Chapter One Thousand and Thirteen: Battle at Sea

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At night.

The waves on the East China Sea are undulating, and a storm seems to be coming.

Murong Feiyue stood in the command cabin of the Xuanwu-class battleship, frowning as she watched messages from the fleet pop up one after another. At this time, not only were there many multi-functional submarines on the seabed, but there were also many ships on the surface, surrounding the flagship for dozens of miles.

In addition, there were as many as three cruisers and five frigates. In addition, there were no less than 20 land-based cruise fighters in the air, and there was even a Chiyou-class medium-sized warship among them.

"Ding dong——"

Suddenly, there was an unusual sound in the sonar scanning sound of the ships at the edge of the fleet, and a huge light spot appeared in the scanning screen, heading straight towards the flagship.


Ning Yu frowned slightly, stepped forward and dragged and enlarged the sonar scan screen, saying: "The individual is very large, more than 500 meters long, and swims very fast. It seems that it is coming towards us."

"Release torpedo interceptor."

Murong Feiyue stood up and said calmly: "The flagship heavy rail gun aims, the data link starts transmitting, and the mother beast's coordinates are locked."


Everything went on in an orderly manner. Not long after, a roaring sound came from the deep sea, which was the sound of torpedoes hitting the Kuijia female beast. Then, water droplets condensed on the sea surface, beating continuously, and suffered a round of

After the fish attack, the speed of the Kui-armored female beast did not slow down at all, and it was still rushing towards the flagship.

At this time, blood-red dots continued to appear in the sonar image, more and more.

"The tide of sea beasts appeared together with the mother beast."

Ning Yu looked at the dense dots in the picture and said: "A sea beast tide will have at least more than 5,000 sea beasts."

"Leave those sea beasts alone."

Murong Feiyue clenched her fists and said calmly: "Order the air fighters to lock the target, drop the deep-sea bombs, and force the mother beast to the surface. The torpedo is too weak to break through the mother beast's armor energy, so we can only

Rely on the heavy main guns of the Xuanwu-class battleship."


Ning Yu glanced directly ahead. A heavy rail gun was being charged. This rail gun could be called the sharp fangs of the giant battleship. Just as Murong Feiyue said, it had ordinary attack penetration.

Not even the mid-sized rail gun of the Chi You class in the air is enough. Only the main gun of the flagship may be able to severely damage the heaven-defying Kui armored female beast.

In the air, streaks of missile light passed by, and a group of cruisers and frigates launched missile offensives one after another. The missiles dragged huge arcs in the air and rushed into the sea water, and then burst into light into the sky.

Amidst the strong roar of engines, land-based bombers flew past and dropped rows of dot-type depth bombs in the air. Suddenly, the entire sea area roared, and huge waves continued to hit the flagship.



In the distance, there was finally a heartbreaking loud noise, and then, a huge head slowly emerged from the water, with giant sickle-shaped pincers lying across it, and a pair of blood-red eyes staring at the flagship.

"Come out, attack immediately after locking the main gun!"

Murong Feiyue was a little excited.

"Yes, General!"

The gunner was in position. The moment the lock was completed, the entire flagship buzzed and trembled. Then many instruments in the command module flashed. The moment the railgun attack was completed, the entire ship's power was almost immediately diverted.

, and the electromagnetic gun was wrapped in dark blue light, dragging this huge arc in the opposite direction of the mother beast.

In the distance, there was another roar, and the female beast sank to the bottom of the water in an instant. The terrifyingly powerful rail gun missed the target and exploded in the water behind the female beast, causing water splashes all over the sky.

"Confirmed, no hit."

The observer frowned: "The female beast is still approaching quickly."

"Continue the attack in the air and on the water!"

Murong Feiyue said calmly: "The second round of depth bombs is ready to be dropped. The flagship's main gun continues to charge and prepare for the second shot! Order the No. 3 cruiser to approach and use the main gun to attract the female beast and lure her out of the water. We have no choice but to do so.

, consider sacrificing the No. 3 ship!”


The voice of the captain of the No. 3 ship was loud and clear.

Murong Feiyue frowned. The generals she brought out always regarded death as home. Otherwise, how could her 7th Corps have been stationed on the east coast for ten years without a single defeat.

"All ships on the edge of the battle circle, block the approach of the sea monster tide."

Murong Feiyue looked at the big screen, frowned and said: "The air force releases interference bombs in the water to scare the tide of sea beasts and try to buy time."

Everyone obeyed the orders one by one, and the overall tactical command was orderly.

In the sky, beams of flares continued, illuminating the entire dark night sea battlefield as if it were daytime. The Chiyou-class medium-sized cruise warship had its bow lowered, overlooking the earth, and the four medium-sized rail guns at the bow were pointed at each other.

Walking into the depths of the sea, "Peng Peng Peng"'s continuous attacks, combined with the offensive of depth bombs, tried to force the mother beast out.

But the female Kuijia beast seems to have suffered the same loss as last time, and is unwilling to come out of the water even if it endures attacks in deep water.

"Ship No. 3, move closer and intercept it!"


In the rainy night, the No. 3 ship with a displacement of more than 8,000 tons quickly moved sideways, directly in front of the Kuijia mother beast. Then the bomb delivery system swished into a large number of powerful deep sea mines, and suddenly a scarlet signal light appeared in the sea water.

Flashing continuously, connected into one piece.

"The mother beast's coordinates are floating up!" Ning Yu said loudly.

Murong Feiyue hurriedly leaned forward and said in a deep voice: "Ship No. 3, activate the shields, release all lifeboats, and prepare to abandon the ship. All armored warriors activate the armor system. Once the mother beast attacks you, the flagship's main gun will lock on

Mother beast!"


The captain of the No. 3 ship said solemnly: "Even if you attack with all your strength, it is crucial to kill the mother beast, so don't worry about us!"

Murong Feiyue nodded. At this moment, they could only ask for their own blessings.

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and the huge body of the Kui armored beast burst out of the water. The impact force fell on the shield of the No. 3 ship. Suddenly, the entire cruiser was almost knocked out of the water. Then, Kui

The sickle-shaped pincers under the armored beast's head suddenly cut through it, and the hull of the No. 3 ship was continuously cut open.

"Main gun locked, attack immediately!"

Murong Feiyue frowned: "The Chi You class in the air cooperates with the attack and must break the mother beast's original biological energy shield!"

Immediately, the four medium-sized rail guns of the Chi You class bombarded almost simultaneously. Amidst the loud noise, the biological energy shield on the outer layer of the Kuijia female beast's armor continued to crack. Then, a dark blue thunder swept across in the strong wind.

However, it was a heavy bombardment from the main gun of the Xuanwu-class battleship.


The entire sea surface was almost split into two by the force of the bombardment. Immediately afterwards, a blow from the heavy rail gun forcefully tore apart the biological energy shield of the Kuijia female beast. From the huge body of the Kuijia female beast,

It penetrated through the head, and with a "peng" sound, white, red, flowery, and all kinds of internal organs were present. With one shot, half of the Kuijia female beast's head was instantly lost.

Amid the pitiful howling sound, the Kuijia female beast quickly sank into the deep sea.

"Have you killed it?" Ning Yu frowned: "The submarine team immediately investigated the biological energy of the female beast."


Murong Feiyue had already stood up, looking at the No. 3 ship that was broken into two parts, and said: "The rescue team will rush to the rescue of the No. 3 ship immediately. Hurry, the aerial drone will deliver the life-saving system!"


Suddenly, news came from the submarine team: "The energy level of the mother beast is still S level, and the biological energy is still strong. The confirmation is completed, the kill is not completed, the kill is not completed!"

"Not good..."

Ning Yu looked up at the sonar image and said, "The Kuijia female beast is coming towards us!"

For a moment, Murong Feiyue only felt a chill down her spine. Ever since she was transformed by Fei'er into a shepherd, she had never faced the danger before her. This Kui-armored female beast was not so much coming for the flagship.

, it would be better to say that it was for her, Murong Feiyue. If she didn't handle it well, she might really be buried under the sea.

"Send the order!"

Murong Feiyue patted her elbow lightly, and immediately put on a Xihe-class battle armor, saying: "Prepare to abandon the flagship, the rest of the fleet's warships will return immediately, and the air power will maintain fire suppression to escort the maritime power!"

"Ah? Give up the flagship?" Ning Yu was surprised.

"Is there any other way we can do it?"

Murong Feiyue frowned and said: "The mother beast's intelligence is too high. It can't come out of the water again so that we can have the opportunity to attack it with our main guns again. This Xuanwu-class flagship is a nuclear-powered battleship. Ning Yu, let everyone retreat quickly."

, under forced circumstances, we can only detonate the reactor of the flagship and die together with the mother beast."


Ning Yu frowned: "The unmanned transport plane will land on the rear deck of the flagship immediately and send as many people away as possible. Put down all the lifeboats and move away as many people as possible, as fast as possible!"

In the sonar picture, the Kuijia female beast swam extremely fast, and soon reached the depths of the Xuanwu-class ship, wandering around as if looking for an opportunity to attack. Murong Feiyue, Ning Yu and others were all passing through.

The Xihe class, plus a group of combatants wearing Yandi class armor, rushed onto the deck one by one.

Surrounding the flagship, lifeboats loaded with crew members quickly left. In the sky, transport planes loaded with crew members quickly evacuated. For a moment, only Murong Feiyue, Ning Yu and dozens of other people wearing individual combat armor were left on the deck.

special operations team member.


A huge whirlpool suddenly appeared on the bottom of the sea. Immediately afterwards, the Xuanwu-class battleship with a displacement of 60,000 tons also began to circle on the sea. A majestic biological energy continued to rise from the bottom of the sea, so that the individual combat armor system

Everything started to sizzle and the picture was blurry. It was an interference similar to an electromagnetic storm.

"It's coming!"

Murong Feiyue flicked her right hand, and an electric arc sword appeared in her hand. The legs of the battle armor spurted energy, supporting her body to stay in the air for a short time. The others followed suit one by one, and no one wanted to be buried with the flagship.

Below, as the sea trembled, the huge body of the Kuijia she-beast protruded from the bottom of the sea. With its double pincers raised, it suddenly clamped on both sides of the flagship. It was still the same attack method. Suddenly, with a sizzling sound, the flagship was strong and strong.

The armor was quickly cut off, revealing pieces of watertight cabins.

This chapter has been completed!
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