Chapter 415 Hiding the weapon in the body (please subscribe)

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The 'Magic Sword King' was solemnly staring at the 'Magic Fist Judge' Xi Bitian.

Xi Bitian also noticed the sword king's gaze.

Xi Bitian was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the third person on the list from decades ago was actually outside the door of this restaurant.

He secretly put his guard up, but fearlessly walked past the solemnity and walked into the restaurant.

Xi Bitian knew that he was no match for Zhuang Zheng, but the fact that he had survived the imperial court's pursuit for the past two years was definitely not a fluke.

He had practiced a secret technique in the past, which not only allowed him to escape the three-party attack by the Chu family in the west of Beijing, the Jinyi guards and the Zhidian supervisor two years ago, but also allowed him to escape safely from most bad situations.

Xi Bitian was confident that even the Demonic Sword King, who was the third best in the world in the past, could not do anything to him in this Youzhou city.

There was only one thing that made Xi Bitian uneasy.

One of his companions was waiting for his arrival in this restaurant.

Fortunately, Demon Sword King Zhuang Yan only glanced at him and then looked away.

This person obviously had no intention of meddling in the affairs of a court official, and he had no intention of eradicating rebellion for the court.

When 'Magic Fist Judge' Xi Bitian stepped into the box on the top floor of the restaurant, he saw his brother 'Iron Faced Judge' Luo Yang, sitting alone in front of the window drinking.

His eyebrows were raised, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes that were usually as cold as ice.

However, Xi Bitian's face remained as calm as before, without any disturbance: "I am very relieved that you succeeded. However, delaying it for half a year would be incompetent."

In fact, he and Luo Yang have not seen each other for half a year, and today is the reunion after a long separation.

What made him most happy was that Luo Yang had been promoted to the third level.

This is simply a stroke of luck!

Luo Yang's talent is not weak, and under normal circumstances it would be no problem to be promoted to the second level.

However, after the incident two years ago, the Chu family rebels were not only cut off from external resources, but also faced continuous pursuit by the court, which made every step of their promotion extremely dangerous.

They couldn't even gather together a complete third-grade secret medicine, let alone help Luo Yang complete the promotion ceremony!

Luo Yang knew the temperament of his companion.

This is a greedy, extremely arrogant person with a vicious tongue; but other than these flaws, Xi Bitian is good at everything.

This is also a brother who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, reliable in his work, and can be trusted with life and death.

He laughed dumbly and explained in a calm tone: "I have kept you waiting for a long time. This time, we have many secret medicines and auxiliary materials funded by that person, and we also borrowed Master Lu's 'Dream Come True' method to complete the ceremony. The preparations can be said to be thorough.

It's just that I've been looking for the main medicine for a long time. Something happened in Buzhou Mountain recently, and all kinds of medicinal materials are being searched for. I had to go to Tiandi Mountain to look for medicine. Fortunately, I still have a little luck, and finally I'm average.

Step into the forest of the third grade safely."

In fact, during this promotion, he experienced many twists and turns, many dangers, and at the most serious point, he almost failed.

However, this is all in the past and there is no need to mention it again.

Luo Yang's face, which is usually known as the "Iron Face", revealed a bit of concern and warmth: "I am very worried in the north. I wonder how the brothers are doing?"

For this promotion, he has been traveling north to the Middle-earth region for nearly half a year.

The two places are millions of miles apart and cannot communicate with each other.

Luo Yang was worried there, worrying about the situation of his brothers and fearing that something might happen to them.

The brothers who escaped from Wang'an City together were only a few dozen in total.

After that, it suffered some losses one after another.

No one who survives at this time can afford to lose.


After Xi Bitian sat down, he unceremoniously picked up the wine bottle on the table and filled the cup in front of him: "We have been dormant for half a year, what danger can there be? The court doesn't care about us now.

The Jin Yiwei and the Ouchi Palace Superintendent didn't pay much attention, so the days were quite leisurely.

Also, the sponsor you found is very reliable and generous with the money. You are not the only one who has been promoted during this period. Those who have not been promoted also got two or three good battle pictures tattooed and exchanged them for one or two suitable ones.

Magic weapon."

He then squinted his eyes, with a look of coldness and doubt in his eyes: "But what I don't understand is, what is the purpose of this person doing this?"

During this period, five of them were promoted to the fourth rank within the past six months.

It would be fine if the person sponsoring them was Lu Chen, 'Sword Like a Dream'.

Rumeng Villa is not only a traitor designated by the imperial court, but also a thorn in the side of Emperor Jianyuan.

This person's purpose of helping them can be understood by thinking about it with his feet.

The problem is that the real financial owner is someone else.

In Xi Bitian's view, that man clearly had a bright future.

As long as that person doesn't die young, he will definitely be the most powerful and noble figure in the world in the next hundred years.

What reason does he have for colluding with and supporting these remnants of the Chu family in the west of Beijing?

Especially time.

This person had actually started to contact them when he had just joined the Wuxiang Divine Sect and had not yet made a name for himself.

The iron-faced judge Luo Yang was thoughtful when he heard the words: "The imperial court was afraid of the Wuxiang Shenzong not only for one day, but also for more than one time. Otherwise, why did Li Changsheng forcefully break into the imperial city and sweep through the palace a year ago? This person is related to

The imperial court is obviously an enemy rather than a friend, so there is no need for you to worry too much, Bitian."

Xi Bitian was noncommittal.

He thought Luo Yang was right in what he said.

However, with this person's status, prestige, and financial resources, if he wants to recruit experts and manage power, who can't be recruited?

You need to know that now even the imperial court is spending money to win over him.

Just a month ago, the imperial court not only gave him the position of "Quan Tian Ya Jin Yi Guard Ten Thousand Households Official", he has since become a fourth-rank official, and it is said that he was also given great authority.

So Xi Bitian was very confused.

Why does that person need to get involved with them, if he is not afraid of getting burned and causing trouble in the future?

What is the intention of that person who invested a lot of money in them?

"It's useless for you and me to think about these things now." The iron-faced judge Luo Yang's eyes were firm and calm: "There is never a free steamed bun in the world, and the debts owed to others must be repaid. No matter what his purpose is, I

Just try to help him get it done as soon as possible."

Accepting that person's funding is his own decision.

Luo Yang didn't know that this might be drinking poison to quench thirst, causing them to fall into a quagmire.

However, what Luo Yang was more afraid of was that due to insufficient cultivation, he would die one day under the pursuit of the imperial court.

What is even more scary is that he has been running for several years, going through hardships and dangers, but in vain, and in the end he has not been able to avenge the young master and the brothers who died.

So he is willing to pay the price in exchange for his current third-level cultivation.

Xi Bitian let out a loud 'hum'.

That's all if that person's affairs can be handled well.

The fear is that his request is too great and beyond their ability.

He drank the wine in the cup in one gulp: "Well, let's hear what that person wants. I just want to see what the future No. 1 in the world will look like? The invincible Bloody Sword in the world, and what will it look like?

What does it look like? Did he say where and when he wanted to meet?"

Luo Yang shook his head slightly: "I haven't contacted him yet. The previous news only said that we would try our best to get to Youzhou within ten days, and he would take some time to wait with me."

Divine Fist Judge Xi Bitian suddenly frowned, thinking that this person was so arrogant.

At this moment, Xi Bitian's expression changed and he looked out the window with disdain.

"Let's move to another place. There are court eagles and dogs watching this place."

He found that in several dark alleys around him, there were several figures hidden in the dark, peeping at them.

During Xi Bitian's escape, he had countless fierce battles with various agencies of the imperial court, but he only recognized the man in the dark at a glance, most likely the Jin Yiwei from Youzhou.

Even though he was miles away, he could smell the scent of these people.

Luo Yang sighed secretly and picked up a pile of luggage next to him with a helpless expression.

Although Xi Bitian was a prisoner of the imperial court, he acted as he pleased.

Sometimes he can hide for several months at a time, like a dragon that sees its head but not its tail, and it is difficult to find its whereabouts; sometimes he can hide openly for several months, moving without any control, not only not hiding his identity, but also not hiding his whereabouts.

Just now, this man walked directly from the city gate with this cold and deep face, offering a reward of five million taels of magic silver.

It would be strange for the two of them not to be noticed by the court.

However, the next moment, Xi Bitian let out another cry of surprise.

He looked out the window in slight surprise.

Luo Yang also followed his gaze and then raised his eyebrows.

"It's so strange. Is this dog eating dog?"

In that dark alley, two groups of Jin Yiwei actually clashed.

One group of people came from the local government, numbering about 300 people, lurking in various houses and residences in the alleys; the other group of people only had more than 30 people, their clothes were different from ordinary Jin Yiwei, and their shoulders were painted with

Flying fish pattern, that is Tianya Jinyiwei!

What is a flying fish? It is also a dragon without claws.

Although this group of people was small in number, they clearly had the upper hand and had an aggressive momentum.

The leader among them is a woman, wearing the Qianhu costumes of Tianya Jinyiwei. She is about thirty years old and has a beautiful appearance.

"This woman seems to be named Du Honglian."

Xi Bitian was thoughtful, thinking about the recent personnel changes within Jinyiwei: "The newly promoted Jinyiwei Qianhu was assigned to serve under Jinyiwei Wanhu Chu Xisheng. It is said that the transfer order was personally signed by Taishi Dugushou.


Just thirty feet away, Du Honglian also raised his head and looked at the restaurant in the distance.

"Divine Fist Judge Xi Bitian! Iron-faced Judge Luo Yang!"

Du Honglian couldn't help but narrowed her eyes.

Both of these two people are on the Ministry of Punishment's black list.

One is ranked twenty-seventh on the Earth Ranking with a third-grade cultivation, and has a bounty of up to five million taels of magic silver!

A person with a fourth-level cultivation level would have a bounty as high as 350,000!

However, Du Honglian sensed something strange about Luo Yang's aura.

This person's true energy is leaking out, and it is likely that he has been promoted to a Gong body recently.

He is no longer the fourth grade.

This made Du Honglian frown.

The remnants of the Chu family's house are becoming more and more troublesome.

If they are not hunted down, they will become a serious problem for the imperial court!

But the purpose of her coming here today has nothing to do with these two people.

Du Honglian withdrew his gaze, then put his hand on the knife and looked at a house on the left with cold eyes.

"Diya Jinyi Guard Wanhu Zuodu, you are in trouble! Come out and be captured yourself, don't force us to take action."

There was no movement in the residence, only the cold and hoarse voice of the Diya Jinyi Guard Wanhu Zuodu came out.

"What a joke. Zuo is loyal to the imperial court. He has been conscientious and dedicated to the public since he served in ten thousand households. How could anything happen to you and others?

But you idiots, did you know that there are two criminals on the criminal list in this restaurant? Today's arrest operation of Youzhou Jinyiwei was completely ruined because of you. Mr. Zuo will definitely participate in the impeachment in the future! I will punish you and others for their crimes.


Du Honglian secretly laughed.

How can one of the two elites in the restaurant be able to deal with them?

Even if they are added to the group, there is nothing they can do.

Du Honglian shook his head slightly: "I advise you to come out on your own. We have found out that you have corrupted the law, framed good people, and harmed your colleagues. The evidence of your crime is conclusive. If you feel you are wronged, you can go to the Grand Master's side after being escorted to the capital.



Before Du Honglian finished speaking, there was an explosion in the wall of the residence, and a huge hole was opened.

Amidst the flying smoke and dust, Jinyiwei Wanhuzuo all walked out of the hole in the wall.

He looked at Du Honglian with cold eyes: "What a conclusive evidence! I just ask you, do you have the public certificate to arrest Zuo? And have you ever asked Mr. Xiao Hongchenxiao, the commander of Tianya Jinyi Guards?"

Du Honglian immediately took out an official document scroll and flicked it away with a swipe.

Above, there are clearly drawn images of Zuo Du, a member of the Imperial Guard, and densely packed text describing Zuo Du's various crimes.

At the bottom is a vermilion seal with the words "Quan Tian Ya 90,000 Households and Ten Thousand Households Official Chu".

Du Honglian said expressionlessly: "We are directly under the command of Mr. Chu, Xisheng Chu! Mr. Chu, under the order of the Grand Master, takes charge of the officials of the 90,000 households in the 90,000 households with the power of deputy to 10,000 households. He is fully responsible for monitoring the war situation in the north and inspecting Bingyou.

The lawlessness of the officials and people of the four prefectures is extremely severe! There is no need to report to the capital commander or ask for instructions when conducting an investigation or making an arrest."

Jinyiwei Wanhu Zuodu took a careful look at the official document scroll, but couldn't help but smile.

"Asshole! This is really ridiculous. Du Honglian, don't you know that Chu Xisheng is from the Wuxiang Divine Sect?"

The charges mentioned in the official document were not framed by Luo Zhi. Rather, they were done intentionally after receiving the order.

In these years, the imperial court deliberately suppressed the Wuxiang Shenzong.

He just followed his instructions and used the authority in his hands to have a little extra tendency and even use some means on matters related to Wuxiang Shenzong.

Zuo Du was worried about Wuxiang Shenzong overturning the table, so he didn't dare to go too far.

Now these cases have become evidence of his corruption, bending the law and framed good people - isn't this ridiculous and absurd?

"Master Chu was personally appointed by the Grand Master, and the evidence of your crime, Zuodu, is conclusive and there is no way to deny it!"

Du Honglian half-squinted his eyes: "Does your Excellency want to resist arrest?"

She thought about it carefully, and then reminded her for the sake of her colleagues: "I advise you not to do this, this is the capital of Youzhou!"

Zuo Du's face suddenly turned blue and white.

Yan'an County, the capital city of Youzhou, has countless disciples of the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

Most of them hated him to the core.

In the past, he wore a royal robe and guarded tens of thousands of households, but these people could do nothing to him.

However, once he resists arrest in Zuodu and becomes a fugitive, he will never be able to leave Yan'an alive today!

On the contrary, after being captured and taken to the capital, he still had a chance to turn over.

Zuo Du's mind was spinning, and he sighed and let go of the weapon in his hand: "You are harming Zhongliang and making trouble for the tiger!"

He allowed two Tianya Jinyi guards to come over, take off his magic weapon, and put the shackles on him.

These people drove one Zhenyuan nail into the vital parts of his body.

Zuo Du endured the pain and anger, and looked sideways at Du Honglian: "Do you know what you are doing? The imperial court's efforts of more than ten years have all been ruined because of you! You will regret it sooner or later."

Du Honglian was too lazy to pay attention. She had turned around and headed towards the south of the city.

The person she wants to arrest today is not just Zuodu. It also involves Hucao, Cangcao, Liumen and many other key yamen in Youzhou.

What troubled her the most were the three leading figures of the Tieshan Qin Sect.

Du Honglian secretly had a headache.

She knew that the grand master's purpose in building the 90,000-household office in Tianya and appointing Chu Xishengquan to lead the 90,000-household office was to win over the future No. 1 person on the Tianban List and appease the Wuxiang Shenzong.

However, the grand master probably didn't expect that Chu Xisheng would dare to go to war and use thunderous attacks as soon as he took over the position.

If we follow the arrest list provided by that person, most of the many chess pieces placed by the Emperor and the Tieshan Qin family in Youzhou in recent years will be wiped out.

At this time, on the top floor of the restaurant, Luo Yang and Xi Bitian couldn't help but look at each other.


The corners of Xi Bitian's lips raised slightly: "Now I am becoming more and more curious about this Wuji Sword Master."


The next morning, Wuxiang Mountain.

When Ji Qianqian walked into Chu Xisheng's room with a lot of official documents in his hands, he found that the right side of Chu Xisheng's face was still swollen into the shape of a big bun, and the swelling had not subsided at all.

Chu Xisheng held his intact left cheek in his hand, with a silly smile on his face.

Ji Qianqian knew that Chu Xisheng had fifteen levels of eternal blood and could recover quickly no matter what kind of injury he suffered.

If it cannot be recovered, it must be because the wound contains extremely powerful martial will and spiritual thoughts that cannot be expelled.

Considering that last night, Chu Xisheng and Chu Yunyun went to the martial arts hall in the back mountain, we can imagine who caused this injury.

While counting the money, I thought about Chu Yunyun's cruel heart. The sparring was over, why didn't she take back her martial spirit and spirit? At the same time, she felt puzzled, how could Chu Xisheng be so happy after being beaten?

In addition, she was actually a little happy about others' misfortune.

Ji Qianqian put a serious face and placed a pile of official documents in front of Chu Xisheng: "My lord, you have a dumpling face now, what is there to be proud of?"

Ever since Yunhai Xiangong took the initiative to lift the table, she gradually became more relaxed in front of Chu Xisheng, and was no longer as cautious and cautious as before.

Chu Xisheng smiled happily.

He treated Chu Yunyun like that last night, but he was not beaten to death.

Not only was he not killed, but his injuries were quite minor. Isn’t this something to be happy about?

He has confirmed Chu Yunyun's intention.

Chu Xisheng felt that as long as he worked harder and died more, he would get what he wanted sooner or later.

Of course, in the near future, we still have to calm down for a while, take it easy, and don’t provoke Chu Yunyun.

Only the price is a bit heavy.

For this kiss, he took out hundreds of thousands of taels of magic silver and a first-grade Tiangang Talisman.

There is also Jian Zangfeng, who is said to have been lying in the Shendan Courtyard for a whole day and has not come out yet.

Chu Xisheng sent a letter to inquire about the injury, but has not yet received a reply from Jian Zangfeng.

And that bloody sword, I don’t want to talk to him now.

Chu Xisheng used his spiritual sense several times, but there was no movement from the magic sword.

He felt that the knife was self-inflicted. At that time, it could have escaped in advance, but it decided to stay and watch the fun.

It failed to escape early, who’s to blame?

"You don't understand even after I tell you this."

Chu Xisheng casually counted money while flipping through the official documents: "Have these people been captured and returned to prison?"

Ji Qianqian looked serious when he heard this: "There are a total of forty-three people, and thirty-nine of them have been arrested and returned to prison, and all of them have been sent to the county jail. There are still three people whose whereabouts are unknown and they have not been found. Another person resisted arrest and escaped.

Entering the wilderness, we are making arrangements to hunt him down."

"There is no need to bother. Just send out the arrest documents and let the six doors go after them. These people are all very capable, so there is no need to lose manpower for this."

Chu Xisheng scanned these official documents at a glance, and then stamped them one by one with the red and gold seal of "Quan Tian Ya's 90,000 Households Office Ten Thousand Households Official Chu".

"Send the prisoner and the evidence in the file to the capital as soon as possible and hand them over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for trial."

There was a hint of strangeness in Ji Qianqian's eyes: "My lord, if we hand it over to the Ministry of Punishment like this, I'm afraid most of the people among them will be able to get away with it."

When Chu Xisheng heard this, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and a sarcastic smile appeared: "That is a matter between the Ministry of Justice and Dali Temple, and has nothing to do with us. The court situation is so dim, what can we do?"

Grand Master Dugu Shou gave him the responsibility of investigating and arresting, but did not give him the authority to interrogate and convict.

But he never wanted to convict these people, he just wanted to get them out of their current positions.

The mood of counting money sank.

If the Ministry of Punishments allows these people to escape guilt, it will indeed confirm what Chu Xisheng said.

The DPRK is already in turmoil——

Chu Xisheng looked at Qian Qian meaningfully again: "Don't worry, now that the Grand Master is in the court, those arrogant people from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple will never dare to be presumptuous."

Ji Qianqian took a deep breath again.

"Speaking of the Grand Master, Your Majesty, you arrested many important officials from the four prefectures of Bingyoujijue yesterday, including seven of them who were above the fourth rank. I am afraid that the Grand Master does not want to see such turmoil in the officialdom of the Northeast."

Chu Xisheng did not answer and asked instead: "I ask you, are any of these people wrongly accused by me?"

Ji Qianqian immediately shook his head.

The evidence that Chu Xisheng brought out was all collected by Tingtianyuan of the Wuxiang Divine Sect, and all of it can stand the test.

"So why should I worry?"

Chu Xisheng chuckled again: "Qian Qian, you still don't understand your adoptive father. This is exactly the situation he wants. In the opinion of the Grand Master, as long as the officials from the four northeastern states can abide by the court's laws and regulations

, then the situation in the north will naturally be stable.

Everything in the four states is under the law. There is no need for conflict between the imperial court and Wuxiang Shenzong. Wuxiang Shenzong has no reason to confront the imperial court, and they can live in peace with each other. You should be the one given by the Grand Master to control ten thousand households.

Is the purpose of holding an official position just to win over me?"

Ji Qianqian was stunned when he heard this and said thoughtfully: "My lord knows this, why do you still follow his will?"

The corners of Chu Xisheng's lips twitched fiercely.

The fact that this woman asked this question shows that deep down in her heart, she still believed that he would rebel.

"Why don't you obey?" Chu Xisheng looked away from the window: "I told you, a gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits for the time to move: if the world has a way, it will be hidden, and if there is no way, it will appear. If Emperor Jianyuan reigns

If China is healthy and the world is at peace, neither Yunyun nor I will plunge the people of the world into war for our own selfish reasons."

However, can the Grand Master alone suppress the thirty-six states of Daning?

He then stood up from the table: "It's time for me to leave. I may have to leave for several months this time. Please pay more attention to the official duties of the Wanhu Office."

He had many things to do during this trip.

I even had to go to the south.

Tie Xiaosheng sent a letter saying that something had happened to Madman Tie's grave, which made people confused.

Also, the situation in Dongzhou is getting more and more complicated, and he can't cope with it.

This needs to be handled by him personally.

Just as he stood up, Chu Xisheng saw a knife in Ji Qianqian's hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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