Chapter 1751 Spend money to eliminate disasters

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"It turned out to be just a misunderstanding?" Luan Xiao'e looked at Zhao Yunqi indifferently.

The latter said categorically: "It must be a misunderstanding!"

Luan Xiao'e's face brightened slightly: "That would be the best."

Zhao Yunqi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Listening to the meaning of Luan Xiao'e's words, the other party didn't seem to have any intention of getting entangled, and since they didn't start a fight as soon as they arrived, today's battle should be avoidable.

Just as he was thinking this, he heard Luan Xiao'e change her subject: "Although it was a misunderstanding, it is a fact that the island protection formation of our Three Realms Island was broken, and many treasures were also lost on the island..."

The corners of Zhao Yunqi's eyes twitched, and he knew that things were not that simple. He was waiting for him here.

There is a bullshit island protection formation on Three Realms Island. It is just a simple maze formation. At that time, the giant blade monks broke through it casually, and there could not be any treasures on the island, because they didn't find any on Three Realms Island.

Anything of value.

Zhao Yun's heart was bleeding, knowing that he would probably lose money and eliminate disaster today, otherwise he would definitely not let it go.

Thinking about it, people came out in full force and with great momentum, it was impossible to say a few words without pain, and the giant blade did attack Three Realms Island.

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Yun nodded and said: "The situation was urgent and we were forced to do nothing. I, Jublade, am willing to compensate for the loss of your island."

Luan Xiao'e looked at him with satisfaction: "Fellow Daoist Zhao is indeed a sensible person."

Zhao Yunqi was filled with bitterness. He knew that if he didn't understand, a battle between Jublade and Three Realms Island would definitely be inevitable. This was something he urgently needed to avoid now.

Glancing at Luan Xiao'e cautiously, Zhao Yunqi asked: "But I don't know how much your island's island protection formation and those...lost treasures are worth?"

Luan Xiao'e said: "I made some calculations on the way here, and I figured it would be 20 million spirit jade."

Zhao Yunqi felt that his liver was aching...

Twenty million spiritual jade is not a small amount. You must know that Sanjie Island captured Baiyue. The spiritual jade collected from Baiyue's treasure house is not that much. There is a certain gap between Jubian Island and Baiyue. There are so many

They definitely can't get the Lingyu out.

It is impossible for these large and small forces in the Wanxiang Sea to reserve too many spare spiritual jade. Firstly, it is unsafe, and secondly, the cost of cultivating monks is high. Spiritual islands such as Jublade Island that do not have much commercial activities have very few

There are ways to earn spiritual jade.

Most of the spiritual jade they use on daily basis are supported by the local system, and a small number of them are obtained by their own means.

Only a small number of spiritual islands with commercial activities will have large reserves of spiritual jade.

Luan Xiao'e expected this, so she added: "If there is no spiritual jade, it can be converted into other resources of equal value."

Zhao Yunqi still wanted to bargain: "Fellow Daoist Luan..."

Luan Xiao'e interrupted him directly, with cold eyes: "Twenty million, no more, no less, Guidao has half a day to prepare!"

This is obviously an ultimatum. In other words, if Jubian Island dares to bargain, or if it fails to collect resources worth 20 million after half a day, Sanjie Island will definitely not be polite.

Zhao Yunqi was annoyed, but he didn't dare to get angry. He was silent for a while and then nodded and said: "Okay, Lord Luan, wait a moment, I'll go back and make preparations right away!"

Blood loss!

He just broke a worthless maze, but in the end he had to pay 20 million spirit jade, and there was no room for bargaining. Zhao Yunqi felt aggrieved and angry, but he couldn't get angry, so he turned around and entered the giant blade.

Island, obviously went to discuss with other months Yao on the island.

On the star boat, Luan Xiao'e returned, and He Baichuan asked: "Senior sister, do you think they are willing to give it?"

"I don't know." Luan Xiao'e shook her head. Twenty million spiritual jade is not a small amount, but it is not too much for an entire galaxy. If the Giant Blade Island side is willing to swallow their anger, they will most likely be willing to give it.

After all, it was only ten days ago that Three Realms Island conquered Baiyue, and Yu Wei was still there. The Jubian Island side should not want to start a war with Three Realms Island at this time.

"It doesn't matter if you don't give it, it's just another fight." He Baichuan said enthusiastically, "This Jublade Island is obviously for wearing the same pants as Baiyue. Since I have offended you today, it is better not to do it without doing anything!"

Luan Xiao'e shook her head and said: "There is no point in fighting against the giant blade. Not to mention whether it can be defeated, even if it is defeated, we will not be able to conquer this medium-sized spiritual island."

This is completely different from starting a war with Baiyue.

The war against Baiyue was a way for the Three Realms Island to demonstrate its power to the outside world, and it was also a counterattack. Although this war broke out suddenly and ended quickly, it actually took two months from preparation to the start of the war.

Time, so everything goes smoothly.

If we attack the giant blade by force at this moment, we don't have much time to prepare. The defense of a medium-sized spiritual island is not weak. Even if Three Realms Island can be captured, I'm afraid there will be a certain price to pay.

As Luan Xiao'e said again, even if the giant blade is captured, the Three Realms Island will not be able to take it. When the Three Realms monks withdraw, they will only benefit others in vain.

Baiyue Island is a high-class spiritual island, and its ownership rights can be auctioned. Many forces will be interested in it, but Giant Blade Island may not have this appeal.

Instead of doing this, it is better to get enough benefits without losing any blood.

When He Baichuan heard this, he thought this was the truth and praised: "It's us three island masters who are planning the strategy!"

From the beginning of the war against Baiyue to today's launch of the giant sword, Lu Ye was all planning it secretly, and Luan Xiao'e was only the person in charge on the surface.

Looking back now, two months ago, when Lu Ye asked the monks from Sanjie Island to evacuate the island, hide in Huangluo Palace, and use the maze to cover up the situation on the island, he may have expected this scene today.

Using a labyrinth of little value in exchange for 20 million spiritual jade cultivation resources, this deal is a huge profit!

As expected, Jublade Island did not have the courage to start a war with Three Realms Island. Zhao Yunqi returned two hours later and brought back a lot of storage rings, some of which were spiritual jade, not much, only eight or nine million, and the rest

They are all various resources, and together they are worth more than 20 million.

Luan Xiao'e took it, without counting it carefully, chatting with Zhao Yunqi for a few words, waving her jade hand, and the three realms monks who were eyeing them boarded the ship, and the fleet headed towards the three realms island.

Many monks who were watching saw this scene from a distance, and they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Those who were watching the excitement did not mind that it was a big deal. Naturally, the uninvolved people hoped that the two families would fight, but the result was not what they wanted. Although it was not clear what the specific agreement between the two islands was.

What kind of agreement was there, but the scene where Zhao Yunqi handed over a lot of storage rings to Luan Xiao'e was seen by interested people.

I immediately understood that Jublade Island was spending money to eliminate disasters.

A very wise approach, although it is despicable!

There was no need to watch the commotion, and the monks who were watching quickly dispersed.

The Three Realms Island, the huge Ling Island, was completely deserted, with not even half a human being in sight. In the past, this would have been absolutely impossible.

If such a treasured land is left undefended, it is destined to be snatched away by all major forces.

However, there was a battle to conquer Baiyue on Sanjie Island, but no one dared to do so, because even if Sanjie Island was forcibly occupied, it was unknown whether the hastily constructed defenses could block the violent attack of the monks on Sanjie Island.

The people on Sanjie Island are crazy, and no one wants to provoke such a group of lunatics unless necessary.

The empty Spirit Island has gained some popularity after the return of the monks from the Three Realms. However, because the Three Realms Island is too large, the entire Spirit Island still seems a bit empty.

The island protection formation needs to be rearranged, and many defenses need to be rebuilt. In a short time, the Three Realms monks will not be able to stabilize.

But everyone is in high spirits and full of hope for the future.

Lu Ye did not participate in these trivial matters. After returning to Three Realms Island, he immediately entered a state of cultivation.

A previous encounter with Yuan Du left him filled with crises.

Although in this sea of ​​​​everything, the local Rizhao must follow the rules set by himself. That day, Yuan Du was even forced by him to kill Yu Huan himself in order to maintain the fairness and justice he preached, but who can guarantee it?

, these sunshine will always be so disciplined?

The rules were set by them. If they broke it forcefully, it might be very troublesome in the future, but those who faced Rizhao at that time would definitely be in bad luck.

Yuan Du was willing to kill Yu Huan because he weighed the pros and cons. He felt that it was more important to maintain the rules of Wanxiang Hai than to forcefully save Yu Huan's life.

If something happens one day that forces the native Rizhao to break its own rules, there will be no order left in the Wanxiang Sea.

In this huge world of cultivation, strength is ultimately the most important thing!

Lu Ye felt that he had to improve his cultivation level as soon as possible, at least to reach the level of Yueyao in the late stage, so that he could barely survive under Rizhao.

The Wanxiang Sea is a treasure land, but it also contains hidden dangers.

Fortunately, cultivation is his strong point. As long as there is enough talent tree fuel, Wanxiang Sea, his unique cultivation place, can play an endless role.

In the past, he had to control the speed of his practice and worry about unstable foundation, but now he has reached his ultimate level in the Constellation Realm, giving birth to the Flower of Body, and has an extremely solid foundation.

In addition, the seven-colored sacred lotus warms and nourishes the soul, supporting the two strong pillars of spirit and spirit, so the level of Qi improves more quickly and does not have much impact on him.

And the Yueyao realm is the cultivation of Qi!

Among the trophies obtained from Baiyue Island and Jublade Island, there were some fire treasures. Lu Ye devoured them all. In addition, plus those obtained from Yuluo Realm, his current talent tree's fuel reserves are still relatively sufficient.


Of course, practicing deep into the Wanxiang Sea will also consume a lot of money.

While practicing under the Wanxiang Sea, Lu Ye left a talent tree clone to sit on the Three Realms Island and did not participate in specific matters. It was mainly to facilitate outsiders to contact him, so that if anything happened, others would not notify him.

In a daze of two months, the aftermath of the Baiyue War has long been eliminated, and it has only become a topic of conversation among the monks. The change of ownership of the Superior Spirit Island is indeed not a small matter, but for the magnificent Wanxiang Sea, it is nothing more than a small matter.

It's just a wave. When the wave passes, it's over.

This chapter has been completed!
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