Chapter 120: Brotherhood

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Early in the morning, about eight o'clock.

With the aid of an overhead fighter plane, the sea beast tide in Xicheng was finally controlled. At this time, most of the Feiyue transport fleet had exhausted ammunition and fuel. Under Lin Zhao's order, most of the fighter planes

They all returned to the base for supplies and short-term maintenance. When the Yunying class driven by Lin Zhao slowly landed on the tarmac, a group of ground maintenance people rushed forward to quickly replenish and check the status of the fighters.

Lin Zhao walked out of the cabin and went to the canteen to eat side by side with Chen Xue. After walking a few steps, he saw several figures standing under the eaves of the base not far away. It was Ding Chi, Zhang Jun, Shen Xingchen and others. Among them, Roman looked at

When he looked at Lin Zhao, his eyes were red and filled with tears.

"elder brother……"

She very much hoped that Lin Zhao could bring good news. Unfortunately, Lin Zhao traced the whereabouts of Roman's parents' mobile phone signal, but no one was seen. There were only two possibilities, either he was lost in the chaotic crowd, or he had been captured.

The sea beasts were killed, and those sea beasts were cannibals, and many of the victims became their food.

In the morning, all the major news channels were already full of reports about Xicheng. All kinds of horrific scenes were everywhere. It can be imagined that Roman was traumatized.


Lin Zhao stepped forward, gently rubbed the hair on the back of Roman's head, and said: "Until we really find it, the situation may not be that bad. Slowly, be optimistic, maybe there will be a turn for the better."


Roman nodded, and tears fell down along with him.

Lin Zhao was very distressed, but didn't know what to say, so he had to ask Chen Xue to comfort this good sister, while Ding Chi frowned and said, "How is the situation in Xicheng specifically?"

"Compared to last night, the situation now is better."

Lin Zhao said as he walked: "The leader of this wave of sea beasts was an S-level Kuijia female beast. Yesterday, he was killed by the firepower of the Huaxia military. Now his body is lying in a wilderness to the east of Xicheng.

, but the tide of sea beasts has not completely receded, and there are still many sea beasts that have slipped through the net and are scattered in the countryside between Xicheng and Sioux City. We have to go there after replenishing ammunition.



Ding Chi nodded.

At this moment, the cabin doors of several Yunying-class planes opened in succession, and a group of men and women walked out of the cabin, some with their families, a total of fifty or sixty people.

"Return to Yuan!"

Ding Chi recognized a person in the crowd at a glance. He was a young man wearing high-definition glasses and a bookish look. He was obviously an otaku. He was the leader of the thousand-man regiment of the Scarlet Moon Knights and one of the main members of the guild.

, Beside Guiyuan is his mother, whose face is still stained with tears, because last night, his father died under the claws of a sea beast in order to save the family.

"Ding Chi..."

Guiyuan was a little slow. He looked at Ding Chi and smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect to see you again..."


Ding Chi stepped forward and shook his hand. Since the other party's father was killed by a sea beast, he didn't exchange much greetings. Zhang Jun and Mo Chenxue also came over and nodded to everyone in the crowd. There were many

They were all acquaintances, and we usually talked and laughed together in the guild, but we didn't expect that our first real meeting would be in such a situation.

"Lin Zhao."

Shen Xingchen took Roman's arm and said, "Let's go to the cafeteria to eat something. You and Chen Xue have been busy all night, and you must be sleepy and tired already."


Lin Zhao glanced at Roman and said, "Take your time and have something to eat with me?"


Luo Man had no intention of eating, and she only nodded when Lin Zhao called her.

In the cafeteria.

Lin Zhao and Chen Xue each filled up a lot of food and wolfed it down. They spent the whole night either shooting sea beasts or wearing Xihe-class armor and killing sea beasts in the streets. Both of them consumed a lot of physical energy.

, not to mention going back and forth to save people, I was already exhausted.

After eating and resting for half an hour, Lin Zhao and Chen Xue stood up and headed to the apron. Then, the fighter planes transported by Feiyue that were filled with ammunition and fuel took off one by one, and Shen Xingchen and Ding Chi took off.

, Roman and others could only raise their heads and watch, unable to help at all in this matter.

Morning, about nine o'clock.

Fighter planes roared incessantly over Xicheng. A large number of sea beasts were cleared. The human army's defense line gradually pushed to the north of Xicheng. A large number of engineers began to repair shields and various fortification systems in the city.

Lin Zhao took the Feiyue Transport fleet between Sioux City and Xicheng. In addition to rescuing civilians in distress, he constantly searched for sea beasts. At the same time, he did not forget to release a large number of drones and use the facial recognition system to find Roman.

parents, as well as those of the Knights of the Crimson Moon who have not yet been contacted.

At nearly ten o'clock, dense red dots appeared on Lin Zhao's Yunying-level exploration interface. At least more than 40 sea beasts appeared in the countryside northwest of Xicheng. There were even civilians being captured in the drone screen.

The sea beast was chasing after him, so Lin Zhao led four Yunying-class planes and rushed over without thinking.

Amidst the fierce roar of the fighter plane's engine, Lin Zhao continued to lower the height of the Yunying level, almost leveling the nose of the plane with the canopy of the forest. Just in front, a lean young man rushed out with a "swish", all dressed in clothes.

He was torn to pieces by the thorns in the jungle and covered in blood, but his desire for survival supported him as he kept running forward, quickly waving towards Feiyue's fleet of transport aircraft: "Help...Help..."

Without thinking, Lin Zhao directly put his palm on the cannon button and pressed it immediately. Suddenly a series of cannons fell on the jungle. With a loud "puffing" sound, six sea beasts hit the machine one after another.

The trajectory of the cannon shot was quickly reduced to a pile of debris. He immediately changed direction and fired two infrared guided missiles deep into the forest.


Flames erupted, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen sea beasts were eliminated by missiles. The remaining four Yunying-class aircraft also quickly pressed forward, firing cannons, and quickly eliminated the remaining group of sea beasts.

"Lin Zhao."

Chen Xuedao: "I'll go down and pick up the child."

"Well, be careful."

Lin Zhao opened the cabin door and remained alert, while Chen Xue activated the Xihe class, jumped down, picked up the young man, activated the auxiliary flight system, and rushed up to the Yunying class in a flash, knocking the frightened young man away.

After putting it down, she said softly: "Where are your family members? Where are they?"

"That...over there..."

The young man pointed to the north and said: "Many people have been arrested, there are bad people..."

Lin Zhao frowned. The Yunying-class detection screen also showed fighter jets of the same type. There were at least a dozen Yunying-class fighters hovering in the air deep in the forest.

Chen Xue quickly sat down and looked up the opponent's identification code. Then she looked at Lin Zhao with worry in her eyes and said: "According to the channel identification code of the opponent's fighter plane, it is the Brotherhood's aircraft."

"Brotherhood?" Lin Zhao was surprised.

"Well, there is a large wilderness mercenary group along the Yangtze River. It has nearly 40 Yunying-class fighters, 240 infantry armored vehicles, and a total strength of more than 3,000 people. They say they are mercenaries, but in fact they are no different from bandits. Listen

It was said that after Han Chan from the Tomahawk Gang was taken care of by us not long ago, he defected to the Brotherhood."

"That's it..."

Lin Zhao frowned and said in a deep voice on Feiyue's transport channel: "The visitor is not a good person. He bumped into the Brotherhood's plane. Huodao, bring two Chiyou-class planes. Feiyue will transport all the troops to my aircraft as quickly as possible."

Assemble at the coordinates, I’ll go there first.”

"Yes, boss!"

Fire Knife responded very quickly.

Lin Zhao piloted a Yunying-class, with four Yunying-class behind him, and quickly rushed into the depths of the forest. In a wilderness, he saw at least 200 civilians from Xicheng trapped in the air ahead.

On the ground, even their car had been smashed by machine guns. A group of people looked either angry or dumb. There were several corpses lying on the edge of the forest, their bodies covered with bullet holes, and smoke was rising.

In the sky, 16 Cloud Shadows were flying across the sky. The paint of these Cloud Shadows was very different from the low-visibility paint of Feiyue Transport. They were painted with blood-red paint, and there was a skull painted on the outside of the cabin. They were all brothers.

A fighter jet that will.

"Lin Zhao."

Chen Xue was suddenly stunned, pointed at the screen in the face recognition system, and said: "There are two people from our Scarlet Moon Knights in the crowd. They seem to be from your group."


Lin Zhao was stunned for a moment, then immediately spoke to the Brotherhood's fighter plane through the public channel: "This is Feiyue Transport. My friends from the Brotherhood, why are you embarrassing these civilians on the ground?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

An honest and unceremonious voice came from the other side, it was Xia Houyan, the leader of the Brotherhood's mercenary group.

Lin Zhao frowned and signaled to Chen Xue that the radar could lock onto the opponent's fighter plane. Even the two Chiyou-class cruise fighters in the air locked onto the opponent's fighter plane with railguns. A battle between the two sides was imminent.

"Among this group of people are people from Feiyue Transport."

Lin Zhao continued to stall for time, saying: "I hope that Commander Xiahou Yan can give our Feiyue Transportation a face, and let them go with an open mind. Feiyue Transportation will definitely be rewarded generously."

"I'm curious?"

Xia Houyan sneered: "Lin Zhao, don't think that we won't know if your radar is locked on us. As soon as your fire control radar is turned on, I will know that you have no good intentions. Brothers, lock on my radar and prepare to fire!"

In an instant, Lin Zhao's Yunying level was locked by the radars of at least four enemy aircraft.

At this moment, birds suddenly flapped their wings and flew up in the depths of the jungle. Immediately afterwards, Lin Zhao's exploratory radar heard a rapid "didi" sound, which was an alarm for the approach of sea beasts.


Lin Zhao raised his hand to activate the fighter shield system, and while preparing to maneuver for evasion, he looked up and saw densely packed figures rushing out from the depths of the jungle in the morning light. They had hunched bodies and looked like seahorses in the sea, but with wings.

, flying very fast, swooping in quickly, and streams of fire slurry spurted out from the raised tail.

In an instant, Lin Zhao felt a chill in his heart. He was still a sea beast, but it turned out to be a new species among sea beasts?

This chapter has been completed!
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