Chapter 1591: The Peerless Old Evil True Movie King

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 Yao Chang sneered: "Do you know what your crime is?"

Yao Yi hurriedly said: "My son was greedy for power and wanted to take the Dajie Fort directly, but he didn't notice that Fu Deng on one side had already ambushed him, and he attacked Mao who was guarding the fort. Our army's retreat was cut off, and the casualties were incalculable.

, If not, if I didn’t come back to report to my father, I should have died there in the battle. Now that my father has learned about the situation of the battle, I have no regrets. I also ask my father to take good care of my family.


As he spoke, he gritted his teeth, pulled out a dagger, and was about to stab himself.

All the generals in the tent, led by Prince Yao Xing, knelt down collectively and said loudly: "Your Majesty, please have mercy and forgive General Yao this time."

Yao Chang suddenly laughed: "Yao Yi, what are you doing? Victory and defeat are common matters for military strategists. If you lose a battle, you have to die. My father was also defeated in front of Fu Deng, and even

If you were hit by an arrow, would you have to commit suicide?"

Yao Yi was stunned on the spot and said in surprise: "Father, you, you are..."

Yao Chang put away his smile and his eyes became sinister and sharp: "I asked you to lead 20,000 infantry to attack the enemy's camp. I was asking you to die. Fu Deng has always been mature and prudent, how could he leave the camp alone?

What I want to test is whether there is really a granary for the enemy in Dajie Fort. The other thing is to make Fu Deng proud of his victory. Most of his subordinates are barbarians. After the victory, it will only force Fu Deng to go further.

If we advance forward, we wish we could invade Chang'an right away. If we don't lose for a while, how can we get Fu Deng to come obediently?"

Yao Xing stood up immediately: "Father, do you mean to lure the enemy to come and prepare to set up an ambush and destroy him?"

Yao Chang shook his head: "Fu Deng's troops are all elites who have fought in hundreds of battles. This time they came to take advantage of the victory. It is very difficult to plan and destroy them. However, Yi'er discovered one thing in this battle. All the enemy's baggage

, the families of the soldiers all stayed at the Dajie Fort in the rear. Fu Deng's soldiers had become accustomed to eating millet in the past two years and stopped eating human flesh. If they were allowed to eat human flesh again, they would probably roast Fu Deng first. Therefore,

As long as the Great Boundary Fort is taken away, even if Fu Deng's 100,000 troops on the front line are defeated, they will be defeated overnight."

Next to Yao Chang, Yin Wei, who was dressed as a civil servant and counselor, smiled slightly: "And Fu Deng never thought that we could cross the Longshan Secret Road and attack the Great Boundary Fort. Your Majesty, it is time to activate the Longshan Secret Road."

Yao Xing opened his eyes wide in surprise: "Longshan secret road?"

Yao Chang and Yin Wei looked at each other and smiled: "Yes, it was when I was in Yinmi that I asked Yin Shangshu (Yin Weiguan to be the Shangshu of the Later Qin Dynasty) to secretly discover the prisoners of the former Qin Dynasty in Xinping and dig them in the secret valley of Longshan Mountain.

There is a secret road that goes through the mountainside and can be used by cavalry, but because it was built in the mountainside, it is difficult for outsiders to know. Afterwards, more than 5,000 prisoners were all silenced, and no one leaked the news. "

Yao Xing said in surprise: "Prisoners of Xinping? But wasn't Xinping massacred? Could it be..."

Yao Chang sneered and said: "Everyone in the world thought that I massacred the city of Xinping, but they didn't expect that I secretly kept five thousand men. They were pushed into mass graves by me and died once, so I gave them a chance to live and I was willing to do anything."

The thing is, I only let them live for two more years. It’s for today’s battle.”

Everyone knew what a vicious and cold-blooded scumbag Yao Chang was, but they didn't expect that he had once again broken through the lower limit. While everyone was trembling, they said in unison: "Your Majesty has a deep conspiracy, I can't wait any longer."

Yao Chang turned his head and looked at the half-human-tall statue carved from agarwood behind him. The face was lifelike. It was the statue of Fu Jian. He suddenly bowed deeply to the statue. When he stood up, he had already

Her eyes sparkled with tears: "Your Majesty, it was not me who harmed you, but my brother Yao Xiang. When you were the general of the former Qin Dynasty, you personally led the troops to intercept and kill my brother. My brother has been kind to me since I was a child. I

I am killing you to avenge my brother, please understand this."

Everyone was confused. Monk Zhang Er was confused. The fierce general Yao Guo'er whispered to Yin Wei: "Your Majesty suddenly wants to erect an elephant and pray for Fu Jian. This is..."

Yin Wei smiled slightly: "These are for Fu Deng to see. He thinks that your Majesty is in chaos, so he will feel contempt for you. The whole army will come, and then what your Majesty will do is to anger him."

Before he finished speaking, Yao Chang suddenly drew out his long sword and chopped off the head of Fu Jian's idol with one strike: "Hmph, Fu Jian, you have been riding on my head for too long, and our Yao Qiang tribe has all

I am an upright man, how can I allow you to keep bullying me? Do you think I have to be grateful for giving me a small favor? Now that you died in my hands while you were alive, do you think I will need your blessing after you die? You really have the ability.

You just took my life, why wait until now? I just want to see how you can protect Fu Deng's son and go against me."

When he turned around, his face had become gloomy and terrifying, with a murderous look on his face, and his voice was also gloomy and terrifying: "Send the order, dig out Fu Jian's body for me, and wait for Fu Deng's army to come and whip him in front of the two military camps."

Three hundred corpses were buried, and then the corpses were wrapped with thorns to treat them like traitors. They were hastily covered up so that all the former Qin sergeants on the other side could see them clearly. Yi'er, didn't you say you wanted to atone for your sins?

Made for you!"

Yao Xing's eyes widened: "Father, humiliating the corpse like this is too irritating to the puppet Qin sergeants on the opposite side. If you lead the main attack and are not in the camp, if they take the opportunity to attack the camp, how can our army resist it?"

Yao Chang sighed, turned to face a thin old man in his sixties who was standing aside and said, "Old Lei, what do you think?"

This Qiang general was none other than Lei Eidi, the leader of the Lei tribe. Among the Qiang, he was regarded as a resourceful and wise man. He had rebelled against Yao Chang a while ago and was defeated and surrendered. Yao Chang treated him as before.

He did not shy away from the military aircraft. He had been watching from the sidelines just now. It was not until Yao Chang asked about him that he sighed: "Your Highness, only if you act like your Majesty, the puppet Qin will not attack."

"Although the pseudo-Qin Emperor Fu Deng was arrogant, he was not without a plan. If our army deliberately humiliated Fu Jian's corpse, his subordinates would be furious and demand a strong attack. However, he would definitely think that our army had set an ambush in the camp, and His Majesty

If he doesn't show up, he will think that His Majesty is hiding in the camp on purpose to gain money from him. The more this is the case, the more he will hesitate and will not storm our camp for at least a few days. When he knows the true nature of our army, Your Majesty will

The surprise attack force that came out of Longshan's secret passage will have succeeded. By then, Fu Deng's army will be so distraught that it will be impossible for them to attack again. Our army will attack from the front and back and will surely destroy them all!"

Yao Chang nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, Lao Lei, you stay here and assist the prince. You are not allowed to take the initiative to fight within five days. I will give Fu Deng a gift that he will never forget!"


This chapter has been completed!
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