Chapter 4801: Attack again in one go

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Wang Jingjiu curled up his lips: "It's just a pity that there are too many corpses of men and horses in front, and we can't push these knife carts over. Then our infantry can only remove these knife plates and hold them in their hands to move forward.


Liu Zunkao nodded: "I have as many as eight hundred cavalry. They can move back to the enemy's rear position on both wings. I expect that when they see the battle ahead and know that the cavalry is completely destroyed, they will definitely be discouraged and dare not advance.

Either stay in place, but more likely, they will retreat backwards. As long as they move and there is no defense line, then our cavalry can attack on both sides when they move. When the enemy is in chaos, if your infantry

, then we can completely annihilate these traitors."

Wang Jingjiu laughed: "This is the best. If the enemy troops are arrayed on the same spot, then we will stand in front of them and shoot with bows and crossbows. The infantry of the demon thieves mostly use short weapons and do not have long soldiers. We are not worried about them.

Charge up and fight in formation. As soon as they move, your cavalry can attack."

Liu Zunkao smiled and said: "Very good, if they don't move and stick to their spot, you can use archers to shoot down their formation, and you can even keep some people to push these carts over again, and then install the blade again."

The car is being pushed forward."

Wang Jingjiu nodded: "Understood, it shouldn't be too late. Let's split up quickly. As long as you delay the demon thief for half a quarter of an hour, I will definitely arrive."

Without saying a word, Liu Zunkao turned around and galloped forward on his horse, shouting: "All the cavalry are in formation, return to both sides and advance in a roundabout way, and obey my orders!"

The Taoist Army of the Heavenly Master, the rear army.

Taoist Songfeng and Li Nanfeng froze on the spot at the same time. Three to four hundred steps away, the battlefield where the tragic killings had just ended appeared before their eyes. There were corpses everywhere, rivers of blood, and several horses hugging the necks of horses, feeling lost.

The remnants of the Qiang and Di cavalry were running towards them. It wasn't until a few infantrymen intercepted them with their guns drawn that they rolled off their saddles and dismounted. The leader of the group cried on the ground: "Little Ma Ning'er, have you seen this before?"

, I have met General Matsukaze."

Taoist Songfeng gritted his teeth and said, "What's going on ahead and where is General Qi?"

Ma Ning'er shook his head and said: "General Qi, General Qi has died in the battle. We pursued the Jin army's cavalry all the way. Unexpectedly, we were ambushed by them. They, they set up a sword and chariot formation here, and behind the formation there were

Thousands of Jin's infantry, flanked by at least two thousand Jin's cavalry, gave an order, and tens of thousands of arrows were fired. The Jin's cavalry on both sides began to attack. We, hundreds of our brothers, didn't even last a moment.

It’s all over!”

When he said this, he was heartbroken and scared, and he actually burst into tears.

Taoist Songfeng jumped off his horse, grabbed Ma Ning'er from the ground, and said loudly: "Are you serious? There are indeed thousands of Jin infantry behind you? Two thousand cavalry? How can there be so many people and horses? You have counted them.


Ma Ning'er was so frightened that she waved her hands repeatedly: "I, I haven't seen it with my own eyes behind the knife cart, but other brothers said that Qi Datou led hundreds of soldiers to rush past the knife cart. That cart, that cart has something

There were dozens of vehicles. After they rushed over, they were all destroyed in the blink of an eye. If there weren't thousands of Jin troops, how could this be possible?!"

Li Nanfeng said coldly: "There are two thousand Jin cavalry on the two wings, how did you know?"

This chapter has been completed!
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