Chapter 3117: Stealing food, maiming and killing people is tragic.

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Guanggu, Chengtou.

Hu Jie is lingering, accompanied by the melodious sound of the Morin Qin, it is the "Song of Aqian". Many soldiers of the Yan Army are softly responding. About two miles outside the city, there is a circle around the city, two feet high.

The long siege, the flags behind the siege were fluttering, and groups of Jin troops holding halberds and bows walked past the siege, while the aroma of various barbecues and rice floated along the wind and spread into the city, which would attract people from time to time.

The stomach growls of the soldiers who came to guard the city, but if you look closely, you will see that those still standing on guard at the top of the city are often scarecrows wearing armor, while the living people are shaped like skeletons, sitting or lying on the towers in twos and threes.

Go up, looking longingly at the direction where the aroma of meat rice is coming from outside the city, chewing slightly as if you are nibbling these delicacies.

Murong Lan was wearing leather armor and a high ponytail. She was sitting alone at the top of a secluded city. Her beautiful eyes were shining with light as she looked at the Jin camp in the distance. Her face was full of exhaustion and haggard.

, and compared with a few months ago, the whole person has lost more than a circle, and Ruxue's skin has also turned into a brown color. Obviously, this is the result of hunger and fatigue.

A female soldier came up with a wooden tray. On it was a taro and half a scone. There were countless sesame seeds sprinkled on the pancake. The female soldier said softly: "Princess Lan, it's time for you to eat."

Murong Lan turned her head and glanced at the female soldier. She was as skinny as a stick, and her eyes were protruding from the sockets. She looked like she hadn't eaten for several days. Murong Lan sighed softly: "Shiliduo, you have eaten today."


Shiliduo lowered her head and whispered: "Princess Lan, I have eaten. You don't need to worry about me, just eat quickly."

Murong Lan shook her head: "Did you share your food with your mother-in-law and daughter?"

Tears began to fill Shiliduo's eyes: "I really can't hide anything from you, Princess Lan. After my Aliba died in the last battle, I was the only one in the family who could get enough rations. Since a month ago,

Some time ago, after the Imperial Master announced that he would no longer provide food for the people, I and our family of three could only rely on my small rations. If Princess Lan hadn't been kind enough to share the food with me several times, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that our family would have already

All starved to death."

Speaking of this, tears flowed down in her eyes unconsciously.

Murong Lan said calmly: "You can take these foods home and eat them, and give little Duoduo some more."

Shiliduo was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "No, it can't be like this. Princess Lan, you haven't eaten for a whole day. How noble you are, how could you..."

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "It's okay. I am also a mother. I can understand what you are like now. Go ahead and don't starve the child."

Shiliduo gritted her teeth, knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Murong Lan a few times, turned around, took the wooden plate and ran down the tower.

A tall black figure stood behind Murong Lan at some point. The eyes behind the ghost face were shining, and the cold and stern voice in the black robe echoed in Murong Lan's ears: "Do you think you are Guanyin Bodhisattva?

I just gave birth to a baby for two months, and I don’t eat or drink like this. If you continue like this, you won’t even have milk. Is it worth it if you save other people’s babies but may starve to death your own?”

Murong Lan didn't even look back, and said coldly: "Isn't this everything you want? There are corpses everywhere outside the city, and starving people everywhere inside the city. So many people's lives are just for your unrealistic ten thousand years of peace.

, once everyone dies, there will naturally be peace, right?"

The black robe sighed softly: "Alan, how long has it been? Do you still want to be angry with me? You also know that this battle was fierce. So many people died in the Jin army under the city. Even Liu Yu

It is impossible to stop their murderous intentions. If they are allowed to attack the city, no one will survive."

Murong Lan stood up with difficulty, and the black robe reached out to help her, but she shook it off hard: "If you still have some humanity, just leave Guanggu. Anyway, you have the bright moon flying Gu, and you can use it at night

Leave, no one can stop you, only if you leave can we discuss a solution with the Jin army!"

The face of the black robe changed, he withdrew his hand, and said coldly: "How long has it been, and you still think that surrendering to the Jin army can save yourself? To tell you the truth, you are just daydreaming. There are more difficult battles than this.

I have also fought. I remember that in Thorn City, we had three thousand defenders, but we were able to defeat Shi Hu's army of hundreds of thousands. We relied on the belief that everyone would die if they avenged themselves."

Murong Lan gritted his teeth: "That was to protect the last homeland, to protect the place where our ancestors have lived. Can it be the same as this time? We can obviously talk about peace, but we have to persist until now for your ambition? Are you protecting the clan?

People? Hundreds of them starve to death every day and even become food for their compatriots. How can you bear to see these situations?!"

The black robe shook his head, handed Murong Lan a piece of cake, and said, "Take it and eat it."

Murong Lan looked at the cake, her eyes sparkling. She instinctively wanted to reject it, but this time, it was so difficult for her to stick to her idea. Her hands were shaking slightly, showing her fierce heart at this time.


The black robe smiled slightly: "For your little righteousness, shouldn't you eat this cake first so that you can survive? Does your hatred of me exceed your love for your son?"

Murong Lan closed her eyes, grabbed the cake, and wolfed it down. As she ate, she said bitterly: "As expected, you still hid the food, but you just refused to take it out and distribute it to the soldiers and civilians in the city."

The black robe said calmly: "We are defending the city, that's it. Food is more precious than gold and can only be given to those who are useful. As for those women and children who are useless to the battle, it is not worth wasting the food. What do you think about that female soldier and

Her family is a useless pity."

Murong Lan gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "I am a human being, not you. I still have humanity. I don't think it is useless mercy to be able to save a woman's whole family."

The black robe shook his head: "On the contrary, you harmed her!"

With a finger, Murong Lan glanced over and heard a scream. On the street about 300 steps below the city wall, Shiliduo, who was walking quickly with a wooden tray, was surrounded by three or two shadows.

Suddenly, she fell to the ground with just one click. The wooden plate fell to the ground. The half cake and a taro fell to the ground, covered with dust. The few people who attacked Sili Ma were like hungry dogs.

They pounced on the food like food. On the street that was quiet just now, more than ten black shadows suddenly appeared in the corners on both sides, running towards the food, with swords and swords flashing, accompanied by screams.

Murong Lan roared angrily: "You bastard, you actually kill people and rob for food in the street!"

This chapter has been completed!
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