Chapter One Thousand and Eight: Zhizhi's Plan

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Dashang Dynasty, Baidi City, the city is filled with the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus.

Qixia Palace, one of Zhao Shutong's residences, has a villa in the Qixia Palace. Hundreds of white deer cavalry guard the villa day and night, and the daily necessities inside are specially served by the female officials of Qixia Palace.

At that time, an osmanthus tree in the garden was emitting fragrance. Under the tree, on a chessboard, two women were playing chess.

One of the women had an empty sleeve on her right side, a refined temperament, and the feeling of a mountain fairy all over her body. It was Gao Zhi who was recuperating in Baidi City. She was too seriously injured in the battle of Baicheng. Gao Zhi's ten demon soul swords,

The three natal flying swords were all shattered into pieces, and even the sword Cheng Xin was shattered.

Therefore, although Zhi Zhi did not die, what she got back was only half a life. Half a year has passed since the Battle of Baicheng, but she is still in the Nascent Soul realm, with no sign of returning to the Thirteenth realm. She has not even stepped into the Tenth realm.

There wasn't even the slightest sign of the situation.

Sitting in front of Zhi Zhi was a beautiful woman wearing a short shirt and exuding a capable aura. She was none other than Yu Wan Ning.

Although Yu Wanning is still in the realm of rebirth at this time, the injuries he suffered in the Battle of Baicheng were too serious and he has not recovered yet. His face is full of morbidity. Although his realm is in the realm of rebirth, he can really display his abilities.

The combat power is probably not even as good as the Tianyuan realm.

There are internal injuries everywhere in her body. She must rely on her years of practicing boxing and luck to heal her injuries bit by bit with her body in the Rebirth Realm. But to return to the level of the real Rebirth Realm, I'm afraid it won't last ten or eight years.



After Yu Wanning dropped a ball, she looked towards the north with her beautiful eyes and said, "The news just came that Ziyun Mountain has been breached, and Zhang Xicheng and Han Yurou were both martyred."


Zhi Zhi's voice was soft: "As expected, Zhang Xicheng and Han Yurou are your dear friends. People who can make you miss me for so many years must be of character. Now that you have all died, the two of them...

...I must be sad, and it is only human nature to die with you."

Yu Wanning nodded and said: "Several batches of people sent out by His Highness Zhao Shutong to inquire came back, but there was still no news about Huang Tingyu, Tongyu and the others. There were only two woodcutters in Nishangtianxia who saw one that day.

The big dogs rushed into the forest one after another, and no one saw their traces after that."

"It doesn't matter."

Zhi Zhi said: "With Lao Huang here, Tong Yu, Zhang Luobai, and Zhuang Yirong, the three children will definitely be fine."


Yu Wanning chuckled and nodded.

At this time, a female palace official stepped forward and said respectfully: "You two ladies, your highness is here."


Zhi Zhi and Zhao Shutong stood up together, walked to the gate of Bieyuan, and saluted with fists clasped together.

"You are Welcome."

Zhao Shutong was dressed in military armor and seemed to have just returned from outside the city. He looked dusty and tired, and said: "The demon clan troops are divided into many groups and are attacking the Fusu Great Wall. Qingliang Sect, the Fusu Great Wall side has plenty of troops.

There is no great demon, but the Qingliang Sect is not so good. There is a great demon of the Thirteenth Realm named Changhen. In addition, he has the strength of two military tents. He only relies on Xiang Ji and Zhao Suiguang.

, I’m afraid it won’t last long.”

"Eternal regret..."

Gao Zhi frowned. During the Battle of Baicheng, she had fought against this Everlasting Hatred. In fact, in terms of strength, she was only average. At her peak, Gao Zhi could hold down a head. If singled out, she could do it in about fifty moves.

There was an opportunity to kill the eternal regret, but it was a pity that it happened at this time. Now that Zhi Zhi is only in the Nascent Soul realm, he can no longer underestimate this eternal regret.

Yu Wanning also had a frown on her face. After entering the Rebirth Realm, Yu Wanning also dealt with this great demon of the Thirteenth Realm, and even punched Changhen in the face. Unfortunately, there were too many enemies at that time.

, the punch was not strong enough and could not seriously injure this person.

Zhao Shutong said: "You should not ask about the Qingliang Sect's affairs. Although I know that Xiang Ji is your old friend, but now that the demon clan's army has moved south, the Qingliang Sect has long become an isolated island in the northern region, without any

People can save the Qingliang Sect, not to mention that the two of you are really not suitable to deal with the demon clan in your current state."


Zhi Zhi said softly: "Once the demon clan sees us, they will chase us hard. As long as people from the mountain top garden appear, the demon clan will give priority to killing us. This is inevitable."

Zhao Shutong nodded and said: "Zhi Zhi, Yu Wan Ning, have you made any plans for the future?"


Yu Wanning was slightly stunned and didn't know how to answer.


Zhao Shutong said: "Baicheng is no longer there, and the mountain top garden is no longer there. The soldiers and horses under Lin Shuai are now scattered. If you are willing, just stay with me. Yu Wanning, you can command me

You have 50,000 white deer cavalry, and even if the demon clan goes south to threaten Jeju, the entire defense line of hundreds of thousands of Jeju troops can be commanded by you."

She looked at Gao Zhi and said: "As for the Sword Immortal Gao Zhi, you can stay in Qixia Palace to practice hard, sharpen your mind, and return to the top. If..."

Zhao Shutong paused and frowned: "If Lin Zhao is not dead, or if Lin Zhao is reincarnated again, I will never retain you two. If you want to return to Lin Zhao, I won't have a second thought.


"Thank you very much, Princess, for your kindness."

Zhi Zhi pursed her red lips and said with a smile: "It's just that we really have no such plan now. I want to wait a little longer. When Yu Wan Ning's injury recovers, I plan to take her north with me."

"Going north?" Zhao Shutong was stunned.

Yu Wanning was also slightly shocked.


Zhi Zhi nodded lightly and said: "During the period after the Snowy Tianchi was breached, my cultivation level has not improved. In fact, I have been thinking in my heart that when I am beside you, I am always just a swordsman.

I have never really planned anything for you, and now that he is trapped at the foot of Wuwu Mountain, not knowing whether he will live or die, should I do something to really plan some future for you?"

"Tell me, what are your specific thoughts?" Zhao Shutong said.

"We have eyes and ears to bring news to the north."

Gao Zhi sighed and said: "Snowy Tianchi originally had 80,000 cavalrymen from the Snowy Legion. After Baicheng was captured, most of these cavalrymen had been killed in battle, but some of them still received Huang Tingyu's orders.

According to the military order of the old commander, Chen Qi, the captain of the Ten Thousand Cavalry, led the troops all the way eastward. About 10,000 people were hiding in the snowy mountains of the eastern border. They must have been hiding."

Gao Zhi said: "So, I want to return to the Northern Territory, find Chen Qi and the others, and lead them to deal with the monsters in the Northern Territory. I think that if the master is alive, he will do the same, as long as there is still a human force in the Northern Territory

As long as they are alive, the demon clan will be exhausted and it will be impossible to attack the Fusu Great Wall, Shanhaiguan, etc. with all its strength."

"You have to think clearly."

Zhao Shutong's beautiful eyes are like water: "Today's Northern Territory is in a desperate situation. Almost all the humans north of the Fusu Great Wall have been killed. Once you go to the Northern Territory, you will lose supplies of food, grass, equipment, etc., and once the demon clan launches

The encirclement and suppression offensive will also be quite difficult."

"It's okay, I've thought about it all."

Zhi Zhi said: "If it's just for harassment, the combat power of ten thousand snowland cavalry is enough. It can even attack the demon clan's ten thousand cavalry, food and grass, equipment, etc., and plunder the demon clan, and the demon clan's small army

That’s enough, I’ve done this before, the only thing I’m worried about is that the demon clan will send out the great demons of the thirteenth realm to kill them, so I need to have someone by my side who can fight the great demons of the thirteenth realm.”

Her eyes fell on Yu Wanning.

Yu Wanning pursed her lips: "The injury is too serious, it doesn't seem possible at the moment."


Zhi Zhi smiled slightly: "I can wait a little longer. If it doesn't work in one year, then it will be two years. If it doesn't work in two years, then it will be three years. I believe I can always wait until the day when you Yu Wanning returns to the rebirth state. After all... even if it is the snowy Tianchi in the future

It has been rebuilt, and you, Yu Wanning, are also our absolute backbone."

Yu Wanning immediately felt like a heavy responsibility was on his shoulders, and said: "I will try my best to practice boxing, polish my body, and heal internal injuries, but it may indeed take a little longer. During this time, please send someone to contact Chen Qi."


Gao Zhi said: "Send a verbal message to Chen Qi, asking him not to conflict with the monsters and demons in a short period of time. Let's lead our 10,000 cavalry eastward to the Snow Dragon Dynasty and rely on the Snow Dragon Dynasty.

To support our 10,000 cavalry, we will definitely counterattack within three years."


Yu Wanning was delighted. At this moment, Yu Wanning had already taken a new look at Gao Zhi. The most trusted female swordsman under Lin Zhao seemed to have suddenly changed from that strange woman who could only draw a sword to kill people.

A beautiful strategist who strategizes well.

"I understand what you mean."

Zhao Shutong took a deep breath and said: "But 10,000 Snow Region cavalry are too few. Before you leave, you can select 10,000 elites from my White Deer Cavalry and take them to the Northern Territory. If there are 20,000 cavalry,

If there is another rebirth realm martial artist in charge, it should be enough to give the monsters and demons a headache. Don't worry, you don't have to pay back these 10,000 white deer cavalry, they will be left to you. Their military exploits will be credited to their families.


"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Zhi Zhi turned around and saluted with a deep clasped fist.

In fact, during these days, Gao Zhi and Yu Wanning have been taken care of, and they have long admired Zhao Shutong, the eldest princess of the Shang Dynasty. She is a truly public-minded woman who is fighting against the monsters and demons.

In this matter, Zhao Shutong had almost no selfishness at all. To put it bluntly, if it were not for Zhao Shutong to mediate the situation of the Shang Dynasty, it would be difficult to predict the general situation of the world. Even with Lin Zhao's advance planning, every step would be taken extremely.


late at night.

Lin Zhao returned to the studio from the base, just in time for supper.

Chen Xue laid the phone flat on the table, and the real-time image of the battle at Qingliang Mountain appeared in the whole system. At this time, the two military tents of the Yao Clan had been attacking the mountain for more than a few months, and the Qingliang Sect's foundation was almost exhausted.

, the two mountain-protecting formations were breached, Zhao Suiguang and others were more or less injured, and as for the tiger Xiang Ji, his whole body was covered in scars.

When Xiang Ji punched out and shattered the body of an eleventh-level great demon, the thirteenth-level great demon Changhen slashed out from the ground and slashed out with a fierce knife, cutting off a whole section of Xiang Ji's body.

The arm was chopped off.

After a long and fierce battle, Xiang Ji's rebirth was actually already on the verge of collapse.

"It's not good..."

Ding Chi frowned and said.

Lin Zhao's heartbeat almost stopped when he saw it. Zhao Suiguang and Xiang Ji were both in danger.

This chapter has been completed!
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