Chapter 4804: Abandoning the rear guard and rushing to the front line

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Lin Huchen tightened his horse's reins and looked at Huang Shangzhi's troops from a distance at a position of about three hundred steps. At this time, they were no longer marching, but formed a hollow circular formation with a radius of about fifty steps.

Everyone was squatting on the ground, trying to reduce their height as much as possible. Obviously, without shields and obstacles for defense, their temporary defense line was already the best choice for field battles.

There was a sound of horses neighing, and it was Lin Huchen's younger brother Lin Huzi, who ran over with another group of cavalry. As he galloped towards him, he smiled and said: "Brother, it was really fun to kill today, facing the enemy back and forth like this."

When galloping, they can't hit or run away, it's easier than shooting at a target during training."

Lin Huchen nodded: "In this flat ground, the light infantry without any protection is completely powerless to fight back when we divide it into two teams, attack from the front and back, and shoot from the left and right, just like the infantry of our Da Jin Dynasty before.

, it was the same situation when we met Hu Qi on the northern plains, but they were even worse than us. They didn’t even have many archers, so they couldn’t shoot at each other.”

Lin Huzi laughed: "I think there are only more than a hundred archers, and we have wiped out about half of them just now. Otherwise, we can take advantage of the victory to pursue them, and use two more rounds of shooting to completely eliminate them."


Lin Huchen shook his head: "Second brother, don't underestimate the enemy. These demon thieves are currently stationed in a circular formation. It is not easy to shoot in this formation. Although dozens of their archers have died, their bows and arrows are still there.

It doesn’t mean that the remaining people can’t shoot arrows. If we imagine luring them into pursuit like we did just now, and then running left and right to shoot and kill them, I’m afraid it won’t be easy.”

Lin Huzi's face changed slightly: "What should we do? Do you want us to attack with force and break their formation?"

Lin Huchen's eyes narrowed slightly. He turned his head and saw that behind him, a thousand infantrymen of the Jin army were already holding up wooden shields with sword tips. Those were the blades on the blade carts.

It was ready-made and disassembled into each person's hands. The sergeants in the front row held such swords and shields, the back row were archers with finger bows and crossbows, and the ones behind them held halberds.

, a sergeant carrying a waist knife and a long sword. Obviously, this is an attacking and advancing formation. When encountering enemy infantry, the bows and crossbows will shoot first, and the halberdiers will come up behind. They are not worried about attacks from both wings.

Wang Jingjiu was wearing mail armor and walking at the front of the formation, with more than a dozen guards surrounding him for protection. Obviously, as the commander of this infantry regiment, he needed to maintain sufficient vision to respond and see the battle ahead.

, he waved his hand, and the entire team accelerated their march. Obviously, they were preparing to meet Lin Huchen's cavalry and join forces with them to eliminate these Tianshi Dao troops arrayed on the spot.

Lin Huchen glanced at the rear and murmured: "Wang Jingjiu's infantry regiment is less than 300 steps away from here and can arrive in half a quarter of an hour. The enemy's remnants are now afraid of the striking ability and mobility of our cavalry.

We dare not act rashly and can only form our formation on the spot. There is no need for us to waste time fighting them and leave them to Wang Jingjiu's men to destroy them. We are now passing a hundred steps away from their side. This distance,

They dare not fire arrows, and even if they fire arrows, they won't be able to hit us."

Lin Huzi curled his lips and said, "Isn't a hundred steps too close? These monster thieves are lightly armed troops and are very fast. If they suddenly rush out and fire arrows at a distance of about fifty steps, we will be in trouble."


Lin Huchen waved his hand: "If we pass by the flank at a distance of a hundred steps, they will definitely think that we are trying to lure us deliberately. As long as we still have bows and arrows in our hands, they will not dare to really charge forward, even if we charge.

When we come up, we can shoot them at full speed. If they leave the circular formation and shoot at us while running, they will not be able to take advantage. At most, if more than ten of us are killed, they will suffer fifty casualties.

Above, if it were you, would you fight like this?"

Lin Huzi grinned: "It's better to stay where we are. However, we will have to face the infantry brothers who are following us. Aren't we also going to be wiped out?"

Lin Huchen said solemnly: "At least we can survive for a little longer. We have defeated their prestige before and frightened them into fear. They stood firm in the circle formation and did not dare to come out. In fact, this army came out to break up the rear. They should be entangled at all costs, regardless of casualties."

It is only right for us to fight, but now we are on the defensive, which means that we have been frightened by the attack just now. Their purpose is to delay us, and our task is not to eliminate these hundreds of infantry behind them, but to defeat them.

Li Nanfeng’s troops.”

Lin Huzi looked into the distance. About three hundred steps away, Li Nanfeng's troops were speeding up to escape, and Liu Zunkao's cavalry behind them was less than a hundred steps away from their rearguard. The row of small soldiers in the grass in front

Qiu, there are still more than a hundred steps away from Li Nanfeng's forward. It seems that the surprise attack will happen before they rush back to the defense line. Lin Huchen smiled and said: "I think Brother Zunkao needs us more. Five hundred cavalry are going to make a surprise attack."

With more than 1,500 infantry, even if they don't have a good defense line, it will not be easy, but if we attack unexpectedly from another direction, we can defeat them in an instant."

Lin Huzi nodded repeatedly: "Brother, you are right, so what are we waiting for?" He said as he lowered his face.

Lin Huchen had a cold look in his eyes and said loudly: "The whole army listened to the order, bypassed the enemy formations in front, and went straight to the main enemy force further ahead. Send a signal to General Wang and the others, saying that we should take the first step, and the demon thief rear guard here will be handed over to

They deal with it, deal with it as soon as possible and come to the front to surround and annihilate the main force of the demon thieves!"

Tianshi Dao defender, circular formation.

Huang Shangzhi squatted on the ground silently, looking to the south. More than a hundred steps away, more than 300 Jin cavalrymen roared past. They all held strong bows and crossbows in their hands, pointing in their own direction, like a galloping column.

The train roared past outside the phalanx and went straight to the east.

One of the guards said bitterly: "Senior Brother Huang, why don't we rush out and fight them?"

Huang Shangzhi shook his head: "The enemy is cunning. This is probably their trick to lure the enemy. As long as we act rashly, they will destroy our attacking troops outside the formation. I hope they can go around to another direction and attack.

Our army's formation is such that we can take the initiative to open a gap and lure the enemy's cavalry into the center of our circular formation, and then attack from all sides to wipe out their troops in the formation. Only then will there be a turning point." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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