1024,Dongsheng Siege

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The death of Wu Rigeng was the last straw that broke the camel's back. The terrifying power of the camel cannon and Gatling gun frightened these cavalrymen who grew up in a closed environment.

No matter how dense the bows and arrows are, they are nothing compared to Gatling's steel barrage.

With all the casualties of the five hundred most elite cavalrymen gone, the Gatling gunner stopped shaking the handle, and the high-speed rotating barrel gradually stopped. The ground was covered with yellow metal bullet casings.

Although they have seen Gatling gun shooting many times, the servants still can't control themselves. These bullets, whether they are warheads or cartridge cases, are all made of expensive brass. These materials are much cheaper than those issued by the imperial court.

Copper coins contain much higher copper content.

This is fighting here and there, and this is throwing money around.

The metal bullet casings everywhere are the copper coins everywhere.

Yang Fan has no choice but to choose brass for custom-made metal bullets in modern times. Because copper has natural ductility and self-lubricating properties. When the bullet is fired, it can deform moderately, stick to the barrel of the gun, and seal the gunpowder gas.

It prevents air leakage and is not easy to jam and wear the gun bore.

Although in modern times, China later developed painted steel bullet cases, the real performance is brass. The only disadvantage is that it is too expensive.

Now, in Yang Fan's system, breech-loading guns, custom-loaded metal bullets, smokeless gunpowder, and rifled barrels have long been conquered, and reserve production has even begun. It's just that they are not equipped with troops.

Currently, the only type of machine gun that uses custom-installed metal cartridges is the Gatling gun.

The Mongols began to surrender. Their defeat was certain. Even without the rotary camel cannon and the Gatling gun, they were killed by the servant cavalry until they almost had a mental breakdown.

Their swordsmanship and equestrian skills were completely suppressed, and for the first time they discovered that they could not even defeat the Ming army in hand-to-hand combat. This made them feel as if their world was collapsing.

In addition to the elite team of Jia Ding Regiment, the accumulation of training and combat experience, the sophisticated equipment is also an important reason. Their sabers use the cavalry standard sabers of later generations. The material, craftsmanship, and shape of this saber are hundreds of years old.

A summary of cavalry combat experience.

Whether it is ergonomics, sharpness or toughness, it far exceeds the Mongolian scimitar of this era.

The modern saber is shorter than the Mongolian scimitar of this era, so it can be unsheathed quickly. In an encounter, whoever pulls out the sword first in an emergency can kill the opponent with one blow. The modern saber is lighter than the Mongolian scimitar, so with the same force,

The slashing speed is fast. The sword is light and the horse is fast. When hedging, the servant cavalry will kill the Mongolian cavalry first.

The remaining Mongolians dismounted and knelt down in despair and begged to surrender. One, then another, and then one by one they dismounted and surrendered. They couldn't fight, and they couldn't run. Continuing to fight would only increase casualties, and there would be no consequences.


On the west bank of the Yellow River, You Shilu watched the entire process from the charge led by Yang Fan to the surrender of the Mongols. He saw with his own eyes how the Ming Dynasty's cavalry crushed and defeated these old enemies.

【In view of the general environment,

In the past two years, he had been hearing about the invincibility of Uncle Dingyuan, and he had been listening to the stories that kept coming. But today, when he witnessed this tragic battlefield with his own eyes, he realized that the rumors that he had laughed at before were far from reflecting the reality of Dingyuan.

The power of a distant uncle.

All the generals in Ningxia Town were afraid from the bottom of their hearts. Uncle Dingyuan is so brave, is there anyone in the Ming Dynasty who can control him?

Yang Fan has already seen the three thousand cavalry on the other side of the river. This is the real main force of Ningxia Town.

Yang Fan greeted them across the river, and everyone under You Shilu returned the greeting. At this time, General Zhengxi controlled the troops and horses in the four towns of Ningxia, Guyuan, Yulin, and Shanxi, and coordinated the suppression affairs. They were all Yang Fan's subordinates.

"Send someone to send a message so that they don't have to worry about the battlefield in Hedong. I will take care of it here. Let them all go back. To the west of Helan Mountain, in the Alxa Wasteland and the Linhe Grassland, a large number of Mongolian cavalry have gathered. They can guard Ningxia.

The dozen fortified cities in the town are the greatest contribution." Yang Fan said.

Then, the messenger officer sat on a sheepskin raft and crossed the river.

You Shilu received Dingyuan Bo

After receiving the order, he bowed his hands to Uncle Dingyuan and led the troops back to Yinchuan. Uncle Dingyuan was right. At this time, the real pressure on Ningxia Town came from the outer area in the north, especially Linhe City where too many people gathered.

Soldiers and horses.

Being able to defend Ningxia without losing anything is the greatest achievement.

Yang Fan immediately led his army westward. At this time, the 90,000 troops from the four towns and the Beijing camp were divided into thirty-three groups and gathered from all four sides towards the Dongsheng Grassland. If they encountered tribes along the way, they would start fighting immediately.

The various Mongolian tribes resisted desperately, but the Ming army was too numerous and the gaps between each group's advance were too small. They were like being wrapped in a big net, gradually compressing the city of Dongsheng.

Throughout the Ordos Plateau, there were beacon fires and fighting everywhere. Except for the 13 tribes in the west that were annihilated, the remaining 42 tribes in Ordos suffered all casualties under the attacks of the Ming army that surrounded them from all sides, and the remaining tribes fled eastward.


In the past few days, desperate tribes who were chased and driven by the Ming army came to Dongsheng City to call their gates. There were very few cities on the grassland. There was only one city, Dongsheng, on this plateau. At this time, they naturally became

Escape goal.

They knew the terror of city walls. Every time they invaded Han, they suffered huge casualties when attacking the city. And the city of Dongsheng could also protect them.

Looking at the surging refugees and defeated soldiers coming under the city gate, Bu Shitu smiled from ear to ear. These bastards, if they don't obey him, they will oppose whatever they want to do. This time, let's see what else they have.

Face is arrogant in front of oneself.

At this time, he saw several Taiji and Nayan, with gray heads and faces, covered with injuries, riding horses through the city gate. He felt happy in his heart.

See if you are still awesome, why don't you be shy and ask me to protect you?

When Yang Fan rushed to the foot of Dongsheng City, the last group of defeated Mongolian troops had already entered the city.

The 50,000-strong army from the Beijing Camp, including soldiers and horses from Ningxia Town, Guyuan Town, Yulin Town, and Shanxi Town, also arrived. The army set up camp on all sides of Dongsheng and made a gesture of attacking Dongsheng.

Yang Fan set up a large tent for the Chinese army and beat drums to gather the generals. The drums placed on the scaffolding watchtower made loud noises. In this vast wasteland, the drums spread very far.

Soon, the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief of the troops from the four towns came to Yang Fan's Chinese army tent in Beijing to report.

The four towns dispatched troops this time, Ningxia Town was led by Deputy Commander-in-Chief He Huchen, Shanxi Town was led by Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mangui. Yulin Town was led by Deputy Commander-in-Chief Wu Zimian of Yansui. The one who sent troops from Guyuan was Gansu Commander-in-Chief Xu Yongshou.

The three drums came down, and all the generals from the four towns and the capital camp had arrived.

Yang Fan looked at these general military officers one by one. These were high-ranking figures who were in charge of the military power of one party.

And these people are also looking at Yang Fan and Zhang Shize, these two young and shameless dolls.

This chapter has been completed!
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