Chapter 1100 You really deserve to die!

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"Wei Yan! You really deserve to die!"

Qing Kui Demon Ancestor descended from the sky with a long sleeve, and two demon talismans descended from the sky and struck Wei Yan on the back.

Wei Yan had just exploded three natal flying swords to kill Fu Sheng, and his realm had fallen to the early stage of the 12th realm. The energy in his body was unstable, rising and falling. How could he escape the sneak attack of the Demon Ancestor? In an instant, two talismans were there.

It exploded behind him, turning into blood-colored demon ancestor chains that tightly imprisoned Wei Yan's body in place.


Chenfeng and Longzheng drew their swords together, and two magnificent sword lights intertwined.

The next moment, Wei Yan, the old swordsman of the Thirteenth Level of Fusu Great Wall, went to die with a smile on his face. His body was directly transformed into a blood mist in the wind, and then the remaining blood was lost under the blazing sword energy of two demon clan swordsmen of the Thirteenth Level.

All were evaporated.

"This guy..."

On the top of the city, the old swordsman Han Fang frowned and watched Wei Yan being beheaded. He was filled with emotion in his heart. It was indeed as Wei Yan said. He didn't have Wei Yan's arrogant aura, just like himself.

It is impossible to kill a great demon of Fu Sheng's level in this life. Although Wei Yan is dead, his great achievement of killing Fu Sheng is destined to be recorded in the history of the human race, and in the chronicles of every dynasty.

Fusu Great Wall Wei Yan is indispensable!

It's a pity that Wei Yan was too greedy for success and had too violent temper. If he hadn't left the city too far away, he wouldn't have died so quickly. Even if he was besieged by the big monsters, there would have been many reinforcements.


It's fine now, my body is dead and my soul is gone, it's all over!


Han Fang calmed down and said in a deep voice: "Old Sword Immortal Wei Yan died heroically. We must not disgrace the reputation of the human race and the Fusu Great Wall. We must defend the Fusu Great Wall at all costs!"

All the monks on the mountain responded one after another, and those densely packed secular dynasty armies were all red-eyed when facing the monsters and demons' armies. Thousands of arrows were fired from the top of the city, heavy artillery roared, and the Fusu Great Wall had long been

The war has spread.

Lin Zhao frowned and sighed. He had seen Wei Yan before. He was unruly and did not look like a good person. But... Wei Yan had arrogance in his bones. Is this kind of person actually good?

It's not bad, it's okay. He can challenge the old swordsman Lu Xinghe. There are only so many good people. Let's say it's bad. When the enemy is approaching, he will definitely use his sword to kill monsters.

The human heart is multifaceted and cannot be summed up in one word.

He looked at the progress bar and continued to pull forward. In the next two months, the Fusu Great Wall still did not fall and was still fighting bloody battles, resisting the millions of demons and demons.

However, in the twelfth lunar month of winter, heavy snow fell, and the Fusu Great Wall finally came to an end. On the progress bar, there was an important event of "Korean Martyrdom". When Lin Zhao lit up this event, his body suddenly

Tranquil, obviously still standing in the same place, but everything around him has changed.

On the city wall where Lin Zhao was standing in the air, there were many sword marks and holes. The Fusu Great Wall was already crumbling under the bloody battle, and the mountain monks and human troops guarding the city had also shrunk by at least half.

In the inner city of Su Great Wall, there are camps of wounded soldiers everywhere, and the defenders have reached their limit.

It was early in the morning. Outside the city, a large number of human troops came out of the city to fight against the monsters. But at this time, only corpses were left on the ground. The monsters' war drums roared in the distance. An old human swordsman was holding a sword and walking on the snow.

, standing several hundred meters outside the city, looking at the wild forest ahead.

Han Fang, at this time, he was covered with bruises, especially his abdomen, which had a bloody hole punched through it. As for the person who caused this wound, it was a great rebirth-level demon from the demon clan named Qingniu.

The demon clan is born with strong flesh and blood, so there are very few demon clan monks who are willing to be body-refining warriors, because there is no need. If you become a sword cultivator or a spiritual cultivator, the advantages will be greater, so there is almost no one on the ancestral mountain of the demon clan in the lower realm. A martial artist in the fifth realm, this green bull comes from the Wuwu Mountain in the upper realm, and is the leader of the demon clan who followed Kunpeng Demon Ancestor to the lower realm.

A few days ago, Qing Niu entered the human battle formation and killed tens of thousands of human defenders with just one fist. This made Han Fang extremely uncomfortable. Now Han Fang knew that his fate was about to be over, so he wanted to learn from Wei Yan and do something good. Things that will last for generations to come.

Han Fang's position on the Fusu Great Wall has always been awkward. It is said that it is strong or not, and it is weak. He does not want to be so mediocre anymore. On this day, the glory of Han Fang will definitely overshadow the world!

Using oneself as bait can always attract the attack of the green bull, right? After all, the resourcefulness of the monster clan itself is far inferior to that of the human race, and as a warrior among the monster clan, Qing Niu is even more brave and foolhardy. Weighed.

Sure enough, not long after, the sound of treading on the snow was heard in the snow forest, and a man in a blue short shirt appeared. It was Qingniu, with a sneer on his lips: "Looking for death?"


Han Fang nodded: "I know that my time is coming, and I don't want to die in vain. As the acting lord of the Fusu Great Wall, I, Han Fang, want to die on the battlefield, instead of bleeding out in the rear and freezing to death in the snow." In the ground.”

"Okay, I'll help you!"

Qingniu laughed heartily, and the moment he took another step, an unimaginable wave of fist energy surged through his body. For a moment, he actually forced Han Fang to take half a step back.

At this moment, Han Fang knew very well that with hard power, he could never be Qingniu's opponent. Moreover, there were two big monsters hiding in the snow forest on the side, waiting for opportunities to attack at any time. One was Chen Feng. , one is Ji An, both are tough and ruthless characters.


The green bull jumped into the air and punched out.

Han Fang stepped on the falling snow and slowly retreated. At the same time, a natal flying sword carried a strong sword energy and went straight to Qingniu's face.

This flying sword, all gray in color, is the first natal flying sword in Korea, named Fucao, and Fucao is Yingying's Fucao.

"Tsk tsk!"

Qingniu stepped on the martial arts realm of the rebirth realm and changed his moves in the air. The punch he extended turned into a sudden attack of both fists on the chest. There was a loud "peng" sound, and the flying sword rot grass was instantly reduced to pieces. !

"Haha, what a waste!"

Qing Niu laughed wildly, his body came like lightning, and his fists exploded all over the sky, approaching quickly.


Han Fang frowned, and with a thought in his mind, the second flying sword shot through the waning moon.

"That's all I have?!"

Qingniu laughed loudly and used his divine power. Immediately, green scales appeared on his hands. He opened his left hand and with a "clang" sound, he actually pinched Han Fang's flying sword Zangyue directly in his hand. The sword continued to struggle, and the moonlight appeared on the blade, but it could not break free from Ao Niu's control no matter what.

"If the Sword Immortal of Fusu Great Wall is as capable as he is, he would be so disappointing!"

Qingniu had a look of contempt on his face, and he gently twisted it with his left hand. Suddenly, the flying sword Waning Yue cracked with a crack, and pieces of debris continued to fall, while Han Fang's face became paler.

At this moment, the fragments of Flying Sword and Fucao scattered in the snow quietly rose up one by one, and in the blink of an eye, they re-formed a flying sword. This is the magical power of Fucao, which can be reborn.


"Not good!"

In the snow forest, Demon King Chenfeng's heart trembled: "You ugly green bull, be careful!"


When Qingniu was surprised, it was already too late. With a "puff", the surprise attack from Feijian Fucao arrived, and a sword pierced the unsuspecting Qingniu's back of the head. This was also Han Fang's plan. His

The cultivation foundation is far inferior to that of Wei Yan. Relying on Wei Yan's recklessness and desperate efforts will inevitably lead to death. Therefore, the Korean side's strategy is to use rotten grass as bait to achieve the possibility of killing the strong with the weak.

"Go to hell!"

In an instant, Han Fang's face was full of murderous intent, and he quickly pointed with his fingers. The third flying sword Yinghuo struck out, directly piercing Qingniu's eyebrows. Then Han Fang completed the three flying swords in one go.

They all exploded.


In the loud noise, the two flying swords of Fucao and Yinghuo exploded in Qingniu's head, directly blowing up Qingniu's head. After losing the Lingxu, Qingniu's fist power naturally dissipated.

, Feijian Zangyue exploded at this time, completely obliterating Qingniu's body.

"It's not a loss!"

Han Fang drifted away and headed straight for the big monster Chenfeng in the snow forest on one side. The sword heart in the spiritual ruins was buzzing and was about to explode.

"Han Fang, you bold maniac, you have a beautiful idea!"

The big demon Ji'an charged out with a steel fork, stirring up a ray of water that flew into the air and caught Han Fang's body. The demon king Chenfeng drew his sword with a cold face. After three consecutive strikes, Han Fang's body was in the snow forest.

It turned into a rain of blood, dyeing the snow on the ground red.

Han Fang, a veteran of Fusu Great Wall, also died!

As soon as Han Fang died, the entire Fusu Great Wall defense line collapsed.

Amidst the sound of war drums, the monsters and demons attacked the city with all their strength, and sections of the city wall collapsed.

The Fusu Great Wall, which had guarded the northern region of the human race for hundreds of years, was finally breached at this moment and turned into ruins.

In the city, there was a heavy sound of horse hooves. Tens of thousands of demon cavalry rushed into the city immediately and started a bloody battle with the city's defenders. In the sky above, countless figures of great demons lay across, hunting down those human monks. In the blink of an eye, they had been guarding the city for nearly two years.

The long-standing Fusu Great Wall has officially fallen.

In the city, the warehouses where grain and grass were stored rose up in flames and turned into a sea of ​​​​fire in the blink of an eye. This was Han Fang's order before his death, and it was also the strict order Lin Zhao issued to the defenders all over the world. Every place must be burned before being breached.

Don't give food and fodder to the demons. The demons have the opportunity to replenish food and fodder. This battle is to fight until the demons and demons cannot fight anymore and voluntarily admit defeat.

After all, the human race has Jeju, Furong, Yuzhou, and Huangzhou, which are rich and prosperous land, with endless supplies and soldiers. In a protracted war, the monster race and the demon race cannot afford it.


The army of demons and demons rolled southward. Among them, the commander of the three demon armies, Su Chan, personally led hundreds of thousands of demon cavalry westward to attack Yangping Pass, hoping to enter the human territory from Yanzhou. The demons and some demon cavalry

Go straight to Shanhaiguan. As soon as you open Shanhaiguan, you will see the vast land of Yunzhou in front of you.

Lin Zhao frowned and quit the game.

Next, there is the Shanhaiguan battlefield.

This chapter has been completed!
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