Chapter 1,589 Hero and Beauty Fight Yao Qiang

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Liu Yu sighed: "Since the Jin Dynasty moved south, although I have made several northern expeditions and achieved good results, in the end I always failed, not because the soldiers on the front line didn't work hard, but because the support from the rear was never enough, or even

When the situation is good and the situation is good at the front, the noble families in the rear will use various means to interfere with the progress of the front. This tragedy started when General Zu Ti seized the Central Plains, but had to have his military power reduced, and finally became so angry that he vomited blood and died.

It keeps repeating itself. The most recent one was Xie Xianggong’s Northern Expedition to Hebei, aiming directly at Yecheng. It also failed because of the betrayal of a traitor. Therefore, as long as the rear is restless and the country cannot be united, even another Northern Expedition will not succeed. Even if

A military victory cannot be maintained later."

A hint of loneliness flashed in Sima Yao's eyes, and he threw the wooden stick in his hand that had been used to point to the sand table on the ground, and sat down on the dragon couch: "Unexpectedly, this time the battle between Yan and Wei can produce beneficial results.

As a result of the Jin Dynasty, our Northern Expedition still failed to succeed."

Liu Yu said loudly: "Your Majesty, don't worry. I am willing to listen to your orders and consolidate the internal affairs of our Jin Dynasty. The Yan State will be defeated this time. Although it is impossible for the Wei State to enter the Central Plains immediately, as long as Murong Chui dies.

, those princes seize the throne, and Hebei will fall into war again. At this time, as long as our internal integration is completed, Your Majesty can send a large army to the north and recapture Hebei in one fell swoop. The time is right!"

Sima Yao laughed and sat up straight, his eyes sparkling: "Okay, then I will wait for this day. By the way, how is the war in Guanzhong now? I heard that the defeat of the former Qin Dynasty has been revealed, and Yao Chang even

Now that we have enough energy to send troops to assist Wei, how do you think the struggle between Guanzhong and Qin will go?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly and looked at Sima Shangzhi: "Has the leading general received the latest military report from Guanzhong that Yao Chang was seriously injured the day before yesterday and is dying?"

Sima Shangzhi's expression changed: "What else is there? Didn't Queen Mao, who had just celebrated the victory over Dajie Camp and beheaded Fu Deng, take Fu Deng's baggage to the main camp? How could his life be in danger?"

Sima Yao looked at the two of them confused: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

Liu Yu looked at Liu Yu and said slowly: "The military information in Guanzhong is far away, so the official military reports from the imperial court are one or two days longer than those collected by the intelligence organization, and the military reports from various ministries that your Majesty sees here are even more detailed."

Later. So you still don’t know what happened in the few days before and after the battle of Dajiebao. If Your Majesty is interested today, I will be happy to tell you the series of things that have happened in the past month, which are enough to determine the war between Guanzhong and Qin.

Please restore it."

Sima Yao laughed, sat back on the dragon couch, and looked at Liu Yu: "Then I will listen to Sergeant Liu tell this story."

A month ago, Dajiebao.

The former Qin Emperor Fu Deng, who was fully armored and high-spirited, stood on the tower of the fortress wall and looked high-spirited at the long dragon-like army in front of him. The officers and soldiers of the Chinese army were all wearing fine armor, and their helmets were engraved with a

The word "death" is engraved on the heart mirror, and the word "break" is engraved on it. This is the most daunting thing about the former Qin soldiers over the years. Although Fu Jian has been dead for many years, this undying hatred is still the most daunting thing about the former Qin soldiers.

The biggest driving force for the Qin army's battle was that the soldiers who went out for the expedition had their eyes shining brightly, singing military songs loudly, and marched forward indomitably.

A smile broke out on Fu Deng's face. Next to him, stood a young female general who was about twenty-six or seventeen years old. She had phoenix eyes, a high nose, cherry lips and peach cheeks, fair skin, and wore a silver armor and feather helmet.

With an indescribable heroic appearance, this woman is the daughter of Mao Xing, the governor of Qinzhou in the former Qin Dynasty, and she was also married to Fu Deng as his wife, Mao Qiuqing. Now, with Fu Deng proclaiming himself emperor after the death of Fu Pi,

She was also promoted to Queen Mao.

At that time, Mao Xing was loyal to Fu Pi. As the governor of Qinzhou, he organized Longyou soldiers and horses to rescue Chang'an many times. However, he was blocked to the west of Dashan Pass by Yao Xing's younger brother Yao Shuode and was not allowed to enter the middle of the pass. The war was involved for a long time.

, the army and people of Longyou saw no hope and were tired of war, so the generals conspired to attack Mao Xing and negotiate peace with Yao Qiang and Qin. It was not until Xi Yan conquered Chang'an and left Guanzhong that these Longyou generals felt they had an opportunity. At that time

Fu Deng, a member of the Yao clan, took the opportunity to start an uprising and killed several tribal leaders who were responsible for the murder of Yao Xing. He took control of Longxi and set up a banner to avenge Fu Jian. Mao Qiuqing also used her body at that time to

Xu married Fu Deng, a great hero who avenged his father and raised an army to restore the country. He was a talented man and a beautiful woman, and for a time, they became a good talk throughout Ganliang and Longyou.

This Mao Qiuqing was born in a general, and was proficient in martial arts since childhood. She had the style of being a father-in-law. After following Fu Deng, she became his right-hand man. Every time he went into battle, he won unforeseen gains, which made the Qiang people frightened when they saw Queen Mao's banner.

, and fled in all directions.

But at this moment, Mao Qiuqing's eyebrows were furrowed, forming a sharp contrast with the cheerful generals around her.

Fu Deng turned to look at his beloved wife, was slightly startled, then smiled and said: "Qiu Qing, why are you not too happy when our army just won a great victory?"

Mao Qiuqing's eyes turned to Cangcheng behind him, where hundreds of thousands of stones of military rations were piled up. Many sergeants were busy running around, unloading bags of grain from carts and transporting them to

In the cellar.

Mao Qiuqing said slowly: "Over the past year or so, we have had a hard time. General Xu of Hukong Fort has been guarding the lonely fort for more than a year, but we were unable to rescue him. In the end, we looked at his castle.

After the fall, he himself cursed the Qiang thieves, but was beheaded three times by Yao Chang, an old thief. In front of him, he sent sergeants to insult his whole family, mothers, wives and daughters, and killed thousands of his people. But even so, General Xu still

I just keep scolding thieves, and when I think about it, I feel so heartbroken that I can't sleep."

A trace of guilt flashed across Fu Deng's face: "I'm sorry for General Xu, but there's nothing we can do about it. Last year we concentrated all our efforts on attacking Xinping, trying to seize the Lingbei army rations from the Qiang thieves, but Yao Lao thieves took it personally.

The soldiers camped in a stalemate, but our army exhausted all means and was unable to break through. Finally, we used Qiu Qing's method, sending all the soldiers to force the enemy's camp at night, and then burst into tears. We wanted to use this method to shake the enemy's morale and defeat them in one fell swoop.

After breaking it, I didn't expect that the old thief Yao actually made the whole army cry loudly. The two armies cried at each other all night. Our army had no chance to take advantage of it and could only retreat. When encountering such an old Qiang, I can only say that I

The disaster is doomed. If the attack on Xinping fails, our army will run out of food. We will either continue to fight by eating human flesh, or we will have to retreat and disperse to cultivate the fields."

This chapter has been completed!
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