Chapter 3116: Its difficult to move forward and retreat when thinking about old feelings

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Liu Yu laughed: "If Brother Mengniu comes to protect you, I won't have any worries. Let's do this. I will add insurance for you and let Da Zhuang protect you too. One inside and one outside, Mengniu faces each other.

Guanggu City, while Dazhuang is patrolling here in Changwei, so that everything will be safe."

Wang Miaoyin's beautiful eyes glanced back and forth on Liu Yu's face, but he hesitated to speak.

Liu Muzhi shook his head gently: "Okay, you continue to chat, I will prepare for the city tour. Jinu, you and Miaoyin have decided on tomorrow's affairs early. Let me know if you need me to do anything."

As he spoke, he stood up and walked out of the tent.

There were only two people left in the tent. Wang Miaoyin's eyes flashed with a trace of sadness: "Brother Yu, do you know what I want to say?"

Liu Yu felt sad in his heart and said: "Even Fatty saw it and left. What you want to tell me should be about Alan."

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth: "How many more people do you want to sacrifice? What are you waiting for?"

Liu Yu frowned deeply: "The long siege and defense of Guanggu is not just for her, but more to reduce casualties. I made it clear to you last time."

Wang Miaoyin sneered and said: "Your statement can only deceive others, but there is no need for me. In the attack on the city a few months ago, our army lost more than 20,000, but the bows and arrows at the top of the city were no longer enough, and we

Her catapult has also begun to suppress the counterattack at the top of the city. If she hadn't boarded the top of the city and commanded the battle, how could you have been willing to stop like this?"

The corners of Liu Yu's mouth twitched slightly, and he lowered his head, speechless.

Wang Miaoyin's eyebrows stood up: "Liu Yu, this is war. This is a life-and-death war. It is a war in which tens of millions of people fight for their lives. There is no room for any personal feelings. There are some things I don't want to say, but today, I must

Say, Wuji has already died because of your delay and old love. How many more people do you want to die? Do you want Murong Lan to stop your army of 100,000 people by himself, until the demon thieves conquer Jiankang, and until they are destroyed?

Dajin, destroy all our relatives, then you will be satisfied!"

Liu Yu shook his head in pain: "Stop talking, please stop talking."

Wang Miaoyin suddenly stood up, rushed to Liu Yu, and said loudly: "No one can say these words to you, and no one dares to say them to you, because they are your subordinates and they don't know what's going on.

The stakes are high, but I know that you want to protect Murong Lan, but because of her existence, Guanggu cannot be attacked for a long time. As long as she goes to defend the city, you will not be ruthless, unable to kill, and dare not use catapults to attack

Chengtou. You're afraid of hurting her, Liu Yu, you call yourself a hero, can't you get through this relationship?"

Liu Yu's eyes were sparkling with tears, and his lips were trembling slightly: "But she, but she is mine after all, she is mine..."

Wang Miaoyin said in a deep voice: "Yes, she is your wife, your companion and comrade for decades, and the woman you cannot let go of. But she is also the eldest princess of the Yan Kingdom, a general of Xianbei, and yours."

Enemy! You have sacrificed thousands of people for her alone. Up to now, the situation in Dajin is deteriorating every moment. Maybe the next report I will receive tomorrow will be the battle report of Liu Yi.

The thief goes straight to Jiankang. You think that building a long rotation can slowly trap the demon thief to death, but haven't you ever thought that there is more than one Guanggu in the world?"

Liu Yu raised his head and looked directly at Wang Miaoyin: "Miaoyin, if you were at the top of the city, I would not be able to do anything. I would not risk your life just to attack the city. Please don't doubt this."

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "Even if I'm at the top of the city, you can't hesitate at all. I wish you could control the trebuchet to smash me to death, so that I can be free from worries. This is the best ending for me. You

Don’t you think Murong Lan thinks this way? Your status has destined everything today. Being able to die in the hands of the person you love most is a kind of happiness and a kind of relief. Only in this way can the family and the country be harmonious.


Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I understand this, but I..."

Wang Miaoyin stepped forward again, picked up Liu Yu's wrist, her almond-shaped eyes widened, and looked directly at Liu Yu's face: "If God is destined that Murong Lan will not survive this time, it will be useless for you to besiege for a long time and break the city.

At that time, she will definitely commit suicide, or the black robe will kill her. If you really want to save her, you can only have a chance to save her if you succeed in attacking quickly and attack the city. Do you understand?!"

Liu Yu raised his eyebrows: "As of now, there is no other way. Don't worry, I will put aside all my thoughts tomorrow and give full command. If the Yan army really goes out of the city to counterattack and wants to rob people, then I will...


Wang Miaoyin said coldly: "Do you finally understand why I personally led Zhang Gang to patrol the city? I am a bait to lure the Yan army out of the city to rob. If you have a chance to destroy the Yan army's cavalry outside the city,

That will be of great benefit to your siege."

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "So I haven't decided yet whether I want to allow you to go. It's too dangerous for you. The Yan army's cavalry is extremely fast. With a distance of 300 steps, I may not be able to send troops to rescue you in time!"

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "I don't need your rescue. If the Yan army leaves the city, I want you to send out your elite infantry and cavalry to directly flank the enemy's cavalry leaving the city. As long as the battle can start outside the city, we will have the opportunity to invade the city."

Of course, the enemy still has the possibility of attacking through the tunnel, which requires you to also send troops to attack from within the long encirclement."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Have you really decided to do this? Why can't you send a substitute instead of taking the risk yourself?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled miserably: "If I don't go in person, are you willing to attack the city? Is it only if I get injured or even die that you are willing to make this determination?!"

Liu Yu grabbed Wang Miaoyin's bare hand and said loudly: "No, I don't want this, I can't let you go!"

Wang Miaoyin gritted her teeth, took out her bare hand, and took two steps back: "Liu Yu, the cavalry general of the Jin Dynasty, please pay attention to your identity. I am the queen of the Jin Dynasty. You can't be rude to me!"

Liu Yu bit his lip and looked at Wang Miaoyin: "Miaoyin, don't do this. I, I promise you, I won't be soft-hearted and I will attack the city with all my strength."

Wang Miaoyin turned around, a tear slipped from her eyes, and her voice came faintly: "Liu Yu, remember your identity, remember your responsibility, remember your duty, tomorrow, we will all

We must fulfill our responsibilities and our duties. The love, hatred and hatred between you, me and her cannot be higher than the lives of thousands of soldiers, nor the country of Jin Dynasty. The same is true for her.


When she said this, she strode out. The tent door opened and closed, and the light and shadow suddenly became brighter and darker. Liu Yu closed his eyes and murmured to himself: "Alan, forgive me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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