Chapter 1007: Beheading Chen Rusong

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Ten years of war, the first year.

In Ziyun Mountain, the mountain is covered with red flowers like fire. A demon tribe military tent is struggling to attack the mountain, fighting with tens of thousands of Xia tribe heroes, so that the entire mountainside seems to be stained with blood.

The battle lasted for half a month. Finally, under the fierce attack of a demon clan tent day and night, the Xia clan heroic spirit army suffered heavy losses. The shadow spirits finally dissipated in the wind, and as the heroic spirits crossed the

As time goes by, the power of the tiger Zhang Xicheng gradually weakens, and he is eventually unable to withstand it.

"It's almost time!"

At the foot of the mountain, the commander of the military tent, a hairy eleventh-level wild boar spirit, grinned and said: "Young men, the time has come to attack the mountain with all your strength. Anyone who cuts off Zhang Xicheng's head will be allowed to practice in the secret realm of Zushan for three days.



The eyes of a group of demon soldiers were shining, and they all carried various weapons to attack the mountain. They hit the mountain and water restrictions condensed by Zhang Xicheng's tiger again and again. At this moment, the roots of Ziyun Mountain were under attack for a long time.

The bottom has begun to crack, and cracks have appeared in the barrier of the mountains and rivers. After all, it can no longer withstand it.


Under the moonlight, a group of heroic souls who had just fought in the daytime under the protection of Zhang Xicheng's landscape restrictions slowly stood up from the mountains and forests. One of the warriors held a sword and stood astride a bone horse filled with the aura of death. He frowned and said:

"The demon clan has begun a general attack. We are almost exhausted. Please, General... lead us to fight again and fight for the rest of the battle?"


Zhang Xicheng held the Tiger Divine Sword in his hand, and with a slight movement of his palm, a golden war horse suddenly condensed. He got on the horse, raised the war sword high, and shouted in a low voice: "Young men of the Xia clan, follow me to the final charge.


"Yes, General!"

Thousands of Xia clan relics mounted their horses one after another, and in a blink of an eye they gathered into a group of dead soul cavalry, all surrounding Zhang Xicheng, and were about to start the last charge of their lives with him.

"Yu Rou."

Zhang Xicheng looked back at Han Yurou who was standing on the top of the mountain and said: "I'm going. If there is an afterlife, I hope to meet you again."

Han Yurou burst into tears: "Xicheng, go."


Following Zhang Xicheng's roar, thousands of Xia Clan heroic cavalry with ethereal figures and weak spiritual energy rushed down the mountain with him. Like a sword full of mottled curled blades, they rushed straight into the demon clan's army of more than 100,000 people.

In the tent, for a time, the killings were soaring, evil spirits overflowed, and all kinds of magic methods were endless.

"Puff puff puff~~~"

Under the volleys of a group of snake archers, the heroic spirits of the Xia tribe continued to fall off their horses. Once these heroic spirits fell off their horses and were killed, their souls dissipated between heaven and earth almost instantly. They were Yin gods and had already died once.

If you die again, you will be completely unable to transcend and will completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

"Charge left!"

Zhang Xicheng suddenly tugged on the reins, with the divine power of the tiger flowing all over his body, and swept across with a divine sword, directly killing hundreds of snake-man archers. Then he rode his horse and led everyone straight forward, sweeping away countless demon forces along the way.

"Pocket Formation!"

On top of a green peak, the eleventh-level wild boar spirit held a wine gourd in his hand. He took a leisurely look at the battle at the bottom of the mountain and sneered: "Let them in, and give these damn people a shot of Lin Baiyi's Heavenly Furnace Formation."

For a time, the group of demon soldiers were well-trained. The queues dispersed one after another, like a pocket opening, and put all Zhang Xicheng's two or three thousand people into his pockets. Then thousands of arrows were fired, and spears were shining brightly.

Striking out suddenly, the demon soldiers' tent used an absolute numerical advantage to forcefully crush the thousands of people in Zhang Xicheng.

The wild boar spirit raised his head and glanced at the top of the mountain. The appearance of the ten-level peach blossom demon was really good. If he was asked to kill him, he would definitely be reluctant to kill her. In this case, he would kill her sweetheart first and let her

After being completely disheartened, he can be accepted as a Taoist companion or as a cauldron, it doesn't matter.

"Shenzi Camp!"

The wild boar spirit frowned and said, "Come on, I want to see Zhang Xicheng die within a stick of incense!"

"Yes, sir!"

Among the people in the demon clan's military tent, a group of demon soldiers wearing fiery red armor went out to fight one after another. The demon clan from the three realms, the fourth realm, and the fifth realm were all very powerful, and everyone held a three-meter-long spear.

, these spears had all been forged, glowing with cold light. When the Shenzi battalion suddenly protruded from the military formation to intercept them, Zhang Xicheng and others were caught off guard.

"Puff puff puff~~~"

The bodies of the Xia Clan heroic spirits were pierced by spears, and they were lifted directly from their horses. More horses were penetrated directly from the front, and then a large group of heroic spirits appeared like skewers of candied haws.

One after another died in battle, coupled with the volley of thousands of arrows from behind and the indiscriminate bombardment of many middle-level fifth-level demon monks above their heads, the number of people following Zhang Xicheng became fewer and fewer for a while.


On the top of the mountain, Han Yurou shouted. In her field of vision, in the blink of an eye, there were only dozens of people left behind Zhang Xicheng, and the remaining dozens of people continued to fall. In the end, only

Zhang Xicheng, alone, used the power of a tiger to charge back and forth among the monsters.

Zhang Xicheng is in the tenth realm, and he is in the eleventh realm in Ziyun Mountain, but he faces too many demon clans. The demon clan besieges Zhang Xicheng with a crowd of 100,000 people, and it is impossible for Zhang Xicheng to leave Ziyun Mountain, so the final

The only outcome is death from exhaustion of divine power.

"about there."

The eleventh-level wild boar spirit looked down at the battlefield. Zhang Xicheng had very little divine power left, and his combat power was less than 10% of his peak level. So, the wild boar spirit rose into the air, raised a sword and struck down hard.

He shouted in a low voice: "Zhang Xicheng, ashes to ashes, dust to dust!"

Zhang Xicheng suddenly looked back, and immediately after, his tiger body disappeared in the light of the sword.


On the top of the mountain, the peach blossom demon Han Yurou shouted at the top of her lungs.


The wild boar spirit carried the sword, floated up the mountain, and landed in front of Han Yurou. He sneered and said: "It's just a wandering ghost. You obviously have a better choice, Han Yurou, as long as you nod and follow me, I will

Are you willing to ask for the blessing of an Eleventh Realm spirit charm for you?"

"You are wishful thinking!"

Han Yurou's pretty face turned slightly scary.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that if you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink!"

The wild boar spirit laughed loudly, suddenly opened his big hand and grabbed Han Yurou.

However, just when he was about to touch Han Yurou, the trees on the mountain suddenly emitted glow. The banyan trees, birches, maples, etc. all turned into peach trees, and countless peach blossoms bloomed instantly. Then, Han Yurou's spirit ruins exploded.

Come on.

Who would have thought that this tenth-level peach blossom demon would be so strong-willed that he would rather self-destruct in the Fairy Spirit Ruins than succumb to the clutches of this eleventh-level demon clan.


Amidst the loud noise, the self-destruction of a tenth-level peach blossom demon in the spirit ruins was quite terrifying, and the wild boar spirit was caught off guard. Suddenly, his entire right hand was blown into fly ash, and half of his body was also a little burnt.

The first level fell to the tenth level. When he looked up in anger, a small mountain top had been flattened by the bombing. The peach blossom demon had long been turned into ashes.

"It's annoying!"

The wild boar spirit punched the mountain hard, losing his wife and losing his troops. He finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

So far, in early July, the Peach Blossom Demon Han Yurou and the Ziyun Mountain Monarch Zhang Xicheng, together with a total of more than 40,000 Xia clan heroic spirits, died in Ziyun Mountain!

Qingliang Sect.

The Great Demon of the Thirteenth Realm, Changhen, led the troops from two military tents to attack the Qingliang Sect, but for many days they still failed to capture the not-so-dangerous Qingliang Mountain. The reason was very simple. The Qingliang Sect was led by the Twelve

Zhao Suiguang, who was at the peak of his realm, was in charge. Although there were only a few hundred disciples, they were far more powerful than the demon soldiers in the military tents.

In addition, a golden figure swayed in the wind, with wisps of awe-inspiring fists all over its body. It was the tiger Xiang Ji who was comparable to the rebirth realm. Now the warriors at the top of the mountain are dead and injured, but this one is the only one.

With his identity as a Yin Shen, Ji seems to have withstood the martial arts fortunes of many mountaintop villas. Sitting alone in the mountains, he actually feels like one man is in charge of everything and ten thousand others are invincible.

"His grandma's!"

The Great Demon Changhen held the war blade, his eyes filled with anger, and his body floated up, saying: "From the 7th to the 11th battalion, all of them went into battle and fought to break the mountain and water barrier for me. The sword was cut off.

Just use your flesh and blood to hit them, I don’t believe that this mere Qingliang Mountain can stop the pace of our two military tents!"

For a time, the densely packed demon soldiers of the lower five realms raised their weapons one after another and tried their best to cut through the mountain and water restrictions. Some of the strong demons actually lowered their heads and used their bodies to violently shake the restrictions.

In the wind, wisps of golden ripples flowed. Xiang Ji was dressed in military armor, holding the Tiger Divine Sword in his hand, looking indifferently ahead.

"Come on, come on!"

The Great Demon Changhen laughed. Seeing that the aura and divine power on Xiang Ji's body were getting weaker and weaker, he finally couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his sword angrily and slashed it down in the air. This one was bound to kill Xiang Ji's body.

The head was chopped off.

"Only you?"

At this time, Xiang Ji was actually a bit arrogant. He suddenly raised his hands, with fists all over his body, and forcefully held Changhen's sword. When the opponent kicked him, Xiang Ji also kicked him back.

, there was a sudden "boom", and the great demon Changhen slowly stepped back a few steps, while blood overflowed from the corner of Xiang Ji's mouth.

After all, it is too reluctant to fight against the great demon of the Thirteenth Realm as a reincarnated tiger.

Xiang Ji frowned. It would be great if he was not dead. If he faced Everlasting Hatred in the rebirth state of flesh and blood, he might have a chance to unscrew his head and complete the killing!

Zhao Suiguang raised his head to look at the sky. Just when Changhen made his move for the second time, his body swayed above him, with a simple tripod swaying around him. It instantly enlarged and blocked Xiang Ji's attack from the Thirteenth Level Demon.


"Damn it!"

The Great Demon Changhen frowned, and he was in a dilemma. This Ji and Zhao Suiguang teamed up, which was indeed a bit tricky!

In the world of monsters, deep in the ancestral land.


In a desolate forest with traces of battle everywhere, a figure staggered out. He was wearing an ivy-colored gown. The clothes were almost turned into rags in the battle, and his whole body was stained with blood.

His body was covered in bruises, especially his chest. After one of Chen Rusong's natal attacks, two ribs were broken and his heart was almost broken.

Fortunately, we won in the end.


He grinned. He had reached his limit. He carried his sword behind his back and dragged Chen Rusong's body with his left hand. The body was slowly turning into a pine tree full of charm. Lin Zhujie smiled miserably, looked at the pine tree and said

"The master of the mountain is a carpenter whose craftsmanship is unparalleled. If he were still here, it would be hard to tell whether he would be turned into a table or a screen..."

As he spoke, he looked into the sleeve of his right hand. There was a treasure lamp inside, and Dong Zang's soul was imprisoned in it.

"Miss Dongzang..."

Lin Zhujie grinned: "I said...if the mountain owner is not dead, will my position as the chief worshiper of the mountain top garden be stable?"

Winter is silent.

Lin Zhujie was also speechless.

The next moment, he fell straight down and turned into an inconspicuous stick insect. He dug in the soil and hid it. He should recuperate first before talking.

This chapter has been completed!
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