Chapter 121: Yunzhou

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Puffs of fire slurry were sprayed on the Brotherhood's Cloud Shadow class, immediately melting the outer shell of the fighter jet, and the inner cabin could be seen in the blink of an eye. Several mercenaries were even swallowed up by the flames without being able to dodge.

The flying sea beast in the sky kept flapping its wings, raising its tail, and spraying out wisps of fire slurry, which actually caused a dozen of the Brotherhood's Cloud Shadow-class aircraft to become a mess!

"It's a flying dragon!"

Chen Xue hurriedly controlled the fighter plane to retreat while saying in a deep voice: "The flying dragon is a creature that lives deep in the ocean trench. In addition to the fins, it has also evolved a pair of wings hidden behind the gills. It is a swimming fish in the sea.

, you can fly after leaving the water, because the living area is an active volcano on the seabed, so the initial energy of the flame in the body is quite high."

"Everyone retreat!"

Lin Zhao gave the order while turning on the external broadcast system and loudly shouted to a group of civilians: "You should retreat south quickly, we will block this place!"

As he said that, Lin Zhao had already turned on the cannon switch, and began to fire continuously at the flying dragons flying in the air. Suddenly, the flying dragons that were swarming around were shot up in the air, and fire and flesh were sprayed everywhere. The people who were following Lin Zhao

Four Yunying-class aircraft also joined the battle, and suddenly the cannons were mixed with missiles, causing a melee in the air.

On the contrary, during the transportation of Feiyue, the situation of more than ten Yunying-class aircraft of the Feilong Brotherhood was quite embarrassing. In the blink of an eye, as many as five Yunying-class aircraft were melted down by Feilong and fell directly, destroying the aircraft and killing everyone.

The rest of the Yunying class didn't care about Feiyue's transportation. After all, the people in Feiyue's transportation were reasonable, but these flying dragons were completely unreasonable.

For a moment, the Brotherhood and Feiyue Transport bombarded the flying dragon indiscriminately.

In the sky, two behemoths broke through the clouds and descended on the battlefield. They were the two Chiyou-class light cruise warships transported by Feiyue. For a moment, the roar of rail guns and the roar of missile launchers on both sides of the ship's bow merged into one, and then

Coupled with the 20 Yunying-class fighters of Feiyue Transport approaching from both wings, a fire net suddenly formed in the sky, giving the flying dragon no chance to kill it.

In less than five minutes, all the invading flying dragons were shot dead, and Feiyue's transport side also consumed a lot of ammunition. After the war, the Brotherhood's side lost as many as 12 Yunying-class aircraft.

,lost heavily.

Lin Zhao did not take advantage of the situation to deal with them in one go. He just glanced at them from a distance without paying much attention. He immediately led Feiyue Transportation to escort 200 civilians out of this dangerous wilderness surrounded by mutated creatures until they were escorted to a safe place.

The local government troops patrolled the main road before returning.


With Chen Xue as the co-pilot driving the Yunying class, Lin Zhao opened the call with Murong Feiyue, sent the video of the flying dragon he just shot, and said: "Sister, take a look at these."

"Deep sea dragon?!"

Murong Feiyue couldn't help frowning and said: "This kind of flying sea beast has always been extremely rare. The last time I saw a flying dragon was three years ago. Could it be that... that S-level female beast was brought here from the deep sea?" www.

"It's not impossible."

Lin Zhaodao: "We have already dealt with this batch of flying dragons. I just don't know if there are others. In short, I just want to remind you that we need to increase our alertness. From now on, human fighters will not be without worries. After all, those flying dragons

It has the ability to melt down fighter jets."


Murong Feiyue nodded: "Don't lead people further north. Leave the air defense area here to the people of the Eighth Army Corps. Xiao Zhao, you have done enough. Next, take a good rest."


Lin Zhao still led the people of Feiyue Transportation until late at night, and did not return to the base of Feiyue Transportation until 10:30 in the evening. However, many missing players of the Feiyue Knights were searched within one day, but the whereabouts of Roman's parents were never found.

, if nothing else happened, the situation was indeed more dangerous, but Lin Zhao could not open his mouth to tell Roman this.

At eleven o'clock, Lin Zhao ordered Huodao to divide the people transported by Feiyue into three groups, and they continued to search and rescue out of the city in three shifts. As for Xicheng, as the tide of sea beasts was pushed back to the Yangtze River, the reconstruction of Xicheng began.

Fortunately, the tide of sea monsters came and went quickly, and the damage to the entire city was not too great or irreparable.

Half past eleven, in the studio.

Lin Zhao and Chen Xue put Roman to bed together. Roman had already been exhausted from crying. He fell asleep soon after lying down, but he didn't sleep well. He woke up crying within a few minutes. He still couldn't accept the death of his parents.



Lin Zhao gently stroked the hair on Roman's head and said, "You can stay with her. Someone has to be with her at this time."


Chen Xue nodded: "You go and do your work, it's okay."


Lin Zhao turned around and left, going upstairs. This was the first time he was online in 24 hours.


The character still appears half way down Wuwu Mountain, trapped in a cage of chaos.

He frowned and got used to it, so he called up the Ten Years War version system and began to read the war situation of the human race in the eighth year after the Battle of Baicheng. As a result, the whole person became even worse.

At the beginning of the eighth year, after Yangping Pass, Shanhaiguan was finally breached.

The price paid by the human race was quite tragic. Chen Mengjun, the Great Sword Immortal of the Twelve Realm, defended Shanhaiguan and was besieged by the two demon clans of the Thirteenth Realm, Chenfeng and Longzheng. He was seriously injured and almost died. He was rescued by Lu Fengxian and sent back to Lingyan.

Jian Zong went, and then Lu Fengxian was injured in a bloody battle and was almost knocked out of the rebirth realm.

Palace Commander Han Yetang led tens of thousands of Suzaku Cavalry in a bloody battle, killing demon pawns and countless demon clan cavalry. However, in the end they were wounded by the great demon Chenfeng's sword and almost died. After that, the demon clan sent countless monks into the city to chase and kill them.

, fortunately, Han Yetang was escorted by several extremely loyal and brave Suzaku Cavalry, and Han Yetang escaped with his life. In the south of Shanhaiguan, he was picked up by Chen Xi and sent to Baidi City to recuperate.

South of Shanhaiguan, a Beixi River runs between Yunzhou and Beiyu. Just as two demon army tents and a hundred thousand demon cavalry tried to cross the Beixi River, Chen Xi led 50,000 demon cavalrymen who were ambushed in the valley.

Cangnan's cavalry attacked and killed nearly 150,000 demon cavalry in one battle. Even the demon cavalry, which was said to be unparalleled in the world, suffered nearly 30,000 losses.

This directly broke the heart of the captain of the divine cavalry who was in charge of the troops. He did not expect that the human cavalry could be so elite. Chen Xi, who was the double wall of the dynasty with Lin Ruo, not only commanded

His fists are also incredibly cruel.

In the end, only 5,000 of the 50,000 Cangnan cavalry led by Chen Xi were left, and Chen Xi took them back to Tianji City. As for the Beixi River defense line, they were handed over to some local troops from Ningzhou and Huangzhou.

After returning to Tianji City, Chen Xi issued an order to recruit troops, ordering each county in Yunzhou to recruit troops on their own. Governments from various places sent troops to Beixi River to continuously replenish human troops and try their best to delay the demons and demons from attacking Tianji City.


Lin Zhao frowned, and with a thought, he entered the "Yunzhou Recruitment" option. His body suddenly sank, and his mind was immersed in a remote place in Yunzhou.

Ahead is a small town, not to mention very bustling. There are only a few hundred households in the town. Most of them make a living by farming and herding horses. Every family raises horses. The people of Yunzhou are diligent and simple, and the wheat seedlings between the fields have already grown.

Emerging from the snow, at this time, the recruitment order from Chen Xi, the Lord of Yunzhou, had arrived.

To the people of Yunzhou, Chen Xi is a god-like existence. She is not only the granddaughter of the world-famous general Chen Wanli, but also a famous general with great military exploits. She has been very considerate of the people in Yunzhou for more than ten years.

There have never been any atrocities, but now that Chen Xi is recruiting troops, the people are all responding.

It’s just a pity, where is the Yunzhou cavalry today? In the battles, although the Yunzhou cavalry is known as the best in the world, almost all the older generation of cavalry have died. In Yunzhou, young people over 20 years old

Basically, all the men have been recruited to serve as soldiers. If there are two sons in a family, the elder brother must have gone and the younger brother must have stayed.

A year ago, Li Chunyang led an army of 600,000 men and died heroically at Yangping Pass, including many young men from Yunzhou.

Now, all the older generation of Yunzhou cavalry are dead, and it is the turn of the young people who still look immature.

In order to leave some blood to Yunzhou, people in many small towns and villages have married their children in advance. For a while, when Lin Zhao fell over the small town, he saw the scene of every family having a wedding. At night, Yunzhou City

Children are getting married everywhere on the earth, with lights and decorations, and just after the wedding, the young wife holds her husband's hand, and the husband holds the war horse and buys a saddle for himself at the night market.

Early the next morning, the young newlyweds offered a cup of tea to their elders. The husband received armor, spears, swords and shields from the government. He rode an old horse raised at home and brought a few days' worth of dry food. It was just a small town.

There are hundreds of young Yunzhou cavalrymen who are about to go north.

On the roadside, a group of newlywed women bid farewell to their husbands. They tied their newlywed red scarves on their saddles very carefully, as if they were accompanying their husbands to the battlefield.

In the early morning, mist enveloped the avenue.

Countless young Yunzhou cavalry left their hometown, carrying spears and swords hanging from their waists, and riding horses. They kept gathering on the official road. They were all very young, most of them between fifteen and twenty years old.

Their faces are full of childishness, but many of them have red scarves tied on their saddles. They are all young people who have left their hometown for the first time.

Led by the middle-aged cavalry commander, they headed straight for the Beixi River battlefield without looking back at their hometown.

Lin Zhao's mind was hovering in the air, looking at the endless stream of Yunzhou cavalry on the official road, converging into a big river. He couldn't help sighing in his chest. Since ancient times, there have been many heroes in Yunzhou, and since ancient times, Yunzhou cavalry has been the best in the world.

Yunzhou was the most extensive state in the north of the Great Shang Dynasty, and the state with the toughest folk customs, but it was also the state with the most casualties in every war.

This human world owes Yunzhou so much! After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website is no longer updated.

Chapter content, the latest chapter content has been updated by Xingxing Reading Novel App.

He took a deep breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously looked around and became even more confused.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads.

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

My body and appearance have all changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:???

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern pet breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star Reading app to provide you with the great god Lost Leaves. I am the Sword Immortal.

Beast Master?

This chapter has been completed!
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