Chapter 143: Almighty Gu Lingyu

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On horseback, the woman slowly opened her cloak, revealing a beautiful face. It was the Dongzang that Lin Zhao was talking about not long ago. When she looked down at Lin Zhao's bright smile, and the gardenia not far away.

, when Yu Wanning stood in the snow and smiled to herself, tears immediately burst into her eyes. This was the scene she had dreamed about countless times late at night and midnight, and it was the scene that had haunted her for ten years.

The next second, Dongzang rushed directly from the horseback into Lin Zhao's arms, buried his pretty face on Lin Zhao's neck, cried profusely, his delicate body kept twitching, as if he was hanging on his heart day and night for the past ten years.

, all the misery and despair are vented.

"Okay, aren't you back already?"

Lin Zhao gently stroked Dong Zang's hair on the back of his head and said, "It would be great to come back. We at the Mountain Top Villa still have a chance to start over. All of us living people can start over again."


Dongzang left Lin Zhao's arms, with pear blossoms on his pretty face. Immediately, Xiafei's cheeks seemed to feel that something was wrong. He pursed his red lips, looked at Lin Zhao's face, and said: "Master, are you still here?"



Lin Zhao lightly clenched his fist and said with a smile: "Being suppressed by Mount Wuwu for ten years has solidified my realm. Now I am already a peak swordsman and martial artist in the eleventh realm. It can be considered a blessing in disguise."


Dongzang had tears on his face and nodded with a smile.

"Mountain Master."

Yu Wanning said: "Don't stay here. Firstly, we are too close to Wuwu Mountain, and there might be some action from the Monster Clan. Secondly, Dongzang and Lin Zhujie came back from the depths of the Monster Clan world.

They have suffered so much, let them return to their natural habitat as soon as possible."


Lin Zhao nodded and said, "Let's go back to Tianju, and Lin Zhujie picks up his sword."

"Okay, Mountain Lord!"

Lin Zhujie nodded happily, and the sword light flashed past, carrying the body of the five people and the thin horse straight towards the mountain, and in the blink of an eye, they were already falling in front of Tianranju.

Looking at the natural home that was just like before, Dongzang immediately pursed his red lips and tears started to well up in his eyes again.


Lin Zhao smiled and said, "Two more bowls of noodles?"


Soon after, Dong Zang and Lin Zhujie sat down to eat noodles together, while Lin Zhao, Gao Zhi, and Yu Wanning were watching from the side. Even Shi Hanyin noticed the movement in the mountain top garden and also

After going up the mountain, he sat beside Lin Zhao in a dignified and virtuous manner, like an obedient little daughter-in-law.


Dongzang glanced at Shi Hanyin and didn't recognize him.


Lin Zhao hurriedly explained: "Her name is Shi Hanyin, a newcomer to our mountain resort. You should know that Miss Shi spent a lot of money to raise food and grass for our snowy Tianchi, right?"


When Dongzang heard what he said, he immediately understood and nodded: "Master, when I was deep in the ancestral land of the demon clan, Lin Zhujie also took me through the rivers and lakes for a period of time. Those storytellers mentioned

Regarding Miss Master burning hundreds of demon clan generals to death in a fire in Yunzhou City, all I know is..."

"Is such that……"

Lin Zhao knew what doubts she had and said: "Although Miss Master died, a ray of soul was left in the ashes of Yunxiang Tower. After I walked out of Wuwu Mountain, I went to Yunzhou City and saw

After reaching her, she and Ling Yu worked together to find a way to rescue Han Yin's soul. In the end, Ling Yu took action and obtained an imperial seal for her, transforming into a peach blossom fairy in Hefeng Academy. Her lifeline is actually very similar to yours.

They are similar, and they are also from our mountain top garden, so from now on we will treat each other as sisters."


Dong Zang nodded happily, and when he looked at Shi Hanyin, his eyes were filled with respect, and he said: "Master, Miss Shi, is admirable for being a woman. In comparison, Dong Zang was kidnapped by Chen Rusong, and he didn't say goodbye to the top of the mountain.

What Yuan is doing is really useless..."

"You can't say that."

Lin Zhao frowned and said: "You were able to hold Chen Rusong back, which is already a great achievement for the human race. By the way, what happened next? What I know is only that Dongzang was kidnapped by Chen Rusong. After that,

I don’t know anything about you, Lin Zhujie, please tell me.”


Lin Zhujie clasped his fists respectfully and said: "Mountain Master, this matter is really a long story. In fact, when the Mountain Master was pressed at the foot of Wuwu Mountain, Lin Zhujie never showed any signs of neglect.

In total, I have done three things for Shanding Villa. Perhaps it can be said that I have made three great contributions to Shanding Villa."


Lin Zhao couldn't help but laugh: "This is asking for credit! Yu Wanning, go to the study and get my pen and ink, and I will write down the credit in a small notebook for Lin Zhujie."

"Yes, Mountain Master!"

Yu Wanning happily went to get the pen and ink. As expected, Lin Zhao took out a small notebook from his arms, and then dipped the small pen in the ink to prepare for recording.

"Yu Wan Ning."

Lin Zhujie scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed, and said: "This first achievement... why don't you tell the mountain master?"


Yu Wanning pursed her red lips and said softly: "Mountain Master, after Muzhen and Chu Yu died one after another, I was guarding a snowy Tianchi alone and was besieged by a group of great demons from the upper five realms.

At that time, I was seriously injured and even on the verge of death. At that time, it was Lin Zhujie who saved me by hiding the secrets of heaven, escaping the pursuit of the big monsters, and finally sent me to Baidi City to recuperate, because Lin Zhujie saved me.

Bamboo Festival never appeared again, and the mountain owner didn’t ask about it, so I didn’t say anything.”

"That's it..."

Lin Zhao nodded: "It can be regarded as a contribution to the top of our mountain villa!"

As he spoke, he waved his ink pen and wrote down a line of words in the notebook - "Lin Zhujie: Battle of Baicheng, saved the life of Yu Wan Ning in the Rebirth Realm, credit once."


Lin Zhujie looked at Lin Zhao recording very seriously, and suddenly felt embarrassed. He scratched his head and said: "Thank you, Mountain Master. Lin Zhujie will do his best in the future and work for the mountain top garden wholeheartedly!"

Lin Zhao smiled and nodded: "Okay, the second one?"

"The second thing is to save Miss Dong Zang."

Lin Zhujie took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "After Dongzang was kidnapped by Chen Rusong, I didn't dare to take action immediately. After all, the snowy Tianchi at that time was full of the thirteen and fourteenth realms of the demon clan. If I were

If you take action, you may be killed at any time, so I followed Chen Rusong to the depths of the Demon Clan's ancestral land, and didn't take action until you reached Chen Rusong's lair, beheaded Chen Rusong, and rescued Dong Zang."

He said it easily, but the danger involved in killing thirteen realms in twelve realms can be imagined.

Lin Zhao looked at Lin Zhujie steadily and said softly: "You yourself... must have been seriously injured, right?"

Lin Zhujie's body trembled. A word from Lin Zhao was worth all the comfort, and all his suffering was not in vain. So he grinned and said: "I am a monster, and my body is naturally strong, even if it is just a mere

A stick insect whose body is comparable to that of a human martial artist, and besides, Chen Rusong’s methods are only average.”

Dongzang said: "After killing Chen Rusong, Lin Zhujie fainted for six months before he woke up..."

"It's hard on you."

Lin Zhao frowned and wrote down the second line in his notebook - "Lin Zhujie: single-handedly went to the depths of the ancestral land to rescue Dong Zang, and killed Chen Rusong, the spirit of the Thirteenth Realm. This will be recorded as a great achievement!"

great merit!

After seeing these two words, Lin Zhujie was relieved. From now on, he will be a great person in Villa on the top of the mountain!

Lin Zhao looked at Lin Zhujie again and asked with a smile: "The third credit?"


Lin Zhujie said in a deep voice: "Mountain Master, this third achievement may be a surprise to you. Let me put it aside and leave this achievement aside for the time being. I ask Mountain Master and everyone to follow me and go there." How about going to the top of the mountain?"


A group of people came to the top of the mountain.

Lin Zhujie led everyone to the front of the damaged stone wall, clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "Mountain Master, Liu Liying was chased here by the Eleventh Realm Monster Clan Sword Cultivator, and then transformed into the mural goddess in the stone wall, but In the end, the fierce sword cultivator chopped off the mural and cut off Liu Liying's roots. The mountain master should know about this, right?"


Lin Zhao nodded, with a heavy heart: "Liying, she..."

"Mountain Master, there is no need to worry, Lin Zhujie was also here at that time!"

Lin Zhujie gently raised his hand and brushed it across the stone wall. The bamboo leaves that concealed his aura were immediately dispersed. For a moment, under the bamboo leaves was a fragment of the remaining mural. There were actually wisps of naked eyes remaining between the fragments. The aura of the gods that is difficult to discern is actually a wisp of Liu Liying's soul that exists in it!


Lin Zhao's body trembled and he took two steps back. He had already sensed the breath in the fragments of the mural. It was extremely familiar, as if Liu Liying was whispering softly in his ear.


He frowned, turned around quickly and looked in the direction of Hefeng Academy, and said in a deep voice: "Lingyu, go up the mountain!"


The next moment, the young master in Confucian robes turned into a breeze and went up the mountain, floating down beside Lin Zhao. He looked at the remnant soul of Liu Liying in the stone wall, frowned and said: "It's just a little bit of soul, although In this case... Liu Liying still has a glimmer of hope, but if she wants to be reborn, the price she has to pay may be very high."

"It doesn't matter."

Lin Zhaodao: "I won't hesitate to pay any price!"


Gu Lingyu said: "Uncle Master, Liu Liying's destiny is a mural god sealed by the mountains and rivers of heaven and earth. It can be regarded as a kind of aura bred between heaven and earth, but there are so many gods that it cannot be reborn by ordinary means, so ...There is only one way, and that is to repair her folding fan goddess mural, restore her roots, and then use your spiritual money nourishment in Baihua Tianxia to bring it back to life as a mural."

Lin Zhao was slightly startled and said: "You mean... if you want Liying to be reborn, you need to restore the folding fan goddess mural?"


For a moment, Lin Zhao's thinking fell into chaos and said: "At first, the folding fan goddess was painted by Wu Yuanzi, the demon in the eleventh realm. Wu Yuanzi was not very good at other things, but his painter was indeed superb. Could it be that we Are you still looking for a peerless painter in the world?"

As he said that, he frowned: "Could it be that, Ling Yu, you can also draw?"

Gu Lingyu had an elegant demeanor and smiled slightly: "Uncle Master, when he was young, Lingyu also traveled around the mountains and rivers with a drawing board on his back, and also painted some flowers, birds, insects and fish, you can try it."

Lin Zhao took a deep breath, fortunately I have the almighty Gu Lingyu!

This chapter has been completed!
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