Chapter 1592 The kind queen opens the city gate

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Dajiebao, fort wall.

Mao Qingqiu was dressed in military uniform, standing alone at the head of the southern city, looking towards the south with bright eyes.

A beautiful maid, also wearing armor, said: "Your Majesty has been away for three days, and I don't know how the war is going on the front line."

Mao Qingqiu sighed softly: "Qiu'er, yesterday, His Majesty had already entered in front of Laoxie's camp and set up camp twenty miles away from the camp. It's a shame that the defeated general Yao Yi openly and openly attacked Laoxie in front of the two camps.

, openly insulting the late emperor’s corpse, first flogging, and then wrapping the bloody remains with thorns and abandoning the body in the wasteland in front of the army. Such atrocities are outrageous to both humans and gods!”

Qiu'er covered her mouth in surprise: "Unexpectedly, such a thing happened. This Yao Yi is really not a human being. He has no ability to fight, but he is so violent. If I had known, I should have taken him down and cut him to pieces last time!"


Mao Qingqiu shook his head: "What I am most worried about now is this kind of anger. Lao Xie is cunning. He probably used this trick to anger our soldiers. He attacked the camp in an impulsive rage. He was waiting for work, so he must have laid a heavy ambush.

When I received the news, I wanted to rush out and fight the Qiang thieves. But in his reply, His Majesty said that this is exactly what he wanted us to do. So the more I hate him now, the more I have to calm down. Your Majesty

Strictly order your subordinates to guard the camp and not go out to fight. Every day, you will listen to the enemy's strength and strength to know the layout of their camp. When the opportunity comes, contact the heroes in Guanzhong and loot their food routes. When the food is exhausted, you will use your troops to defeat them in one fell swoop.


Qiu'er breathed a long sigh of relief: "Your Majesty, it's better to keep your composure, otherwise, I'm afraid we'll all be fooled."

Mao Qingqiu nodded: "Yes, we have many loyal ministers of the Qin Dynasty here. If we know that the late emperor was insulted in this way, I am afraid that the public will be outraged and even affect the operations at the front. Therefore, we must block the news and not let the people know about the front.

We must also strictly investigate the spies sent by the old evil to spread rumors and shake people's hearts in our place."

Qiu'er said with a smile: "Since Yao Yi's defeat, not even half of the spies have been left. Probably these spies also know that there is no foreign aid, and they dare not move. Previously, I was worried about the enemy's sneak attack, so there were many people between us and His Majesty.

Sentries, on the road where Yao Yi came for a sneak attack last time, there was a sentry every ten steps. If there is any disturbance, we all know that there has been no enemy attack in the past three days, so Yao Chang must really not dare to come."

Mao Qingqiu breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, although I am most worried about this, maybe I overestimated Yao Laoxie. At the critical moment, he still needs 20,000 fine knights to protect his life and dare not move lightly. After all, we

There was also an ambush, and my son suffered a loss, but he himself did not dare to attack again."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, a messenger rushed over in a hurry. He was sweating through his clothes and lost his mind. He rushed to the distance of five steps in front of Mao Qingqiu, and was directly pushed to the ground by two or three close guards.

Even the strong smell of body odor was pungent, causing Mao Qingqiu, who loved cleanliness very much, to frown slightly.

Qiu'er suddenly drew out his long sword and put it on the man's neck. His eyes widened and he said, "What is the purpose of such an unruly messenger? What does he want to do when he rushes into the Queen?"

The voice of the messenger was trembling: "Queen, it's a big deal, it's a big deal, the Qiang thieves, the Qiang thieves, a large number of cavalry, suddenly, suddenly burst out from the Long Mountain in the north, covering the mountains and plains, innumerable, innumerable!"

Mao Qingqiu took a step back in shock, then immediately stepped forward, grabbed the man's collar, and said loudly: "Can you see clearly, it is in the direction of Longshan? How could the Qiang thieves come here across the mountains?

Are there any cavalry?”

The eyes of the messenger soldier were weeping: "It's absolutely true, they are Qiang thieves. They kill everyone along the way. Most of the hundreds of thousands of people settled in the Longshan area were killed. The remaining

, the rest are all in..."

Mao Qingqiu let go of her hand. She saw that a large amount of smoke and dust had risen in the north. As far as the eye could see, thousands of people were rushing towards here, carrying packages on their backs and holding their children in their arms, crying and fighting.

Qiu'er's eyes widened: "Miss, now, what should we do now? Should we close the city gate immediately for defense?"

Mao Qingqiu gritted her teeth and rushed to the wall of Beicheng. All the people around her, including the messenger, also followed. She saw that there were thirty or forty thousand people coming to the plain in the north, densely packed, but they

Behind him, not a single Qiang cavalry could be seen in a radius of about ten miles.

Mao Qingqiu turned around and looked at the messenger: "What's going on? Why didn't the Qiang thieves come?"

The messenger wiped the sweat from his face and said, "I see, I see that those Qiang thieves are killing people and dismounting to rob people of their property and population, but they have not kept coming here."

Mao Qingqiu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's it. Those are probably not Qiang thieves, but the Huns who broke out in the Hetao Grassland. I heard that Liu Weichen was killed by Tuoba Gui a few days ago and his men broke up. They may have lost control.

The Xiongnu cavalry have crossed Longshan Mountain and are plundering everywhere."

Qiu'er and the surrounding sergeants also breathed a sigh of relief. A tall and thick black man was none other than Qin Army General Xie Qing, who was also Fu Deng's guard captain. He had personally shot Yao Chang in previous battles.

To win the third army, he laughed, patted the armor on his chest, there was a sound, and said in a deep voice: "Queen, don't worry, if it is a Xiongnu horseman, it is not difficult to deal with it, please let me lead three thousand men to attack, we will definitely be able to do it"

Defeat them and take back the people who were plundered."

Mao Qingqiu shook his head: "No need, this is the important place of Cangcheng. The priority is to protect Cangcheng. These Xiongnu barbarians will have many opportunities to take revenge in the future, but don't go too far from the city now. If Yao Laoxie comes to attack, it will be in trouble."

, issued an order, opened the city gate, received the fleeing people, distributed food and water to them, and temporarily resettled them in the open space in the city."

Xie Qing's face changed: "No, Queen, if all these tens of thousands of people come here, I'm afraid there will be chaos. You also know that Cangcheng is important. Even if they are outside the city, they cannot come in."

Queen Mao sighed: "Look at the eyes of these people. They are full of fear and sadness. They have just been attacked by the Huns cavalry and lost their families. They are so sad that they come to us. If we close the door to them at this time,

It is tantamount to abandoning them, which will make them sad and hate them for the rest of their lives. And what will other people think of me, Da Qin, and Your Majesty in the future? General Xiu, people's hearts are the most important. Once lost, it will be difficult to get it back."

Speaking of this, she said quietly: "Back then, my late father was killed by thieves. I was young and was displaced like these refugees now. General Xie, please don't let the tragedy of mine happen again. Okay.



This chapter has been completed!
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