Chapter 1590 The Queen Guards the Base Camp

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Mao Qiuqing stretched out her hand, gently picked up Fu Deng's powerful hand, and said softly: "I know, Adeng, you have tried your best. We are human beings, and we are loyal people who want to avenge the late emperor. Naturally, we cannot

You will always be like a wild beast, feeding on human flesh. If you continue fighting like that, I'm afraid you, Aden, will follow in my footsteps and be killed by your subordinates."

"So, for more than a year, we have stationed troops in Longyou without taking the initiative to resume production and collect military rations. This is how we have 500,000 shi of grain and grass storage in our Dajie Fort today, and only then we have 100,000 shi here.

We even sacrificed General Xu for this. Although I am very sad, I know that it is worth it and necessary."

Fu Deng sighed: "I will definitely avenge the blood feud between General Xu's family and his subordinates with the blood of the Qiang thieves, but since you understand my approach, why are you still frowning? Five days

We made a plan before and pretended to go on an expedition, but we ambushed nearby. As expected, Yao Chang sent his son Yao Chong to attack with 30,000 fine cavalry. We attacked from both sides and defeated him in one fell swoop. Yao Chong retreated alone, and his subordinates captured and killed two of them.

With more than 10,000 people, the Yao thief's vitality has been severely damaged. Now we are retreating to Hukong Fort. Our army is in great momentum and can defeat the enemy in one fell swoop. If we then advance to Chang'an, the late Emperor's great hatred will finally be avenged. We have fought hard for many years and finally have the results.


At this point, Fu Deng also became excited, and his eyes began to shine.

Mao Qiuqing's brows were still deeply furrowed, and Fu Deng's smile gradually faded. He turned to the generals behind him and said, "Everyone returns to the army and assembles to set off. I'll have a word with the Queen and will come back later."

The generals made a military salute and then retreated. Soon the emperor and his wife were the only ones left on the city wall. Mao Qiuqing looked at the generals who came down from the city tower and sighed: "Although Yao Chong was defeated, Yao Laoxie (Fu Deng named Yao Chang)

His nickname, which means the most evil person in the world) still has strength. Not long ago, he captured Liu Weichen's 20,000 troops in Hetao, but this time Yao Chong's attack was mostly infantry.

The cavalry is the one, so I'm afraid that Lao Xie still has some backup plans. If he sends Yao Chong to his death first, causing our army to be careless, and then sends fine cavalry to attack, I'm afraid we will be in danger."

Fu Deng shook his head: "Yao Laoxie has always been cautious. He would not dare to use the main cavalry unless he had an absolute advantage. His best method is to set up camp and hold a stalemate. This time our army won a new victory and won consecutive battles. Lao Xie was anxious.

He even buried the late emperor's body with royal rites, kept a memorial tablet of the late emperor in the army, and prayed every day. Humph, it was both shameless and stupid. He killed the late emperor with his own hands. How could the late emperor give him good fortune and luck?

Even if the late emperor really showed up, he should have struck the beast with lightning. Now he is in chaos, and his sneak attack on our army's granary has failed. He has 10,000 or 20,000 cavalry left, which is his final capital for a decisive battle. Lend him ten courages.

, and I don’t dare to come again for sneak attacks.”

Mao Qiuqing sighed: "Having said that, Lao Xie mostly uses deception and can't attack over long distances. Last year, when he put down the rebellion in Leihe, he quickly used cavalry to attack and defeated the enemy at the beginning of their gathering.

, after the defeat of Leihedi and the death of General Xu, many powerful people in Guanzhong who originally turned to us changed their stance and started to wait and see again. We now know almost nothing about the situation at Yao Laoxie and rashly attack

, is not the best choice, it is better to fight steadily, while advancing, while recruiting and surrendering all the heroes in Guanzhong. Liu Weichen was recently attacked by Tuoba Gui, and the old evil has cut off the foreign aid from the grassland. It is not detrimental to our army to drag it down. "

Fu Deng frowned, looked around, and whispered: "Qiu Qing, don't I know your proposal? Most of the tribes in Longyou who follow us are barbarians, fierce and violent. Back then, I

We raised the army in the name of revenge for the late emperor, but your late father didn't do the same. If the war continues and we cannot win, these people will become disloyal and even betray me and surrender to the enemy. Now that our army has won a new victory, the morale of the tribes is high.

, they want to attack Chang'an and make a fortune. If they don't comply with their ideas, they may be directly defeated or even surrender to the enemy. Do you want your father's tragedy to happen again to your husband?"

Mao Qingqiu suddenly squeezed Fu Deng's hand and said in a voiceless voice: "Of course not, I, even if I try my best, I can't let you end up like adults."

Fu Deng sighed: "So, I can only move forward and cannot stay. It is because I am not confident about the rear that I leave you here. The families of the generals on the front line and the clansmen of the soldiers are also gathered here."

In this Great Boundary Fortress, it can be said that this place is not only our granary, but also the foundation of the entire army. It is extremely important. I will not stay here unless I have the most trustworthy people."

Mao Qingqiu gritted his teeth: "I will definitely defend this place with my life. Although there are a lot of five thousand defenders, most of them are warehouse troops with average combat strength. I hope you can give me another five thousand elite soldiers and ten thousand horses.

, I should be able to withstand Yao Laoxie’s attack.”

Fu Deng curled his lips and said: "Our frontline troops are not as numerous as Laoxie's. If I give you another five thousand troops, I'm afraid the frontline won't be able to withstand it. Let's do this, two thousand troops. I'll keep the Chinese Guards.

This is the only thing I can do. If Yao Laoxie comes, you must not fight with him, close the city gate tightly, and let me know with smoke. I will definitely come to the rescue within two days. As long as you can hold on for two days,

God, victory is ours."

Mao Qingqiu frowned: "The Great Boundary Fort is too small. The city is full of food, but outside the city, there are more than 100,000 people. If I close the city for defense, what will happen to the people outside the city? Who will protect them?"

Fu Deng gritted his teeth: "If this really happens, we can only protect the food and grass first. As for the people outside the city, just ask for their own blessings. Moreover, although we have harvested a lot of food and grass, we can't feed too many people."

People, do you understand what I mean?"

Mao Qingqiu's expression changed, and just as he was about to speak, Fu Deng took out his hand, turned around, and his figure disappeared from the corridor of the tower: "Qingqiu, I leave this place to you, I believe you won't let me


Mao Qingqiu was speechless. After a long while, she raised her head to look at the floating clouds in the sky and murmured: "Heaven, please protect Daqin and help us eliminate Yao Laoxie."

Hukong Fort, the camp of the Later Qin Dynasty.

Yao Chang, who had a white beard and a goatee, with blood-red eyes, looked at a young man with disheveled hair kneeling in front of him, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Where is your army, where is your cavalry?"

The man on the ground was Yao Yi who he sent to attack the Great Boundary Fort. Yao Yi at this moment was in sharp contrast to the arrogant him usually. He kept kowtowing and said: "I am incompetent.

Please punish me, Father. Please punish me, Father."


This chapter has been completed!
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