Chapter 288 He is immortal! (Please subscribe)

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On the wide stone platform, both of them were as fast as lightning.

The distance between the two sides was as high as 50 feet, but they passed by them in a flash. Only one tenth of them could not breathe, and the two sides were already close to less than 30 feet.

At this time, Mei Shu, who was wearing blood-colored armor, suddenly let out a roar, which was like a giant thunder detonating, impacting the surrounding area for more than ten feet, causing gravel to fly on the ground.

Behind him, a huge 'Qiongqi' beast appeared, roaring and roaring towards Chu Xisheng. As this tyrannical force broke out, traces of destructive power mixed with the golden wind, tearing apart the surrounding area.


Chu Xisheng discovered that the four layers of Gang power outside his body, except for the White Tiger Waigang, were almost destroyed by Mei Shu's roar.

Even the layer of 睝睮外硡 that Xiao Pingtou provided him was actually shaken by it.

Xiaopingtou can reflect the power of 'Qiongqi''s Gengjin and Storm, but cannot reflect 'Qiongqi''s destructive power.

Only the power of 'existence' contained in the White Tiger Wing Armor can compete with it.

The top metal beasts have abilities that restrain each other.

And Qiongqi's magical power of destruction is enough to break Yaju's reflexes.

Chu Xisheng showed no fear at all, as the 'Nine Heavens Thought Wheel' behind him suddenly turned rapidly.

The giant beast with the head of a dragon and the body of a jackal also appears at the back. It holds a knife in its mouth and competes tit for tat with Qiongqi on the opposite side.

At this moment, Chu Xisheng's 11th level Yazhan Sword Intention, mixed with the huge soul power enhanced by "Nine Wheels of God", exploded.

Mei Shu was caught off guard, and blood spurted out from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

His soul was almost shattered by this powerful sword intent. The sword intent swept across and made Mei Shu almost lose consciousness, and he could only rush forward with inertia.

The 'Jade Gui Jin Nai Dao' in Chu Xisheng's left hand turned into a bright jade-white brilliance and cut open Mei Shu's throat.

Extreme move* Trace of Wind!

But the next moment, Chu Xisheng's sword suddenly made a clang sound. After cutting Mei Shu's neck bone in half, his Jade Gui Jin Nai sword shattered into pieces and turned into hundreds of jade pieces.

Mass fragments were scattered in all directions.

At this time, Mei Shu finally came to his senses, with a look of shock and anger in his eyes. The blood-colored scimitar in his hand instantly exploded with a blood arc, slashing towards Chu Xisheng in front of him.

However, Chu Xisheng's figure had already retreated in an instant, leaving only a cloud of smoke in place.

He stopped ten feet away and looked at the blood-armored young man opposite him with incredible eyes.

"Is there a magic weapon inside your body? You actually use the magic weapon to replace all the bones in your body?"

And the grade of this magic weapon is very high, at least the level of fifth grade.

Mei Shuze touched his throat with lingering fear. If he hadn't replaced his bones with a magic weapon, he would have died by Chu Xisheng's knife!

After the extreme shock, Mei Shu's eyes showed rage again.

He originally thought that he had at least a 95% chance of winning in this 'Challenge of Divine Grace'.

Mei Shu asked himself whether he could surpass Chu Xisheng in terms of martial arts, bloodline talent, magical weapons, etc.

As long as he cracks the opponent's Kamikaze Mirror Sword, he can easily take Chu Xisheng's life.

His extraordinary martial intent is one of the few powers in the world that will not be rebounded by the Jiajuan sword intent.

However, as soon as the two sides fought, Mei Shu was almost beheaded by the other side!

"Zombie! I almost got caught. But since Mei is not dead, then you are the one who will die."

Mei Shu spat out a mouthful of blood foam, and his figure turned into a blood shadow again, flying towards Chu Xisheng.

At this time, he was extremely afraid of Chu Xisheng's mental impact, and he no longer dared to use force to transform.

While Mei Shu was slashing with all his strength, he contracted all his mental power into his brain and clung to his soul.

His hand is as steady as a rock, and his sword power is as domineering and resolute as before!

Mei Shu firmly believed that Chu Xisheng's seventh-level cultivation would not be able to withstand several such strong martial arts attacks.

Theoretically speaking, just this one martial arts impact is enough to drain a seventh-grade martial artist of all the power of his spiritual consciousness!

Chu Xisheng's strength is far superior to that of ordinary seventh-level martial arts cultivators. However, no matter how strong his spiritual power is, it cannot be much higher than that of ordinary people.

When Chu Xisheng saw this, he let out a 'bang' sound. The 'Nine Heavens Thought Wheel' behind him continued to rotate, and the giant beast with a dragon head and a jackal body and a sword in its mouth roared and howled again.

Mei Shu in front of him spurted blood from his mouth and nose again.

The impact of Chu Xisheng's sword intent actually increased in power instead of decreasing. It was so powerful and domineering that it was unstoppable!

This time Mei Shu did not lose consciousness, but his mind was shaking and he felt dizzy.

At the same time, the 'Golden Wind and Jade Dew Sword' in Chu Xisheng's right hand also carried the power of wind and thunder, and slashed at him like thunder.

The ultimate move* is to control the wind and thunder!

This ultimate move passed down from within the Jinyiwei sect is not as powerful and profound as Chu Xisheng's 'Three Phase Divine Slash' which he learned from Qin Muge.

However, Feng Diao Lei Xing's sword speed is faster, and it is more suitable for the horizontal training of the 'Nine Refining Ultimate Purple Gold Body', which allows Chu Xisheng to infuse greater power into the blade.

A huge "choking" sound suddenly came from between the two of them.

Mei Shu blocked Chu Xisheng's Golden Wind and Jade Dew Saber when he had no chance to make a move.

However, his figure immediately retreated, and was struck by Chu Xisheng's knife, causing him to stagger back, his feet floating.

More blood spurted out from his mouth and nose.

Mei Shu couldn't believe it, and there was even more fierce murderous intent and fierce thoughts in his eyes.

"Good sword skills, come again when you have the guts!"

He wanted to see how many times this guy could use such extreme moves?

As long as he is allowed to calm down, it will be the time for Chu Xisheng to be beheaded.

But then, there was another majestic, domineering and sharp sword intent, cutting into his heart again.

The golden wind and jade sword wrapped in wind and thunder also flashed before his eyes again!

Mei Shu couldn't help but frown.

How could this guy in front of me still be able to unleash such a powerful spiritual impact and ultimate move?

Chu Xisheng is not afraid that after all his true energy is lost, he will be reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered?

Mei Shu managed to catch the "Wind Controlling Thunder" sword, and his body slipped back ten feet again.

At this time, not only was blood spurting from his mouth and nose, but also some pores on his body were overflowing with blood.

Mei Shu's steps were even more scattered, and it was difficult to even stand firm.

However, Chu Xisheng still refused to let go and followed him like a shadow.

The connection between his sword moves is actually not very fast. It takes at least one breath to prepare between the two extreme moves.

However, when Chu Xisheng slashed out with his sword, Mei Shu was still unable to steady his pace, and the old strength was gone, but the new strength was not born.

The 'Nine Heavens Thought Wheel' behind Chu Xisheng continued to rotate as usual, even filled with a layer of scarlet blood.

The momentum of the giant beast is even more fierce.

Divine impact!

The ultimate move* is to control the wind and thunder!

Divine impact!

The ultimate move* is to control the wind and thunder!

Chu Xisheng slashed out with his sword in an almost mechanical manner, without any change in the technique and intention of the sword, and his true energy seemed to be endless.

And just when he struck out with the sixth sword, Mei Shu finally lost his balance and could no longer block Chu Xisheng's sword.

Chu Xisheng's 'Golden Wind and Jade Dew Sword' slashed into Mei Shu's neck again with a fatal arc that was invisible to the naked eye.

This knife almost completely overlapped the edge of the previous knife, and finally cut off Mei Shu's head.

When Mei Shu's head rolled and fell, his remaining consciousness was still in disbelief.

In this short moment, Chu Xisheng actually used the sword attack seven times in a row, and each time was more powerful than the last!

He also used Wind Controlling Thunder six times and Wind Trace once!

How on earth did this guy do it?

Is his energy infinite?

Chu Xisheng felt guilty while sheathing the sword.

Today's battle with Mei Shu was regarded by him as a test.

The results are very good. The restorative power of the sixth level ‘Eternal Blood’ is equivalent to the effect shown in the virtual dream.

His current true energy is still about 70% of what it was at its peak, and he is recovering rapidly.

Chu Xisheng recovered nearly 30% of his true energy and spiritual power with just one breath.

He couldn't help but secretly feel pleased with himself, finally feeling the pleasure of Wang Qin Muge hurting others with his own strength.

At this time, in the first hall of Wuxiang Shenshan Dao, the sect leader Li Changsheng stood up suddenly, with surprise and doubt in his eyes, and a bit of disbelief on his fat and white face.


Lu Shouyang, the chief elder of the Discipline Academy, was alarmed by Li Changsheng's movements and looked up suspiciously.

At first he thought something happened to Chu Xisheng.

But when Lu Shouyang carefully observed Li Changsheng's expression, he found that although the sect leader looked surprised, he was not angry.

He immediately felt relieved and asked in confusion: "How was the victory in this battle? What happened?"

Li Changsheng did not answer immediately. He frowned and pondered for a moment before sitting back on the chair: "Chu Xisheng won, and he beheaded Mei Shu with seven swords."

Lu Shouyang became more curious.

Li Changsheng's temperament is immovable, what could make him lose his temper like this?

Also, the time is not right either.

At this time, in Daoyi Palace, due to Li Changsheng's power, time passed at the same speed as in the Secret Realm of Time.

And fifteen breaths have passed since the war.

It took fifteen breaths for Chu Xisheng to slash out seven times? How could it be so slow?

With this sword speed, he should be able to cut more than nineteen cuts in one breath!

The next moment, he heard Li Changchang spit out a filthy breath and said: "It's the eternal Qianqiu! Chu Xisheng used the wind and thunder six times in a row and seven eleven-level sword strikes. He may have awakened the "Eternal Qianqiu"


Lu Shouyang's heart trembled slightly, and his eyes couldn't help but shine: "Eternity? He has eternity? Is this true?"

He was trying his best to suppress the turmoil in his heart.

In its heyday, the Bloody Sword King was invincible in the world. He could dominate the world with one man and one sword. However, he died from lack of true energy in the battle of Divine Tribulation and could not continue his strength.

But if Lord Xue Yaidao had possessed the ‘blood of eternity’ at that time, why would he be afraid of those ancient giants?

His bloody sword will last for eternity and will forever rule the Middle Earth!

Lu Shouyang thought of more than ten years ago.

In the past, when he learned that Qin Muge possessed the 'blood of eternity', he was as shocked and ecstatic as he is today!

It's a pity that he couldn't keep this feeling in the end, and it turned into endless disappointment and regret.

Li Changsheng was slightly absent-minded, and he mocked himself: "I'm not sure, and I can't believe that God will treat my Wuxiang Divine Sect so well! After Qin Muge, who possesses the 'blood of eternity,' there is another one who has awakened

The blood-stained sage has passed down through the ages.”

When he said this, his face had returned to normal, and his voice was calm and full of expectation: "Let's take a look, Chu Xisheng has many opponents in the secret realm, and this is not the only time he will win the battle of divine grace."

Lu Shouyang also tried his best to calm down the turmoil in his heart.

But for some reason, there were always some ripples in his usually calm state of mind.

Lu Shouyang once again experienced the mood he felt at the beginning of the year after the sword energy of the 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword' soared into the sky, and he couldn't wait to verify this.

There was nothing unusual on his face: "In this case, junior brother will resign first. In the past few days, there have been several young talents with outstanding talents in the House of Commons. I have to take the time to see what happens."

He was invited by Li Changsheng to come to the 'Daoyi Palace' today despite his busy schedule, just to prevent the backlash of the demon god 'Burial Sky'.

Li Changsheng's Pingtian Sword can dominate the strength and weakness of the arena under the eyes of Zangtian.

But it will definitely summon the revenge of the demon god ‘Burial Sky’.

When Li Changsheng had no time to take care of him, Lu Shouyang could only resist Zangtian's powerful power on his behalf.

Since Chu Xisheng won this battle, Li Changsheng no longer had the need to intervene, and Lu Shouyang naturally did not need to continue to stay in Daoyi Palace.

"Young genius?" Li Changsheng raised his thick eyebrows.

"I'm curious, who are the people who can alarm Junior Brother? What's so special about them?"

At this time, Qing Xuzi, the great elder of the training academy, had escorted a group of disciples to the entrance of the Secret Realm of Time.

During this month, Lu Shouyang was in charge of all affairs of the Lower Court and the Training Academy of the Wuxiang Shenzong.

However, the training academy has its own system, and they can handle the daily affairs in the academy by themselves and will not trouble Lu Shouyang.

"The Master of the House of Commons said that these people may have the talent to surpass Tianzhu."

Lu Shouyang smiled on his face: "One of the girls is particularly talented. This girl was admitted to the Lower House six days ago. She just put down her luggage and went to Tongtiantai to compete. Within six days, this girl won thirty-seven consecutive battles.

There was no defeat in the game. The president of the House of Commons said that this girl has the demeanor of the king in the past."

The so-called "Tongtian Terrace" refers to the twenty-four arenas located on the south side of the Lower Courtyard, which means "reaching up to the sky".

There is a "Tongtian Ranking" there, which ranks the names of the disciples in the lower courtyard.

The Wuxiang Divine Sect has rules.

All disciples under the age of twenty-five in the Lower Court can go to the Tongtian Terrace to compete.

If you can win a hundred games in a row, or be in the top five in the rankings, and maintain it for a month, you can directly enter the outer sect and obtain the status of an outer sect disciple.

At this time, there was a sixteen-year-old girl who won thirty-seven games in a row in six days and climbed to the top twenty in the Tongtian Ranking.

Lu Shouyang was quite interested in her.

But as for what the leader of the House of Commons said, "it has half the elegance of the king of the past."

Lu Shouyang disagreed.

Wang is an unparalleled genius whose talent surpasses the rest of the world.

Even if this woman only possesses 50% to 60% of Wang's talent, she is still enough to master any of the sacred traditions of the Wuxiang Divine Sect except Xueyai.

This kind of person may not be seen even in five years, but only one among tens of millions of people.

So Lu Shouyang decided to go to the lower house to confirm this woman's talent with his own eyes.

Otherwise he would be in disbelief.


Chu Xisheng knew nothing about the conversation between the two contemporary masters in Daoyi Hall.

He was searching for loot from Mei Shu's body.

Demon God Zangtian was still very considerate and gave him time to dispose of Mei Shu's body.

Chu Xisheng was pleasantly surprised at first. He found twenty-seven silver notes in Mei Shu's sleeve.

They are all bearer banknotes from Jinmantian Bank, with a face value of one thousand taels.

But then, he began to look disappointed.

There are as many as seven magical weapons on Mei Shu's body, all of which are high-quality, including two of the fifth-grade items.

In addition, the bones in Mei Shu's body are also a complete set of magical weapons.

The problem is that all these artifacts were blood sacrifices.

Mei Shu had killed an unknown number of people, causing these magical weapons to be filled with strong blood and evil spirits, and their power was increased by 30 to 50%.

Chu Xisheng actually couldn't use any of them.

Of course, these items are extremely valuable. If sold on the black market, they can be sold for three to five million taels of magic silver.

Those demon cultivators still like these artifacts very much.

But Chu Xisheng didn't want these things to fall into the hands of demon cultivators again.

Chu Xisheng is not a morally noble person, but he has his own bottom line.

As long as it is within his ability, he is unwilling to do anything against his will.

If Chu Yunyun and Lu Luanli find out about this matter, the two women will definitely fall out with him.

What's more, the armor and bones on Mei Shu's body are very heavy.

Chu Xisheng did not have a void magic weapon, so it was extremely cumbersome to carry it with him.

Fortunately, he had another option.

Chu Xisheng can sacrifice these artifacts to the two demon gods "Zang Tian" and "Li Tan".

There is no money in sacrificing objects to the devil, only divine grace.

Chu Xisheng thought about it and chose the God of War ‘Li Tan’.

The God of War, Zangtian, probably looks down on these things.

Zangtian's character is brave and aggressive, impatient, stubborn, and unruly.

So Chu Xisheng doesn't need to please this person.

As long as his actions are destined to be buried in heaven, the divine favor will naturally be strong and the divine grace will be vast.

On the contrary, no matter how you beg or offer sacrifices, you will not be able to receive the attention of the funeral heaven.

The god of war, ‘Li Tan’, is cold and unscrupulous.

He is the master of all weapons and has countless magical weapons in his arsenal.

It is said that the greater the number of magical weapons in his arsenal, the stronger Li Tan's strength will be, which can grow endlessly.

When Chu Xisheng put his hands together, he silently prayed to the devil "Li Tan".

The magic weapons in front of him, including the bones of Mei Shu's magic weapon, disappeared in an instant.

Chu Xisheng raised his eyes and found that the silver one eye above his head had changed slightly.

On its edge, there was a trace of golden lines.

Chu Xisheng turned to look at the illusory screen in the upper right corner of his field of vision.

This is because from the corner of his eye just now, he noticed that his character panel had undergone tremendous changes.

When Chu Xisheng enlarged the screen, he saw that the value in the blood point column had become 2218.3.

Chu Xisheng was stunned for a while.

Before entering the Secret Realm of Time, his blood point value was only 986.

Chu Xisheng was still regretting not long ago that there were not many viewers for his battle with Mei Shu today.

Therefore, apart from magical weapons and divine grace, this battle cannot bring him any benefits.

But after this battle, his blood point value increased by more than 1,200.

Chu Xisheng realized the truth immediately.

The audience for this battle is indeed small, but the quality is very high!

Unparalleledly high!

This battle of divine grace was under the watchful eyes of several powerful ancient giants.

For example, the God of War Zangtian and the God of War Li Tan are the most powerful group among the ancient giants.

Just when Chu Xisheng was pleasantly surprised, his feet were empty again, and he once again experienced the feeling of weightlessness.

Just after a period of dizziness, Chu Xisheng found himself back in the cave again.

Zhou Liangchen and Bai Xiaozhao were nearby, looking at him with some worry.

"I'm fine." Chu Xisheng smiled slightly: "It's just a battle of divine grace, I mentioned it to you guys."

He then asked curiously: "Did you see how I left just now?"

Zhou Liangchen did not answer. At that time, he was still studying the swordsmanship handed down from his family.

The day after he joined the Wuxiang Divine Sect as a Taoist priest, he borrowed some good skills from Chu Xisheng and exchanged part of the 'Nihai Sword' sword technique from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to complete part of his family's sword skills.

the lack of.

At that time, he studied swordsmanship and completely forgot himself.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Chu Xisheng disappeared.

Bai Xiaozhao scratched his head: "At that time, a black hole appeared behind my brother, and black ripples spread out around him, swallowing my brother in all of a sudden."

Chu Xisheng raised his eyebrows, then put away his thoughts, not bothering to delve deeper.

The power of these top giants is not something that he can know now, so there is no need to waste time.

Just when Chu Xisheng returned to the cave.

In the 'Wind Blood Cave' 1,700 miles away, Mei Shu's head and body suddenly appeared in one of the cave passages.

Fengxue Cave got its name because the dark wind swept through the cave and the cave was as red as blood.

This is the smuggling passage shared by 'Blood Bat Mountain' and 'Shenyan Palace'.

Whenever the 'Secret Realm of Time' opens, the two first-level demon sects will use special methods to let some of their elite disciples sneak into the 'Secret Realm of Time', and use the special environment here to practice and plunder the souls in the secret realm.

Treasures and resources.

When Mei Shu's body appeared, more than 200 young people with different appearances had not had time to disperse.

They were all startled by this scene and turned around, looking at Mei Shu's body in great astonishment.

Just a few dozen breaths ago, Mei Shu disappeared before their eyes.

Everyone knew that this was the 'Blood Tiger' Mei Shu, who launched a divine grace challenge to Chu Xisheng before everyone else could.

They expected that there would be only two outcomes, either Mei Shu would win and behead Chu Xisheng as he wished; or Mei Shu would be defeated and die after a hard battle.

No one thought that Mei Shu, the "blood tiger" with the talent of Tianzhu, would die so quickly.

"Eighty breaths are not enough. Excluding the time that person spent disposing of the loot, that person probably killed Mei Shu within twenty breaths."

At this time, a young man wearing golden clothes walked out of the crowd.

He has a handsome face, and a tiny blue flame burns in front of his eyebrows.

The young man's eyes were also light golden, showing strong interest.

He leaned down and looked at Mei Shu's body with a little surprise: "Look at this knife mark, there is still the power of wind and thunder left. Chu Xisheng should have used the ultimate move of 'Wind Controlling Thunder' to kill Mei Shu."

Killed with two blows from the front and back. And this head, with bleeding from all the orifices, shows that he suffered a huge impact of spiritual thoughts during his lifetime, which almost shattered his soul!"

He then raised his head and raised the corners of his lips: "It seems that Mei Shu has underestimated his opponent. This Chu Xisheng is very strong, much stronger than many of us!"

At this time, most of the disciples of the 'Blood Bat Mountain' and 'Shenyan Palace' present showed a bit of fear.

However, there were more than thirty people, and instead of feeling fearful, they showed curiosity and excitement.

The eyes of several of them even showed a scarlet luster.

The stronger Chu Xisheng's combat power, the better.

The stronger the opponent they kill, the more favor they can gain from the gods.

At this time, they only regretted that Mei Shu, a weakling, had snatched away the qualification to challenge once a month.

If everyone wants to launch a divine grace challenge against Chu Xisheng, they can only wait until next month, or directly encounter Chu Xisheng in the Secret of Time.

This chapter has been completed!
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