Chapter 132 Uneasy

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Outside the secret realm, Si Wuwei, who was standing above the mouth of the valley, saw with his own eyes the process of Situ, the Bachelor of Divine Mechanics, presenting himself to Priest Huang Quan.

At this moment, Si Feng was not angry but smiled: "He actually used Huang Quan as a sacrifice. This guy named Situ is very interesting!"

There was a scarlet murderous intent hidden in his pupils, and a small silver-white awl appeared in the palm of his right hand hidden in his sleeve.

This small silver cone is only the size of a finger, but it contains infinite power of destruction, turning into a streak of red thunder that lingers on the tip of the cone.

As a last resort, we can only burn both jade and stone.

Rather than letting his nephew become the devil's plaything and lackey, it would be better to destroy him now.

Si Tu Li was helpless and absolutely unwilling to see Situ Li succeed.

No matter what price he pays today, he will crush this man to ashes and make him irrecoverable!

This is the result of Situ Li, the Bachelor of Divine Mechanics, irritating him.

Zhou Xiongba frowned and thought thoughtfully: "Senior Si came all the way from the capital to come here, shouldn't he come here just for this ninth-grade secret realm and the secret key to the sea of ​​clouds?"

"Why do you ask? How do you know I'm not here for the secret key to the secret realm and the sea of ​​clouds?" Si Wenfa's expression was calm and unwavering.

His clothes danced without any wind.

The corners of Zhou Xiongba's lips slightly raised: "As I guessed, this ninth-level secret realm is far away in Linhai, 20,000 miles away from the capital, so you two probably don't need it. As for the inheritance of Shen'ao Sanren, I guess you don't care about it either.

How can the lawless martial arts be weaker than that of Shen'ao Sanren? As for the wealth of Yunhai Immortal Palace, you two are equally rich and can rival the country, how can you care?"

Si Feng couldn't help but laughed when he heard the words: "That's wrong. The two of us have some savings, but compared with Shen'ao Sanren, that little thing is nothing. If we can get his Yunhai Immortal Palace, my brother and I will

Both of them will wake up laughing from their dreams.

But this time I brought Si Huangquan here, it is indeed not for the secret key to the sea of ​​clouds. About seven days ago, I received news that there was a chance for Huangquan here, and it might be possible to help him retrieve his lost internal organs. But now that I think about it, this must be

Follow Situ Li's way."

Si Huangquan was sacrificed once when he was young. Most of his internal organs and limbs were taken away by the demon, and even his vocal cords were gone.

Only by regaining these lost body parts can he become a complete human being.

He then looked slightly solemn and asked Zhou Xiongba bluntly: "What do you mean by asking such nonsense at this time of year?"

"The Sword Puppet of the Sea of ​​Clouds and the Demon God Burial Sky are fighting fiercely, and everything within a hundred miles around will turn into red ground under their power."

Zhou Xiongba clasped his hands behind his back and looked towards the direction of Taniguchi. His voice was understated, "This is Zhou's hometown, how can I just sit idly by and ignore it? What's more, there is still my legitimate son in the secret realm. But if Zhou takes action, this person will also be killed."

It doesn’t exist, so I want to do something good for my Zhou family before I die. This ninth-level secret realm and the secret key to the sea of ​​clouds must be the property of my Zhou family."

When he said these words, Du Lingxian next to him suddenly felt his heart tremble, and his face instantly turned as white as paper.

Others nearby, such as Lu Zhe, Ying Feilong and others, all looked at Zhou Xiongba with slight movements and admiration.

Si Wenfa was stunned for a moment, and then he burst out laughing, his voice booming in the sky: "Three Finger Shock God is well-deserved, he is indeed a hero! I can allow you to do this. And not only this secret realm and the secret key, in the future, as long as our company

Even if I can only stay in this world for a day, I can definitely protect your Linhai Zhou family."

When Zhou Xiongba heard this, he smiled indifferently.

His younger brother serves as an elder in the Xingxiu Immortal Sect and is also a third-level master.

Even if he, Zhou Xiongba, is no longer alive, the Linhai Zhou family does not need anyone else to protect him.

But at this moment, Zhou Xiongba let out a surprised sound.

His pupils opened slightly, and all his attention was focused on Chu Xisheng.

Not long ago, Zhou Xiongba was actually quite disappointed when he saw Chu Xisheng attack Mu Ling and deal with Zhuo Baiyun, Lu Chen and others.

It was indeed very strong, strong enough to be compared with Si Huangquan, but far from being able to make Zhou Liangchen draw his sword within half an inch.

But at this time, he discovered that Chu Xisheng's aura had undergone tremendous changes.

Si Wenfa also raised his eyebrows, then waved his sleeves slightly in disbelief and took a step forward: "Brother Zhou, wait a minute, this aura~ is the death of Qin Muge!"

At this time, on the other side of the mountain, Lu Luanli's face was also dark.

She knew that with the strength of Chu Xisheng's three-legged cat, coming to participate in this battle in the secret realm must be dangerous and nothing good would happen.

The key is that she is racking her brains now but is unable to do anything and can't think of any proper way to save people.


She couldn't stop Situ Li, the Bachelor of Divine Mechanics, let alone the battle between Demon God Zangtian and Yunhai Sword Puppet. But she had to at least rescue Chu Xisheng from the secret realm.

Lu Luanli didn't notice that Chu Yunyun, who had a cold breath next to her, suddenly clenched her hand.

"God's Sorrow?"

She looked dazed, sensing the restlessness of the blood in her body.

——This is clearly a resonance of blood!

Someone here has awakened a blood talent similar to hers!

Is it Chu Xisheng?

It's a pity that she lost all her true energy and was unable to penetrate the outer forbidden laws of this ninth-level secret realm and sense the situation inside.

At this time, inside the secret realm, as the demon god Zangtian grabbed it with one palm, the entire void nearby seemed to have become a toy in his palm.

Everything was twisting, shrinking, and crackling, and countless cracks appeared in the void, looking like a crystal ball about to explode.

However, just when the palms were about to be closed and the two 'Cloud Sea Sword Puppet' were put into their palms, the back of Demon God Zangtian's hand was suddenly pierced with countless small holes, and countless fierce sword energy penetrated from it.

, pierce and tear this illusory big hand——

And from the door above the secret realm, two more Yunhai sword puppets came out. Their sword lights cut off the right hand of Demon God Burial Sky, and endless cold power spread to his body.

However, Zangtian didn't care, and the demon god's right hand returned to its original state in an instant.

He is bringing more will and power to this world, like a huge whale leaping into the water, pushing away, crushing, and crushing everything around it.

In front of the Mengzi Monument, Mu Ling did not dare to watch the confrontation between the Sword Puppet and the Demon God Burial Sky. He was half-kneeling on the ground, looking up at Situ Li on the medicine pond with an expression of admiration and joy.

He and his master Situ Li are linked by fate. The stronger Situ Li is, the brighter his future as a disciple will be.

"too slow!"

Situ Li has completed a skeleton, and is shaping the flesh, blood and various meridians and fascia in the body based on the bones.

At this time, his soul shadow glanced at the sky.

The power of Demon God Burial Sky has steadily surpassed the four Yun Hai Sword Puppets.

The problem is that the formation restrictions in this ninth-grade secret realm can no longer withstand their power.

Once the forbidden formation in the secret realm is damaged, the outside companies will be unable to dominate Zhou Xiong and will definitely find a way to come in and interfere.

Situ Li then turned his head and looked at Bai Xiaozhao and Li Manshan who were continuing to bleed on both sides of the medicine pool: "The speed of bleeding is not fast enough, and changes will occur if it is too late. The speed of blood metabolization must be as fast as possible."

"I will obey my master's orders!"

Mu Ling smiled when he heard this. He picked up the two swords that fell on the ground, walked calmly to Bai Xiaozhao, and stabbed her chest without mercy.

This sword is extremely delicate, it is exactly where Bai Xiaozhao's heart is, but it does not completely destroy Bai Xiaozhao's heart.

This can release Bai Xiaozhao's blood essence and keep the blood fresh.

Bai Xiaozhao couldn't move at all and couldn't resist. She could only look at Mu Ling with cold eyes.

If she can survive, she must cut this person into pieces.

However, Bai Xiaozhao knew that this possibility was extremely slim, and she was filled with despair.

Mu Lingze didn't care and thrust his sword into Li Manshan's chest again.

Li Manshan also struggled hard, his eyes were about to burst, but he could only watch as Mu Ling's sword was inserted into his heart.

After Mu Ling inserted the sword, she clapped her hands with satisfaction.

Then he looked towards Si Huangquan who was on the central altar, his body covered in black fire that was burning wildly, almost burning the flames in front of him.

"Why do you need to do this? It's a foregone conclusion. No matter how hard you try or how much you burn your energy, it's useless."

Mu Ling half-smiled but disagreed: "As we all know, Demon God Zang Tian loves warriors very much. Brother Si may not die this time, but he hopes to become a demon general under Zang Tian. In the future, Brother Si may even thank our master and disciple."

Si Huangquan snorted and looked away,

If possible, he would have wanted to swing his knife and cut this man into pieces.

The problem is that he can't do it, and if he says it, it will just make people laugh.

At this moment, Mu Ling suddenly felt something in her heart, and she sensed extreme danger in her mind.

He immediately turned his head and looked at the source of this uneasy feeling.

——That was actually Chu Xisheng!

This chapter has been completed!
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