Chapter 4802: Divide the troops to block and pursue.

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When Li Nanfeng said this, he stopped talking to Taoist Songfeng and turned around to leave. As he rode his horse, he asked the messengers around him to quickly give orders. Soon, more than two thousand people followed the infantry formation.

The Tianshi Dao infantry quickly dropped the box in their hands and threw it on the spot, then quickly turned around and ran towards the rear. The running speed was much faster than the marching speed before they came.

Taoist Songfeng slapped the saddle bitterly. A small Qiang Di man, in his thirties, of medium height, with two mustaches, was none other than Dong Bushi, a chief who had been left by Qi Qianli to command the infantry. He ran to Taoist Songfeng.

In front of him, he said: "Brother Songfeng, what should we do now? These disciples of Tianshi Dao have all run away."

Taoist Songfeng gritted his teeth: "We have no other choice, Old Dong, quickly gather these luggage boxes and form a circular array. Pile the boxes on the front and sides to form a temporary formation."

Dong Bushi's eyes widened: "Why is this? Are we going to stay here and defend ourselves to buy time for Li Nanfeng and the others to escape?"

Taoist Songfeng shook his head: "No, this time, we are not buying time for them, but insisting on our own survival. I think we have a better chance of staying here than running away."

Dong Bushi stared in confusion, not knowing why. Taoist Songfeng sighed: "The Jin army has cavalry, and they are very fast. If they pursue them all the way now, the five hundred steps we have to run back will become our

The road to death."

Speaking of this, Taoist Songfeng pointed to the battlefield in front and said in a deep voice: "Qi Qianli led more than 500 cavalry to pursue them. There were more than 400 cavalry who rushed here. They set up an ambush for the Jin army to encircle and annihilate them. They first attacked with bows and arrows.

Then we used the cavalry to flank us, and finally surrounded us. Not even a few of us escaped. With such attack speed and ability, do you think we can escape if we run all the way?"

Dong Bushi nodded thoughtfully and said: "Yes, in less than a moment of our march, more than five hundred of our cavalry were destroyed like this. It's terrible. How can these Jin troops be so strong? They are

Where did it come from?"

Taoist Songfeng gritted his teeth: "It seems that the Jin army has arrived with reinforcements from other places. Our battle is going to be in trouble. It is not only difficult for the rear army to destroy the Jin army, but I am afraid that there will also be Jin troops in the direction of the central army."

The reinforcements have arrived. In this battle, we should no longer expect victory. We should try our best to preserve ourselves. You are all my brothers of life and death and my direct subordinates. I will definitely not watch you die like this."

Tears welled up in Dong Bushi's eyes: "Brother Songfeng, you are really our savior. Tell us, what do you want us to do, how do you want us to fight?"

Taoist Songfeng said solemnly: "I'm afraid the Jin army's cavalry will pursue Li Nanfeng and the others. We will form a defensive formation here. If the Jin army's infantry rushes up, we will use these obstacles to stand firm and wait for reinforcements. If the Jin army's infantry does not

If there are more, then we can use the terrain to look for fighters and find opportunities to stand out!"

Dong Bushi gritted his teeth: "I listen to you, Brother Songfeng, we will set up defenses now."

Taoist Songfeng nodded: "Well, stay behind these baggage boxes and form a circular formation. Soon the infantry of the Jin army will come up. Let's take a look at their strength first. In just one sentence, if you hold on firmly, there will be a solution!"

Jin army, rear army, and Li Nanfeng's troops.

Li Nanfeng was sweating profusely, riding on his horse, waving the sword in his hand, and shouted to his subordinates: "Hurry up, hurry up, the only way to have a chance is to escape back to the defense line."

A deputy general named Huang Shangzhi rode up to Li Nanfeng's side. He looked at the two sides behind him. Three hundred steps away, two lines of smoke were separated by four hundred steps. From both sides of their formation, they were moving forward and had already crossed the line.

The Taoist Shoufeng troops, who were defending in place, pushing boxes, and forming a circular formation, chased after them as they were escaping.

Huang Shangzhi's voice was trembling: "Senior Brother Li, no, it's not good. The Jin army's cavalry didn't hit Taoist Songfeng and the others. They came to kill us."

Li Nanfeng wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced ahead. There were still about 350 steps away from the barren hill where they started. He gritted his teeth and said: "Ignore him, we keep running. As long as we get up the hill,

The cavalry can't destroy us. This guy, Taoist Songfeng, didn't take the initiative to intercept us or disband his troops and escape on his own. Now the Jin army just ignored him and charged towards us."

Huang Shangzhi said solemnly: "Just by running like this, I'm afraid we can't outrun the Jin army. Brother Li, if I leave five hundred brothers to break up the rear, if the Jin army comes up, I will fight with him."

A hint of joy flashed across Li Nanfeng's face, and he grabbed Huang Shangzhi's hand and said, "Junior Brother Huang, don't be like this. If you stay, you will die. How can I bear it?!"

Huang Shangzhi gritted his teeth: "There is no way. All the disciples of the divine sect are willing to sacrifice their lives. I have been fortunate enough to follow Senior Brother Li through life and death for many years. I have already earned enough. Now I am the one who can stop the enemy's pursuit by staying here."

Glory, Senior Brother Li, you must go back and hold on firmly, Marshal Xu will definitely send reinforcements to save us!"

Li Nanfeng reached out and patted Huang Shangzhi's shoulder, saluted him, and then continued to ride his horse forward. Huang Shangzhi turned his horse's head and said loudly to the more than 500 swordsmen at the rear: "Left Brigade's

Disciple, come with me to slay demons and demons, the Heavenly Master is with us!"

As he spoke, he drew his sword, jumped off his horse, walked like everyone else, and rushed towards the Jin cavalry on one side.

Jin army, left wing cavalry.

In the smoke and dust, more than four hundred knights were galloping at full speed. The knights were almost half standing on the stirrups, running forward at full speed. Liu Zunkao was in the lead, staring closely at Li Nanfeng's troops in front, like a wolf staring at

Just like his prey, his eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes.

A guard next to him had sharp eyes. When he saw Huang Shangzhi's troops turning, he pounced on the Jin cavalry on the other side. He pointed out: "Brother Zunkao, the demon thieves left the army behind and attacked our right wing, Lin Huchen and the others.

We rushed over, what should we do now?”

Liu Zunkao gritted his teeth: "Send the order, let Lin Huchen attack the demon thieves with all his strength, and don't fight with them. In a place like this, the cavalry assaults the infantry, which is to take advantage of it, first release arrows, and then attack. These more than five hundred demons

A thief can be defeated in half a quarter of an hour."

At this point, Liu Zunkao's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He glared at Li Nanfeng's troops in front of him who were running away with all their strength, waved the halberd in his hand, and shouted sternly: "We continue to charge forward, regardless of these monsters and thieves behind us, Li Nanfeng's leader

Level is our goal, go for it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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