Chapter 1754: Helping in times of need

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Faced with such a situation, Lu Ye was also a little helpless and didn't know how to solve it.

In fact, there is one more thing that Lao Tang didn't tell Lu Ye, that is, Yuan Cheng has already said that unless Sanjie Island is willing to come and apologize, Sanjie Island will never get ahead.

Yuan Du was unwilling to accept Tang Jun's offer of worship because he looked down on Three Realms Island. After all, before Lu Ye came back, Three Realms Island was not very powerful on the surface. He felt that the Three Realms monks could not hold on to this foundation.

, premature acceptance is useless.

But the situation is different now. The Three Realms Island has shown its own power, and even Baiyue Island has been captured. Unless some top forces take action, there will not be any force in the Wanxiang Sea that does not have the long-term vision to go to the Three Realms Islands.


In other words, Sanjie Island already has the qualifications to worship the mountain based on that battle.

But Rizhao cannot lose face. If Sanjie Island wants to pay homage to Yamamoto Atsushi, he must show his sincerity. Visiting to apologize is only the first step, and there will inevitably be more stringent requirements later.

Lao Tang knew that Lu Ye would not agree to such a thing, so he would not mention it to him.

While the two were talking, a hearty voice suddenly came from outside: "Shi Clan Cun Dang has come to pay his respects. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Lu Yiye is here?"

Lu Ye suddenly looked up and saw a star boat hovering outside the island, and a burly figure standing on the star boat. Who else could it be if it wasn't Cang Dang?

Tang Jun looked at Lu Ye in astonishment: "Are you related to the Stone Clan?"

Lu Ye explained: "Outside the Yuluo Realm, the Hui tribe invaded, and I rescued him."

Lao Tang suddenly realized: "It's him!"

He Baichuan had already told Yue Yue Yao from the island about the Hui tribe. Everyone also knew that Lu Ye saved Yue Yue Yao from the Hui tribe and was a member of the Stone tribe, but they didn't expect him to take the initiative to visit today.

Lu Ye didn't expect Cang Dang to come. When they arrived at the Wanxiang Galaxy, everyone parted ways. Cang Dang said he wanted to go back to the Five Colors Domain to have a look, but he didn't show up until today.

But when he left, he did ask Lu Ye where to find him if he came to Wanxiang Sea again.

So it's not surprising that Cang Dang can come here.

While he was talking, Lu Ye had already sent a message to Luan Xiao'e, asking her to control the formation of Yu Jue to open a gap, and the star boat of Cang Dang went straight in.

Lu Ye and Tang Jun are already waiting.

"Brother Lu!" Cang Dang grinned. He was undoubtedly much more enthusiastic than when he was rescued.

"Brother Dao!" Lu Ye returned the gesture.

Suddenly, his eyes saw a figure behind Cangdang, and he looked familiar.

When I took a closer look, I really knew him!


The first time Lu Ye experienced the powerful physique of the Stone Clan was from this guy. At that time, everyone was just a sea of ​​gods, participating in the battle of the sea of ​​gods in the Taichu realm.

Boulder looked at Lu Ye suspiciously. The moment their eyes met, his mouth opened wide.

He is from the Stone Clan, and Cang Dang is also from the Stone Clan, and they are both from the Five Color Domain, so there must be some relationship between the two.

The main reason why he came here was because he heard about Lu Ye and was curious whether this Lu Ye was the one he knew.

As a result, when I saw it at this moment, I found that it was actually true!

"Why...are you just Yueyao?" Baoshi looked shocked.

Everyone was in Shenhai at the beginning, and he asked himself that his cultivation speed was not slow, and he was backed by a top-level realm, so he had no worries about resources. But now he is only in the middle stage of Xingxiu, and Lu Ye's cultivation has actually surpassed him by a big realm.


This is really surprising.

"No matter how big or small, call me uncle!" Cang Dang slapped Boulder on the back of his head, and there was a loud sound when the hit hit the ground. Stone chips flew and Boulder staggered.

He called Lu Ye brother, and the elder who was bouldering, from his standpoint, it was appropriate to call Lu Ye uncle when bouldering.

Bouldering covered the back of his head, his face turned green and red, and he didn't know what to think.

Lu Ye quickly said: "Brother Baoshi and I are old acquaintances. Let's discuss our own affairs." This is actually not uncommon in the world of cultivation. After all, it is difficult to link the age, seniority and strength of monks together. There are no directly related monks.

There is really no need to be too demanding in how we address each other.

Cang Dang is also a person who doesn't stick to trivial matters. He laughed when he heard this and said, "As long as I am happy, it's fine."

"Brother Dao, why are you here?" Lu Ye asked.

Cang Dang said: "I went back to the Five Colors Domain, and then I was sent to the Wanxiang Sea to take charge of the Five Colors Island, so I came here to see you."

With her later cultivation, Kandang Yueyao is indeed qualified to sit in the Vientiane Sea, and Wuse Island is one of the few top spiritual islands in the Vientiane Sea.

Only the top forces can occupy such a spiritual island, and the Five Color Domain has this qualification.

Only the top forces can occupy such a spiritual island, and the Five Color Domain has this qualification.

"Then we can walk around more in the future." Lu Ye said with a smile.

Lao Tang said: "Let's talk inside. Stop standing there. You are serious, Kazuyo. This is not the way we treat guests on Sanjie Island."

Lu Ye suddenly realized and quickly apologized.

Shao Qing, in the guest hall, the guests and hosts were seated. After hearing the news, several Da Yueyao from Sanjie Island came.

Everyone had known for a long time that Lu Ye saved Yueyao from the Hui tribe in the Yuluo Galaxy. No one expected that Yueyao would take the initiative to visit today.

Moreover, the foundation of the Stone Clan is not weak. As one of the rare top spiritual islands in the Vientiane Sea, Wuse Island has a reputation that is by no means comparable to that of Three Realms Island.

Such a being is naturally worthy of serious reception by Yueyao from Three Realms Island.

The Yueyao people talked and laughed, and Bouldering stood behind Cang Dang, feeling dizzy. Until now, he could not accept the fact that Lu Ye was Yueyao.

He couldn't help but feel a bit of motivation. He felt that he was no worse than anyone else. Lu Yiye could practice so fast, why couldn't he? After returning this time, he must take a good retreat and break through Yueyao as soon as possible!

There was chatting in the hall for a while, then Cang Dang changed the topic and looked at Lu Ye: "Brother, I just took a look at the layout of Guidao. Has a large commercial area been reserved?"

Lu Ye nodded: "There is a reservation."

Bang Dang raised his eyebrows: "That's really good. I wonder when your island will be open to leasing?"

"Brother Dao means..." Lu Ye vaguely guessed.

Cang Dang said: "My Wuse Chamber of Commerce has always wanted to open a branch. I have chosen a few places before, but they were not good. I think Sanjie Island is good, so I intend to open a branch here."

There is not just one Vientiane Chamber of Commerce in Vientiane, but there are many.

There are countless forces from all over the starry sky, big and small, strong and weak. Those with strength can occupy spiritual islands in the sea of ​​all phenomena, while those without strength can only run around.

Regardless of whether they have the strength to occupy the spirit island, behind these forces is a realm or even an entire galaxy. They do not have a spirit island. If they want to survive on the Vientiane Sea, they must either go to the recruitment island to find work, or bring them from their own realm galaxy.

Some goods for sale.

Take An Zhe, who sold the Dragon Breath Crystal to Lu Ye, for example. The power behind him is not strong and he cannot occupy any spiritual islands, but he can still open a shop on Wushuang Island because he is in a realm where he has his own

The special products can be exchanged for spiritual jade.

If Anzhe can make his store bigger and have more complete goods, he can develop it into a chamber of commerce.

As a top-level realm, the Five Color Domain is naturally rich in resources, especially some earth resources. Although the Five Color Chamber of Commerce is not as famous as the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce in the Vientiane Sea, its foundation cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, the Wuse Chamber of Commerce does have a precedent of opening branches in other spiritual islands.

When Cang Dang said this, Tang Jun immediately looked happy, but he did not speak, but looked at Lu Ye.

Lu Ye looked thoughtful, and after a while he said: "Brother Dao, I believe you have heard about the situation on my Three Realms Island."

The main purpose of Cang Dang's visit here is not just to see him, but to open a branch on Sanjie Island. This is undoubtedly Cang Dang's way of repaying his kindness!

Cang Dang grinned: "Of course I've heard about the Three Realms Island. It's a pity that when you attacked Baiyue two months ago, I wasn't here yet. Otherwise, I would have to go and wave the flag to cheer you up."

It's definitely not possible to interfere directly. It will violate the rules of Wanxianghai. It's okay to wave the flag and cheer.

He only heard about the specific situation of the battle between Three Realms Island and Baiyue from his own tribe after arriving at the Wanxiang Sea more than half a month ago.

When the conversation changed, Cang Dang showed a look of disdain: "When I act in the Five Colors Domain, I don't need to look at anyone's face. Even if he is a Rizhao, as long as he does not violate the rules of the Wanxiang Sea, no one can do anything. Now I am the Five Colors Domain.

Yueyao, the governor of the island, is qualified to decide where to open a branch, so I don’t have to worry."

For several months in Sanjie Island, Yao heard Cang Dang's bold words and couldn't help but yearn for it. When will Sanjie Island be able to act without looking at other people's faces?

But things like foundation cannot be accumulated casually. Cangdang has this confidence, which was given to him by the many sunshine in the five-color field.

On the other hand, there is not a single sunshine on this side of the Yuluo Galaxy.

"Moreover, I am indeed very optimistic about the Three Realms Island. Looking at the entire Wanxiang Sea, at the level of superior spiritual islands, the Three Realms Island is the largest one. You all have early plans. For such a large superior spiritual island,

Once one is operational, the popularity in the future will be inestimable, so I decided to open a branch of the Wuse Chamber of Commerce here. It was not just a personal decision, but from the perspective of the entire Wuse Island. There are five people guarding Yueyao on this island.

If it is not reasonable enough, the other four Yueyaos will not agree to my proposal."

That being said, if it weren't for Lu Ye's life-saving grace, I'm afraid things wouldn't be what they are today.

Wuse Island does not need to worry too much about a Yuandu, but it is not unnecessary. Even Wuse Island is not willing to offend Rizhao.

What Cang Dang did was, firstly, a subjective act of repayment, and secondly, an objective judgment.

Lu Ye knew this very well, but Cang Dang had already reached this point, so naturally he would not refuse. It would be too hypocritical to refuse.

The current embarrassing situation in Sanjie Island is indeed in urgent need of opening a gap.

Cang Dang’s resolution can be said to have been a real push in the direction of Sanjie Island when it was most embarrassing!

This chapter has been completed!
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