Chapter One Thousand and Nineteen A Shuttle from afar

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Lin Zhao and Chen Xue walked out of the studio with half of the Huoxihe-class armor. Outside, a Yunying-class fighter belonging to Feiyue Transport had started its engine. On the other side, there was a group of people responsible for guarding Shen Xingchen.

As a guard of the Shen family, Nangong Jilin frowned and asked, "Want to go to Xicheng?"


Lin Zhao nodded: "Have you heard the news too?"

"The noise was too loud not to be heard."

Nangong Jilin said: "Pay attention to safety. As long as we are here, nothing will happen to anyone in the studio."

"Okay, let's go first."

Lin Zhao stepped into the cockpit and sat directly in the driver's seat. Chen Xue served as the co-pilot honestly and politely, while the previous member of the Feiyue Transport Combat Formation went to serve as the observer.

The Yunying class soared into the sky and soon merged into the fleet of Feiyue Transportation. This time Feiyue Transportation almost used all its strength. There were a total of two Chiyou-class light cruise warships and 30 Yunying-class aircraft. In addition, there were also

There were many unmanned aerial vehicles, reconnaissance aircraft, etc. that were used to assist the battle, and they were densely arranged in the sky.


The Huodao in the Chi You class said in the channel: "How do you say it?"

"Explore the reality first and don't act rashly."

Lin Zhaodao: "Xicheng is full of military planes now. The opponent is a wave of sea monsters. All our planes use public channels and make their identities clear to avoid accidental injuries."


It didn't take long for Feiyue Transportation's fleet to approach Xicheng. The several avenues connecting Xicheng and Su City that passed through the fertile fields were all filled with car lights. Countless Xicheng civilians were heading towards Su City.

They fled the city, but there were countless traffic jams in the city, and there were countless traffic accidents, and no one took care of them anymore.

After Lin Zhao entered the coordinates and family contact information sent by Roman into the Yunying-class system, he looked up and saw human warships taking off in the sky. In addition, many fighter planes sent inquiries.

Therefore, Lin Zhao directly said on the public channel: "This is Feiyue Transportation. We are rescuing civilians and at the same time assisting the army to resist the attack of the sea beasts."


A colonel and brigade commander of the Eighth Army Corps said.

After that, Lin Zhao led the fleet and began to head north. Soon, groups of sea beasts could be seen appearing in the streets and alleys of the city. Obviously, the location of Roman's home was already an "occupied area", and the human army was

The firepower on the border is quite insufficient, after all, the army is also short of money.

In addition to some heavy weapons that are not eligible for purchase, the two Chiyou-class aircraft and 30 Yunying-class aircraft transported by Feiyue at this time, coupled with the dense swarm of drones, are actually comparable to the strength of a division of the Eighth Army Corps.


"move forward!"

Lin Zhao slowly poured the cloud shadow level angle, changed to the shooting state, and immediately locked onto the sea beasts galloping below. The moment he pressed the button, a series of firelights flew out, directly beating the three sea beasts into a rain of blood.

At the same time, he asked: "Knife, what is the maximum attack distance of the sea beast?"

"40 meters is the maximum distance that the sea beast's tentacles can attack."


Lin Zhao said in a deep voice: "Keep a distance of 60 meters between all fighter planes, stay away from high-rise buildings, and shoot the sea beasts below. We will move forward."


Lin Zhao glanced at Chen Xue next to him again and said: "Axue, you control the drone to go to the coordinates of Luo Man's house to explore the situation. Don't let everyone take risks."


Chen Xue controlled eight drones to fly out. Soon after, the field of view provided by the drones appeared in front of him. He saw an 18-story residential building full of fire and black smoke. There were one or two sea beasts flying below the floor.

Scurry, and in the life sign scan of the drone, there is no living person on the floor, but there are more than a dozen sea beasts searching for prey.

"There is no hope."

Chen Xue shook her head, looking quite sad.

Lin Zhao gritted his teeth: "Contact the military and ask the satellite to locate the location of Roman's parents' mobile phones. We will do our best."


At this time, Lin Zhao's cell phone rang. It was a call from Murong Feiyue. He hurriedly opened it and said: "Sister, I have led the fleet to Xicheng, are you there too?"


Murong Feiyue sent a coordinate area and said: "The two heavy armored divisions I led are in the east of Xicheng, containing the mother beast and a large number of sea beasts. Xiao Zhao, you are not from the army, and your planes are also for civilian use.

It’s registered, so there’s no need to come here and take risks, you can just help cover the retreat in the city.”

Lin Zhao glanced at the distant energy level fluctuations scanned by Yun Ying and said: "I have scanned it. There is a big guy at your location!"

"Yes, it's a female beast."

Murong Feiyue said: "An S-level Kui Armor female beast has very strong original biological energy and can launch electromagnetic pulse attacks. We are currently gathering all the firepower to bombard it indiscriminately. We must destroy it in the shortest possible time.

The original shield of the mother beast, and then use strong firepower to completely kill it."


Lin Zhaodao: "I will lead two Chiyou-class ships and 20 Yunying-class ships to arrive immediately, but we will not get close. We will stay at least ten kilometers away and use rail guns and missiles to lock and attack, so don't worry about me."

"That's it..."

Murong Feiyue frowned and said: "It's okay, but you must guard against electromagnetic pulse attacks. Have all your people turn on the backup hybrid power system and turn on the anti-electromagnetic interference system in advance. Even if you are hit by electromagnetic pulse, you can still survive."

Minimize losses."


Lin Zhao nodded and immediately gave an order to the whole fleet channel of Feiyue Transport. For a moment, Chen Xue and Huo Dao looked excited. That was an S-level female beast. As a veteran, how could he be able to do so again in this life?

Having fought against a creature of this level once, even if I fired a missile from a distance, the sense of participation and honor was enough to overwhelm me!

"Lin Zhao."

Chen Xue glanced at Lin Zhao, and then pointed to a picture of the drone. It was a piece of ruins. The mobile phone had been broken, but it was still emitting a weak signal. She frowned and said: "Roman's mother's mobile phone was found...


"Keep looking, maybe she just left her phone in panic."

Lin Zhao frowned and said, "Use facial recognition technology to check. We must find Roman's parents among the people fleeing."


At this moment, among the smoke, you can see the fire scene in the east of the city in the distance. The Kui Armored Beast is attacking the heavy armored division of the Seventh Corps. Countless heavy artillery, rail guns, missiles, etc. are shooting at them from all directions.

The shield of biological energy on the mother beast's body is too thick, and only a heavy rail gun can penetrate the soul with one shot.

Unfortunately, the heavy rail gun is too heavy, and the one of the Seventh Corps is still being transported.

"The distance is almost there."

Lin Zhao confirmed the location of the Kuijia mother beast's head and said: "Everyone in the crew, shoot freely, knock out half of the ammunition and then return to continue rescuing civilians."


For a moment, two Chiyou-class light rail guns, as well as Yunying-class air-to-air missiles, air-to-ground missiles, etc. were lit up one after another, drawing a path in the air and hitting the head of the female beast. Suddenly, the number of missiles increased.

Facing such tyrannical firepower, the Kuijia female beast was also stunned, and the shield power on her body became increasingly thinner.

In the World War II Zone Operation Conference Hall.

Commander-in-Chief Chen Cong looked at the real-time screen and frowned: "Who are those fighter planes?"

"Feiyue Transportation."

A young staff officer said solemnly: "A civilian transportation group, the backstage boss is named Lin Zhao, who is the younger brother of Murong Feiyue, commander of the Seventh Corps."


Chen Cong was stunned for a moment, with approval in his eyes: "It's rare, isn't this the first civilian transportation group willing to use firepower to reinforce the battlefield?"


The staff officer gave a wry smile: "Other transportation groups have long since fled. The essence of businessmen is to pursue profits. How much does a rail gun cost, how much does a missile cost, and how much does an electric energy panel cost? These businessmen know all about it.

The calculation is very clear, who would waste the missiles they worked hard to buy on a sea beast?"


Chen Cong smiled lightly and said: "Remember Feiyue Transportation, they are willing to help the government, so we should be grateful. For the ammunition, energy, etc. they consume, we will double the compensation to them in the future, even...if Lin Zhao is willing

If so, our World War II zone can recruit them, and with their strength, there is no problem in giving him a division commander."

The staff officer smiled and said: "Snowy Tianchi Lin Baiyi, I'm afraid he won't be willing to take the rank of commander-in-chief."

Chen Cong had never played "Tianxia" and was confused. Looking at this young staff officer, he wanted to give this brat a kick.

After squandering half of the ammunition, Lin Zhao immediately gave an order and led everyone back to the sea beast battlefield in the city. Still driving the Yunying class, he continued to shoot down the sea beasts on the ground in a swooping posture. The Yunying class was not enough.

There are enough cannon barrels, especially for the ship that Lin Zhao is riding. The cannons are replenished almost every day.

In today's military, those who join the army actually want to be in the air force rather than the army. After all, the sea monster tide cannot fight against the air, so the air force only needs to pour out firepower. On the other hand, the army and navy have to fight against the sea monster wave.

In hand-to-hand combat, the casualty rate is far higher than that of the air force.

Feiyue Transportation also took advantage of this, continuously pouring firepower in the air to help the entire Xicheng kill those sea beasts.

As for Roman's father and mother, there is still no news.


A message came from Lu Han of the Crimson Moon Knights.

After Lin Zhao connected, he found that the environment behind Lu Han was in the game, and seemed to be inside Shanhaiguan. He frowned and said, "Boss, something happened in Xicheng, do you know?"

"I'm just above Xicheng."

"I can tell."

Lu Han saw the precision instruments around Lin Zhao and said, "Let me report here. There are a total of 237 members of our Scarlet Moon Knights in Xicheng, and now more than half of them have lost contact."

"Send me their detailed addresses and contact information, and we will look for them one by one!"


On the side, Chen Xuemei’s eyes were like water: “Prioritize saving our people of the Scarlet Moon Knights?”


"This doesn't seem to be consistent with your Confucian principles."

"If even humanity is gone, how can we talk about truth and knowledge?"

Lin Zhao smiled faintly, looked at Chen Xue and said, "Only scholars should value love and righteousness more!"

Chen Xue nodded happily: "Then start saving people!"

This chapter has been completed!
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