Chapter 1118 Chaos

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When a group of soldiers of the 176th Division raised their rifles and fired forward, they were greeted by a group of sea beasts with sickle limbs and tentacles dancing in the dark night. The rifle's damage to sea beasts was not absolute, although the concentrated fire of many infantrymen could indeed shoot.

They injured or even shot the sea beasts, but they were unable to stop the tide of sea beasts from coming ashore.

In the blink of an eye, countless sea beasts rushed through the frontline positions, destroying armored vehicles that lost power one after another. When the huge body of the Kuijia female beast came ashore, eight giant limbs like crab legs stretched across it, and its head was also quite huge.

, his whole body was filled with a shield of primitive biological energy, and after roaring to the sky, large numbers of sea beasts in the river came ashore.


The commander of the 176th Division gritted his teeth: "All the front-end weapons of the Chi You class are aimed at the female beast. Let me shoot it. The rear missiles are locked. Don't worry about accidental damage. I must keep this female beast out of Xicheng.


For a moment, Chiyou-class light cruise fighters opened fire in the air, but they were only equipped with four light ship-based rail guns. Even medium-sized rail guns could not penetrate the mother beast's armor, let alone light ones.

, so the rail guns are like scratching an itch, unable to stop the mother beast's attack.

On the ground, there were densely packed sea beasts. They smashed through the 176th Division's positions, and then spread all over the mountains and plains, heading straight to Xicheng. The mother beast was surrounded by a group of sea beasts, eight of them hundreds of meters long.

The legs covered with thick armor stretched across the air and rushed straight into the distance.


The chief of staff frowned: "The mother beast's target is our heavy rail gun!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. The capsule on the top of the mother beast's head shrank rapidly, and a stream of poisonous slurry traveled a thousand meters, directly melting a heavy rail gun. Then, in other directions, the 176th Division's coastal defense troops controlled

The three heavy rail guns were also submerged by the tide of sea beasts. In the blink of an eye, the gun body was severely cut and directly lost its combat effectiveness.

The Kuijia female beast roared, not bothering to pay attention to the fighter planes in the sky, and headed straight for Xicheng with a group of sea beasts.

"It's over..."

The commander of the 176th Division looked pale: "Hurry up and tell the Xicheng defenders to activate the city shield..."

"Yes, Commander!"

late at night.

There was silence in Xicheng. In the village in the north of the city, the lights were dim. There were two drunkards sitting on the rooftop with wine bottles, drinking and chatting. One of them said: "Lao San, do you have any regrets in this life? Or should I say

, are you interested in being a difficult person?"

"Yes, I have……"

Another drunkard lay on the floor and murmured: "I can hardly remember her name, but I...I just can't forget her. Sometimes I think about it, will I forget her when I get to the other side of the world?"

Now that I can see her, in this case, it is actually better to die now than to live like this with no hope."

"That's not..."

The drunkard held the bottle and turned to look north. The woman he longed for was in the north, in a city called Xuzhou. It was a pity that he could never see her again.


The drunkard suddenly squinted his eyes. He looked north. He didn't see his beloved woman, but he saw a flash of blue light in the dark night. Then, there was a huge thing in the night, with its long legs stepping on the earth.

, and even a dull sound of "dong dong dong" can be heard.

"what is that?"

The two drunkards looked up eagerly.

In the dilapidated buildings in the urban village, the doors were opened one by one. Many people looked sleepily to the north, not knowing what happened. They all asked if there was an earthquake. Also, the sky in the north often flashed with light, and there was a faint sound.

There was a loud noise, and it seemed like... there was a war going on in the distance.

"What's going on?" On a helicopter, the patrolling military police looked into the distance. His level was too low, so he didn't get any news at all. He didn't know that an S-level Kuijia female beast was right in front of him.


The next moment, the huge figure in the distance suddenly picked up speed, wrapped in streaks of raw energy, and slammed into the already activated city shield of Xicheng.


The loud noise spread throughout Xicheng. At this moment, no one would doubt that a war between humans and other life forms was really coming. The city instantly fell into a noisy situation. In the blink of an eye, the streets were filled with cars and motorcycles.

Wait, it's crowded with people.

Xicheng, forty miles away on the east side.

On a Chiyou-class medium-sized cruise battleship, Murong Feiyue looked at the scene in the distance through the cockpit. In the night, the figure of the Kuijia female beast could not be seen clearly, but the huge blue energy storm was very clear in the night vision.

It is constantly using its own energy to hit the city shield of Xicheng. What's even more terrible is that under the body of the Kuijia female beast, countless sea beasts are also dancing with their tentacles, and they are attacking the city shield together.

Xicheng is one of the important towns along the East China Sea in Huaxia District. The city's shield level is the highest S level, but it will definitely not be able to last long under such a wanton impact.

"What do the people of the 176th Division eat?"

Murong Feiyue angrily punched the operating table in front of her, gritted her teeth and said: "A good river city is just surrendered to a tide of sea beasts? What will happen to the millions of civilians in the city? What is Bald Wang doing now?"

Ning Yu frowned and said: "Commander Wang's headquarters was hit by an electromagnetic pulse and almost lost its combat effectiveness. It is currently repairing various machinery. At the same time, the Eighth Army Corps is dispatching an airborne division. The airborne location is just north of Xicheng."

"That position..."

Murong Feiyue looked puzzled: "Did you parachute on top of the mother beast? Do you think our soldiers live too long? Contact the commander-in-chief immediately. I will lead people to break through for reinforcements. Now Xicheng will definitely be breached.

, I just hope that we can delay the attack of the sea monster tide for a little longer and give the civilians time and space to escape."


Ning Yu was surprised.

Murong Feiyue had already activated her Xihe-class armor, opened the hatch, floated out, and stood suspended in the air between the Xicheng border defenders of the Seventh Army Corps and the Eighth Army Corps. She looked at a lieutenant colonel of the Eighth Army Corps in front of her.

The leader frowned and said: "If your eyes are not blind, you should be able to see the mother beast attacking Xicheng. Your 176th Division has been suppressed by the tide of sea beasts. If you don't let us pass at this time, the consequences will be

It’s unimaginable.”

"General Feiyue..."

The regiment leader also frowned: "It's not that I don't want to, but the order my subordinates received is to guard here and not let anyone pass here, so as not to cause panic in Xicheng."

"I have sent someone to contact Commander-in-Chief Chen Cong."

Murong Feiyue raised her eyebrows slightly: "Do you want to disobey Chen Boyu's order, or do you want to disobey the commander-in-chief's order?"


"Stop it!"

Murong Feiyue was extremely angry and said: "Are you going to wait for Xicheng to turn into ruins? Get out of here, otherwise, my two heavy armored divisions will not be polite. Whoever stands in front of us will be destroyed by us.



The regiment leader gritted his teeth and waved his hand towards the back: "All spread out, let the brothers of the Seventh Corps go over to resist the tide of sea beasts, we will also go together, one more person will be more powerful!"

For a time, the defensive grids were removed one after another, and Murong Feiyue raised her hand and ordered the two elite heavy armored divisions guarding the sea to go straight to Xicheng.

Late at night, Xicheng suddenly became dark. All power supplies in the city stopped in an instant. The whole city seemed to be plunged into darkness and panic. Only the headlights of private cars crowded on the streets could illuminate the city.

At the corner of the city, just to the north, there was a loud roar, and the city shield protecting Xicheng quickly disappeared and was finally breached.

The tide of sea beasts entered the city and began to wreak havoc everywhere, causing desperate screams everywhere they passed.

Originally, the commander-in-chief of the Eighth Army Corps, Chen Boyu, wanted to delay the time until at least dawn, by which time it would be too late to evacuate the civilians, but he never thought that the 176th Division would be defeated so quickly. In just ten minutes, it was defeated by the tide of sea beasts.

Breaking through the defense line directly disrupted all Chen Boyu's plans.

In the early morning, a large number of sea beasts invaded Xicheng, and the entire Xicheng fell into extreme panic. The airborne division outside the city was surrounded by a wave of sea beasts as soon as it landed. It was difficult to protect themselves, let alone rush to Xicheng's aid.

In the sky, fighter planes were circling, constantly pouring firepower on the ground, blasting the sea beasts into piles of plasma. However, there were too many sea beasts. Although humans had absolute air supremacy, they were unable to solve the densely packed sea monsters in the city.

Sea beasts, under the leadership of the Kuijia female beast, the entire wave of sea beasts seemed to be going crazy and full of violence.

About two o'clock in the morning.

Blazing artillery fire appeared on the east side of Xicheng. The two heavy armored divisions led by Murong Feiyue finally arrived and cooperated with the air units to contain a large number of sea beasts on the east side of Xicheng. At the same time, from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui,

The air force from the World War II area also arrived on the battlefield one by one and took turns bombing the Kuijia female beast in the air.

Due to the heavy losses suffered by the 176th Division, all fighters turned on the anti-electromagnetic pulse interference system early and also turned on the hybrid power program, so as not to suffer big losses under the next electromagnetic pulse of the Kuijia Mother Beast. In a short time, less than half of them

The city of Zuoxi fell into chaos.

Sioux City, Scarlet Moon Knights Studio.

When Lin Zhao was sleeping soundly, suddenly there was a "dong dong dong" knock on the door. When Lin Zhao opened the door, he saw Roman crying standing outside the door, with Chen Xue holding her in his arms.

shoulders comforting.

"What's wrong? Take your time?" Lin Zhao asked with a frown.

Roman burst into tears: "Brother... I heard that a sea monster wave has invaded Xicheng. My mother called me five minutes ago. She and her father were very panicked. The signal was cut off halfway through the call, saying that there were already sea monsters downstairs.

What should I do, what should I do?"

"Don't cry yet."

Lin Zhao hurriedly put on his coat and shoes, glanced at Chen Xue and said, "Do you know what to do?"


Chen Xue nodded and said solemnly: "Before going downstairs, I have given the order to Daozi. Feiyue Transportation has suspended all business. All fighters have returned to the base. The two Chiyou-class ships have also been charged and taken off. The two of us are sitting on

The Yunying class outside is going to meet everyone."

"Brother, I'm going too!"

Roman cried.


Lin Zhao shook his head: "You have not been trained, and you will cause trouble in the past. Chen Xue and I will lead the team and set off immediately. You can send me the detailed address of your home and the phone numbers of your parents. I will do my best to rescue them."


Roman cried and nodded. He had been in a mess for a long time and was no longer as weird as before.

This chapter has been completed!
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