Chapter 4800: Annihilate all enemies and arrive again on horseback

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Poor Qi Qianli, the first arrow hit him directly in the face. The arrow passed through his entire head and burst out of his skull. At the last moment before death, he could even hear the bridge of his nose being hit.

There was a shattering sound, and then his eyes turned red and black. The moment he fell, he could feel that at least twenty arrows had been hit on his body, and it completely turned into a large target.

Falling to the sky.

The other Qiang Di sergeants were not much better. More than a hundred of them managed to get through the sword and chariot formation. They thought that with the enemy cavalry on both sides, they might be able to rush forward and kill the Jin army's archers.

, but they didn’t expect that the opponent’s troops were so large. Some people desperately wanted to rush forward, with the idea of ​​​​fighting for one to make up for it, fighting for two to earn one, but the maximum distance was only more than ten steps.

They were shot to the ground. More people turned around and wanted to run out of human instinct. However, they were crowded together and blocked by the knife cart behind them. How could they escape calmly backwards?

People kept falling to the ground after being hit by arrows. They fell one by one. Even the backs of the knife carts behind them were nailed with many arrow branches. The bodies of the people who fell to the ground became the bodies of others who wanted to escape.

Some people were hindered by others. Some people were stumbled to the ground by their companions who had been shot by arrows. Just as they were about to get up, new arrows hit their backs and heads, and they fell to the ground and died. Soon,

These Qiang Di dismounted sergeants became corpses on the ground. There were only three or four of them, dragging their wounded legs from the arrows, crawling on the ground, trying their best to climb over the knife cart on the opposite side. Just now, I wanted to rush in.

I really want to escape now, just in these three or four minutes!

A Qiang Di sergeant who was crawling hard on the ground finally managed to crawl over the ground covered with corpses. His whole body was soaked with blood. There was an arrow in each of his legs, even the left buttocks.

, was also stuck with a long arrow, which caused him to fall to the ground from the beginning and could only crawl. On the contrary, he had much better luck than other companions who ran away straight up and were shot in the back and died immediately.

Of the hundreds of warriors who had just rushed through the sword formation, he was the only one who crawled back behind the sword formation alive.

This guy named Yao Erwa has been saying to himself in his heart: "Erwa, survive, survive, crawl back, you can survive, come on!"

He kept talking to himself like this, which really made him crawl out of his mind. The corpses and the smell of blood everywhere finally became lighter. He wanted to jump up and celebrate loudly because he saw the horse's corpse.

, right in front of him, which finally convinced him that he had saved his life.

But before Yao Erwa had time to celebrate, he felt that the whole world seemed to have turned dark. The sunshine that was bright just now was blocked by something, and the earth was cast into a shadow. He raised his head with difficulty, but only saw a tall horse.

The tall horse stood tall, and the knight on the horse was wearing iron armor and holding a big halberd. He was definitely not a Qiang and Di cavalry, and the head of the halberd was still dripping with blood. Obviously, the halberd had penetrated and killed more than a dozen people.

A Qiang Di fellow.

Yao Erwa raised his hand with difficulty, wanting to beg for mercy, but when his words were still in his throat, he saw the knight on the horse reining in the horse, and the war horse stood upright with its hoofs facing his rear.

The back was stamped hard. At this moment, the nailed iron paws of this tall horse were mixed with flesh and earth, exuding the smell of death and blood. It was so terrifying and so real.

With a "click", the iron hoof chopped hard on Yao Erwa's back. He could hear the sound of his spine breaking, and he could also feel the explosion when his internal organs were being crushed. A mouthful of old blood,

Sprayed out from his mouth, he could even see the fragments of his own internal organs. Then came the second and third blows. He slowly closed his eyes. The physical pain and torture was finally over.

For Yao Erwa, it can even be said to be a relief.

After the sword formation, Wang Jingjiu looked at the corpses everywhere, waved his hand gently, and the halberd warriors behind him came out in formation and stepped forward. Among the corpses, there were still people twitching gently, and occasionally

There will be a few people making low groans and calls for help, but these infantrymen of the Jin army are merciless. No matter whether they are dead or alive, whether they make a sound or not, they will treat every body left underground ruthlessly.

A few halberds must be stabbed hard, especially on the throat and face, which are fatal places. Even the corpse with its back facing up must be turned over and given a throat-severing halberd to ensure death!

Liu Zunkao smiled slightly: "General Wang, I never thought that you sergeants from Wu would be so ruthless. How deep is your hatred for the enemy?"

Wang Jingjiu said calmly: "We must eradicate evil. These Qiang and Di barbarians are the thieves who have caused great harm to Jingzhou. Shitou Gothic has made it clear that no one will be left alive and must be killed. This way, these northern barbarians will not dare to harm us in the future."

Liu Zunkao nodded and pointed to the opposite side of the knife plate array. There were also constant screams, as well as the sound of the gun piercing the human body, and the sound of the horse's hoof trampling the human body.

With the sound of broken tendons, Liu Zunkao said: "Our brothers' joining forces this time can be said to be a match made in heaven. Where did you find these big carts, and you can actually set up a sword-and-plate cart formation? I originally thought that we would have to rely on both sides.

What about the cavalry raid?"

Wang Jingjiu laughed: "It happened that we were in the rear when we were marching, and we had to push the baggage carts forward. Although it affected the speed a bit, it was God's will that we could catch up with this battle. However, if it weren't for it,

Your cavalry is attacking from the side. If these Qiang cavalry bypass the car formation and attack from both sides, we may still have some trouble. At least, we won't be able to wipe out all the enemy cavalry smoothly with almost no casualties."

Liu Zunkao said seriously: "We have now killed the enemy's cavalry, but their infantry is still there. We still have to use the shortest possible time to eliminate the enemy's infantry. Now we must seize the time and attack the enemy directly."

The infantry array is."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of a horse's hooves approaching from far away. It was a scout. He waved to Liu Zunchao more than twenty steps away and said: "General, the enemy's infantry group is less than three meters away from our army."

A hundred paces, the number of people is about three thousand."

Wang Jingjiu nodded: "Then let's have another ambush? Wait for them to rush over?"

Liu Zunkao shook his head: "No, it's too late. The enemy is not a fool. Seeing such a battle, they will definitely turn around and run away. We can't give them the opportunity to withdraw their defense lines and form a confrontation now. We must kill them as quickly as possible."

, defeat them!”

This chapter has been completed!
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