camels, ten are equipped with rotating camel cannons on their pack frames, and the other five are equipped with light three-barreled Gatling machine guns.

Just as the soldiers were loading their Gatling guns and rotary camel cannons, the arrows thrown by the five hundred Mongolian cavalry in front fell. This was the first time they had calmly thrown arrows in this battle.

Yang Fan and others had no choice but to raise their arms to shield their eyes. After a burst of popping sounds, the arrows fell on the men and horses without penetrating, and bounced off and fell to the ground.

At this time, the Mongols had already rushed 150 meters away.

Zhang Geda yelled, "Fire!"

Immediately, the ten camel cannons were aimed at the target. When the artilleryman pulled the gun of the flintlock musket, the ten revolving camel cannons immediately spurted out flames, and ten one-pound shells flew out of the barrels and flew straight towards the cavalry group.

Seeing more than a dozen camels coming out from behind Yang Fan, Wu Rigengdailai was a little confused. They were in a remote place in the Hetao and did not understand the most advanced firearms technology. The camel cannon that had been used in Mongolia in the desert had not spread to Ordos.


Although he didn't understand Camel Cannon, this did not prevent him from knowing that it was a light artillery. From a distance, although these cannon barrels were short, their caliber was not small. They were similar to Tiger Crouching Cannons.

However, at this time, the charge was already within 150 meters, and there was no turning back. Although it was only then that the enemy had firearms, they could only rush forward and fight hand-to-hand.

As long as he rushes forward, he believes that his 500 men will fight a hundred men, and they are all elites. He will definitely be able to destroy this hundred-man team. Speaking of which, Yang Fan is the one who actually looked down on our Ordos warriors and only used a hundred people to protect him.


At this time, you must be resolute. Do not hesitate. Otherwise, it will prolong the time to engage the enemy and give the enemy multiple opportunities to fire, which will be a disaster.

Ten artillery shells roared towards them, and at a distance of more than 100 meters, their power was maximized.

Wuri Genda Lai raised his scimitar and shouted loudly: "Charge forward, behead one level, and reward two women and fifty sheep. Charge forward."

The Mongolians are simple, even if it is to inspire military morale, the rewards are so real.

Before he finished speaking, the five hundred people immediately shouted excitedly. The morale was suddenly so high that it could not be higher.

However, before the cheers fell, there was a bang, and a cannonball whizzed past Uzhigengda Lai's ear. He was horrified to find that Na Ke'er on his left wing, who had been following him for more than ten years, was hit by the cannonball.

It was smashed into pieces, and pieces of flesh and blood sprayed all over his face. Half of his body was stained red.

Taolu rarely knows the power of advanced firearms.

Their opponents only had weapons such as matchlock guns and tiger crouching cannons. They even had rags like magic guns in action. They had heard of the red cannons and the mighty and invincible general cannons, but had never seen them before.

This time, ten artillery shells roared and hit ten alleys of flesh and blood.

The people and horses who were hit along the way were all shattered into pieces. It had to penetrate seven or eight people before they lost momentum and fell to the ground. As the shells flew by, the limbs of the people and horses on the ground were broken into pieces.

The Mongolians were immediately frightened and screamed wildly. Then the real terror was still behind them.

Five Gatling three-barrel rotating machine guns opened fire immediately after the shelling.

Bang bang bang! The dense bullets flew towards these cavalrymen like a downpour. Wherever the whip of flames swept, people turned on their backs and fell to the ground.

The warheads flying at high speed tore apart the limbs of the men and horses, and blood mist sprayed out. Leather and iron armors were as useless as paper under the Gatling gun.

A well-dressed Mongolian feather armor, black and shiny, each armor piece has a cold-forged tumor. This is a technology from the Xixia people at that time. The inner part of the feather armor is made of fur inward.

Lining for shock absorption.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Under Gatling's blow, the armor silk ribbons of the feathers and armor were broken at each root, and the armor pieces were scattered in all directions by the bullets, twisting and deforming.

This face and that face were cut diagonally into two sections from the waist to the shoulders.

Zhang Geda looked at the Mongolian cavalry who were lying down like a rice field blown down by a typhoon. He took out a gunpowder-propelled grenade, put it on his shoulder and used the cigarette butt in his mouth to light the spare propellant and twist it.

He thought it was cool to light a fire with a cigarette butt and did not use a trigger.

Bang! A flying fireball went straight towards Wuri Gengda Lai.

Zhang Geda has been staring at him for a long time. This old man is wearing a Zhisun suit embroidered with gold thread. He must be a big fish. This thing was called Yisha in the Ming Dynasty. "Zhisun" is the Mongolian word for "gorgeous".

Transliteration of.

The shape of the Zhisun suit is a top with a lower skirt. The clothes are tight and narrow, and the lower skirt is also shorter. There are countless pleats around the waist, and there are large beads running between the shoulders and back of the clothes. It is a Mongolian military uniform, which is easy to ride on.

Shooting was popular in the Yuan Dynasty.

Jin Yiwei's Qilin suit and Feiyu suit are actually the product of the combination of Zhisun suit and Han suit. These are all the influences caused by the Mongolian rule of the Han Dynasty.

A fireball rose, shocking the entire battlefield. Whether it was the Mongols or You Shilu and others on the other side of the river.

Wu Rigendailai felt that he suddenly flew up, and he even saw horses and cavalry flying out in all directions below. The dazzling incandescent light almost blinded his eyes. The violent shock wave hit his back hard.

With a plop, he fell less than five meters away from Yang Fan. Blood spurted out of his mouth like a fountain. His throat made a roaring sound, but he could not say a word.

He finally rushed in front of the target, but he could no longer stand up. His body was broken to the waist. Wuri Genda Lai's eyes widened, staring with hatred at the man who had defeated the entire Monan Mongolia.

His vision went dark, sinking into eternal darkness.

This chapter has been completed!
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