Chapter 1755 Shadow Clan

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Cang Dang decided to open a Five Colors Chamber of Commerce branch on Sanjie Island, and this resolution has been approved by the other four Yueyaos on the island.

Sanjie Island wants this very much.

One asked for something and the other responded, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became lively.

Lu Ye meant that Cangdang had already helped so much, so the rental fee would be waived, but Cangdang refused. According to what he said, if it was just his personal help, then he would be exempted from the rent on Sanjie Island.

I'm happy to accept it, but this is a cooperation between Five Color Island and Three Realms Island, so some things still have to follow the rules.

This is purely business cooperation and has nothing to do with the stance between the two spiritual islands.

Lu Ye understood it and stopped forcing it.

"Then I have to choose the biggest and best area." Cangdang said. For such a first-class spiritual island, a large amount of land is idle. Naturally, whoever enters first can seize the advantage. Cangdang represents both the five-color island and the

Come on, I won't be polite after discussing some details.

Lu Ye smiled and said, "Brother Tao, how can you be satisfied?"

Next, several Yueyao from Sanjie Island personally accompanied Cang Dang around the island. As expected, Cang Dang chose the largest and best piece of land as the basis for opening a branch of the Five Colors Chamber of Commerce.

After everything was settled, Cang Dang was about to say goodbye and leave. The people from Wuse Island would come to handle the follow-up matters. He was only responsible for one general direction and could not do everything personally.

Lu Ye persuaded him to stay, and said with a smile: "We will be in the Wanxiang Sea in the future. When we have time to talk, it is best to settle the matter of the branch as soon as possible. If I have free time, I can go to Five Color Island. Brother Yu will entertain you well."

Cang Dang left, Lu Ye and Zhong Yueyao watched him off.

It wasn't until Xingzhou disappeared from sight that Luan Xiao'e and others showed joy, and Lao Tang clenched his fists and shouted: "Great!"

No one thought that Cang Dang would break the embarrassing situation on Three Realms Island, and Lu Ye also didn't expect that the Stone Tribe, who was accidentally rescued by the Hui Tribe, would play a vital role at this time.

The grand plan for the development of Three Realms Island finally broke the deadlock and took the first step. For several months, Yao felt that it was not easy. Of course, after taking this first step, the follow-up will still be difficult, but the dawn has been torn apart

Darkness finally gives people hope.

It can be determined that there must be many pairs of eyes secretly paying attention to the situation on Sanjie Island now. It won't be long before the news of the Five Colors Chamber of Commerce opening a branch on Sanjie Island will also spread.

Until then, what choices will many businesses make?

Putting yourself in another person's shoes, if Lu Ye and others were those merchants, wouldn't they be tempted by such a treasured land as Three Realms Island?

Most of the backgrounds of these merchants are not very strong forces. They have no way to occupy the spiritual islands. They can only enter some spiritual islands in the name of opening shops. While selling their own specialties, they can enjoy being on the spiritual islands.

Qualifications for spiritual practice.

However, there are not many spiritual islands that are qualified for merchants to settle in Wanxiang Sea. Normally, such qualifications need to be competed for. However, Sanjie Island can now provide a large number of places. How can those merchants not be tempted?

But just because of Yuan Du, no one has dared to cooperate with Sanjie Island so far.

Wuse Island doesn't care about Yuandu's threat. As a top spiritual island, it has this qualification. Anyway, as long as it doesn't break the rules, Yuan Du can't do anything to them.

Furthermore, Lu Ye showed real life-saving kindness to Cang Dang, and Cang Dang was willing to reciprocate, which led to today's cooperation.

"Lao Tang, Wu Color Island has made a good start, do you think the situation will change?" Lu Ye asked.

Tang Jun nodded and said: "There will definitely be changes, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve results in a short period of time. Yuan Du's deterrence is indeed nothing to Wuse Island, but those small businesses dare not ignore it. Yuan Du can't deal with it.

Can't we deal with them on Wuse Island? But on the Wanxiang Sea, the largest number are these small merchants."

After pondering for a while, Laotang said: "Right now we have two choices. One is to continue to think of ways to worship the mountain. There is no hope for the three new Rizhao. I haven't visited the other two Rizhao yet. I can try one or two.

As long as they let go, our Three Realms Island will have a smooth road in the future! I don't believe that the Rizhao people in Wanxiang Galaxy are monolithic."

"What's the other option?" Luan Xiao'e asked.

Although she is the big island owner, she is not as good as Lao Tang in terms of personal connections, so Lao Tang is basically responsible for the development preparations for Three Realms Island.

Tang Jun said: "The second option is of course to attract more big forces to join us! Today Wuse Island has decided to open a branch here. If we win over a few more big forces to settle here, the situation will be completely resolved.

Once it’s opened, you don’t need too much, just win over five more companies… No, three companies will do!”

This is indeed a solution. The Wusedao family does not sell Yuan Du's face. Although it will have some impact on his prestige, it will not cause too many problems.

But if three or five forces do this, those small merchants will definitely follow suit. Because the situation is like this, they don’t have to be afraid of Yuan Du. If Yuan Du wants to deal with them, he must first deal with the ones that settled first.

Big force.

Listening to Tang Jun's talk, Lu Ye sighed in his heart, Wu Zhuo, Wu Zhuo, I can only work hard for you to stay in the Qingli Taoist world for a while, but it's not that I, Lu Yiye, don't keep my word, everything must be based on the overall situation.

For the most important.

Before returning to the Vientiane Galaxy this time, Wu Zhuo repeatedly told Lu Ye to let Lao Tang go back to the Qingli Dao Realm and let him come to the Vientiane Sea to take charge, because in Wu Zhuo's view, Lao Tang was old and frail, and his strength was not good enough, so he had no future at all.

It can be said that it is better to let him work hard.

But now it seems that the role Laotang can play here cannot be replaced by just anyone.

He really has no future on the road to spiritual practice, and his strength is not very good, but... having an old man in the family is like having a treasure!

"I'm going to do this now!" Tang Jun did as he said and left quickly.

Looking at the direction in which Lao Tang was leaving, Lu Ye thought for a moment and said, "I'm going out for a while."

Ma Shangsi was loyal and was about to follow, but Lu Ye stopped him: "You stay behind and take charge."

Although since the last war, there should be no more short-sighted forces to cause trouble on Three Realms Island, but there are some things that must be guarded against. Ma Shangsi can be said to be the strongest person on Three Realms Island, and he stays here to take charge.

, in case someone comes to attack, the defense force can be stronger.

And Lu Ye's trip back and forth won't take too long.

Ma Shangsi took the order.

Lu Ye took out his star boat and flew outward.

Lu Ye took out his star boat and flew outward.

After half a day, we left the Wanxiang Sea and swept deep into the starry sky.

If before today, the future of Sanjie Island was dark, then the arrival of Cangdang has brought a glimmer of light to this deep darkness.

But this is not enough. If you want to completely break the situation, you need more efforts.

Lao Tang already had a direction to start with. Lu Ye didn't know whether it would be effective, but he thought of a possibility, so he wanted to try it. If it works, everyone will be happy. Even if it doesn't work, there is no loss.

It is right to be prepared for the future of Sanjie Island.

Driving the starship, I thought about all the possible situations that might arise next, making deductions over and over again.

A warning sign suddenly appeared in my heart!

At the same time, I caught a glimpse of an unusual darkness coming from the corner of my vision.

Lu Ye raised his hand and pressed the Panshan knife on his waist, and at the same time instinctively turned sideways.

The next moment, a hint of darkness passed before his eyes. Lu Ye suddenly felt that his right hand was empty and his entire right arm had lost consciousness!

Blood burst out, and Lu Ye looked grim.

He clearly saw a huge wound on his chest, and he could even see the beating heart in his chest, and the right arm was completely broken off.

It wasn't until this moment that the severe pain suddenly hit me.

Got attacked!

And he suffered a huge loss after just one encounter! This was the first time in his history for Lu Ye, a practicing practitioner, to suffer such an injury.

It was not that he was not vigilant enough. After all, two months ago, he had a very unpleasant quarrel with Yuan Du, and even forced him to slap himself in the face. On the surface, Rizhao Guards had to abide by the rules and could not do anything to him, but secretly

It's hard to say.

So Lu Ye has been on guard against this kind of thing happening.

Before, he was cultivating under the Sea of ​​Wanxiang and was able to live peacefully. But today he leaves the Sea of ​​Wanxiang. If anyone really wants to do harm to him, they will definitely be watching in secret.

Along the way, his powerful spiritual mind was always monitoring the surroundings to prevent unexpected events.

But the attacker showed no signs before taking action. After the opponent took action, Lu Ye didn't even have time to react!

Fortunately, he noticed something was wrong and turned his body sideways. This was also an instinct honed in countless life-and-death battles. Otherwise, it was not as simple as being injured. The opponent's blow would most likely split his entire body in two.

Pain lingered at the wound, Lu Ye's face was expressionless and he turned around to look.

Not far away, a group of dark figures was slowly changing. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't even be able to spot the existence of this dark group.

It turns out to be ShadowClan!

As a race that is naturally proficient in attacking and killing, the Shadow Clan can be said to be as famous as the Ghost Clan, and its many incredible abilities are even better than those of the Ghost Clan.

If it weren't for the scarcity of Shadow Clan members, they would be fully qualified to become a powerful clan.

Lu Ye had never seen the Shadow Clan before, but now he recognized the identity of his enemy at a glance. As expected, he was so ghostly that he couldn't even see the opponent's face clearly, let alone whether he was a man or a woman. He could only infer from the mana fluctuations around his body.

, the visitor is from the late Yueyao period!

What a big gesture.

If you want to invite the late Yueyue Yao Shadow Clan, the price will be quite high. This shows that the people behind the scenes are determined to kill him.

While Lu Ye looked at the opponent, the flesh and blood of the wound on his chest was already squirming and closing quickly. Even the blood on the broken arm no longer flowed. For Yue Yao, these things were not difficult and they only consumed some of his own energy and blood.

"Did Yuan Du invite you here?" Lu Ye asked calmly.

He asked himself that he had not offended anyone in this vast ocean, and if he wanted to take his life, there was no one else but Yuan Du who could use such a Shadow Clan person.

Two strange fruits, one for immortality and one for increased strength.

After swallowing it, Chu Ning traveled to another world and practiced the path of immortality.

Within a thousand years, Chu Ning: Thank you for the strange fruit, praise the strange fruit, big brother for your hard work.

Thousands of years later, Chu Ning: Thank yourself, praise yourself, struggle is the most beautiful...

Still in another world, Chu Ning has three major quotes:

First: If you are not driven by profit, although you will miss some opportunities, you will never suffer a loss.

Second: Immortality is not about living a good life, so why not live a good life from the beginning.

Third: If you can form a relationship, make it happen. If you can't, negotiate. If you can't negotiate, take action. Try to find the right outlet, so that the ashes can be spread as cleanly as possible.

Jiudeng's new book, "I Just Want to Suffer You to Death, Don't Make Me Beat You to Death" will be released soon


This chapter has been completed!
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